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1 hour ago, paradime said:

 the RNC stands behind Trump.


I don't think this is a true statement...yet.  I think they will let the primary system decide.  Maybe that will change depending on outcome.  There a quite a few in the Republican establishment that either don't like Trump or are terrified of him being the nominee again.

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27 minutes ago, iceman510 said:


I don't think this is a true statement...yet.  I think they will let the primary system decide.  Maybe that will change depending on outcome.  There a quite a few in the Republican establishment that either don't like Trump or are terrified of him being the nominee again.

Exactly.Count those that talk trash about Biden that are Democrats and count those talking trash  against Trump that are Republicans.Big difference.

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2 hours ago, iceman510 said:


I don't think this is a true statement...yet.  I think they will let the primary system decide.  Maybe that will change depending on outcome.  There a quite a few in the Republican establishment that either don't like Trump or are terrified of him being the nominee again.

And that is sad.

Although I vote a Red ticket, there is much about the RNC to dislike. Trump did much surface bullshit, but followed the party line. I didn't find that particularly endearing, but found happiness watching super liberals implode.


To this day, logical, step by step, rational negative critiques of Trump are absent media. In fact, it is the left, with its constant Trump minging, which keeps him alive. So, I fail to see why old guard Republicans feel the need to dump on Trump. I understand not appreciating his antics or liking Trump, but if he could beat Biden the Republican Party would not suffer. Individual Republicans might get their toupees fussed or sand in their cracks, but being the Party in power should be priority. I have to "take one for the team" every time I vote, politicians should be willing to return the favor. Suck it up, Buttercup-


But that's not happening, the RNC is trying "split the baby", my prediction is Biden wins with more votes than any previous President, both in total number and in greatest percentage, similar victories in traditionally Blue States and high numbers in traditionally Red States (like Idaho) There will be vigilance at all polls and voter fraud will be little if any. Democrats will do victory laps and the United States of America is fucked. 


Because the Democrats opened the boarders, the dumbest, most nation hating act imaginable, they "bought" the political future of this country with the prosperity, safety, freedoms and lives of American citizens. If Trump could stop that, reverse that, or even just slow it down. He could stop wearing pants, speak only in expletives, have his limo gold plated and any other embarrassing world exploits and I will not only vote for him, I'll buy his merch and put TRUMP stickers on my Datsun; that kind of dedication should be the dedication of every Republican Politician. The Democrats want to spew insults and hate, the Republicans should have answered double in kind. For every actor playing politics and shitting on the Republican government, there should have been groups shouting "FUCK YOU". Debate is dead, mourn it and move on. When you find yourself in a world of whores, be the best one.

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2 hours ago, yenpit said:


I have not been able to put my finger on it, but the libtards are obviously NOT interested in any other candidates.  Why?  How could they POSSIBLY think that Brandon will take them anywhere?  His running mate?  Who?  Gavin POS Newsome?  What if they don't care WHO wins in 2024 at all?  What if they have an agenda, where no matter who wins the presidency, they are gonna pull the trigger on something beyond our belief?  Inciting a civil war?  Well, they successfully manipulated J6.............why not a bigger agenda?  This is getting kinda scary..................

In an election season, it's customary to float every dooms day scenario to put fear in the hearts of the electorate. I wouldn't read too much into this. Historically, another candidate running against the incumbent president hasn't been good for either party.


1968: Sen. Eugene McCarthy and Sen. Robert F. Kennedy opposed President Lyndon Johnson's re-nomination. Shortly after the New Hampshire Primary, Johnson quit the race. Several months later, Robert Kennedy was assassinated, and the party turned to Vice President Humphrey who was defeated by Richard Nixon in the general election. 

1976: Former Governor Ronald Reagan opposed Gerald Ford's efforts to win the nomination for a full term after Nixon's resignation. Although it was close, Ford prevailed and went on to lose in the general election to former Governor Jimmy Carter.

1980: Senator Edward Kennedy opposed Jimmy Carter's re-nomination. Carter won re-nomination but was defeated in the general election by former Governor Ronald Reagan.

1992: Patrick Buchanan opposed President George HW Bush's re-nomination. Bush won re-nomination but was defeated in the general election by Bill Clinton.

Note that each time an incumbent President faced a serious primary challenge, it left his party so divided that he lost the general election.


I don't know if it constitutes an agenda as much as insuring the political survival of the party's incumbent in the primary. Early on, 15% of Dems supported RFK Jr's nomination, but that number is dropping after his crazy flag flew. I don't think it's enough to divide the party any more than it already is. Newsom has no intention to step over that party line. 

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14 hours ago, paradime said:

In an election season, it's customary to float every dooms day scenario to put fear in the hearts of the electorate. I wouldn't read too much into this. Historically, another candidate running against the incumbent president hasn't been good for either party.


1968: Sen. Eugene McCarthy and Sen. Robert F. Kennedy opposed President Lyndon Johnson's re-nomination. Shortly after the New Hampshire Primary, Johnson quit the race. Several months later, Robert Kennedy was assassinated, and the party turned to Vice President Humphrey who was defeated by Richard Nixon in the general election. 

1976: Former Governor Ronald Reagan opposed Gerald Ford's efforts to win the nomination for a full term after Nixon's resignation. Although it was close, Ford prevailed and went on to lose in the general election to former Governor Jimmy Carter.

1980: Senator Edward Kennedy opposed Jimmy Carter's re-nomination. Carter won re-nomination but was defeated in the general election by former Governor Ronald Reagan.

1992: Patrick Buchanan opposed President George HW Bush's re-nomination. Bush won re-nomination but was defeated in the general election by Bill Clinton.

Note that each time an incumbent President faced a serious primary challenge, it left his party so divided that he lost the general election.


I don't know if it constitutes an agenda as much as insuring the political survival of the party's incumbent in the primary. Early on, 15% of Dems supported RFK Jr's nomination, but that number is dropping after his crazy flag flew. I don't think it's enough to divide the party any more than it already is. Newsom has no intention to step over that party line. 


No really..................it's right here..............




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59 minutes ago, yenpit said:

Not really, Babylon Bee is the humorous conservative Christian version of The Onion that publishes fake satirical articles on topics of religion, politics, and current events. 

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1 minute ago, paradime said:

Not really, Babylon Bee is the humorous conservative Christian version of The Onion that publishes fake satirical articles on topics of religion, politics, and current events. 


Yup, I know..........thought it was funny, as usual! 🤣😏😂  I always get a kick out of their stuff!! 😎

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On 9/11/2023 at 1:52 PM, yenpit said:


Yup, I know..........thought it was funny, as usual! 🤣😏😂  I always get a kick out of their stuff!! 😎

The Bee is pretty funny.It's very easy for them to poke fun at Democrats trying to destroy the Constitution.Sometimes it looks like they are.

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I see those fuckers nearly every day. In fact it's notable if you don't see one. I find feathers usually mid/late summer when I guess they molt. I have one I found in a bush having fallen from a nearby nesting tree. This feather was from an egg laid in a nest in a high tree, spent all it's time in the air and has never touched the ground. I have it hanging over my head from the ceiling.

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On 9/11/2023 at 9:30 AM, bottomwatcher said:

The general public (Majority) of the population would be glad to vote for any person that is reasonable and competent compared to the asshats that are frontrunners at either party. 

I understand and connect with that sentiment, but one group of asshats will submarine our freedoms and make us servants of the State and the other will do the same thing, but allows citizens to remain armed. If it gets bad enough, with the Red bunch, at least you can die with your boots on. It ain't much, but it's the definitive difference. Vote Blue and when they come for those you love-stand and watch. Think this is hyperbole? Watch the fucking news.


Once I went with a third party, they even obtained enough votes to be mentioned on the news. (When "the news" was still a thing) It didn't mean fuck all. "....If enough people  get together...""....if we all vote for..." Sorry, it is pissing your vote away. There is a good argument that individual votes mean shit, vote third party and prove it. I know, I know, "But if everybody...." "Your BAD attitude..." Bitch and bemoan all you like, you know I'm right. 

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I have been "throwing away" my vote for years on third party. Maybe only slightly less throwing away than a write in but it makes me feel better that I made the effort to vote but not for the self serving/enriching/corrupt fucks the majors put up. All of them go in to "serve the public" but leave office worth millions more than when their terms are up.  Everybody is quick to point out forien countries corruption while ignoring our own.

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I threw my vote away a couple of times.Then realized it wasn't the smart thing to do.Third party will never win,the other two parties will make sure of that.The new thing is to pick the lesser of two evils.Unless you're a Democrat and then you choose the worst evil from your party no matter what.

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I've voted against a few people lately, but agree with Frankendat that it's been "asshat ground zero" for the last couple of elections.


I don't have a source to link, but I heard on the local News talk station in my car yesterday that California is apparently going to lift the travel ban on Anti-LGBTQA States.  They are now going to spend quite a few million dollars on positive LGBTQA advertisements in those States.  I mean what the actual fuck.  They can't think of anything locally to help citizens?




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9 minutes ago, john510 said:

I threw my vote away a couple of times.Then realized it wasn't the smart thing to do.Third party will never win,the other two parties will make sure of that.The new thing is to pick the lesser of two evils.Unless you're a Democrat and then you choose the worst evil from your party no matter what.

Unfortunately picking the lessor of 2 evils isn't new.

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There was no way I would have ever voted for that political whore that ran against Trump in 2016, but I could not see him as President either(I voted for a third party), but leave it to the scumbag Democrats to say if you voted for anyone other than the political whore you voted for Trump, I felt good after voting.


There is nothing democratic about the Democrats anymore(this includes "Lincoln Project Republicans" also), they are the self serving scum of the earth now, no other group of people are hiding what they are doing like they are, not even terrorists.

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The fact that the party that controls everything push voting as so important tells you how useless it actually is. You can't vote yourself out of tyranny... well maybe if the voting takes place on the rooftops.

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Dr. Savage has long said that what we have now is basically a uni-party; the demicans and republicrats.  They take turns looting the treasury and when they're not at the trough they rail about what a rotten batch of cunts the others are and, if you elect us next time we'll fix everything.  People are starting to see this and realizing that it's like asking the mechanic or contractor that fucked up your stuff in the first place to fix it this time.

Now more than ever is a time when the right third party could take the lion's chunk; it would have to be a Trump MAGA themed party intent on rooting out the deep state.  No Mitch, Lindsay, Mitt or Crenshaw types though, they are anathema to the change needed.  It would probably be a small group at first, kind of like a conservative version of the squad, but instead of being irredeemable shitbag cunts, they would focus on doing actual good for the country.  People like Trump, Kari Lake, Matt Gaetz, Ted Cruz.  Maybe even Ron DeSantis if he course corrects.  Poor Ron, he could have had the WH handed to him on a silver platter in four years and enjoyed eight years there in his political prime if he hadn't jumped the gun. 

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1 hour ago, Duncan said:

I've voted against a few people lately, but agree with Frankendat that it's been "asshat ground zero" for the last couple of elections.



I think it's been "asshat ground zero" for much longer than that. If you can believe that then what's changed is we are more aware and outspoken than before. Someone once said he was going to "drain the swamp" and it triggered an uplifting of spirit in all those who were jaded by the whole electoral process. Just for a moment people dared to believe that something was going to change....

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