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3 hours ago, IZRL said:

I never said they were going to burn batteries to dispose of them. I meant accidents happen, and when batteries burn it's not you're typical camp fire.


Really? They are mandating stopping the production of combustion vehicles in 10 years. How many years do you guesstimate before the world completely weans off their primary source of energy and we stop producing both types of pollution?


My guess is that at best, we will keep using the same amount of fossil fuels to keep up with the increased demand of electricity. So again, I call BS on the excuse that all this is being done to save the planet. 


Well then as they don't normally burn except in maybe an accident then there is minimal pollution then. No worse than a gas car catching fire, except that if it isn't burning it's running on the gas and polluting which would be worse. Now if they are 'recycled' improperly in Indonesia or w/e and they take short cuts and dump stuff then yes! big problem. It's why I said warehouse them in a mine or something.


I have no idea how long or if they will convert I was just saying the end of the muscle cars was abrupt. I guarantee the world will continue on till the oil is too expensive to extract. Notice the developed world evolves to cleaner safer technology but the third world still drive around without seat belts. If we go to EV there will be lots of gas for the third world to fight over. So I agree either we use it or we convert to EV and they use it. To save the word (maybe) everyone would have to have EVs and power them up from hydro, solar, wind and wave, geothermal.

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Regarding fossil fuels, the genie is out of the bottle and the human race as we know it won't be putting it back in. None of us will be alive if or when fossil fuels aren't being used. Our offspring won't be alive. I believe we'll have a nuclear holocaust or be struck by a meteor before fossil fuels are never used. Where's a state like California going to get tax revenue from without gasoline ? We're being played, some see it and some don't.

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10 minutes ago, john510 said:

Jesus get some help.


You DO realize he just likes to troll, right?  He likes to argue against any opinion you have.  I do that myself from time to time. I do enjoy cranking someone up from time to time..





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3 hours ago, yenpit said:


There is talk of making a video like this of you......................🤣🤪😆


You could! Here's me pointing to the big orange elephant in the room and everyone is looking elsewhere. It's the Dems, Mike is a CIA undercover operative, the judge is corrupt, the news is biased (actually true). Been almost 24 hours and no rebuttal about the video I posted. Has anyone watched it and want to say: Trump never does that, never says that, never acts like that, not petulant, not narcissistic, never lies, doesn't fuck a porn star so no, not an adulterer, doesn't cheat on his own golf course, doesn't constantly repeat himself, doesn't wander off subject when talking and doesn't struggle to find the right words.

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4 minutes ago, Duncan said:


You DO realize he just likes to troll, right?  He likes to argue against any opinion you have.  I do that myself from time to time. I do enjoy cranking someone up from time to time..


It's Destruction FFS. It's entertainment! So bitch away and have a lultz or two. You sure ain't gonna change anything so just know that from the start, and now knowing this, (that everything is out of your hands and control) it makes all your moot comments kind of funny. As it should be.






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4 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Only way we have a nuclear war is if Trump starts it. Ain't happening.

Ehhhh, you realize that over half of the world's population, believe in a final battle between good and evil. And that half is split (internet sourced numbers from PBS) roughly 1.6 billion to 2.2 billion each with metaphysical doctrine, interpreted history and faith, their side will defeat the other in war-nuclear or other. "If God is with us, then who can stand against us." Where does your comfort spring that not one of these 3.8 BILLION will find themselves in a position to launch a nuclear strike against evil?

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12 hours ago, john510 said:

Regarding fossil fuels, the genie is out of the bottle and the human race as we know it won't be putting it back in. None of us will be alive if or when fossil fuels aren't being used. Our offspring won't be alive. I believe we'll have a nuclear holocaust or be struck by a meteor before fossil fuels are never used. Where's a state like California going to get tax revenue from without gasoline ? We're being played, some see it and some don't.

This ⬆️. The gov/elites are making some drastic/insane moves to supposedly prevent "Global Warming". All of which are unrealistic and filled with Bullshit/lies. Pushing towards going 100% EV and getting away from fossil fuels ASAP is one of those bullshit moves. This "solution" has so many holes and lies in it, it's unreal. There is clearly an ulterior motive behind it. I don't get why this isn't raising some serious red flags for more people? I've said it before, I think the right is equally responsible for the mess we're in as the left. but, tell me if I'm wrong? The Democrat elites have the leftist population right where they want them. Gullible AF and begging for their God given rights and freedoms to be taken away from them (not all but most of them). How many republicans you see doing this?


We're taking your freedom of speech "Words hurt people, so yes please take our freedom of speech". We're going to take your guns away "Guns kill people, so please take our guns". We're gonna force you to stop driving your car of choice and you're gonna buy an EV you can't afford and that limits your ability to travel in order to combat global warming "Well I'm not sure if any of this is true but if you say it's gonna save the planet, than I'm in!" I can keep going but I'll stop there.


From here, convincing them that they should be eating crickets cause it's better for them than beef, is gonna be a breeze. Which believe it or not, reducing the amount of beef in our diets and replacing it with insects is actually part of this elitist planet saving agenda.

Edited by IZRL
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On 5/11/2024 at 4:02 PM, datzenmike said:

Well, if you live somewhere broadly speaking you technically are a citizen. Illegal is just semantics. 


This might just be the dumbest thing you have said yet.  All your blathering about Trump breaking the law, and then this.  🙄

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On 5/15/2024 at 12:49 AM, datzenmike said:

It's not a diagnosis. They said analyzing. Watching someone driving all over the road, you don't need to administer a breath test to know they've been drinking.


You might have to.  They are probably texting.

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27 minutes ago, iceman510 said:


This might just be the dumbest thing you have said yet.  All your blathering about Trump breaking the law, and then this.  🙄


Look up the definition of citizen. Legal gas nothing to do with it. If you are from another country and find yourself in the US then you are subject to and at the same time protected by US laws.

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12 hours ago, datzenmike said:


It's Destruction FFS. It's entertainment! So bitch away and have a lultz or two. You sure ain't gonna change anything so just know that from the start, and now knowing this, (that everything is out of your hands and control) it makes all your moot comments kind of funny. As it should be.



13 hours ago, john510 said:

Regarding fossil fuels, the genie is out of the bottle and the human race as we know it won't be putting it back in. None of us will be alive if or when fossil fuels aren't being used. Our offspring won't be alive. I believe we'll have a nuclear holocaust or be struck by a meteor before fossil fuels are never used. Where's a state like California going to get tax revenue from without gasoline ? We're being played, some see it and some don't.


1 hour ago, IZRL said:

This ⬆️. The gov/elites are making some drastic/insane moves to supposedly prevent "Global Warming". All of which are unrealistic and filled with Bullshit/lies. Pushing towards going 100% EV and getting away from fossil fuels ASAP is one of those bullshit moves. This "solution" has so many holes and lies in it, it's unreal. There is clearly an ulterior motive behind it. I don't get why this isn't raising some serious red flags for more people? I've said it before, I think the right is equally responsible for the mess we're in as the left. but, tell me if I'm wrong? The Democrat elites have the leftist population right where they want them. Gullible AF and begging for their God given rights and freedoms to be taken away from them (not all but most of them). How many republicans you see doing this?


We're taking your freedom of speech "Words hurt people, so yes please take our freedom of speech". We're going to take your guns away "Guns kill people, so please take our guns". We're gonna force you to stop driving your car of choice and you're gonna buy an EV you can't afford and that limits your ability to travel in order to combat global warming "Well I'm not sure if any of this is true but if you say it's gonna save the planet, than I'm in!" I can keep going but I'll stop there.


From here, convincing them that they should be eating crickets cause it's better for them than beef, is gonna be a breeze. Which believe it or not, reducing the amount of beef in our diets and replacing it with insects is actually part of this elitist planet saving agenda.


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10 hours ago, difrangia said:

Arguing With A Fencepost.jpg


If you argue all day with a fence post what does that say about you? That you really enjoy arguing? Or can't tell it's a post? Maybe you just like getting the last word in. image.png.36a115b784b697024470b06e8ecf2be0.png

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2 hours ago, datzenmike said:


If you argue all day with a fence post what does that say about you? That you really enjoy arguing? Or can't tell it's a post? Maybe you just like getting the last word in. image.png.36a115b784b697024470b06e8ecf2be0.png


Ummmmmm, who just got the last word in here..............??  Oh crap, I guess it's me.................😝🤣🙄

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6 hours ago, Jesse C. said:

I think all of you need to step back, go take a hot shower and get a stiff drink. 


No, really, get away from the keyboard for a while. 




A stiff drink with MAGA tear ice cubes in it?  Hey, I'm just riding the wave. Pointing out the rocks.

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