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22 minutes ago, paradime said:

If woke culture is about acceptance, inclusion, and social justice why has it created a generation of self entitled, socially awkward, tiktok educated sheep?

Good question.And who or what even got this "woke" shit started ? It seemed to come out of nowhere all of a sudden.

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19 hours ago, john510 said:

Good question.And who or what even got this "woke" shit started ? It seemed to come out of nowhere all of a sudden.

If I had to take a stab at it, I'd say it started in the educational system. We shifted from a teacher as authority, career oriented societal conformity educational system to a socratic, open dialog between student and teacher, self-centered educational system. It worked to carry Europe out of the Dark Ages during the Great Renaissance, but also lead to the collapse of their social structure, and the eventual fall of the Roman Empire.


I don't think the masses know WTF to do with their own freedom, so they blame authority/government for their miserable lives. It's easier than taking responsibility for it.






Edited by paradime
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It is all part of the plan to destroy.

I'm going to cal them Fascists because the driving groups that I see that do have power appear to covet money and power ie: BLM and Antifa.

 Everything that seems to disrupt normal everyday American life that we dismiss for one reason or another is tied to all the others by threads, all the different problems work towards a singular goal, to destroy the cohesive, the culture of America so that whomever is driving these disruptions can take advantage and seize power.

 The Democratic party of course coalesces all the disparate groups but is weak in its control. Whomever controls that party thinks they are in control but as of yet I see no ringmaster in this circus they are still hidden, gathering power. It is really similar to the Star Wars Sith gathering forces and causing disruption, using groups of useful idiots to achieve ultimate control by the emperor.

Yes I know I'm a conspiracy theorist but I'm not crazy.


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Woke can put on a motherfucking uniform and go fight Vladimir Putin. Tell the russkies to check their toxic masculinity on the battlefield or you'll piss your non-binary undergarments and refuse to engage them in combat. Slavia Ukin suck my left nut and make the right one jump. BTW, if the chicoms or the Russians ever invade and put boots on CONUS American soil i guarantee you the federal government would punish American citizens who dared to shoot at the invaders.

Edited by a.d._510_n_ok
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14 hours ago, thisismatt said:

It's been snowballing since the 90's

My kids were in grade school in the 90's.I don't remember anything woke related with their schooling.Not even when they got into High School.I thought I was paying attention to what they were being taught.Neither of them seem woke at all as adults.

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4 hours ago, john510 said:

My kids were in grade school in the 90's.I don't remember anything woke related with their schooling.Not even when they got into High School.I thought I was paying attention to what they were being taught.Neither of them seem woke at all as adults.

As was I. You don't recall this being around the time everyone started getting participation trophies in children's sports and self-esteem reassuring bullcrap?  I remember awards in AYSO and everyone didn't get a trophy, but as it got into the mid 90's everyone was a winner.  I also remember teachers starting to interject their own politics into class discussions.

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20 hours ago, Thomas Perkins said:

I am going to the bank,get all my money out,move my dog house ,dig a shallow hole,bury my money,then move the dog house over my money hole and call it the day.


What is your address again?

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19 hours ago, datzenmike said:

I suspect you have it backwards. Woke didn't cause it, it caused wokeness.


Agree.  I have many friends with kids.  Thankfully, most were raised properly...........like minded people often hang out, I suppose.  Some families, unfortunately, wavered into this woke ideology lifestyle & their kids are pathetic.  Watching all these young people that have no clue regarding life, is difficult.  Charlie Kirk had a young guy on his show & this guy was some kind of woke activist.  He basically claimed that everything in our history was racist, so it must all be erased.  As you can imagine, Kirk wouldn't put up with any of his stupidity & put him in his place.  He likely ran home to Mommy & Daddy for a hug & a good cry.............

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 Life is not fair. If you do everything right you still don't get to sit with the 'cool kids'. There are two types of people on this earth. There are winners, those that worked hard for what they have or were capable enough to get ahead...... and then there is everyone else. I don't want my brain surgeon having a medical diploma on the wall that says "Nice Effort! Thanks for Trying! You're a winner"


If there is a fault in kids today you only have to look back at their parents lack of involvement in their upbringing and education. They too easily sloughed that job off to the educational system when they could have noticed that the pot of water they were in was getting strangely warmer. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.

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1 hour ago, datzenmike said:


 Life is not fair. If you do everything right you still don't get to sit with the 'cool kids'. There are two types of people on this earth. There are winners, those that worked hard for what they have or were capable enough to get ahead...... and then there is everyone else. I don't want my brain surgeon having a medical diploma on the wall that says "Nice Effort! Thanks for Trying! You're a winner"


If there is a fault in kids today you only have to look back at their parents lack of involvement in their upbringing and education. They too easily sloughed that job off to the educational system when they could have noticed that the pot of water they were in was getting strangely warmer. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.


Just talking to my boss with a 7 yr old daughter.  His wife was a semi pro volleyball player (yes, on a GIRLS team!), so they have Kendall in all sorts of sports & activities.  VERY involved!  She should turn out to be a great person, if they can keep it together!  She is currently playing on a co-ed lacrosse team, mostly boys.  She will be a tough one, in a good way & Mom & Dad will steer her away from all the woke & transgender crap! 😎🤩

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2 hours ago, thisismatt said:

As was I. You don't recall this being around the time everyone started getting participation trophies in children's sports and self-esteem reassuring bullcrap?  I remember awards in AYSO and everyone didn't get a trophy, but as it got into the mid 90's everyone was a winner.  I also remember teachers starting to interject their own politics into class discussions.

I do remember everybody in sports (little league and soccer) getting trophies but I even got trophies for that stuff in the 70's.I guess the woke thing just crept up on us without us noticing until it was too late.If I had young ones now I'd definitely be a trouble maker at school board meetings.I'd be on the FBI watchlist for homegrown terrorists.LOL.

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3 hours ago, datzenmike said:


 Life is not fair. If you do everything right you still don't get to sit with the 'cool kids'. There are two types of people on this earth. There are winners, those that worked hard for what they have or were capable enough to get ahead...... and then there is everyone else. I don't want my brain surgeon having a medical diploma on the wall that says "Nice Effort! Thanks for Trying! You're a winner"


If there is a fault in kids today you only have to look back at their parents lack of involvement in their upbringing and education. They too easily sloughed that job off to the educational system when they could have noticed that the pot of water they were in was getting strangely warmer. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.

I don't see it as a simple division between those who work hard and those who don't. Regardless of work ethic, people on this planet have a broad range of opportunity for getting ahead, and many learn nothing but helplessness from their parents. The lack of involvement in childrearing can also be attributed to both parents working very hard just to get by, even in the wealthiest country on the planet.


Woke culture, as I knew it, was around in SD during the 60s. I experienced the transition from teacher as knowledgable authority, to teacher as peer in curriculum discussions, and I saw order in the classroom quickly fall apart. I believe kids need clear boundaries to feel safe in exploring who they are in this world, not some vague freedom to demand that the world bend itself to support their unique sexual identity. My wife and I have two great kids, our son is in college and our daughter is still in high school. We live in the Bay Area so my kids have put this nonbinary transgender stuff into perspective for themselves with relative ease. My 17 year old daughter describes woke culture as "professional whiners who don't practice what they preach". My kids know who they are, they're secure enough to accept others who are different, and they have no desire to sit with the 2 faced back stabbing 'cool kids'. My wife and I taught them from a young age to think for themselves and take responsibility for their actions. As I see it, that adds up to game over for any school's political bias BS. 

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