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17 hours ago, paradime said:

After Nixon and Kissinger removing the $ from the Gold Standard..........................



Kissenger mailed his underwear to my Dad at the Nat'l Archives, as the poop was hitting the fan for Nixon & his goons!  The note apparently said something to the effect of "Jacobs, you're taking everything else away from us, you might as well have my underwear too!".  That's how Dad told it.............😂

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19 hours ago, angliagt said:

        One of the things we need to get away from is thinking that EVERYBODY needs to go to college.

A lot of people there are just wasting time & money because they don't want to go out into the "Real-

World" & work for a living


I actually just wanted SOME type of degree because I had been told once or twice that a job I was up for went to a similarly qualified candidate WITH a degree.  Even though going to school at night was kind of tough, I actually enjoy learning new stuff.  I just took up auto upholstery, and enjoying the hell out of it...



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Like air into a velocity stack. It just gets faster and faster as it goes downwards. I stopped giving a shit about NASCAR in the mid '70s. I would not cross the street to watch 40+ cars all going the same speed and some of the drivers acting like 12 year olds.

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       And why should the US taxpayers foot the bill for them? Shouldn't there be a tax

on these recharging stations to pay back for those costs?

          Imagine if car owners DEMANDED that the Government build gas stations for them

in the early 1900's?

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4 hours ago, angliagt said:

       And why should the US taxpayers foot the bill for them? Shouldn't there be a tax

on these recharging stations to pay back for those costs?

          Imagine if car owners DEMANDED that the Government build gas stations for them

in the early 1900's?


Classic bait and switch. Get everyone into electric cars and change the rules later. They're playing the long game.

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18 hours ago, a.d._510_n_ok said:


Gotta love coal powered cars. Wait, I live in one of the few States with a large percentage of hydro power (relativity) Good thing the recent influx of liberals are reigniting the fight to breach the dams and "save the salmon". Our power bills can go up and we can join the fight for more fossil fuels. At least the mass migration to the mountain states will keep employment up. It takes capital to continue manufacturing new things for saving the environment, while eating our way thin.

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I decided to change jobs last night and I want to be the next energy robber baron now. I'm applying for an interplanetary patent on solar photons. I know, pure genius right? With all the royalties paid no every photon being used throughout the galaxy, I figure I'll be able to retire in about 25 years. Sit your country ass down Elon.

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21 hours ago, paradime said:

I decided to change jobs last night and I want to be the next energy robber baron now. I'm applying for an interplanetary patent on solar photons. I know, pure genius right? With all the royalties paid no every photon being used throughout the galaxy, I figure I'll be able to retire in about 25 years. Sit your country ass down Elon.

You are describing the business model behind the carbon scores / tax / credits


Here is an object we are going to tax you on. It costs nothing to produce, we can arbitrarily increase or decrease its amount based on measurements we can't prove but you can't disprove. Perfect.  


Honestly as far as money making goes it's up there with mandatory vaccines. Now that's a grift you want to be in on.  

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9 minutes ago, Str8jacket said:

You are describing the business model behind the carbon scores / tax / credits


Here is an object we are going to tax you on. It costs nothing to produce, we can arbitrarily increase or decrease its amount based on measurements we can't prove but you can't disprove. Perfect.  


Honestly as far as money making goes it's up there with mandatory vaccines. Now that's a grift you want to be in on.  


Yeah, but my idea is a whole new previously unknown cost so...

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I'm still looking for a faith based solution now that "faith", in science, is surpassing "faith" in religion. (Easy key stroke warriors, I am not ascribing value to either faiths, only presenting a United States Census fact). The Billion dollar hat trick, is raising the tax burden on living taxpayers, for benefits to be realized long after those taxpayers will be dead. But, I'm being a negative Nelly, of course more tax money is needed for "necessary" environmental "saving" programs--fusion is just around the corner, and solar will keep getting better and better, taxpayers need to keep subsidizing these programs and have faith. Stop parading known solutions around, that were mostly developed by white men, therefore racist. In fact, I retract the prior sentence and beg forgiveness for almost racism.

Those who read my ramblings should be rewarded. I know the far away future seems bleak, even the next decade looks rough. I understand there is nothing more valuable then your children. So, I propose investing in my new company Future Rich. For every $10,000.00 invested, Future Rich will pay $10,000,000 in 100 years. Your money will be housed in a repurposed Nuclear Missile Silo with 8 foot thick steel walls, over 1 mile below the Earth's surface. A timed set of locks will allow no one access your $10,000,000 for 100 years, from the deposit date. The physical location of this compound is secret, all files and mentions of it, were destroyed during the cold war. When the timed lock reaches 100 years, messages will be sent to those listed in your file, with instructions. If all listed heirs are unavailable, then a world wide DNA search will locate your closest living heir.
This opportunity is limited to individuals over fifty years of age.



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Have faith my friends, God creation light and it was good. Every day the US uses 1,000,000,000,000,00,000,000 joules of energy total. The Sun emits each day, an amount of energy equal to 328,320 x 10 to the power of 26 joules of heavenly power, and that would last us 899.506849 years. I promise to charge no more than $.000,000,001 per joule for a period no longer than 25 years, prorated over the period of time it takes to gain my photon patent and form a 501c3 nonprofit tax shelter. I also pledge to start foundation grants for under illuminated communities. This is a good deal for all of us, so I'm counting on your support. 

Edited by paradime
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There are several treaties that you would certainly be in violation of. For one the Outer Space Treaty of 1967 which states...


"The exploration and use of outer space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies, shall be carried out for the benefit and in the interests of all countries, irrespective of their degree of economic or scientific development, and shall be the province of all mankind."



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7 hours ago, frankendat said:

I'm still looking for a faith based solution now that "faith", in science, is surpassing "faith" in religion. (Easy key stroke warriors, I am not ascribing value to either faiths, only presenting a United States Census fact).



Faith???? Beliefs???

36-41% of Americans believe in UFO

65% believe in alien life.

66% of millennials believe the earth is round leaving 44% not even sure????? Over all 1% believe the earth is flat. Which just shows that millennials are just wac.

41% believe in ghosts

20% were unsure if they believe in ghosts.

43% believe in demons

18% believe they have been near a ghost.

29% believe they have been touched by a dead person


A/ If asked yes or no 81% believe in god.

B/ If also asked if not sure, the yes answers drop to 79%

C/ If also asked if you have a little doubt, a lot of doubt about probable existence or probably does not exist but not sure the yes answers drop to 64%


“The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it.”
Neil deGrasse Tyson





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4 hours ago, datzenmike said:

There are several treaties that you would certainly be in violation of. For one the Outer Space Treaty of 1967 which states...


"The exploration and use of outer space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies, shall be carried out for the benefit and in the interests of all countries, irrespective of their degree of economic or scientific development, and shall be the province of all mankind."



Ah yes, there is the OST but it's a nonissue. I had my lawyers check the fine print on the Outer Space Treaty and it has no baring here, nor has any country ratified an amendment that applies to patents on light photons emitted by the Sun. Seems crazy, but it is an untapped legal playing field, and I'm applying for the job before it's even posted on indeed.


Over the Thanksgiving break, I obtained national representation for my Interplanetary Photon Patent (IPP) from the Republic of Congo. Also, because it's no longer recognized as a planet, I will declare total treaty immunity for Pluto and represent it as 1. An oppressed rogue entity that will no longer participate in a treaty it did not agree to in the first place. 2. Pluto was not provided adequate notification or representation during the F'n monkey court planetary status hearing, and demands immediate reinstatent as a free and sovran planet. And 3. As a non-binary gravitational force preferring the pronouns "this", "that", "thoses", and requires a safe space to relieve itself... with free birth control dispensers and instructions on same gravitational convergence. 


Working through back channels with the hidden intent to destabilize the OST, Pluto will be used as a persona non-grata base of attack on Uranus during their next harmonic convergence. Once the first interplanetary war is declared, I plan on organizing millennial neo-hippies to play on the sympathies of Switzerland, Norway, and Canada, crying out for their immediate withdraw from the unjust Earth centric OST's omnipotent rape of the galaxy. I feel confident that Jupiter and Neptune will follow suit with Pluto to form an orbital chaos alliance that can threaten the whole solar system. Once NASA, Space-X, and China National Space Administration feels the pressure of all the negative publicity, I'll be in a perfect position to suppress illogical resistance and convince everyone on the good planet Earth that IPP and it's modest royalty structure are the best way to end a conflict with untold scientific costs, and new potential for human devastation. The great part is that if anything goes South on this venture, I have Congo and Pluto as the fall guys. It's a total no brainer with zero risk and tremendous upside. I'm considering making this a bitcoin and if I do, I'll get you guys in on the ground floor so we can all retire early. Because that's what you do for friends right? 

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1 hour ago, paradime said:

Ah yes, there is the OST but it's a nonissue. I had my lawyers check the fine print on the Outer Space Treaty and it has no baring here, nor has any country ratified an amendment that applies to patents on light photons emitted by the Sun. Seems crazy, but it is an untapped legal playing field, and I'm applying for the job before it's even posted on indeed.


Over the Thanksgiving break, I obtained national representation for my Interplanetary Photon Patent (IPP) from the Republic of Congo. Also, because it's no longer recognized as a planet, I will declare total treaty immunity for Pluto and represent it as 1. An oppressed rogue entity that will no longer participate in a treaty it did not agree to in the first place. 2. Pluto was not provided adequate notification or representation during the F'n monkey court planetary status hearing, and demands immediate reinstatent as a free and sovran planet. And 3. As a non-binary gravitational force preferring the pronouns "this", "that", "thoses", and requires a safe space to relieve itself... with free birth control dispensers and instructions on same gravitational convergence. 


Working through back channels with the hidden intent to destabilize the OST, Pluto will be used as a persona non-grata base of attack on Uranus during their next harmonic convergence. Once the first interplanetary war is declared, I plan on organizing millennial neo-hippies to play on the sympathies of Switzerland, Norway, and Canada, crying out for their immediate withdraw from the unjust Earth centric OST's omnipotent rape of the galaxy. I feel confident that Jupiter and Neptune will follow suit with Pluto to form an orbital chaos alliance that can threaten the whole solar system. Once NASA, Space-X, and China National Space Administration feels the pressure of all the negative publicity, I'll be in a perfect position to suppress illogical resistance and convince everyone on the good planet Earth that IPP and it's modest royalty structure are the best way to end a conflict with untold scientific costs, and new potential for human devastation. The great part is that if anything goes South on this venture, I have Congo and Pluto as the fall guys. It's a total no brainer with zero risk and tremendous upside. I'm considering making this a bitcoin and if I do, I'll get you guys in on the ground floor so we can all retire early. Because that's what you do for friends right? 




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