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I think Trump would have been reelected hands down had he not overplayed his fuck you card so damn much.


Look back far enough and the one who occupies the White House is nothing but an R to D 2 way pendulum. Without Nixon's Watergate theater there would have been no Mr. Jimmy Comes to Washington, then Hollywood Ronny and his son George wouldn't have produced Shave Willy, which brought Moses back to the burning Bush, and of course his Mission Implausible put Hussein Weinstein Obama in power. Let's face it, Holy F'n Shit Guess Who's Coming to The WH Press Corp Dinner gave US Trump's highly leveraged Plaza WH Hotel that served up Milk Toast and a steaming Cup-O shit Joe. Tune in next election for a new episode of As The Puppet World Burns. 


What, too Cynical? 




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18 hours ago, a.d._510_n_ok said:


278$ per tax payer to be accomplices in the support of extreme violence. How TF did any of this Ukraine shit become my or your problem in ANY way and why should we pay for it? I don't want to buy the bullets that kill anyone. Ive had about all I can handle of being extorted for money that is being spent on evil deeds.   

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4 minutes ago, gh0stwerx76 said:

278$ per tax payer to be accomplices in the support of extreme violence. How TF did any of this Ukraine shit become my or your problem in ANY way and why should we pay for it? I don't want to buy the bullets that kill anyone. Ive had about all I can handle of being extorted for money that is being spent on evil deeds.   

Shit I am all for it. If you see a bully attacking people minding their own buisness in their own homes how long do you stand by? Don't risk Americans lives over this but I am glad to see the weapons needed going over there and the Ukrainians are handing Putins ass to him. Brave people and I have nothing but respect for them. The world has cowered too long to Russian threats. Stupid fuckers unleashed a lion and are showing the world they are a paper Tiger. 

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3 hours ago, gh0stwerx76 said:

278$ per tax payer to be accomplices in the support of extreme violence. How TF did any of this Ukraine shit become my or your problem in ANY way and why should we pay for it? I don't want to buy the bullets that kill anyone. Ive had about all I can handle of being extorted for money that is being spent on evil deeds.   


Worth it at twice the price to kick Putin in the nuts. Appeasement does not work. Bloody nose does.



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Election day in Oregon today - taking a cue from the nationals, the dem majority has made it so that ballots postmarked before today's deadline can be counted up to a week after the election close at 2000.  Quick mini poll - do you think that is is because:

A.  It allows for people who are too stupid to manage their time to vote.

B.  It lets team Tina know how many ballots need to be printed to nudge her over the top.

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Don't businesses close early on election day?  Here it's 8 till 8 for voting and you have to have 4 consecutive hours free from work to vote. If you work 8 till 4.30 your company has to let you leave at 4 and pay you for the half hour. If you worked 9 till 5 then you can leave at 4 and are paid for that hour.

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Mike, we've had mail in only here in Oregon for the last twenty years I'd say.  There are drop boxes all over where they can be deposited, and this cycle at least, the envelope was post paid so any mailbox would do.

Due to the plandemic, the nationals changed the election rules to mail in and thusly blanketed the country with ballots much like AOL did with cds in the 90's; unlike the ISP's efforts, most of the ballots did get utilized.


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8 hours ago, bottomwatcher said:

Shit I am all for it. If you see a bully attacking people minding their own buisness in their own homes how long do you stand by? Don't risk Americans lives over this but I am glad to see the weapons needed going over there and the Ukrainians are handing Putins ass to him. Brave people and I have nothing but respect for them. The world has cowered too long to Russian Western threats. Stupid fuckers unleashed a lion and are showing the world they are a paper Tiger. 



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14 hours ago, gh0stwerx76 said:




Okay fantom ghostwerx with 13 posts, without rewriting history, help me understand your gesture of surprise here.


Are you a passive isolationist who supports of Russian aggression? What do you think would happen if Putin occupied Ukraine, and how might that effect our global economic and security interests? If expansionism and military aggression are tolerated what might that mean for China/Taiwan, North/South Korea, Turkey/Greece tug of war over Cyprus, etc, etc? Would you agree that US $ spent on the CIA's Operation Cyclone (supplying weapons for Afghanistan to fend off their Russian invasion) had a huge influence on bringing down the Soviet Communist empire? With Putin's attempt to expand his empire back into a peaceful independent sovereign nation, is it really an evil deed to help Ukrainian's defend against his unprovoked "extreme violence"? Or is your "money being spent on evil deeds" line from Putin's speech during the WWII Victory Day celebration? Possibly harkening back to when Stalin claimed all of Eastern Europe as part of mother Russia, then slammed the Iron Curtain shut? 


Before parroting Russian propaganda like "278$ per tax payer" you should know, we put the $ sign before the number amount, and that we don't have a flat tax rate in America. So beyond the rhetorical connotation, the per tax payer math is meaningless. To protect my reputation as someone who'll beat a dead hose into hamburger, I'll continue.


The US Gov is projected to rake in $5.04 trillion in tax revenue this year. Russia's entire projected GDP for 2022 is 1.778 Billion. The US Congress approved a defense budget of $778 billion, and that figure doesn't include the NSA, HLS or national intel budgets.


I absolutely agree that our military industrial complex is WAY THE HELL out of control, and as a consequence, I believe we have blood on our hands. That said, in terms of a moral imperative, Russia has no outside military support for war. Besides the US, 32 other countries have donated military aid to Ukraine along with coordinated strategic sanctions, boycotts, and cyber-warfare. Ukraine's support comes from South East Asia, the UK and her affiliates, all EU (accept Switzerland), neighboring Northern and Eastern European countries. More than 100 public companies have taken actions to support Ukraine, 27 wealthy charities and other private philanthropic parties. Hunter didn't kick in though.



It's yet to be seen if our $40 billion "total aid package" will be a good investment, but clearly it's in America's best interests to protect Ukrainian sovereignty, especially in that region. 

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2 hours ago, paradime said:


Okay fantom ghostwerx with 13 posts, without rewriting history, help me understand your gesture of surprise here.


Are you a passive isolationist who supports of Russian aggression? What do you think would happen if Putin occupied Ukraine, and how might that effect our global economic and security interests? If expansionism and military aggression are tolerated what might that mean for China/Taiwan, North/South Korea, Turkey/Greece tug of war over Cyprus, etc, etc? Would you agree that US $ spent on the CIA's Operation Cyclone (supplying weapons for Afghanistan to fend off their Russian invasion) had a huge influence on bringing down the Soviet Communist empire? With Putin's attempt to expand his empire back into a peaceful independent sovereign nation, is it really an evil deed to help Ukrainian's defend against his unprovoked "extreme violence"? Or is your "money being spent on evil deeds" line from Putin's speech during the WWII Victory Day celebration? Possibly harkening back to when Stalin claimed all of Eastern Europe as part of mother Russia, then slammed the Iron Curtain shut? 


Before parroting Russian propaganda like "278$ per tax payer" you should know, we put the $ sign before the number amount, and that we don't have a flat tax rate in America. So beyond the rhetorical connotation, the per tax payer math is meaningless. To protect my reputation as someone who'll beat a dead hose into hamburger, I'll continue.


The US Gov is projected to rake in $5.04 trillion in tax revenue this year. Russia's entire projected GDP for 2022 is 1.778 Billion. The US Congress approved a defense budget of $778 billion, and that figure doesn't include the NSA, HLS or national intel budgets.


I absolutely agree that our military industrial complex is WAY THE HELL out of control, and as a consequence, I believe we have blood on our hands. That said, in terms of a moral imperative, Russia has no outside military support for war. Besides the US, 32 other countries have donated military aid to Ukraine along with coordinated strategic sanctions, boycotts, and cyber-warfare. Ukraine's support comes from South East Asia, the UK and her affiliates, all EU (accept Switzerland), neighboring Northern and Eastern European countries. More than 100 public companies have taken actions to support Ukraine, 27 wealthy charities and other private philanthropic parties. Hunter didn't kick in though.



It's yet to be seen if our $40 billion "total aid package" will be a good investment, but clearly it's in America's best interests to protect Ukrainian sovereignty, especially in that region. 

Could be possible the "wow" was just for the extremely black and white view of a situation that is anything but?? 

Have you considered the possibility that they are all on the same side, and we the plebs are the one being waged war against?

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On 5/17/2022 at 5:40 PM, flyerdan said:

Due to the plandemic, the nationals changed the election rules to mail in and thusly blanketed the country with ballots much like AOL did with cds in the 90's; unlike the ISP's efforts, most of the ballots did get utilized.




That truly puts a chill in my soul. Holy hell.......if the poorest of the poor kids had no other toys in the final Clinton years they were well stocked with AOL frisbees. That level of saturation.......God help you Oregon folks. Obama didn't turn a single Oklahoma county blue in 2008 or 2012.


We were fully democrat controlled for like 60 years until the early 2000s though. Despite the dems running the show for so long though wages were low and unions weak. Before Obama, okies voted red nationally but enthusiastically blue locally. Local dems backed Obamacare to the hilt and refused to criticize him on any subject. That and the slow die-off of FDR and JFK dems ended dem power here.


Locally, dems running for office now leave their party affiliation off their campaign signs. They get real antsy when you mention that omission to them. BTW, the few remaining local ones back Biden to the hilt. They are still laying all blame at the foot of Cheeto Mussolini aka Trump.


Recently local dems tried making a scandal out of BBQ - "OMG! The state spent $16,000 on BBQ last year! This governor makes everything political but can't he leave our BBQ alone!?!". Long story short the government of the State of Oklahoma bought $16k of BBQ from an OKC chain called Swdakey's (they make good stuff!) for retirements, award ceremonies, etc. Both parties bought from the company but since we have more repubs than dems the left tried to present the GOP's purchase of greater quantities as some kind of kickback scandal. Didn't work. Folks love Swadley's and all receipts were in order. That's all they have to run on here. BBQ. Can't brag on the economy. Don't want to acknowledge inflation. Have no comment on BLM riots.


We're an oil and gas state paying $4 a gallon now ($1.59 just over a year ago) with large, local manufacturing companies like Haliburton making huge bucks (glad for them!!!) while small drilling companies are laying off derrick hands because Biden is canceling/denying drilling permits. It makes no sense and even the dems here can see it.

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On 5/17/2022 at 7:37 PM, gh0stwerx76 said:




2 hours ago, paradime said:


Okay fantom ghostwerx with 13 posts, without rewriting history, help me understand your gesture of surprise here.




Maybe just a peacenic. A vegetarian, you know...... a pacifist. 

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11 hours ago, paradime said:


Okay fantom ghostwerx with 13 posts, without rewriting history, help me understand your gesture of surprise here.


Are you a passive isolationist who supports of Russian aggression? What do you think would happen if Putin occupied Ukraine, and how might that effect our global economic and security interests? If expansionism and military aggression are tolerated what might that mean for China/Taiwan, North/South Korea, Turkey/Greece tug of war over Cyprus, etc, etc? Would you agree that US $ spent on the CIA's Operation Cyclone (supplying weapons for Afghanistan to fend off their Russian invasion) had a huge influence on bringing down the Soviet Communist empire? With Putin's attempt to expand his empire back into a peaceful independent sovereign nation, is it really an evil deed to help Ukrainian's defend against his unprovoked "extreme violence"? Or is your "money being spent on evil deeds" line from Putin's speech during the WWII Victory Day celebration? Possibly harkening back to when Stalin claimed all of Eastern Europe as part of mother Russia, then slammed the Iron Curtain shut? 


Before parroting Russian propaganda like "278$ per tax payer" you should know, we put the $ sign before the number amount, and that we don't have a flat tax rate in America. So beyond the rhetorical connotation, the per tax payer math is meaningless. To protect my reputation as someone who'll beat a dead hose into hamburger, I'll continue.


The US Gov is projected to rake in $5.04 trillion in tax revenue this year. Russia's entire projected GDP for 2022 is 1.778 Billion. The US Congress approved a defense budget of $778 billion, and that figure doesn't include the NSA, HLS or national intel budgets.


I absolutely agree that our military industrial complex is WAY THE HELL out of control, and as a consequence, I believe we have blood on our hands. That said, in terms of a moral imperative, Russia has no outside military support for war. Besides the US, 32 other countries have donated military aid to Ukraine along with coordinated strategic sanctions, boycotts, and cyber-warfare. Ukraine's support comes from South East Asia, the UK and her affiliates, all EU (accept Switzerland), neighboring Northern and Eastern European countries. More than 100 public companies have taken actions to support Ukraine, 27 wealthy charities and other private philanthropic parties. Hunter didn't kick in though.



It's yet to be seen if our $40 billion "total aid package" will be a good investment, but clearly it's in America's best interests to protect Ukrainian sovereignty, especially in that region. 

Do you enjoy just pissing your money ? Are we sending them cash or are we sending them 40 billion worth of war products that are already made ? They seem to be holding their own currently.

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Well what can they do with mere money? Line their foxholes? Buy more drones? Isn't Turkey giving them away? All of Russia's western and southern neighbors are seemingly donating against them. I think I mentioned that when a wife/husband needs $100 for something she asks for $150 and settles for $120. Putin already grabbed the Crimea so all he has to go is hang on to as much as he can, drag this out until negotiations are forced on him and settle for eastern Ukraine. Repeat again in a few months or years. Hitler did the same thing in eastern Europe. After WW1 no one wanted another war and he read them perfectly. Appeasement doesn't work. The US looks weak with internal rot, no president after 2020 and leaving Afghanistan and Iraq.

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8 hours ago, john510 said:

Do you enjoy just pissing your money ? Are we sending them cash or are we sending them 40 billion worth of war products that are already made ? They seem to be holding their own currently.


The $40 bil is an aid package of:  

$6 billion to arm and train Ukrainian forces,

$8.7 billion to restore American stores of weapons shipped to Ukraine

$3.9 billion for U.S. forces deployed. 

$8.8 billion in economic support,

$4 billion to help finance arms and equipment purchases and,

$900 million for housing, education and other help for Ukrainian refugees in the U.S.


I forgot to add some humor:


Dude I'd love to piss my money. I'd have to make bank deposits in a jar though. LOL 

Unfortunately, as a runt psychologist I don't make a 7 figure salary, so the actual amount I contribute is much less than my family's toilet paper budget. It's yet to be seen if this help wiping the Putin-turd stain off Ukraine's ass. 

is money well pissed.





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