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Covid-19 Prepared?

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10 hours ago, iceman510 said:

Funny how the anti-establishment hippies from the time of Easy Rider have become "the Man" putting down everyone else's freedoms of speech, assembly, etc..

I have had this same exact argument with one of my older sisters many times now. 

what happened to all you fucking hippies ( meaning her )  marching around screaming don’t trust the government, and question everything , has now become ..

    How dare you not do what the government says??  You are a Qunon if you question even the governors mask order 


You can’t grow out of being skeptical,, it would seem to be more so as you grow older. 


what in the Jesus cabbage farting Christ happened to this country ?? 


Edited by bananahamuck
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On 2/6/2022 at 11:52 AM, thisismatt said:

"billions remain unvaccinated against Covid--which means Omicron isn't the end."


Hi Dav, could you explain to us peasants, like myself, how the vaccines (which don't prevent the infection or transmission of Covid) we're going to stop Covid?



Since now you now are officially a Midwesterner,  aren’t you obliged to replace the word hi with howdy ?? 

  There must be a protocol of some kind . 

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1 hour ago, wayno said:


The polititions running things right now will kill him before they would let him be president again.


1 hour ago, wayno said:



1 hour ago, wayno said:



1 hour ago, wayno said:



1 hour ago, wayno said:

This site is screwed up, it will not let me post so I keep trying, then it does this, 5 posts after telling me something in a notification, I will delete the extra posts but I cannot get rid of them.


Maybe the politicians running things are censoring you wayno

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2 hours ago, datzenmike said:






Maybe the politicians running things are censoring you wayno


I seriously doubt that because this is not Facebook where there are millions of sheep intellectually masturbating, and they cannot have a few human beings disturbing the peace.


This is the only site I have issues with, when I click on "2 hours ago", it goes to page one on every thread, that is when I realized that the d.p thread has 168 pages, and when I try to post a reply or send messages it says "saving" but nothing happens, everyone knows the result of that in this Covid thread post I made here, 5 posts.




Edited by wayno
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9 hours ago, thisismatt said:


I'll never be a real midwesterner



Too bad, we're good people.  Besides, we don't say howdy in this part of the country, that's further west.  By some people though, Michigan is not considered to be midwest.


Where you are (IIRC- Joplin MO), you probably almost need to learn to say y'all.

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8 hours ago, wayno said:


I seriously doubt that because this is not Facebook where there are millions of sheep intellectually masturbating, and they cannot have a few human beings disturbing the peace.


This is the only site I have issues with, when I click on "2 hours ago", it goes to page one on every thread, that is when I realized that the d.p thread has 168 pages, and when I try to post a reply or send messages it says "saving" but nothing happens, everyone knows the result of that in this Covid thread post I made here, 5 posts.





The odd time I go to the wrong post page... it's supposed to go to the last post you read and not the latest but I attribute this to sloppy keyboarding. The rare time it goes to 'saving' and after a short wait it shows as posted. Sometimes it's longer so I exit and come back to it and it's actually posted even though is says 'saving'. So it posts, it just can't telly that. It's never not posted.


I've noticed in the last 6 months that sometimes when posting or when refreshing Ratsun after leaving it open while messing around elsewhere it doesn't come up, like Firefox can't find the address. I try The 510 Realm (just in case the internet may be down) and 1/2 second later it's up so I go back and try again. Sometimes it opens, sometimes it doesn't for several tries and very rarely it won't open at all so I leave and come back later and it's fine. Only Ratsun does this. It's not a 404 message it's something else.

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On 2/4/2022 at 8:03 PM, datzenmike said:

False claim: Henry Kissinger quote about mandatory vaccinations


Social media users have been sharing an image that shows a photograph of former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger with a quote about forced vaccination attributed to him. There is no evidence Kissinger ever said this.

Examples can be seen here and here .

One post reads: “Kissinger Quote from a speech to the WHO Council on Eugenics, February 25, 2009: ‘Once the herd accepts mandatory vaccinations, it’s game over. They will accept anything – forcible blood or organ donation – ‘for the greater good’. We can genetically modify children and sterilize them --- ‘for the greater good’. Control sheep minds and you control the herd. Vaccine makers stand to make billions. And many of you in this room are investors. It’s a big win-win. We thin out the herd and the herd pays us for extermination services….’”


Henry Alfred Kissinger was the 56th Secretary of State from 1973-1977, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs from 1969-1975 and served in several other significant political positions. He was jointly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1973 for negotiating a ceasefire in Vietnam ( here ). Currently, he is the chairman of international consulting firm, Kissinger Associates, Inc. ( www.henryakissinger.com/ ).

Reuters could not find any evidence that Kissinger said this quote about mandatory vaccinations. Kissinger’s representatives confirmed to Reuters via email that the quote is a “complete fabrication”.

Henry Kissinger’s speeches are archived on his website and only two are listed for 2009 ( here ). The first was given to the Trilateral Commission Tokyo Plenary Meeting on April 26, 2009 ( here ). The second was a speech on October 14, 2009, for the 35th Anniversary of the International Energy Agency in Paris, France ( here ). Neither presentation included the quote in this claim. In 2009, Kissinger did not speak at a World Health Organization (WHO) event.


Reuters could not verify an event titled “WHO Council on Eugenics”. A spokesperson for the WHO confirmed to Reuters via email that no such council or event exists.


False. There is no evidence that shows Kissinger ever said this quote about mandatory vaccinations.

This article was produced by the Reuters Fact Check team. Read more about our work to fact-check social media posts here . 

Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.





Henry Kissinger never said ‘once the herd accepts mandatory forcible vaccination, it’s game over’




Henry Kissinger did not urge mass vaccination in 2009 speech

Arthur MacMillan, AFP USA Published on Friday 03 April 2020 at 12:53
Copyright AFP 2017-2022. All rights reserved.

Dozens of posts on Facebook claim that Henry Kissinger made a speech urging mass vaccination, saying it would pave the way for other radical health policies, including the genetic modification and forced sterilization of children. This is false; his office said the claim is “a complete fabrication,” there is no record of him making such remarks, and the group that he allegedly addressed does not exist.





Do words about mandatory vaccination belong to Henry Kissinger?

Do words about mandatory vaccination belong to Henry Kissinger?






You and everyone else who would believe this crap have been trolled. Close your F/B account. Stop tracking shit into the house.


But Kissinger DID mail his underwear to my Dad at the Nat'l Archives (at least that was Dad's story! 😅), referencing that he (Dad) was "......taking everything else, you might as well have my underwear!". 🤣 Dad was the guy at the Nat'l Archives that wrote the stipulation/law, right before Watergate, that all Presidential papers would be transferred to the Nat'l Archives at the end of their term, thus made public.  This was done with the help of the Nixon administration! (little did they know at the time how it would affect them).  It was NOT written to incriminate a departing President, only to create a safe "trail" for the potentially historic papers.  All of the Presidents prior to Nixon handled their own papers, most of which ended up in their own Presidential library anyway (Dad worked in the Presidential Libraries Division, worked directly with LBJ thru Reagan), but Nixon was the first to be required to hand over his papers..............of course that got really dirty, very quickly!  Dad said he hand carried the papers to (wherever), after Nixon finally gave them up!  I don't remember Dad ever stating that Kissinger was a bad person 😎  


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15 hours ago, wayno said:

This site is screwed up, it will not let me post so I keep trying, then it does this, 5 posts after telling me something in a notification, I will delete the extra posts but I cannot get rid of them.


The admins are part of it all............yer getting censored!!!!!!!!!! (sorry Mike) 😝 😡 🥴

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2 hours ago, yenpit said:


Nooooooooooooooooooo!!  You just need to IGNORE Dav!!!!  Now you have fed his burning need for attention..............😫

It can be hard to ignore Dav but i'm doing a pretty good job.His crap shows up when somebody quotes him.He's like a bad car accident or train wreck,you just can't help yourself to slow down and take a look.I'm surprised with the lack of attention he gets he even tries anymore.

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54 minutes ago, yenpit said:


The admins are part of it all............yer getting censored!!!!!!!!!! (sorry Mike) 😝 😡 🥴


It has been a very long time since I had a post removed, actually my post was removed along with the post from the guy the thread was about, and a few minutes later the thread disappeared, I was not warned, no one said a thing to me, and the reason for the thread all of a sudden was taken care of.


Most forums would not let members even have threads like this one and Gene's thread, nor several other threads in this general section, I have had words like shit/crap censored in another forum I am very active in called the "Cloudy Nights" forum for Astronomy, there is one word in a guys signature that is still there that I am amazed is still there, "plandemic" is the word and they do not allow any political discussion anywhere on that forum.


There are a lot of good things about this forum, and there have been some bad things also, this is not the same forum I joined back in 2010, this forum had a way larger very active membership back then as you well know yenpit as we both joined Ratsun the same year.



Edited by wayno
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1 hour ago, wayno said:


It has been a very long time since I had a post removed, actually my post was removed along with the post from the guy the thread was about, and a few minutes later the thread disappeared, I was not warned, no one said a thing to me, and the reason for the thread all of a sudden was taken care of.


Most forums would not let members even have threads like this one and Gene's thread, nor several other threads in this general section, I have had words like shit/crap censored in another forum I am very active in called the "Cloudy Nights" forum for Astronomy, there is one word in a guys signature that is still there that I am amazed is still there, "plandemic" is the word and they do not allow any political discussion anywhere on that forum.


There are a lot of good things about this forum, and there have been some bad things also, this is not the same forum I joined back in 2010, this forum had a way larger very active membership back then as you well know yenpit as we both joined Ratsun the same year.




I agree!  I think the guys do a pretty good job here! 😎 I think the biggest reason for less "activity", is other means of social media ie Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc, where "the younger people" tend to migrate to!  Even the510realm forum is much less active in the last few years.  I am also pretty active on Facebook, but none of the others................🙄

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In the 15 years of Ratsun, Datsuns have receded farther into the past. As time goes by fewer kids grew up riding in one with their parents. Fewer had one in school. In 15 years how many have ended in the crusher? and in the past 15 years what few there are have been driven up in price far beyond the average guy's pocketbook. Good luck finding inexpensive parts... hell any parts. When I was a young teen in the early '60s finding a Ford model T was vanishingly small. The last Datsun before they all became Nissans, was '83. That's just under 50 years ago and the 510 was 10 years before that!!! 


The models that were in production at the time '83, kept a small Datsun emblem or a decal along with a larger Nissan one. The 300zx and the S12 200sx Datsun emblem stopped at the end of '85. The '86.5 Maxima lasted the longest and the 720 it's unclear maybe through '84 but as a decal on the tailgate. 



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Kansas medical board faces threats from lawmakers for probing ivermectin use


The Kansas medical board is facing attacks from state lawmakers for investigating doctors who have prescribed the antiparasitic drug ivermectin to treat or prevent COVID-19. The drug, which is most often used in animals as a dewormer, is both unproven and unrecommended for use against COVID-19 in people.


Nevertheless, state lawmakers proposed a budget amendment that would strip the state medical board of funds to conduct such investigations. For now, the budget committee has settled on language that the medical board should "proceed with caution" in any such investigations—language intended to have a chilling effect. But the committee has signaled that it could revisit the plan to defund investigations, depending on the fate of a separate Senate bill.


That Senate bill is SB 381, which would specifically authorize doctors to prescribe off-label and unproven COVID-19 treatments—namely hydroxychloroquine sulfate and ivermectin. And it would force pharmacists to dispense the drugs, even if doing so is against their professional judgement. Additionally, the proposed legislation would bar medical and pharmacy boards from investigating doctors and pharmacists for the practice and require the boards to review any prior disciplinary actions that are related.


One of the lawmakers who has promoted SB 381 is Sen. Mark Steffen, a Republican from Hutchinson, Kansas, who is also a doctor—one that is currently under investigation by the medical board for prescribing ivermectin. Steffen has been a vocal proponent of ivermectin as well as a vaccine skeptic.



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