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Covid-19 Prepared?

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I get the impression that Canada is bracing for a massive epidemic of Omicron. Freaking out to get your boosters ASAP. I wonder is it will be the same in the US???? You know... keep the fear wagon rolling along. If you look at those videos by Dr. John Campbell they are kind of guardedly optimistic. South Africa has been dealing with Omicron for a couple weeks and I don't hear much bad news just the knee jerk lock downs. You know... closing the barn door after the horse gets out.

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27 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

I get the impression that Canada is bracing for a massive epidemic of Omicron. Freaking out to get your boosters ASAP. I wonder is it will be the same in the US???? You know... keep the fear wagon rolling along. If you look at those videos by Dr. John Campbell they are kind of guardedly optimistic. South Africa has been dealing with Omicron for a couple weeks and I don't hear much bad news just the knee jerk lock downs. You know... closing the barn door after the horse gets out.

What Im taking away, listening to the south African medical pro's is the new variant doesnt care about the injection. Almost ALL Omicron patients are experiencing best case no symptoms, a small percentage experience these symptoms " blocked or runny nose, headache, sore/scratchy throat and slightly run down feeling lasting about 3 days and as cases shoot the moon deaths from day to day have either continued to fall or level off then fall again..the deaths are ridiculously low. Now mind you, this is in a region with only 1/4 of the population injected. In the western world injection percentages are VERY high in comparison. If big pharma's answer to this virus is honest and true we should see much less loss of productivity. That is what they are claiming anyway. I as more of a skeptic however think the big push on the booster is more about selling the shit quickly before they end up eating the production costs as they slowly expire in hospital refrigerators around the world.   


Edited by jbirds510
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Refugees lack COVID shots because drugmakers fear lawsuits, documents show


For refugees, migrants and asylum-seekers, as well as people afflicted by natural disasters or other events that put them out of reach of government help, the global programme known as COVAX created a Humanitarian Buffer – a last-resort reserve of shots to be administered by humanitarian groups. Gavi, the vaccine alliance, is a public-private partnership set up in 2000 to promote vaccination around the world.



But that buffer does not have any mechanism to offer compensation. Gavi, which operates COVAX with the World Health Organization (WHO), says that where those applying for doses, mainly NGOs, can't bear legal risks, deliveries from that stockpile can only be made if vaccine-makers accept liability.


Mainly because of the legal concerns, less than 2 million doses have so far been sent from the buffer, Gavi says. About 167 million people risk being excluded from national programmes, according to United Nations data cited in the documents.


Unless all the firms accept legal liability, "access to vaccines for some populations will remain a challenge," the Gavi documents say, adding that new crises will generate additional demand to cover displaced populations.



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2 hours ago, Dav said:

Are you saying the vaccine makers should accept the liability without compensation?

Ok, I read the article, based on your comment it would seem you did not. Nowhere in the link did it say anything about free..nothings free. The article is saying our gov agreed to the terms of purchase from the pesticide company before receiving the shipments but the entity dating back 20+ years that provides for the aliens havent agreed to the same terms. (Because too much evidence of injection harm has compiled over the last two years for them to agree to be the ones holding the bag when this shit goes sideways)Then it goes on to insinuate that because thats the case its THIER fault we are having more cases and also mutations that will extend the fear campaign..In summary the article is a social slight of hand to place blame and re direct opinion in the social coirt system.. why are you here if you arent going to read the articles and watch the videos people here have provided for you so you have a better understanding of whats going on..All your answers can be obtained of you scroll up to the top of this page and watch the clip that Mattndew76 posted. Do your part to be part of the solution instead of remaining part of the problem.this is the last time im going to cut your meat for you, youre going to have to learn to use the tools for yourself, or go hungry. Have a day.

Edited by jbirds510
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Remember, when it comes to government and media, you have to treat it like you are talking to a woman, nothing is actually face value its whats being said in between the lines that’s actually being conveyed. If you take anything at face value youll never actually know for certain wtf is going on or why they are mad at you or why in the end its always somehow YOUR fault.

Edited by jbirds510
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Still on track. Omicron seems to be relatively benign, runny nose, headache, tiredness, sore throat and body aches are prevalent.  South Africa is in co-vid decline. Beware your elected officials claiming the sky is falling.



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49 minutes ago, Mattndew76 said:

Pretty sure we had it run through our house last week. Who knows. Everyone got a cold with all the symptoms listed.



Just a day or so ago the US was seeing our first Omicron and today they are announcing 73% of new infections in the US are now O which really shows how bad our monitoring / sequencing is.

 One would think that with all the deaths involved someone would put a boot up the bureaucracies ass and we'd actually have a health dept. that worked but no its still get another booster and wear a mask by yourself indoors and all you un-vaccinated fucks (ahem) be ready for a winter of death and misery.

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It is very deadly people. Be afraid all the time.




I’m flying today but I’m not fucking around with Omicron. 
Pfizer x 3
Negative rapid test
Natural immunity 
N95 sealed to my face with surgical tape
Secondary mask for displaying opinions 
Face shield 
Vinyl gloves
Touchscreen gloves
Shitton of Xanax



Edited by Str8jacket
Picture stuff up
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15 hours ago, Mattndew76 said:

Pretty sure we had it run through our house last week. Who knows. Everyone got a cold with all the symptoms listed.

Thought you had natural immunity? I've done the booster thing but who knows if this shit does any good. Looks like everybody is going to get this crap one way or another. Fuck the Chinese! Anyways off to harbor freight. Carry on.

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You do if you test for having had co-vid in the past otherwise just a guess. If you had co-vid it doesn't prevent Omicron just gives you better defense against it. It may just have been a common cold or flu.



12 hours ago, Str8jacket said:

It is very deadly people. Be afraid all the time.




I’m flying today but I’m not fucking around with Omicron. 
Pfizer x 3
Negative rapid test
Natural immunity 
N95 sealed to my face with surgical tape
Secondary mask for displaying opinions 
Face shield 
Vinyl gloves
Touchscreen gloves
Shitton of Xanax




What an attention whore!!!!

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2 hours ago, bottomwatcher said:

Thought you had natural immunity? I've done the booster thing but who knows if this shit does any good. Looks like everybody is going to get this crap one way or another. Fuck the Chinese! Anyways off to harbor freight. Carry on.


Omicron is a politicized joke................once again.  It is a standard cold/flu bug.  Could it too, have been released one way or another?  Who the f**k knows, cuz we are in the midst of an attempted power grab war between the world's gov'ts & we the people of the world.  Like mattndew76, my gf & I are both fighting it now.........but it is simply a cold/flu.  FYI natural immunity is NOT 100%, nothing is....................but it IS better than this drug concoction they claim to be a "vaccine".  All of you that took/continue to take it.............more power to you & I pray that it works for you.  I continue to try to be healthy, I continue to take all of my vitamins & supplements & I continue with MY LIFE 😉

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It’s just the flu - nothing more. A conclusion based on 11-years o bad summary data and a graph below.


Repost from unreliable source by an uninformed monkey using a mouse and keyboard randomly.



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40 minutes ago, Dav said:

It’s just the flu - nothing more. A conclusion based on 11-years o bad summary data and a graph below.


Repost from unreliable source by an uninformed monkey using a mouse and keyboard randomly.




You of all people LIVE in the main stream media world & tend to believe it.  Most here do not agree with you on the mass majority of what you post, me included.  I simply do not read ANY of your stuff any more, which is just fine.............🥴

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