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59 minutes ago, john510 said:

Come on Mike,the "fact" thing again ? "facts cannot be proven true" ? They can or the word wouldn't exist.What would we need it for ? 


I was nearing the end of a wordy reply when my cat jumped up on the computer tower and sat on the on/off button. Divine intervention from a cat's ass.

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Sometimes the universe is trying to tell you something. Besides a discussion on truth is really a discussion in philosophy. Facts and truth can only be assigned a relative truth rating based on trust that the source is correct. 50 years ago it was more likely that a fact was true because of the bother to publish it. Not so likely that someone would go to so much trouble for untruth. Today every idiot with a computer is 'publishing' their opinion as fact. With easy access to trillions of facts the truth is watered down or diluted. Is there truth out there??? .... probably but mostly there is untruth dressed as fact. 


Mikes theorem: For every fact that is true, there is an equal and opposite fact, that is also true.


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58 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

Sometimes the universe is trying to tell you something. Besides a discussion on truth is really a discussion in philosophy. Facts and truth can only be assigned a relative truth rating based on trust that the source is correct. 50 years ago it was more likely that a fact was true because of the bother to publish it. Not so likely that someone would go to so much trouble for untruth. Today every idiot with a computer is 'publishing' their opinion as fact. With easy access to trillions of facts the truth is watered down or diluted. Is there truth out there??? .... probably but mostly there is untruth dressed as fact. 


Mikes theorem: For every fact that is true, there is an equal and opposite fact, that is also true.


Not to take your post personal but I challenge you to find a fact or truth in opposition to my last post or any of my posts concerning diet and lifestyle as a means of preventing serious illness. Here is another fact, most "medicine" is found in nature before drug companies synthesize it for mass distribution. Its rarely quite as good but its a means to get that solution to folks where the plant or animal its derived from isnt found. these are facts and absolute truths that have had millennia to be contested with no opposition.   

Edited by jbirds510
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I value your opinion input as much as anyone's. I put as much faith in your posted facts as anyone else's, they are all someone else's and cherry picked by pulling off the internet and are only 'good' because they agree with you. (I don't mean YOU, I mean any fact poster)  Truth like the speed of light, you can get close to but is not attainable. If speed of light is C then truth is T.


As to diet and lifestyle it can't prevent disease but it sure as hell goes a long way toward avoiding them and your positive outlook probably adds to that. More than the average N AM goes to. It would be a waste of time trying to disprove something I see merit in.   



1 hour ago, Ooph! said:

More to wonder about for those engaged in mankinds largest medical experiment. I'm sure datzenmike's logic will lead to a study coming out on how the jab is good for the heart




 Are you using my logic to post this? How disingenuous. I'm most definitely NOT pro jab. Nor anti-vax. I'm anti both of these. I remain unconvinced by any pro and anti posts about co-vid because the truth is hard to know. While we argue the merits of the 'facts' the real perpetrators of this experiment avoid answering for their actions which are crimes against humanity and terrorism.  

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1 hour ago, john510 said:

Mike,your theorem makes zero sense.Prove that it does.This just my opinion and i have no factual evidence to back up my opinion.


That's what an opinion is. It cannot and isn't always based on facts and is more of an intuition or feeling.


My theorem is a generalization. Every argument has two sides that think they are correct and have truth on their side to back it up. You can't have an argument if a fact is provably true. Do you trust the CDC, the government? FDA, the FBI, Fauci? the CCP? the police? Bill Gates? the CIA? the internet for your truths?? I'll assume that's a big NO so why trust anything else you hear? Truth like the speed of light can't be reached, you can theoretically get probably or acceptably close but that's all.  We all should assign a probability of truth to any 'fact' and hopefully base an opinion (because that's all you can do is form an opinion) on something as a probability of being true. Truth is singular while suspect truths are infinite in number. Truth has to be experienced first hand to be totally trusted or trusted as far as you can accept what you experienced. All other 'truths' come to you at least second hand.     

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28 minutes ago, jbirds510 said:

  (young folks who exert themselves have been observed succumbing to the side effects of the secret sauce coupled with a mandate of all service members) 


People succumb to lots of things perhaps just after vaccinations too possibly some from a reaction to the vaccination. How many 50,000 100,000? or is it a couple of dozen? because that seems within reason for protecting a whole army and a population.


28 minutes ago, jbirds510 said:

   (see largest settlement for damages ever paid)



I could only find this... (and it's from the internet so take with grain of salt)
 List of The Biggest class action settlements
  • Tobacco settlements for $206 billion. ...
  • BP Gulf of Mexico oil spill $20 billion. ...
  • Volkswagen emissions scandal $14.7 billion. ...
  • Enron securities fraud $7.2 billion. ...
  • WorldCom accounting scandal $6.1 billion. ...
  • Fen-Phen diet drugs $3.8 billion. ...
  • American Indian Trust $3.4 billion.


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42 minutes ago, datzenmike said:


People succumb to lots of things perhaps just after vaccinations too possibly some from a reaction to the vaccination. How many 50,000 100,000? or is it a couple of dozen? because that seems within reason for protecting a whole army and a population.



I could only find this... (and it's from the internet so take with grain of salt)
 List of The Biggest class action settlements
  • Tobacco settlements for $206 billion. ...
  • BP Gulf of Mexico oil spill $20 billion. ...
  • Volkswagen emissions scandal $14.7 billion. ...
  • Enron securities fraud $7.2 billion. ...
  • WorldCom accounting scandal $6.1 billion. ...
  • Fen-Phen diet drugs $3.8 billion. ...
  • American Indian Trust $3.4 billion.


Ok, it would seem that a follow up on what id read is now miraculously being changed in defense of pfizer but heres the article from 2009


like youd said before though..it is the internet.


in response to the succumbing portion see the video posted above which shows the science to heart issues related to the hokey pokey. Be sure to take a look at the comments in that posted vid as well.



Edited by jbirds510
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8 hours ago, datzenmike said:


 Are you using my logic to post this? How disingenuous. I'm most definitely NOT pro jab. Nor anti-vax. I'm anti both of these. I remain unconvinced by any pro and anti posts about co-vid because the truth is hard to know. While we argue the merits of the 'facts' the real perpetrators of this experiment avoid answering for their actions which are crimes against humanity and terrorism.  


I never said you were pro or anti anything, I mentioned your logic system of equal and opposite facts

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11 hours ago, Ooph! said:

More to wonder about for those engaged in mankinds largest medical experiment. I'm sure datzenmike's logic will lead to a study coming out on how the jab is good for the heart



 Either way I won't believe it.   Haha

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4 hours ago, Dav said:

Just another naked post. No opinion or fact involved.






Second paragraph...


How the fuck can pharmaceutical companies previously have the capability to produce vaccines specifically targeting variants before the variants even come about????????

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4 hours ago, datzenmike said:


Second paragraph...


How the fuck can pharmaceutical companies previously have the capability to produce vaccines specifically targeting variants before the variants even come about????????


Is this a serious question? Asking for a friend...



It's not talking about prediction, just in response to mutations. ie they can alter the pharmaceutical to better address a mutation, but if the overall efficacy is still good enough, then it's not worth the interruption in production/supply.

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Lets summarize..

vaxx, doesnt prevent spread or infection and lets be honest, without a true baseline cant even be touted as easing the illness. In order to make that claim every human would have to be identical. Now we are hearing of adverse reactions from chest pain to death. ZERO LIABILITY!!

Kitchen sink, pretty much EVERYONE who has gone this path feels better in 36 hours or less and 90+% normal again within the week, decades of use with an almost zero harm history, nobel prize, cheap, readily available, the manufacturers arent blackmailing global governments. MANY governments have publicly endorsed this therapy based on what we just covered, readily available and has proven to not care which strain. 

Whats really left to talk about?  

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On 11/26/2021 at 3:45 PM, john510 said:

And now that we have Omicron Biden has decided to delay a travel ban (Africa) on advice from Fraudci and his team.If he's serious about controlling and stopping the spread why wait ? You would think Fraudci would suggest banning travel NOW and not take any chances.Jesus what's wrong with these people ? Or it's just more scare tactics.


I honestly believe this all revolves around a plan, an agenda (I already stated that a while back).  I think that they have lost some control, thus they are grasping at straws, with random do's & don'ts.............but all to try to keep the agenda "in the lane".  More recently, I have seen odd decisions from the "administration"........ones that don't necessarily follow what I figured would be their plan/agenda.  Hopefully a sign of chaos within.  That is what will crumble their plan/agenda, as things slowly break down AGAINST the plan/agenda.  I think the growing separation of O'Biden & Kamaltoe is a good example...........they do NOT seem to be "getting along", like they were before.  Two (or more) IDIOTS, trying to "make their place in history", often end up at each others throats.  FANFREAKINTASTIC!!!!!  Let them.  Hope & pray that this is the case.  If there is a big break down, will We The People potentially suffer for a period of time, while those that are supposed to keep us united are falling apart?  Yup, perhaps.  I would rather go thru that, than this continued downward spiral towards socialism etc etc, that I feel we are currently in.  If their plan/agenda continues successfully, God help us..............

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