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You know anecdotes aren't data, otherwise I could give many incidents in which women are way more neurotic and have a lower stess tolerance then men, and this is a "common thought" in society. I will concede that I do not know if there are any published studies supporting this though and I didn't have the time this morning to beat-up pubmed looking for one.


I used my anecdote to mock Damore's statement, then shared what I found in published DATA on the subject. Remember there is a difference between expressing / self reporting stress and stress effecting one's ability to perform a task. 


"Neuropsychology using FMRI can actually see the brain activity involved in unconscious bias."


This is a very weak statement, and FMRI has several issues especially if you go statistical relevance fishing.





So let me get this sraight, using an 18 year old Discover magazine article about an unpublished study mocking a new technology is a strong statement? Here's what I'm basing that statement on:









If you need six more, let me know. My area of interest is non-cognitive construct of personality and stable traits. This intersects with neuropsychology, human development, attachment theory, social psychology, and biology. Seriously fascinating stuff, and the real mind fuck is the research field is divided along psychodynamic (liberal) and cognitive (conservative) lines. Human nature runs deep.


"If I were to reduce Damore to a stereotype I'd say he has serious mommy issues, but that would be exposing my bias as a psychologist, so I'll just say it was a poor judgement."


Are you making a diagnosis on a person without every meeting them, isn't that a big no-no?


Are you saying you don't recognize my reductive reasoning as a "stereotype" of "Mommy issues" was sarcasm? Put it this way, There is no such disorder in the DSM V, eg. it is not a "diagnosis".  ;) 



In kind with yours, my logical fallacy of "appealing to authority" is that I am a biologist with a doctorate.


So my my take on this after reading the original file with sources? I agree with quite a bit of it. However, I will make a simple statement, instead of diversity and inclusiveness how about just FUCKING HIRING THE MOST QUALIFIED PERSON for the job. You know why applications are not done blinded with respect to gender, name, race, etc??? Is because you end up with pretty much all men (I can dig up a source for this study later) which does not fit the "diversity" requirements companies want.


Google has no "diversity requirements", only a desire to have a plurality of divers perspectives and input when designing products not just for white males, but for everyone. As a biologist, are you championing bio-determinism as justification for your beliefs about the emotional temperament of women as compared to men? What is your doctorate in?



This guy has to know he would lose his job by writing this document, he must know what the company environment is like at Google and how this would go over like a fart in an elevator.


His internal memo was about Google's insular PC culture. I don't think he knew it would get this much attention outside of Google, or that his memo would be seen the way it has. If it was a strategic maneuver to gain employment elsewhere, it won't help his career prospects in or outside the tech industry, ie. poor judgement. 


I REALLY enjoy academic debate, so I truly hope what I said doesn't offend or insight. Thanks for your thoughts.

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I REALLY enjoy academic debate, so I truly hope what I said doesn't offend or insight. Thanks for your thoughts.

No offense at all, I also enjoy academic debate. One of my downright favorite things is reviewing manuscripts. So many times I just like to poke and stir things up and you seem to be able to hold your own at that level so it's more fun.


PhD is in cell and developmental biology and biochemistry with a heavy emphasis on molecular biology and biomechanics, but I used to do a lot of collaboration with the MRI guys when the dead fish stuff came out so it was a popular discussion topic. As for biodeterminism, like most biologists I would always balance the nature vs. nuture stuff (genetics sets the playing field, nuture is how it is directed) but I do believe testosterone is a hell of a drug and men and women are different (obviously ignoring the outliers that overlap between the sexes).

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At my age I'm a recovering testosterone freak. Life is so much easier and better when you're not constantly spending all your time, money and attention trying to fuck everything. Thinking and decision making is so much clearer and easier when it's not always about sex. I have control of my life for the first time since I was 13. Thank-you old age!!!

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This is going to be interesting over the next few weeks.




If North Korea launches an attack that threatens the United States then China should stay neutral, but if the United States attacks first and tries to overthrow North Korea's government China will stop them, a Chinese state-run newspaper said on Friday.

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This is going to be interesting over the next few weeks.




If North Korea launches an attack that threatens the United States then China should stay neutral, but if the United States attacks first and tries to overthrow North Korea's government China will stop them, a Chinese state-run newspaper said on Friday.



So having a bet each way on China's part ?

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