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Thank-you for repeating the media line on the woman.


Coincidence, but still true. She's a no mind twat sandwich maker.... and now I've gone and insulted all the twats in the world. My apologies to all you twats out there. Not your fault Palin is so close to you.

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I used to watch CNN exclusively. They seemed like a great source of information.. 


Then came wikileaks dumping John Podesta's emails. Which is still happening daily. If you want to truly open your eyes to the real world, spend some time reading through them. Please note, wikileaks has never published a single document in 10 years that has not been 100% authentic.


In those emails, you will see how the media works. How the elections are run by the DNC. How the highest levels of government work. You'll see staffers arguing.. ratting each other out. Complaining about Hillary.. Admitting to committing crimes. You'll see what happened to the emails. You'll see George Soros' operations..


None of that is conspiracy and it's down right scary stuff. 


I won't flip to CNN anymore. They are basically a state sponsored news channel. 

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Fetishizing Victimhood: How Colleges Promote Psychological Frailty

Curiously, the loudest cries often come from students attending the most expensive and elite colleges.


Administrators at the University of Florida recently notified students that a 24-hour counseling hotline is available to anyone who feels offended by Halloween costumes. Other colleges, in an attempt to pre-empt the psychological threat of offensive costumes, have created and distributed Halloween costume guidelines to help students make appropriate choices if they decide to dress up.


The University of Wisconsin at LaCrosse, for example, encouraged students to attend a special seminar titled “Is Your Halloween Costume Racist?” while Tufts University went a step further, sending a letter to students in fraternities and sororities indicating they could face investigation(by university police) and punishment for making the wrong costume choice.


Many might see such examples as evidence of positive change, a greater sensitivity to gender, racial, and cultural diversity. The problem is that these efforts, even if well-intended, promote a false psychology, that humans are inherently emotionally fragile and can be mentally destabilized or incapacitated by subtle and ambiguous offenses.


Unless students are suffering from a severe mental illness, the type of pathology that would likely keep them from being able to attend and succeed in college to begin with, they should be perfectly capable of remaining psychologically healthy in the face of offensive Halloween costumes, distasteful jokes or comments, and sensitive course material.


People are generally quite psychologically resilient. After........



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You realize infowars is garbage, right?  Fuckin' nutjob conspiracy theories.

I would consider them as good as CNN,ABC,CBS,MSNBC or even Yahoo news.They're approach is the problem.They do seem wacked out but they reported a lot of truth the MSM wouldn't dare touch.

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Is anyone else offend by all this fucking flag burning?  Its actually makes me twinge in my stomach when I see pictures of it.


Burn a fucking flag in front of me mother fucker.  See what happens.



Many people have no idea what the symbolism of a countrys flag means to its inhabitants.


Now, speaking of symbolism, even though im not Murican, the immolation of HRC wouldnt upset me the slightest bit.

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Is anyone else offend by all this fucking flag burning?  Its actually makes me twinge in my stomach when I see pictures of it.


Burn a fucking flag in front of me mother fucker.  See what happens.



Burning the flag is an approved method of disposal, but there is more to this that just the act of burning. Burning the flag in protest while technically, a desecration, is also protected under free speech and freedom of expression same as using the flag symbol as clothing and on coffee cups.


So, if you should stop a flag burning you are infringing on the person's first amendment's rights that the very flag represents. Get used to it. Be thankful that it is only being burned.

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Sorry I didn't see anyone 'cut off' that couldn't be explained by faulty connection. I doubt very much they would do an interview that wasn't somewhat scripted and certainly not LIVE. Fuck, if you're going to wast my time watching that entire U tube and no happy ending, stop posting them or check them yourself for 'crying wolf' content. CNN is douchy but this doesn't support it at all. It's a desperate s t r e t c h.. . 

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It's widely accepted now that arch-villian Hungarian coffin-dodger George Soros is the financier of an evil empire hell-bent on destroying this country, as well as others.  Putin has an international arrest warrant out on him, and it's quite likely that Donald will issue one as well, considering that he does listen to people like Alex Jones and Michael Savage who have been railing against that evil cretin for years.  One can only hope.

The anti Trump rioters need to be addressed as domestic terrorists, it can be announced that since Obama traded all the sand terrorists at Gitmo for deserters and traitors, there are plenty of vacancies now.

The stock market has rebounded from the dip it took immediately after the election results, however firearms manufacturers are suffering stock value loss, one can only assume that is because the industry will no longer be under threat for the next four years at least.  There should be some good deals this Christmas, and hopefully ammo prices will come down as the runs and hoarding will diminish somewhat, although I don't see pre-Obama price lows coming back; they've realized what the market will bear, and that will be the new yardstick.

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You realize they been right on about almost everything in the past two years?, you're the most closed minded "liberal" i have ever encountered, Matt, trully unliberal to be honest, very disappointed in you for not even trying to look for the truth, ill give you a clue, follow the money, not hard to do!

There is truth, then there is random adhd spouting of every possible conspiracy plot known to man.  In spitting this garbage, they hit a mark once in a while.  Like a room full of monkeys writing Shakespeare eventually.  Doesn't mean they understand it or have any directive.

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Fetishizing Victimhood: How Colleges Promote Psychological FrailtyCuriously, the loudest cries often come from students attending the most expensive and elite colleges.Administrators at the University of Florida recently notified students that a 24-hour counseling hotline is available to anyone who feels offended by Halloween costumes. Other colleges, in an attempt to pre-empt the psychological threat of offensive costumes, have created and distributed Halloween costume guidelines to help students make appropriate choices if they decide to dress up.The University of Wisconsin at LaCrosse, for example, encouraged students to attend a special seminar titled “Is Your Halloween Costume Racist?” while Tufts University went a step further, sending a letter to students in fraternities and sororities indicating they could face investigation(by university police) and punishment for making the wrong costume choice.Many might see such examples as evidence of positive change, a greater sensitivity to gender, racial, and cultural diversity. The problem is that these efforts, even if well-intended, promote a false psychology, that humans are inherently emotionally fragile and can be mentally destabilized or incapacitated by subtle and ambiguous offenses.Unless students are suffering from a severe mental illness, the type of pathology that would likely keep them from being able to attend and succeed in college to begin with, they should be perfectly capable of remaining psychologically healthy in the face of offensive Halloween costumes, distasteful jokes or comments, and sensitive course material.People are generally quite psychologically resilient. After........http://www.intellectualtakeout.org/blog/fetishizing-victimhood-how-colleges-promote-psychological-frailty

I like to call those people "book smart, life stupid"

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