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So far on my travel I've seen two Datsuns since I left the NW on my "round the country" tour.  A 720 on I-80 just after I got off I-5, and a S30 Z car on the Bay Bridge. 


But I did see a caravan of Toyota pickups towing Toyotas which appeared to be heading for Mexico.  One set had Washington plates on both the tower and towee and both were 80s pickups.  There were 6 toyotas in total.  Seemed sketchy, since there were Oregon and California plates on the other 2 pairs.   They were all in a rest stop in Arizona.


Met a guy that makes his living buying Toyotas and Exporting them all over the place. He was buying my neighbors non running 2wd for $500. They apparently bring top dollar out of country.





Saw this one headed down 405.  I know your on here, saw a sticker and think we met at the Mt Vernon meet. :D




Great looking truck :cool:

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Had a Datsun full day today for some reason...good luck i guess. Saw an older lady driving a 4 door 510 light blue 70-72 pretty much identical to my car.

then only a few blocks later saw a white 610 and a orange 240z driving the other way, all three on el camino real in mountain view between 237/grant and hollenbeck at around 3:45  :thumbup:

Also saw a tan 240z (might have been a 260/280, didn't get close enough to see) with a for sale in the window. Ill go by later this week and get a picture if its still there.  

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Sighted in front of SFSU Yesterday


Pretty sure this is the same guy I saw in Santa Barbara on Sunday.  First saw him in Goleta and then again a few hours later near my place in SB.  Pulled up next to him and talked a couple minutes.  Truck looked nice.  I think he said he had driven down to LA to get the shell...


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Sighted in front of SFSU YesterdayC55B4FE1-C27F-401E-8B40-1FCFDC40930E_zps


Pretty sure this is the same guy I saw in Santa Barbara on Sunday.  First saw him in Goleta and then again a few hours later near my place in SB.  Pulled up next to him and talked a couple minutes.  Truck looked nice.  I think he said he had driven down to LA to get the shell...


Wow he gets around. Lol. I saw him again on the Golden Gate Bridge yesterday. Truck looks good. he must gave really wanted that camper shell to drive to LA for it.
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