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Dang peeps, interesting conversation, and I've got some catching up to do. The family was up North for a few days checking out Cal Poly with my daughter. Dude, we saw all manor of barefoot Sasquatch look'n hippies walk'n on highway 101 between Eureka and Arcata. In stark contrast, SDSU is next.  


To the conversation:

The complexities of managing our economy with the US$ being the global FIAT currency are enormous. I believe Mike's theory of a race towards AI diplomacy is immanent if not a reality already. Given the insane budget of the NSA, I'd say we have a strong head start on the race to AI though. 


At the center of this is the interrelationship of energy (via oil) with the world economy. It's the foundation of Nixon's global petro-$ system, our military presence protecting it, and our own economic strength at home. Our US FIAT currency retains its value through the stability of our government and the national economy. Let's face it, for over 2 decades our country's image of "stability" has been unraveling while the world looks on. The oil based global economy is in decline, and this puts added stresses on our position in world trade and global logistics. 


The Martial Plan helped create economic stability through interdependence from open international trade. The thinking post WWII was that interdependence would creat WAY too many variables with shared national interests to navigate a WWIII in the future. It's worked for nearly 80 years, but given human nature, it's no surprise that global trade created the economic battlefield we have today. 


As an extension of our armed forces, the CIA's primary workload is implementing and supporting covert regime change in other countries. In fact, the US special forces are often used at the will of the CIA to physically carry out it's covert activities. It would be imbecilic to think other developed countries aren't aiming the same covert efforts at us with equal venom and sophistication. As open as our society is, it's not far fetched to think other countries could be meddling in our elections, engineering a Covid pandemic, and influencing public opinion via social media. 


The collapse of the USSR and the end of the Cold War through economic means was a triumphal epiphany for the West, but it was a huge blow to both Russian and Chinese communist identities. We fooled ourselves into thinking Russia was reformed into a democratic government, and that China's strong move towards free market capitalism marked the fall of their communist dictatorship. I believe our blind arrogance has fueled our downfall. Putin's had 32 years to plan his revenge on the West, and China has been chomping at the bit for the Yen to replace the US$ as the world's currency and assume preeminence as the next global power.


Who knows what the future will bring. For instance, in Dec 2022, down the street from my house Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory successfully sparked a fusion reaction that released more energy than went into it. Once that comes on line it's RIP oil, onto the next money grab, and back to the same grindstone for the masses. 

Edited by paradime
Hot diddly derp, Eureka not Ukiah.
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Man I went to and finally graduated on the 5 year plan at Cal Maritime in Vallejo. That was 30 plus years ago, I got booted for a little while but graduated. Holy crap what and education outside of school and to what a shitshow California was, this is compared to south Florida. The birth of " Florida Man" series of fucktards. Luckily the Maritime world you can live wherever you want. The downside is you are gone for 28 days at a time but then you have 28 days off. We live in the sticks in Fl and Maine in the summer just trying to stay in places where the insanity isn't off the charts. They aren't many places left to avoid the insanity we live with today.

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21 hours ago, paradime said:

Dang peeps, interesting conversation, and I've got some catching up to do. The family was up North for a few days checking out Cal Poly with my daughter. Dude, we saw all manor of barefoot Sasquatch look'n hippies walk'n on highway 101 between Eureka and Arcata. In stark contrast, SDSU is next.  


To the conversation:

The complexities of managing our economy with the US$ being the global FIAT currency are enormous. I believe Mike's theory of a race towards AI diplomacy is immanent if not a reality already. Given the insane budget of the NSA, I'd say we have a strong head start on the race to AI though. 


At the center of this is the interrelationship of energy (via oil) with the world economy. It's the foundation of Nixon's global petro-$ system, our military presence protecting it, and our own economic strength at home. Our US FIAT currency retains its value through the stability of our government and the national economy. Let's face it, for over 2 decades our country's image of "stability" has been unraveling while the world looks on. The oil based global economy is in decline, and this puts added stresses on our position in world trade and global logistics. 


The Martial Plan helped create economic stability through interdependence from open international trade. The thinking post WWII was that interdependence would creat WAY too many variables with shared national interests to navigate a WWIII in the future. It's worked for nearly 80 years, but given human nature, it's no surprise that global trade created the economic battlefield we have today. 


As an extension of our armed forces, the CIA's primary workload is implementing and supporting covert regime change in other countries. In fact, the US special forces are often used at the will of the CIA to physically carry out it's covert activities. It would be imbecilic to think other developed countries aren't aiming the same covert efforts at us with equal venom and sophistication. As open as our society is, it's not far fetched to think other countries could be meddling in our elections, engineering a Covid pandemic, and influencing public opinion via social media. 


The collapse of the USSR and the end of the Cold War through economic means was a triumphal epiphany for the West, but it was a huge blow to both Russian and Chinese communist identities. We fooled ourselves into thinking Russia was reformed into a democratic government, and that China's strong move towards free market capitalism marked the fall of their communist dictatorship. I believe our blind arrogance has fueled our downfall. Putin's had 32 years to plan his revenge on the West, and China has been chomping at the bit for the Yen to replace the US$ as the world's currency and assume preeminence as the next global power.


Who knows what the future will bring. For instance, in Dec 2022, down the street from my house Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory successfully sparked a fusion reaction that released more energy than went into it. Once that comes on line it's RIP oil, onto the next money grab, and back to the same grindstone for the masses. 


China does not use Yen, their currency is usually rendered "Renminbi", and it's Marshall plan.

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      On the same note,can anyone explain the Amazon commercial

that shows (I think) a girl in a skirt & a (barely) mustache,who buys

a Micheal Jackson outfit on Amazon that seems to make it's life great.

        Not quite sure what I saw.

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2 hours ago, bottomwatcher said:

I have boycotted bud light ever since I drank one. Budweiser's brewing process is the Clydesdale horses. You put water in the front of the horse and Budweiser comes out the bottom. Just add more water to the finished product and bam. Bud light.



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12 hours ago, angliagt said:

      On the same note,can anyone explain the Amazon commercial

that shows (I think) a girl in a skirt & a (barely) mustache,who buys

a Micheal Jackson outfit on Amazon that seems to make it's life great.

        Not quite sure what I saw.

No, I can't explain it. All I know is that every time I see it I am a bit creeped out.

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12 hours ago, angliagt said:

      On the same note,can anyone explain the Amazon commercial

that shows (I think) a girl in a skirt & a (barely) mustache,who buys

a Micheal Jackson outfit on Amazon that seems to make it's life great.

        Not quite sure what I saw.

I haven't seen it but I know advertisement has become very strange and even weird these last couple of years.

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I think that Amazon has become ubiquitous enough that they consider themselves boycott-proof, in that so many people rely on them for day to day survival.  I may be mistaken, but I thought that the poncy little shirtlifter was a Freddy Mercury emulator, rather than Jacko, but I have a crossword app on my tablet that I go to during ads so I really don't pay a lot of attention.

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23 hours ago, angliagt said:

      On the same note,can anyone explain the Amazon commercial

that shows (I think) a girl in a skirt & a (barely) mustache,who buys

a Micheal Jackson outfit on Amazon that seems to make it's life great.

        Not quite sure what I saw.

I didn't even think of the mustache trans angle, probably because it was the same as I could grow until my 30's. I don't care enough to be observant enough to be offended. My takeaway was despite what "they" say, if a kid feels confident to bust the dance moves of a  1980's child molester, while wearing a piss yellow biker jacket, "bullying" is not as big an issue as reported.

Edited by frankendat
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2 hours ago, flyerdan said:

I think that Amazon has become ubiquitous enough that they consider themselves boycott-proof, in that so many people rely on them for day to day survival.  I may be mistaken, but I thought that the poncy little shirtlifter was a Freddy Mercury emulator, rather than Jacko, but I have a crossword app on my tablet that I go to during ads so I really don't pay a lot of attention.

Yeah, the Freddie Mercury thing, THAT is what creeped me out.

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On 4/6/2023 at 5:22 PM, paradime said:





Who knows what the future will bring. For instance, in Dec 2022, down the street from my house Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory successfully sparked a fusion reaction that released more energy than went into it. Once that comes on line it's RIP oil, onto the next money grab, and back to the same grindstone for the masses. 

oh yeah? can you make plastic or fertilizer from fusion? This logic is narrow and flawed my friend. Our money is ONLY backed by oil. no oil= no USD value. going green isn't going green its going red, fiscally. All I see is cat food dinners and furniture fires for warmth next winter for anyone who makes under 100K. Irony is this limp dick admin has weaponized the dollar to the point where we will be the only ones who will accept it..think USSR money pre 1989..those guys had to trade fish and vodka to get anything imported..get ready. nobody loves us and no-one backs the loser.




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It's all irrelevant, everyone is moving to VR where everything is unicorns and daffodils.

VR is destroying R in that "society" is becoming an unworkable system since people do not integrate into their physical neighbors - integration/assimilation now occurs on a specific "tribe" on the other side of the screen.


It get worse when people living a VR existence complain and try to change R to coincide with VR.  This is laughable since R can never mate VR.


I also think it is anthropomorphic to assign human characteristics to people living through VR.

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16 minutes ago, gh0stwerx76 said:

oh yeah? can you make plastic or fertilizer from fusion? This logic is narrow and flawed my friend. Our money is ONLY backed by oil. no oil= no USD value. going green isn't going green its going red, fiscally. All I see is cat food dinners and furniture fires for warmth next winter for anyone who makes under 100K. Irony is this limp dick admin has weaponized the dollar to the point where we will be the only ones who will accept it..think USSR money pre 1989..those guys had to trade fish and vodka to get anything imported..get ready. nobody loves us and no-one backs the loser.


We're talking about oil as energy. We have enough crude at home to make all the plastic and fertilizer we'll ever need. You speak as if other countries won't be negatively effected by the collapse of the global oil economy. Fusion isn't coming online any time soon, so oil energy will be in play for decades to come. I think the transition to alternative  "green energy" will be a long and painful one for everyone not just the US.


After WWII every US president has used the power of the $ to influence world trade. Sleepy Joe and his handlers have painted his admin into a corner. Now he's staring down the barrel of the 2024 election with the economy sliding sideways and now their trying to put lipstick on a pig. 


After the '08 US banking collapse, and the 2020 election nightmare the world no longer sees the US as the fiscal politically stable beacon it once was. That's why countries are jumping off the petro$ money train because it's going off the rails. I was around when inflation was out of control, and interest rates were in the mid teens. It's a bit hyperbolic to suggest the US $ will ever tank. Given the respective GDPs, I think it's easy to see how the USSR back then and the US economy today have absolutely nothing in common. 


Without respect for the institution of government, and the gap between the left and right growing wider, we are our own worst enemy. It's virtually impossible to create a long term plan if both sides don't work together. United we stand, divided we fall. 



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Well fiscally the two parties in the end really aren't that different if you crunch the numbers. Either way we are on a sinking ship. At the moment as far as on the ground observation from driving up the east coast for the last couple of days. No one gives a shit. Restaurants still have waiting lists. Diesel is between $4 to $5 a gallon as you drive north but traffic is still at way over the capacity of what the roads can handle and in very poor conditions. It wasn't any better with the previous administration. I have a 2500 chevy 4x4 and had to slow down on I 95 because I thought the road was going to rip a wheel off. We saw multiple vehicles in that same stretch with flat tires or worse on the side of the road. I felt like I was back in Costa Rica or Cuba. There needs to be a focus back on a basic infrastructure and let capitalism work itself out. Everytime the gov fucks with something it gets worse. Regulation for public safety, airlines, FDA, EPA, USDA, Defence,Food and drug for the feds.  Fire, police and state courts for the state but all must balance a budget and stick to it. 

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On 4/8/2023 at 6:02 PM, angliagt said:

      On the same note,can anyone explain the Amazon commercial

that shows (I think) a girl in a skirt & a (barely) mustache,who buys

a Micheal Jackson outfit on Amazon that seems to make it's life great.

        Not quite sure what I saw.


It is what it is, it might just be... it is what you think it is. Open to personal interpretation. I liked the Cleopatra one and the Medusa one. Like those insane Nike commercials from years gone by. Obviously a lot (money, maybe CGI, and famous people) went into saying absolutely NOTHING, but it showed you how friggin awesome you could be for wearing their logo on a shoe that cost $20 in materials, $2 in labor and $550 for hype advertisements.

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Consumer product companies spend an average of 12% of their gross revenues on marketing that saps the viewer's intelligence. 99% of advertisements are an insult to humanity. I don't watch network TV programing because I want to protect my soul. 

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