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Clintons...... (both) are corrupt morally and politically.  

Jimmy Carter I liked. Castro's refugees was a political coup... unfortunately not thought through.

Trump I don't like but that doesn't  stop me from admiring his results. I don't think I could stand too close to him. Sometimes you need a dick.

Biden is an incompetent disgusting fool. Watch for Harris to make her play for power.


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He probably can't summon up the mental strength to even agree to do it. No this was planned by those better than he.... which is just about everyone else. To believe Biden pulled this off it to give him far too much credit. He's a string-less puppet a self unaware avatar. Watch the VP the real  player! and look behind the curtain.

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3 hours ago, datzenmike said:

He probably can't summon up the mental strength to even agree to do it. No this was planned by those better than he.... which is just about everyone else. To believe Biden pulled this off it to give him far too much credit. He's a string-less puppet a self unaware avatar. Watch the VP the real  player! and look behind the curtain.


I don't think he's unaware or in charge I don't think she is either. I think he's suffering from the damage of two brain aneurysms and the surgeries for them in 1988. I think they were both chosen as the most compliant to receiving directions from those behind the curtain. He tried before with humiliating consequences, this time I believe most people were unaware of his problems and with so much hate for Trump all they needed was a standup dummy.

Democrats seem to be committee controlled so it is my belief that Obama, Hillary and whomever is behind the curtain are really in charge.

No one else notice how quiet Hillary was throughout the election?

It bothered me that she didn't run again its like she was up to something.

Edited by Ooph!
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Hillary was probably told to be quiet for a reason.The Dems knew how hated she was and didn't want her spouting off and helping Trump.Or she's still butthurt about getting beat by Trump and then to make it worse a corpse beat Trump which makes her look even worse than before.Her own party should tell her to just STFU already.

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the statement below should read 


his problems were posted all over in black and white you would have to be an idiot to not have known his problems 

most people were unaware of his problems and with so much hate for Trump all they needed was a standup dummy.)

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1 hour ago, Ranman72 said:

the statement below should read 


his problems were posted all over in black and white you would have to be an idiot to not have known his problems 

most people were unaware of his problems and with so much hate for Trump all they needed was a standup dummy.)

If you voted for Biden because of hatred you have problems yourself.

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2 hours ago, Ooph! said:


I don't think he's unaware or in charge I don't think she is either. I think he's suffering from the damage of two brain aneurysms and the surgeries for them in 1988. I think they were both chosen as the most compliant to receiving directions from those behind the curtain. He tried before with humiliating consequences, this time I believe most people were unaware of his problems and with so much hate for Trump all they needed was a standup dummy.

Democrats seem to be committee controlled so it is my belief that Obama, Hillary and whomever is behind the curtain are really in charge.

No one else notice how quiet Hillary was throughout the election?

It bothered me that she didn't run again its like she was up to something.


CCP compliant you mean.

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On 2/20/2021 at 6:14 AM, bottomwatcher said:

We had Jeb as governor in Fl. I agree the Bush family were decent people without all the Drama. 

Obama? I Didn't agree with his politics but he didn't seem to run around on his wife and raised decent kids.

Bill Clinton is too slimy and although Monica was an adult at 22 Bill's actions ruined her life.

Jimmy Carter? Fuck him! I was living in Miami when Castro unloaded his entire prison system and insane asylums onto boats and Carter welcomed them with open arms.

Donald Trump I would laugh at while drowning.

Biden a senile pervert. 

I am only hoping we can get another Ronald Reagan but those kinds of people appearantly have no interest in politics. 


I have my own, tweaks, on the list, of who I would to meet, but find no fault in your reasoning.  Sometimes (and given the continual decline of discipline and accountability, my  thinking will soon be declared evidence of underlying psychosis) qualities, of those I wish to spend free time, and qualities necessary for effective national leadership, conflict. My first choice, within the parameters of the question, would be:

1. Obama.

I didn't vote for him. I don't agree with a majority of his presidential actions, but either he is a highly polished liar and/or he has genuine cool, which would make for a good time.


He is an arrogant ass, who I voted for twice, and lament his loss. Trump, would likely put on a big show, attempting to display, he is still relevant and powerful and rich. I enjoyed his presidency, if only to watch "democrats" wring their hands and fret. It is, also likely that he possesses none of the qualities, I admire in leaders or people but, I can't be sure. I do not trust the media's portrayal of Trump. It would worth meeting him, to take measure of the man.

3. Clinton.

When, looking at the five on your list, the third, and fourth choices, fail to display enough qualities, that I find admirable, or effective, to defend ranking in any particular order. I would still meet with them, because hey, "leader of the free world". I didn't support or vote for either Clinton, or Carter and believe America is less after their presidencies. Clinton was a less accomplished liar or just less cool Obama. Clinton's greatest accomplishment was demonstrating the open corruption in the political process. By rule of law, he should have been impeached. But, the democrats squealed and continue to squeal to this day, about the "unfairness" of that indictment, but by any account, he got caught.

4. Jimmy Carter.

I believe he is a kind and genuine man, but his dealings with Castro and the Iran hostage incident, demonstrated a lack of spine, necessary for command.

5. Bush(s)

The Bush presidencies , I consider as one, and were innocuous, aside from the war. I blame both parties for that, continued, failure. I still am unable to pinpoint when the standard for war changed, but that change was cultural and began with the Korean war. The low ranking for meeting is aside from being president, I do not find anything interesting about either.

6. Biden.

An empty vessel, and/or a career politician, I do not know which is more vile. Either he is unaware of pushing the country into socialism/communism and the horrors that will follow or he is a mastermind villain, focused on the wealth and power that he will receive, as a member of the elite/bourgeois. 

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After posting, I realized missing the Gipper. I fought with this one, before writing. Reagan was the first president, who received my vote. I can't be sure if my good memories from that time are based in fact or looking at my youth through rose colored glasses. As a president, I would put him at the top of the list. As for someone to meet, I would expect him to be courteous, friendly and professional. The kind of man, who dresses sharp, even at home on his days off. I am torn, with the unfounded belief that Obama, would be more relaxed, or present as relaxed, and encourage a free flowing discussion.

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"A lot of people don't know how to register," Biden said during a CNN town hall. "Not everybody in the community, in the Hispanic and the African-American community, particularly in rural areas that are distant and, or inner-city districts know how to use, know how to get online to determine how to get in line for that COVID vaccination at the Walgreens."

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11 hours ago, thisismatt said:

"A lot of people don't know how to register," Biden said during a CNN town hall. "Not everybody in the community, in the Hispanic and the African-American community, particularly in rural areas that are distant and, or inner-city districts know how to use, know how to get online to determine how to get in line for that COVID vaccination at the Walgreens."

I hate not knowing how to get in line.

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2 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

The CCP have found a way to turn you into a Democrat with an injection.



So soon the whole world will be Democrats.


All under the guise of Covid inoculations.


What a sinister plan.

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