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6 minutes ago, datzenmike said:


It can be interpreted wrongly but for the most part you can't get better sampling of the truth than first hand. So better to have someone else tell you what's true? I think that's the media and the Internet's job these days.


I trust my own observations and senses including that 'huh???' moment when something seems... off. What does it really matter anyway? what anyone believes is true? For me it's entertainment. 

According to one of the earliest and most famous, you must build knowledge from what is known to be true. You know that you are a thing that questions and therefore you must be a thing that thinks. All senses can be tricked, thoughts might be manipulated, but there must exist a thing  to trick, there must exist a thought to manipulate. "I think therefore I am."

For a very long time, one method of determining the accuracy of a thought, a method of anchoring thinking things was through provable, repeatable, demonstrable facts, i.e. mathematics/science. However, with the discovery of quantum mechanics this is under reexamination. Let this simple introduction stew in your head and then return to question "what do you know".


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17 minutes ago, frankendat said:

Then the world is your oyster! From the information on the internet and the news (therefore undoubtedly true) you can shoot all the wild boar you want and in some places they will pay you to do it. Your friends cook it up and sell it, not having to buy the meat would go along way towards making an impressive profit. Both my father and I shot competitively and my father was the better marksman, gunsmith and a master machinist. 

I have neither hunted nor seen a wild boar, but no matter if they are found in packs of many at 50 yards or spread out at 500, I have the tools and ability to kill many.


Yes, it depends where you are when it comes to how many, when, and where.

It "was" no limit no cost here in Commiefornia. Then it became popular,.... so came, "Pig Tags".

Cheap and available, but of course the state had to get their cut.


Nice to meet another competitive shooter!, you may have seen me a time or two on tv.

For ten years I was a competitor at, "The Speed Challenge", an event put on by the G.O.A.C.

(Gun Owners Action Committee)

I am proud to say that in those ten years I never finished out of the top three.

The last time the event was held, I, for the first time, entered all four events.

Iron sight pistol, optics pistol, iron sight rifle, optics rifle.

Finished with three 2nd places, and a 4th.


I looked forward to that annual event way more than Christmas.

Some of the best times of my life bar none.


Great to hear that your father was considered a master machinist.

Did you the pictures of my work in the "1975" thread?

Those spools were for an ITAR project and the other piece with the big pretty crisscross were for the space shuttle.

The space shuttle parts were made from "Inconel X - 750,.....

A material developed by Satan, and manufactured in Hell.


Was your dad also an expert in precision grinding?

If so, and he knocked out jobs like those I posted,... then I am Very Impressed.

(jobs like those are difficult to say the least!)


At one point there was only three holders of an 07 FFL in the state, (full blown manufacturer)

I was one of those three.


Good times!

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28 minutes ago, frankendat said:

According to one of the earliest and most famous, you must build knowledge from what is known to be true. You know that you are a thing that questions and therefore you must be a thing that thinks. All senses can be tricked, thoughts might be manipulated, but there must exist a thing  to trick, there must exist a thought to manipulate. "I think therefore I am."

For a very long time, one method of determining the accuracy of a thought, a method of anchoring thinking things was through provable, repeatable, demonstrable facts, i.e. mathematics/science. However, with the discovery of quantum mechanics this is under reexamination. Let this simple introduction stew in your head and then return to question "what do you know".




Yes, there are exceptions to every rule but if they were as common as you seem to indicate we would stop thinking or doing things because we know in advance that what we are thinking or doing is going to turn out to be wrong. Knowing there are sensory traps is the first step in identifying and ignoring them.


The quantum reality is impossible to describe with our macro reality tools and terms. There's no trickery it simply has it own laws we may possibly never understand maybe impossible to understand. It's like trying to describe to a two dimensional life form what a three dimensional world would be like. Up and down would be bizarre and meaningless to them.    



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I watched the first hour of the debate, and it was like watching two turds floating in the punch bowl.  What disturbs me the most is how Biden's family could let him even consider running.  If he was my father, I'd have a heart to heart, and urge him to enjoy what years he has left doing the things he loves.  I just assume they are all power obsessed and can't give it up, no matter the cost.  Clearly, Biden's best years are way behind him.  I just can't believe they let this go on.  It's hard for me to watch him struggle like he does.



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6 minutes ago, Duncan said:

I watched the first hour of the debate, and it was like watching two turds floating in the punch bowl.  What disturbs me the most is how Biden's family could let him even consider running.  If he was my father, I'd have a heart to heart, and urge him to enjoy what years he has left doing the things he loves.  I just assume they are all power obsessed and can't give it up, no matter the cost.  Clearly, Biden's best years are way behind him.  I just can't believe they let this go on.  It's hard for me to watch him struggle like he does.



I only saw the first few minutes. I determined quickly that Biden wasn't drugged that's for sure. Even CNN is admitting there's a problem which is unbelievable. They couldn't even hold him up after that. Trump seemed under control but I only saw a few minutes. Did he eventually lose it ? 

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I came in when they were debating their golf handicap. Biden's best (though never was that great to begin with) is long behind him where Trumps at the peak of cognitive degeneration, mendaciousness and, asininity. 

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1 minute ago, datzenmike said:

I came in when they were debating their golf handicap. Biden's best (though never was that great to begin with) is long behind him where Trumps at the peak of cognitive degeneration, mendaciousness and, asininity. 


Amazing to me that a citizen of a foreign country can have TDS so bad as you.

Methinks obvious troll is obvious

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Watched some more of it. Biden's completely shot and couldn't form complete sentences as usual. He made a fool of himself and his party. His immediate family should be charged with elder abuse. LOL. Hell charge the Democratic party also. It's cruel forcing an old man to do that. Trump was Trump. Same as he's always been.

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3 hours ago, frankendat said:

I don't know points, but as Idaho has been overrun I am sure I will have to learn that or some other flunky system. I've never been coyote or dove. Usually only see coyotes in the summer and their hide is crap in  the summer. Doves are small and hard to hit. The effort to find, shoot and prepare them isn't worth it to me. I stopped actively bird hunting many years ago because of the effort/reward problem. I say "actively" because I don't plan on selling my shotgun and you never know.


I wrote a short story about the bunny hunts in the 70's. The last line of the piece is, "It was necessary. It was horrific. It was a good time"


I'm no expert on the hunting point system but what it is. Is every year there is a big game draw usually at the beginning of the year. Depending at what game animals are in your state you can put in for what ever one you want to. Here I put in for Elk and deer. Every time you put in for a certain animal and you don't get drawn. You get one point for that animal. The more points you accrue the higher your chances are for getting drawn next time. I've put in for elk 3 times/years so I have 3 elk points. When you get drawn you start back from zero again. 

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11 minutes ago, paradime said:

Dude showed the world he's in no shape to be POTUS. I predict Biden will not servive the the democratic convention. 



  I quickly browsed some mainstream news sites and they are all talking about Bidens age and frailty, its not if, but how will they put someone else up as the Nominee. They even pointed out until the August convention Pres. Biden isn't the official nominee.

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         But the Dems will (of course) say how Biden won the debate.

I watched some of it.Seeing Joe stumble his speech & talk really fast-

& low was just sad.This is supposed to be the Leader of the Free World?

          And I'll bet DOCTOR Jill Biden loves the free travel & attention she

seems to enjoy.

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3 hours ago, Ooph! said:

I quickly browsed some mainstream news sites and they are all talking about Bidens age and frailty, its not if, but how will they put someone else up as the Nominee. They even pointed out until the August convention Pres. Biden isn't the official nominee.

Million $ question is, is he naturally deteriorating or has his entourage been helping him along. Don't you think it's strange how quickly he fell apart? He hasn't been running the show for probably more than a year now.


Imagine if they've been slipping him a drop of anti-freeze in his sleepy-time tea this entire time. So that Obama & Hillary could run the show? Hillary is a soulless psychopath witch who I could 100% see doing something like this. She gives me Darlene Snell vibes(Ozark TV series). <<Great series by the way!




Edited by IZRL
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5 hours ago, john510 said:

Watched some more of it. Biden's completely shot and couldn't form complete sentences as usual. He made a fool of himself and his party. His immediate family should be charged with elder abuse. LOL. Hell charge the Democratic party also. It's cruel forcing an old man to do that. Trump was Trump. Same as he's always been.

I definitely don't like Biden but for the family to prop up the old corpse for financial gain is just sick! There isn't much left of him but they insist on using up what little is there is for money and fame. There will be a switch out the question is how is oustered? Stroke?

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10 hours ago, IZRL said:

Million $ question is, is he naturally deteriorating or has his entourage been helping him along. Don't you think it's strange how quickly he fell apart? He hasn't been running the show for probably more than a year now.


Imagine if they've been slipping him a drop of anti-freeze in his sleepy-time tea this entire time. So that Obama & Hillary could run the show? Hillary is a soulless psychopath witch who I could 100% see doing something like this. She gives me Darlene Snell vibes(Ozark TV series). <<Great series by the way!





Well we've hit our 5% agreement quota for the week.

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3 hours ago, bottomwatcher said:

I definitely don't like Biden but for the family to prop up the old corpse for financial gain is just sick! There isn't much left of him but they insist on using up what little is there is for money and fame. There will be a switch out the question is how is oustered? Stroke?


Well if you have a tool what good is it if you don't use it?

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4 hours ago, angliagt said:

         But the Dems will (of course) say how Biden won the debate.

I watched some of it.Seeing Joe stumble his speech & talk really fast-

& low was just sad.This is supposed to be the Leader of the Free World?

          And I'll bet DOCTOR Jill Biden loves the free travel & attention she

seems to enjoy.


The alternative isn't any better.

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9 hours ago, Ooph! said:


Amazing to me that a citizen of a foreign country can have TDS so bad as you.

Methinks obvious troll is obvious




You'll scare them away.

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5 hours ago, angliagt said:

         But the Dems will (of course) say how Biden won the debate.

I watched some of it.Seeing Joe stumble his speech & talk really fast-

& low was just sad.This is supposed to be the Leader of the Free World?

          And I'll bet DOCTOR Jill Biden loves the free travel & attention she

seems to enjoy.


I watched the entire debate on CNN, but after the debate I quickly switched it to MSNBC and it was brutal watching them admit that Biden is in bad shape. They quickly praised him, but when you hear Joy Reid say that her Democrat friends are texting her with a Panic, the jig is up. 


I also watched the Fox commentary and it was honestly a bit more kind than MSNBC. But all agree, Biden is in trouble. 

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At this point if he doesn't drop out on his own yes they will do whatever it takes and since he has a history of brain damage a stroke would be in the realm of believable.  They are going to try anything they can, the more panicked the left becomes the more dangerous they will be, not just for Joe but for all of us.

 Included a screen shot of Snopes about his aneurysms and when I looked at it I had not heard his dog that bites everyone had knocked him over and broken his ankle, sounds like an accident waiting to happen.


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7 hours ago, bottomwatcher said:

I definitely don't like Biden but for the family to prop up the old corpse for financial gain is just sick! There isn't much left of him but they insist on using up what little is there is for money and fame. There will be a switch out the question is how is oustered? Stroke?


Things might get worse if Biden were to go belly up and Kamala Harris takes office. Even one day of Harris being President could be detrimental to the little that's left of America IMO.


Best commercial ever(Aiwa stereos)



Edited by IZRL
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15 hours ago, frankendat said:

Then the world is your oyster! From the information on the internet and the news (therefore undoubtedly true) you can shoot all the wild boar you want and in some places they will pay you to do it. Your friends cook it up and sell it, not having to buy the meat would go along way towards making an impressive profit. Both my father and I shot competitively and my father was the better marksman, gunsmith and a master machinist. 

I have neither hunted nor seen a wild boar, but no matter if they are found in packs of many at 50 yards or spread out at 500, I have the tools and ability to kill many.

We don't have them here, yet. Obviously I don't want the infestation to ever happen, but if it does, I'm eating boar. I love boar.


We have plenty of other wild animals, including a mountain lion that's been hanging out trying to find a mate for the past week. I saw it the other night staring at me. I won't shoot what I can't eat, so it is safe from me.


Ok boys, back to your daily rant...

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14 hours ago, john510 said:

I only saw the first few minutes. I determined quickly that Biden wasn't drugged that's for sure. Even CNN is admitting there's a problem which is unbelievable. They couldn't even hold him up after that. Trump seemed under control but I only saw a few minutes. Did he eventually lose it ? 


It was entertaining to say the least! I think Trump behaved well, I think Brandon showed his true colors & JUST HOW BAD HE REALLY IS ON A COGNITIVE LEVEL & I think CNN did a decent job in being basically fair & impartial (I think that is the first time I have EVER complimented CNN!!). I have not had any time this AM, to sort thru ALL of the other posts yet...........I can't wait!!!!! 😂😆🤣

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I knew it was gonna be bad, and boy did it deliver.  Immediately afterwards in the post-autopsy, the meat puppets were saying that Biden has to go, so there's no fourth term for the thin smoking man from Nairobi. 

One thing I was completely wrong about was the behaviour of the CNN mods; I was expecting it to be a 3-1 war against Trump with them being openly hostile and argumentative.  I suspect that they had to wind their necks in when they didn't get the DCMA exclusive airing of this, so they had about 700000 percent more viewers than normal and couldn't portray themselves to all those new viewers as the irredeemable shitbags that they've been portrayed by the right for ages now.

Then there is the supreme court rulings, which delivered a mouth fucking, no, an ass to mouth fucking on bum and junkie encampments and criminal overreach on prosecution of the J6 political prisoners.  It's a very bad day for the left, but we on the right are having, as El Rushbo used to say, more fun than a human being should be allowed to have.

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