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Just now, datzenmike said:


This is not like holding a cross up to a vampire. Muslims avoid pig based products it doesn't kill them only hurt their feelings. I believe, though I could be wrong, that the teachings theorize the question of a devout Muslim eating pork. In the first, there was no alternative food available and in the second it was accidental. In both cases it was posited that a devout Muslim must preserve his life first and in the other it was not intentional and in both cases Allah, being just and merciful god, would forgive them their sin.

You are providing a "reasonable" interpretation of the Torah/Old Testament, but it is an unreasonable document, that is not tempered with the forgiveness of Christ. One might argue, "Like not all Christians believe in a literal Biblical interpretation, not all Muslims conform to the extremists in their religious." Which could be a fair point, EXCEPT, we are talking about extremists, stoning women, killing infidel, extremists. A literal reading of their book proclaims that a sinner who has not been forgiven or ask forgiveness, or spin clockwise three times, I forget the process, but there is a process and not one that is a solo, quick "Hail Mary...." one who sins and dies with the sin is hell bound or some such. Being contaminated by the blood of an unclean animal (certain animals are specified "unclean" e.g. pig)is a sin. I forget the details and would like being fact checked on this, but some commander, non-Muslim, pulled this trick in the way back and put the fear of GOD in the opposing Muslim forces.Yes, like holding a cross up to a vampire. I don't believe it, but if they do then we (their enemy) should use it to our advantage. 

This is similar to the bestiality of in the middle east that is never reported on any media, but has been common knowledge among those deployed overseas (in the fight, rarely in admin) Ask anyone you know, who patroled with NVGs in the desert, if they saw Arabs humping animals. The USA should broadcast that on every channel. Footage should be "accidentally" leaked all over the Internet. 

You can call it unethical, you can call it dehumanization, I call it winning and winning means less American blood spilled. 

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19 hours ago, IZRL said:

The book of "Revelation" or the book of "Apocalypse" in some translations.


You've brought up the Bible's version of how the world will end a few times. Which by the way, much of what the Bible said would happen in the end times, has happened. 


If what the Bible says is true. You have to wonder if the anti-christ is already walking among us? It is clear the elites are pushing us towards a one world government. Is the future leader of that government, the anti-christ (Soro's son Alexander...cough)? One government makes 1000 years of world peace possible.


Then you have the rapture. What about the sudden government infatuation with alien activity recently. A mass alien abduction would be a great excuse for why so many went missing. 

The words are a little different in my bibles, I was quoting Iron Maiden 


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 Being in the Merchant Marines I have been all over and worked with all kinds of multinational crews. Funny thing is when you all work and live together in close quarters how most of the time everyone gets along. Never actually had any issues with Muslims and the Philippinos are probably the most happy and jolly, hardworking people to work with. The west Africans? Mixed bag, some excellent others not so much. I believe New York is going to learn a hard lesson. I had an asshole cook who reveled in slipping the Muslims pork grease in thier food. They never knew it so I guess no harm no foul but really whatever you do on a ship don't piss off the cook.

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4 hours ago, paradime said:

You were indeed arguing rhetorical semantics while ignoring the pissed off hyper woke liberals who absolutely do not love Biden, and some even ran agains their incumbent. I made an innocuous generalization about both parties, but you quickly assumed "falling in line behind" their candidate was a jab at "all" Republicans. Quite the opposite in fact. If anyone criticizes the right, we all know you're very busy defending your side in this thread as you do. Seems reasonable that's why you jumped in here pecking on rhetorical minutia instead of responding to the actual subject. It's a pattern, and I'm just calling it like I see it. This is the game we play here, and enjoy playing it with you.

What was the actual subject ? I apologize for misunderstanding what you wrote. I was just reading the words.

Edited by john510
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12 hours ago, Jesse C. said:

Well, one thing we can all hopefully agree on is that this shit bag is dead and the world is better off for it. 


Aloha Snack Bar, Motherfucker! 


Ebrahim Raisi, Helicopter Crash, Iran President: Iranian President Ebrahim  Raisi Dies In Chopper Crash: Iran Media


Well there you go. Another leader who wouldn't submit to the elites agenda of a one world government is out of the way . "Accidental death", yeah sure 😏. Telling you guys, there's not many of these left. Next move, replace him with someone who is more simpatico to the US/Elites agenda.

Edited by IZRL
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3 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Meanwhile back at the courthouse...


Speaking of courthouses and accidental deaths. When do you guys think the DOJ is truly going to open up an investigation on the Clintons and the roughly 50 souls who had either worked directly with, or had some kind of conflict with them. Who got murdered, committed suicide, or had accidental deaths. I mean the most recent 2022 "suicide" of the Clinton's aid Mark Middleton is a head scratcher ain't it? Middleton was present during 7 of the 17 times that Jefferey Epstein visited the White House during the Clinton administration. He also flew on the Epstein plane along with Bill. Then he decides to commit "Suicide" in 2022 by shooting himself in the chest with a shotgun while he hung by his neck with an extension cord from a tree.

I apologize for the bad quality of the picture. It's hard to find a photo that has both the Clintons and Biden in it.



Edited by IZRL
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1 hour ago, datzenmike said:


Not the Mossad I'm thinking of, and I'm not the only one.

Iran's not even claiming Israel shot it down so...... Maybe it just flew into a mountain in bad weather.

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3 minutes ago, john510 said:

Iran's not even claiming Israel shot it down so...... Maybe it just flew into a mountain in bad weather.


Maybe it did. Iran probably isn't in the mood to throw accusations around right now, at least not until they have some proof. Not with the head of their government decapitated. Remember their weak sauce rocket/drone retaliation designed for their own public consumption for Israel targeting those Hamas/Iranian leaders in Lebanon? Israel easily took care of them. By Israel I mean with help from Britain, US, Jordan others. Remember Soleimani? Took his ass out with a precise missile strike. They must know that there is no place to hide from the US. Iran is all alone they need to keep their heads down.

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On 5/19/2024 at 1:22 PM, paradime said:

Dems fall in love with their candidate. Reps fall in line behind them. If this election scenario were reversed, Reps would be doing the same thing, and Dems would too.  Hypocrisy is what they both have in common.


Hey, stop butting in front!!!!!!!!!!! 😭😖

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What I don't understand about that whole issue is 1. why the fuck did they put all their key personnel in one aircraft and 2. with all of the 85 some billion worth of kit we left in Afghanistan, surely there was an IFR capable helicopter, probably with FIKI, that they could have wrangled from the Taliban instead of trudging around in 60's era FSB equipment with quite probably dodgy maintenance.  


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I don't know about all, but certainly key personnel.


Don't assume that two of your enemies are comrades in arms. I doubt Iranians and Afghanistans are speaking to each other.


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No intentional bias and/or falsified info in that publication:


Many Republicans in Congress have been staunch supporters of Israel's military actions in Gaza, where Israeli forces have killed more than 35,000 Palestinians, levelled civilian infrastructure, targeted hospitals and schools, and also killed healthcare workers and journalists.

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1 hour ago, iceman510 said:

No intentional bias and/or falsified info in that publication:


Many Republicans in Congress have been staunch supporters of Israel's military actions in Gaza, where Israeli forces have killed more than 35,000 Palestinians, levelled civilian infrastructure, targeted hospitals and schools, and also killed healthcare workers and journalists.

The craziest part of all this is watching the glazed eyed, indoctrinated, pro Palestine zombies explain how Palestinian civilian lives are more valuable than Israeli civilians. 


Go and watch a few of these interviews. Its crazy how arrogant, heartless, and mind numbingly stupid, these pro Palestine zombies are. They all give the same scripted sob story, "Israel has savagely murdered innocent men, women, and babies in Gaza". Then the interviewers come back with what about the Oct 7th attacks where innocent Israeli men, women, and babies were also killed. And you see their faces go from compassion & teary eyes to the look of utter contempt. They all pretty much say the same thing, "eh😒..it is what it is". One woman actually said "well they died because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time". 

Edited by IZRL
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26 minutes ago, IZRL said:

TThey all give the same scripted sob story, "Israel has savagely murdered innocent women and babies in Gaza"... Then the interviewers come back with what about the Oct 7th attacks where innocent Israeli women and babies were also killed.


Well they did. Both sides.


Not counting the previous 75 years of conflict and only the last 8 or so months 1,478 Israelis and over 37,000 Gazans. So 30 to one disparity. Genocide? I would have to say so, yes. Israel penned the Palestinians inside the Gaza strip. Likely told Egypt to not let them in (though I don't know for sure) blocking their exit to the south, blockaded their harbors, denied aid from Jordan to pass through Israel, told them where to gather and then blew them up, blew up hospitals and pretty much waged war on Hamas knowing there were people in the way. WTF did Hamas expect? that they could keep nibbling away at Israel using Palestinians as cover with support from Iran if things go south. Israel just said fuckitall. Netenyahu is a war criminal? Again yeah I think so, but what does he care? He can just stay in Israel. Not like a bunch of Marshals are going to knock on his door. He's be out at the next election and be revered through history as the righteous arm of the lord smiting His enemies and securing a temporary peaceful Final Solution for Israel for the next couple of decades.     

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1 hour ago, datzenmike said:

Well they did. Both sides.

I never said they didn't. I said both sides did it. Just saying those zombies are so brainwashed they shed tears for Palestinian babies while at the same time saying killing Israeli babies was justified. I'm saying they're heartless pieces of shit just jumping on the "save Palestine" train to raise their virtue signaling score on their social media.


And by the way, Israel dropped thousands of leaflets from planes in Gaza and sent out thousands of texts warning civilians they were gonna bomb the place so they could escape. Nobody blocked anything.

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MIke, you claim you don't watch the news, but you have apparently absorbed the false propaganda number of Palestinians killed.  That info is from Hamas themselves, and most reputable sources say it is an outright lie.  I won't shoot you any links because you won't read them. 


And since you only value your own truth/opinion, just know you have been co-opted.  Your portrayal of Israel's actions is, if not entirely non-factual, utterly exaggerated and pejorative.  It's war.  Israel did not ask for it.  Hamas did.  They received it.  The false sympathy just encourages them to more terrorism.

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