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1 hour ago, john510 said:

Well he's not insane IMO. Rational ? not always. If the guy could keep his mouth shut and be nicer he'd be a lot more popular I would think. Does his name calling and pointing fingers bother me ? No not really. I hate politics and most of those involved in it. I'm one that thinks it's time to quit being nice and start throwing punches so to speak. And about the name calling ? Look who's calling Trump everything there is to call him and then crying about it when he fights back. That's a two way street there and the left has no right to bitch about it when Trump responds to what they usually start. They went after him as soon as he announced his candidacy. Just how does an insane and irrational man achieve what he has ? Do you remember all of the radical predictions the left made when he got elected and even before ? He'll start WW3, the economy will tank, he'll deport all Muslims, the world will fall apart etc. None of it happened in four years. Covid screwed things up and Trump didn't create it in a laboratory. And my favorite, he's a dictator that make all the rules the way he wants them with no support from Congress or the Senate (which can't happen in a Democracy) None of it happened and yet here we are hearing the same old shit. It's funny Trump's been gone for over three years now and for some strange reason not many pay attention to Biden that seems to have fucked things up so bad his own party is running away from him. I have no other option at this point. I wish I did.

Thanks for the detailed an honest answer.

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1 hour ago, yenpit said:


Hainz in the house of derelicts (this thread for those.......never mind 😝)! 😎 Trump DID joke around & state that he would "get even" on his first day back in office.  He also basically stated that he will be there for one job...............as the saying goes, MAGA!  Yes, he will do all he can, to "clean out the swamp", but as I have said before, even the President is limited at what he can do, to clean out the swamp.  Trump understands when he has a bad person in place & he DID fire some people, during his first term.  But again, he is also limited by rules laws regulations etc, in many cases.  Those cases will take longer, will take more effort, but mark my words..............he WILL make it happen.  He MUST make it happen to MAGA...................😎

He's been there and didn't clean out the swamp. Why would anyone believe him for a second time? Why does anybody listen to him anyways you can't believe what he says. Still waiting for him to put "Crooked Hillary" in jail as promised. I guess that's not going to happen. 

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1 hour ago, datzenmike said:


Well.. this IS Destruction. Trump is the closest to a Nazi there is.


But YOU are Canadian, so doesn't THAT make YOU a Nazi............???????? 😆🙄

Edited by yenpit
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1 hour ago, IZRL said:


Good GOD all mighty!!! 🤦‍♂️. Speaking of the right calling anybody who disagrees with them "TDS". The left is much more guilty of throwing a  temper tantrum, screaming at you and running away when someone shows some common sense. 


I sit here and say that I voted for your man and that I can't stand Trump. And this is how you respond. Wow...


I need to see myself out of this thread. Might be good for all of us 😆. Not because people disagree with me. I'm not trying to convert anybody on the left. I'm just trying to throw some thoughts out there for people to chew on. This is coming from someone who is not a radical leftist or radical right. And still you accuse me of spitting out MAGA rhetoric. What the fuck is "MAGA rhetoric" anyway? Apparently an example of this is not wanting pedophiles to be around children. Or not wanting the government to castrate children/ youth. I must be a piece of shit for agreeing with this?


Nooooooooooo, we need you here!! 😎 Don't let these guys get to you.......................I surely don't!! 🤣😜

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35 minutes ago, bottomwatcher said:

He's been there and didn't clean out the swamp. Why would anyone believe him for a second time? Why does anybody listen to him anyways you can't believe what he says. Still waiting for him to put "Crooked Hillary" in jail as promised. I guess that's not going to happen. 

Ugh 😒🙄.  His hands were tied as the MINORITY............the left was the MAJORITY!  He could NOT do what he wanted!  OK, so if Trump wins (I said "if" for you guys), do you expect that he SHOULD be able to "clear his desk" of all libtard bills, laws, rules AND drain the swamp, as he has stated that he wants to do, in one fell swoop??  No, of course he will NOT be able to!!  All of his wants & desires (MAGA!!!!), will have to tailor to the f**king libtard ideologies that are currently in place, find ways to get around them.  WE will need to methodically remove (legally), those who hinder the Constitution, those who push back & have pushed back (ie the scum like Schumer, Shiff etc etc etc).  None of this happens overnight, especially as long as the libtard left have the majority!!  Come on, you must understand that even WHEN Trump wins (hahahaha see what I did there??!!), he still has to go to battle with the left!!  If Trump loses, then this downhill high speed movement to the left, will unfortunately continue & this country will be F**KED.

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47 minutes ago, bottomwatcher said:

He's been there and didn't clean out the swamp. Why would anyone believe him for a second time? Why does anybody listen to him anyways you can't believe what he says. Still waiting for him to put "Crooked Hillary" in jail as promised. I guess that's not going to happen. 


Crooked Hillary is PROTECTED by the left DOJ FBI etc.............that includes puppetmaster Obama-shit-for-brains!!  Without a GOP majority in these places, your are likely correct.............it will never happen.  I'll say it again & AGAIN................ugh.

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1 hour ago, IZRL said:


Good GOD all mighty!!! 🤦‍♂️. Speaking of the right calling anybody who disagrees with them "TDS". The left is much more guilty of throwing a  temper tantrum, screaming at you and running away when someone shows some common sense. 


I sit here and say that I voted for your man and that I can't stand Trump. And this is how you respond. Wow...


I need to see myself out of this thread. Might be good for all of us 😆. Not because people disagree with me. I'm not trying to convert anybody on the left. I'm just trying to throw some thoughts out there for people to chew on. This is coming from someone who is not a radical leftist or radical right. And still you accuse me of spitting out MAGA rhetoric. What the fuck is "MAGA rhetoric" anyway? Apparently an example of this is not wanting pedophiles to be around children. Or not wanting the government to castrate children/ youth. I must be a piece of shit for agreeing with this?


If you leave 'they' win. Don't let them win that way. You have an opinion, share it, stick to your guns. No matter how things turn out you will surely be at least part right. I post laughing emoji often because...


1/ it's so funny to see people get so wound up,

2/ it indicates that I see something (sometimes unintentionally) humorous in someone's comment. 

3/ I acknowledge a criticism but take no offense.

4/ you fell for something I said, and I knew you would

5/ anyone can get mad, it's the easiest thing to do, but it's really a waste of time. Destruction is not going to change anything and it's never going to change someone's opinions. That can take years to do. Laughter is the best medicine.

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Sarcasm is a great way to convey contempt, abhorrence, loathing and hatred. Someone has to. Politicians are about as low a life form as there is.


":Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit, yet... it remains the funniest"............. Fred Allen

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7 hours ago, IZRL said:


Good GOD all mighty!!! 🤦‍♂️. Speaking of the right calling anybody who disagrees with them "TDS". The left is much more guilty of throwing a  temper tantrum, screaming at you and running away when someone shows some common sense. 


I sit here and say that I voted for your man and that I can't stand Trump. And this is how you respond. Wow...


I need to see myself out of this thread. Might be good for all of us 😆. Not because people disagree with me. I'm not trying to convert anybody on the left. I'm just trying to throw some thoughts out there for people to chew on. This is coming from someone who is not a radical leftist or radical right. And still you accuse me of spitting out MAGA rhetoric. What the fuck is "MAGA rhetoric" anyway? Apparently an example of this is not wanting pedophiles to be around children. Or not wanting the government to castrate children/ youth. I must be a piece of shit for agreeing with this?

Settle down JR and stick around this is just a vent thread. Don't be a quitter like HRH!

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1 hour ago, ratpatrol66 said:

Settle down JR and stick around this is just a vent thread. Don't be a quitter like HRH!


I get a little too intense but believe it or not I don't get mad. I have two freinds I've known for 28 years who have disagreed with me on a lot of stuff having to do with this topic over the years. Every once in a while things get a little intense. Then it's like "pass me another beer, you want to go coyote hunting tomorrow?" Let's just say they both voted for Trump and i voted for Biden. So yeah... Our family's have been getting together almost every weekend since we met (excluding when i moved to Colorado and then New mexico for a few years). So im used to this stuff. 


Me and paradime disagree a lot on this thread. But a few minutes later we'll be agreeing on music on the "what are you listening to ", thread. 


Since I started posting on this thread. No matter how many people I have disagreements with in here. I always leave the destruction fun in the destruction thread. I don't take it into other threads and I don't take it personal. 


I have however mentioned a couple times in the past that I need to stop spending so much time on this thread. I already think about this stuff a bit more than I would like. I think I stayed away for maybe 5 days last time. I think I'm gonna shoot for a month this time. 



Edited by IZRL
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2 hours ago, IZRL said:


I get a little too intense but believe it or not I don't get mad. I have two freinds I've known for 28 years who have disagreed with me on a lot of stuff having to do with this topic over the years. Every once in a while things get a little intense. Then it's like "pass me another beer, you want to go coyote hunting tomorrow?" Let's just say they both voted for Trump and i voted for Biden. So yeah... Our family's have been getting together almost every weekend since we met (excluding when i moved to Colorado and then New mexico for a few years). So im used to this stuff. 


Me and paradime disagree a lot on this thread. But a few minutes later we'll be agreeing on music on the "what are you listening to ", thread. 


Since I started posting on this thread. No matter how many people I have disagreements with in here. I always leave the destruction fun in the destruction thread. I don't take it into other threads and I don't take it personal. 


I have however mentioned a couple times in the past that I need to stop spending so much time on this thread. I already think about this stuff a bit more than I would like. I think I stayed away for maybe 5 days last time. I think I'm gonna shoot for a month this time. 



Good luck! I bet we see you back by 7 days. This is like fetty for the soul!

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22 hours ago, IZRL said:


I agree with you. I am embarrassed to say that I voted for Biden because of this reason. I also voted against Trump for a couple other reasons that turned out to be false. The way Trump was on social media before and during his presidency. Reminded me of a pissed off preteen girl trolling away on social media anytime he would get his feelings hurt. Not to mention the sheer disrespect and unprofessional-ism he brought to the whitehouse was mind blowing to me.


Never could I have imagined the magnitude of the destruction the four horsemen of the apocalypse(Biden, Harris, Obama, Clinton) were about to bring to this country. It's like the left sat down and asked themselves, "how can we bring the maximum amount of confusion, deceit, and destruction to our country before this term is over?". This has got to be a record for how much harm one party, in one term, has brought upon their own country! My theory on this is that the left along with the elites, said fuck it, let's throw a hail mary. Let's fuck up the younger generations bodies and minds so that they can't reproduce and can fill our pockets for the rest of their lives. Let's pump em with pure woke ideology so that they believe voting for a republican now or ever, will be like sacrificing their first born. Let's let our blue cities burn to the ground so that our constituencies have no other option than to move to red states so that the woke virus can spread faster. Let's start a war with Russia so that we can remove Putin and put a Russian leader in that will bow down to the idea of a one world order. Putin is one of a few leaders left that need to be removed so they can put this one world order agenda into effect. They knew with all this mayhem they've caused they might lose these next elections IMO. But the seed has been firmly planted in the next generations minds to where they will most likely win all elections after that.


I would've preferred Trumps unprofessional-ism and complete disrespect for the white house and everything it used to stand for. Over the insanity dems have left behind in this country. They have flattened this country down to practically a pile of rubble in just 4 years. Do you really feel another leftist psycho is the answer to our prayers? Trump will not be the savior. I can't believe I'm about to say this but. If Trump is re-elected, it will be our last 5 minutes of sanity before all hell breaks loose.


Having said all this, the people who's eyes are actually open. Know that both the right and the left report to the same boss. It seems that they are just flipping a coin to see which side's turn it is to destroy shit inside and outside this country. This is the conclusion I've arrived at from looking at all the pieces on the board. All I'm saying is look at the entire board objectively and impartially before you vote. Most seem to be making their decisions on Trumps credit report. Both Biden/Hunter and Trump are a couple of shady SOB's when it comes to their financial dealings. Trump was using his presidency as a way to further his business, and Biden/Hunter were black mailing China for money. Only difference between them is Biden/Hunter haven't been convicted for their crimes. Bammm! Let's move on to looking at the rest of their pros and cons.


Son-Uva-Butch, Man, U best watch Ur back, Ya hear ??


On target !!

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12 hours ago, IZRL said:


I get a little too intense but believe it or not I don't get mad. I have two freinds I've known for 28 years who have disagreed with me on a lot of stuff having to do with this topic over the years. Every once in a while things get a little intense. Then it's like "pass me another beer, you want to go coyote hunting tomorrow?" Let's just say they both voted for Trump and i voted for Biden. So yeah... Our family's have been getting together almost every weekend since we met (excluding when i moved to Colorado and then New mexico for a few years). So im used to this stuff. 


Me and paradime disagree a lot on this thread. But a few minutes later we'll be agreeing on music on the "what are you listening to ", thread. 


Since I started posting on this thread. No matter how many people I have disagreements with in here. I always leave the destruction fun in the destruction thread. I don't take it into other threads and I don't take it personal. 


I have however mentioned a couple times in the past that I need to stop spending so much time on this thread. I already think about this stuff a bit more than I would like. I think I stayed away for maybe 5 days last time. I think I'm gonna shoot for a month this time. 




I hear you IZRL, and can relate. Compartmentalizing life's responsibilities vs fun distraction is a talent I don't have. Outside the theatrical banter in this thread, there is no right or wrong, only our subjective opinions on the matter. For me, political debate is a family sport I grew up with, and in all honesty, I enjoy the challenge of it like playing a good game. Competitive, but all in fun. On the downside, it often occupies far too muck bandwidth to be living in my brain rent free. To that end, I've taken breaks from this merry go round a few times, when life things get out of balance, when I need to focus on a serious work project, or just need a little mental down time. Clearly, with your insight, you know what you need, not us. But please come back soon, and give me a good ass kicking on your return.


IMO, If anything is destroying America it's the 2 party system that sows divisions in our Union of We The People that make this country so F'n amazing. Truly, a house divided against itself can not stand.



Edited by paradime
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4 hours ago, nathan.is.an.idiot12312 said:

been listening to NPR and theres actually a decent chance trump might get reelected so you might owe me some land hhahahaa


I'm sure National Pretentious Radio has been sounding the alarm bell quite loudly.

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21 hours ago, yenpit said:


OK, I can't resist...................is a "hate boner" a real thing?  I'm not so sure I'm capable..................🤔🤭

Used as a colorful motivational term in pep talks. For example, when your team is falling behind, telling them to "pop a raging hate boner" is to get them super pissed, and (metaphorically) motivate them to fuck their opponent in the ass with all due vigor, eg in support of "Fuck Banks!" in this case. The term is also used in the pugilistic arts, and couple therapy. Well, by me anyway. 😏

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1 hour ago, paradime said:


I hear you IZRL, and can relate. Compartmentalizing life's responsibilities vs fun distraction is a talent I don't have. Outside the theatrical banter in this thread, there is no right or wrong, only our subjective opinions on the matter. For me, political debate is a family sport I grew up with, and in all honesty, I enjoy the challenge of it like playing a good game. Competitive, but all in fun. On the downside, it often occupies far too muck bandwidth to be living in my brain rent free. To that end, I've taken breaks from this merry go round a few times, when life things get out of balance, when I need to focus on a serious work project, or just need a little mental down time. Clearly, with your insight, you know what you need, not us. But please come back soon, and give me a good ass kicking on your return.


IMO, If anything is destroying America it's the 2 party system that sows divisions in our Union of We The People that make this country so F'n amazing. Truly, a house divided against itself can not stand.



So which "one party" should be the one that rules us ? Myself, I definitely wouldn't want the modern Democratic party ruling us. I live in California and know how well that doesn't work in my favor. I also wouldn't want the Republican party ruling us even though I see less negatives to it. There was time when either party seemed to be acceptable to me for the most part. It's not like that anymore unfortunately.

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I'm much more hetero. Hate Boner is for couple therapy revenge hate sex, not ass fucking. My old work partner used to say that the vagina was his second favorite hole. I pointed never asked him what the first was. 

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2 hours ago, john510 said:

So which "one party" should be the one that rules us ? Myself, I definitely wouldn't want the modern Democratic party ruling us. I live in California and know how well that doesn't work in my favor. I also wouldn't want the Republican party ruling us even though I see less negatives to it. There was time when either party seemed to be acceptable to me for the most part. It's not like that anymore unfortunately.

    This is why you need two parties,rather than just one running the show.

It keeps them from just ramming bills/laws right through without any opposition.

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Three or more tend to form coalitions against the majority party. Not saying this is bad, just adds complexity and can hamper getting things done.


15 minutes ago, angliagt said:

  What did I just see/waste time on?

There must be two Joe Bidens (Twins?).


You got the challenged twin.

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4 hours ago, iceman510 said:


I'm sure National Pretentious Radio has been sounding the alarm bell quite loudly.

Here is a little game I play with NPR which I used to enjoy but has become the gay/race channel. I turn off NPR whenever a gay/race subject comes up which usually means 23 seconds of play until I am off to another channel. Still try to catch the BBC news hour and weekend shows. Sadly car talk is gone.

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