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9 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Not that decision, where have you been?  The one he said he would hand down by end of month, yesterday.

If you listened to any of that you would know that Judge has Trump guilty as charged before the trial was even finished. He wouldn't even allow the defense to make their case. Gag orders for Trump and friends while the prosecutor publicly says anything she wants pertaining to the trial. It's been delayed. The Judge is working on a plan to make it so Trump can't appeal anything in another court. 

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The more stuff comes to light, the more support for Biden hemorrhages away, the border alone would be enough to seal the deal, but when you have those illegals who beat up the cops and got off with no bail flipping off  the cameras, I can't be the only one thinking "where the hell is Jack Ruby when we need him."

Then there is that stupid ass fuckstick sucking group of cunts called the squad, a Somali terrorist who just admitted that she's here to work on their behalf, fuck America.  Another who won't vote to keep out the Oct 7 terrorists if the decide to come here to ply their trade, and one who thinks she's entitled to spend whatever she wants on her personal security while defunding the police at all cost.  And then there is the latest James O'Keefe video where he duped the high ranking cyber security WH guy into admitting that everyone knows Biden is late for the cabbage and turnip ward, and that Kamala is the worst thing since, like ever.  Moochelle is apparently sick at the thought of going back into the limelight and dealing with us unwashed hillbillies; she'd rather keep up the book and Netflix grift and keep on with the whole Dire Straits Money For Nothin' gig.  At  least Gavin won't have to go up against Big Mike in a dick measuring contest when it becomes obvious that they have to replace the corpse.

A lot of people seem worked up over the whole Taylor Swift thing, I tend to agree with catturd in that the people who would listen to her tend not to be Trump supporters, so unless they plan on mailing out ballots to eleven to sixteen year old girls (which I wouldn't be at all surprised if the did) the needle won't swing much.  I've read that Soros, the earthly embodiment of Sauron, has bought the rights to all her music, and she may be blackmailed into this whole super lib football ploy in an effort to get them back.

If that's the case, I think it would be great if she used the half time show to explain that, endorse Trump and sic her Swifty army on Soros.  They may not be bright, but if she told them that they needed to go to Colorado and jump off the Royal Gorge bridge, you'd have a difficult time getting on I-25.

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14 minutes ago, john510 said:

If you listened to any of that you would know that Judge has Trump guilty as charged before the trial was even finished. He wouldn't even allow the defense to make their case. Gag orders for Trump and friends while the prosecutor publicly says anything she wants pertaining to the trial. It's been delayed. The Judge is working on a plan to make it so Trump can't appeal anything in another court. 


  We're discussing the penalty phase dollar amount. You sound like a broken record. Trials long over, time to move on. 

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45 minutes ago, datzenmike said:


  We're discussing the penalty phase dollar amount. You sound like a broken record. Trials long over, time to move on. 

I sound like a broken record ? LOL. You've told us you hate Trump 437 times. 

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52 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

I think that's just the last 4 years. Before that he was only detestable and before '16 I hated Hillary. History repeats itself. I hate the one most popular.

Ha! Something we agree on. I've been calling Trump a clown since day one. I was embarrassed that our country would elect a clown like Trump. Which is why I said in my prior post, that "it is imperative that we vote a republican into office in these next elections" or something to that point. I didn't say we need Trump in office. Dilemma is, you either vote for Trump or you vote for the runner up. Who is more than likely going to lose to the left. I'm not going to lie tho. Trump has won me over a tiny bit in the last few years. But I still wouldn't vote for him if there were any other Rep. candidates I thought had chance to win. The times that I've voted I haven't specifically voted left or right. I try to vote for whomever I think would do the best job. Unfortunately for a while now we've only been given the option to vote for the best of two evils.

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Yes, in my mind I voted against Hillary.


Gone are the days American voters voted for what was good for the country.


He had some small ...... merit? but the last three years has shown what he's really like as a failed presidential runner. He's in a fast accelerating tail spin. His past is catching up with him and he knows it, he must know it unless he's already gone too far. Do you really want him running things? I hear he posted his $5. something million in cash because no one would post his bond. They are almost certain to get stiffed for it when the appeal fails. Same with the $80 million just more so. He would have to put up something worth that amount. If he even has it. I also hear hes soliciting money at his rallies? or using campayne donations to pay his legal fees? something. Can you imagine MAGA idiots bailing him out and then in the end he's barred from running? or in jail?

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8 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Not that decision, where have you been?  The one he said he would hand down by end of month, yesterday.


John is on point, by saying that the BAISED judge Engoron 💩, made his decision month's ago, cuz he has a really bad case of TDS, proven verbally by what he has said in the past (documented) & by many of his actions (documented), throughout this trial.  Mike, this is what some of us believe............we have a two tiered justice system these days, here in the USA, which benefits the left, NOT the right.  The LEFT does what they want to do & they get away with it.  We firmly believe that the DOJ & FBI have been completely weaponized, by the far left, much funded by scum like Soros & a number of other multi billionaire rich elite.  They are who we refer to as The New World Order, which DOES exist & is dangerously close to taking over the world.  We feel that Trump will NOT get a fair trial in NY GA & FL, as all of these "indictments" are charges "thrown at the wall to see if they will stick", in any effort to keep Trump out of the White House.  People keep asking "Then why doesn't somebody DO something about it!!??"  Well, since the LEFT is in the WH, the LEFT are in the Senate & the LEFT have the minority in the House, the LEFT has control............that is why Hunter is still walking the streets.............he should be in jail, by all accounts, according to the law. 

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You guys are still going on about something else. Now if this was you or me I might care. Fuck these guys, being on the end of a good butt fucking is fine with me. I asked...


On 1/31/2024 at 8:56 PM, datzenmike said:

It's already an interesting year.


Did Engoron release his decision today as indicated.


Turns out it's delayed till the middle of Feb, but thanks.


Are you maintaining that Trump did NOT overvalue his assets to look financially good and get a better insurance deal??? Thereby ripping them off. Pretty sure the insurance company has to pay taxes on their income so you have now ripped off the tax collector too.

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The fact that there are some of you who are applauding all of this blatant extra-legality to go after someone that you personally don't like scares the hell out of me.

The pendulum has reached the end of its arc and is about to start the swing the other way, as it always does.  How are you going to feel when you or someone you actually care about is in its path?

Chances are you won't have to worry about it; if republicans remain true to form they won't do anything, that is why we need a new party to replace them that will play on the same field as the democrats, who are absolutely ruthless, as well as soulless.

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2 hours ago, datzenmike said:



You guys are still going on about something else. Now if this was you or me I might care. Fuck these guys, being on the end of a good butt fucking is fine with me. I asked...



Turns out it's delayed till the middle of Feb, but thanks.


Are you maintaining that Trump did NOT overvalue his assets to look financially good and get a better insurance deal??? Thereby ripping them off. Pretty sure the insurance company has to pay taxes on their income so you have now ripped off the tax collector too.


OK, WHO actually got ripped off?  Who gives a rats ass, if Trump over valuated his properties.  It has already been explained & proven, that the banks did their own homework, accepted Trumps numbers/terms, gave the loans & Trump paid them off, fair & square.  I'm sure the insurance companies also did their due diligence.........but I have not heard or read anything about that.


Where are you getting "I hear he posted his $5. something million in cash because no one would post his bond. They are almost certain to get stiffed for it when the appeal fails. Same with the $80 million just more so. He would have to put up something worth that amount. If he even has it. I also hear hes soliciting money at his rallies? or using campaign donations to pay his legal fees? something. Can you imagine MAGA idiots bailing him out and then in the end he's barred from running? or in jail?"  Sounds like left propaganda to me, as I have not heard ANY of this.  It surprises me that you eat it up like candy.  Who the hell cares if Trump put up his own bond...................maybe he MADE some money somehow doing that..........he certainly SAVED some money!  Maybe he didn't want to pay the bonding fees, cuz he HAD the cash!  Even if I had heard this, I do NOT have TDS, so I don't jump to conclusions like this.  Can't we all just LOVE everybody else?? (that's what my liberal brother always says 🤣)  Geez o' flip!! 🙄

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3 hours ago, datzenmike said:



You guys are still going on about something else. Now if this was you or me I might care. Fuck these guys, being on the end of a good butt fucking is fine with me. I asked...



Turns out it's delayed till the middle of Feb, but thanks.


Are you maintaining that Trump did NOT overvalue his assets to look financially good and get a better insurance deal??? Thereby ripping them off. Pretty sure the insurance company has to pay taxes on their income so you have now ripped off the tax collector too.

What ? Insurance companies pay taxes on their income so the tax man got ripped off somehow ?????   Have you reported this to the IRS ?  

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2 hours ago, flyerdan said:

The fact that there are some of you who are applauding all of this blatant extra-legality to go after someone that you personally don't like scares the hell out of me.

The pendulum has reached the end of its arc and is about to start the swing the other way, as it always does.  How are you going to feel when you or someone you actually care about is in its path?

Chances are you won't have to worry about it; if republicans remain true to form they won't do anything, that is why we need a new party to replace them that will play on the same field as the democrats, who are absolutely ruthless, as well as soulless.


 I said:


3 hours ago, datzenmike said:



You guys are still going on about something else. Now if this was you or me I might care. Fuck these guys, being on the end of a good butt fucking is fine with me. I asked...











56 minutes ago, yenpit said:


OK, WHO actually got ripped off?  Who gives a rats ass, if Trump over valuated his properties.  It has already been explained & proven, that the banks did their own homework, accepted Trumps numbers/terms, gave the loans & Trump paid them off, fair & square.  I'm sure the insurance companies also did their due diligence.........but I have not heard or read anything about that.




Wasn't proven to me! So how do you get found guilty of fraud if you didn't do anything wrong then??? 


 If you had money to loan and trump came up and said I'm worth 1 million, I want a 5% instead of 10% lending rate because there is little to no risk to you, so you take the chance and lend him $100. It turns out that he only has $10 so your risk was 10,000 times what he represented to you. You got ripped off by 5% and risked 100% of your loan. Not that I care, add banks to lawyers and politicians under douchebags.




10 minutes ago, john510 said:

What ? Insurance companies pay taxes on their income so the tax man got ripped off somehow ?????   Have you reported this to the IRS ?  


If they are so corrupt than they are already looking into tax evasion and fraud. Are you guys wearing red hats??? 'cause defending Trump is kind of weird.


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18 minutes ago, datzenmike said:


 I said:









Wasn't proven to me! So how do you get found guilty of fraud if you didn't do anything wrong then??? 


 If you had money to loan and trump came up and said I'm worth 1 million, I want a 5% instead of 10% lending rate because there is little to no risk to you, so you take the chance and lend him $100. It turns out that he only has $10 so your risk was 10,000 times what he represented to you. You got ripped off by 5% and risked 100% of your loan. Not that I care, add banks to lawyers and politicians under douchebags.





If they are so corrupt than they are already looking into tax evasion and fraud. Are you guys wearing red hats??? 'cause defending Trump is kind of weird.


That wasn't defending Trump. That was wondering how you came up with tax evasion over an insurance policy that was paid for. 

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If you paid a lesser rate the insurance company earned less than it should have. Possibly tens of thousands of dollars lost as income. I assume that all income is taxed so the government didn't get their share of the lost taxable income. What if all big companies did this ripping off the banks and the tax man??? Maybe they are?


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 It's just a guess. Maybe lending institutions don't pay taxes on revenue? Either way I phoned Smith last night and after listening to me he asked a couple of questions and hurriedly hung up after saying he had something important to do. Oh wait, maybe that was just the cause of a wet dream I had. 


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On 2/1/2024 at 8:22 PM, datzenmike said:

I think that's just the last 4 years. Before that he was only detestable and before '16 I hated Hillary. History repeats itself. I hate the one most popular.


Ur a lucky man, Mike, U'll be thrilled shitless for the rest of your life !!

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Keep in mind that there is someone even worse than Biden.... obviously it's that laughing hyena, Harris. That twat.  They better get at it soon and get someone groomed that is better than Jesus.  Hard act to follow.



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What is the point of these hearings? I have yet to see anyone be held accountable for their actions. The fauci hearings, the facebook hearings, the FBI hearings. Nothing! I think these hearings are just a way for the Gov. to keep the general public at ease. Just a way to shut us up. They sit up there wagging their fingers, putting on a show for us. I call B.S., these hearings are just meant for the Gov. to keep doing what they're doing while giving us a false sense of security. The US Gov was the one that was behind covid, and then they put on a show wagging their fingers at Fauci. The US Gov is using the FBI to do their dirty political shenanigans, and now they're wagging their fingers at the Director of the FBI Chris Wray. The US Gov. infiltrated facebook to sway people's votes in the last elections. The US Gov is also pushing porn and allowing the Alphabet's grooming of children in schools. and they are pushing children to mutilate their own bodies and take life altering pills to keep their agenda in motion. And then they sit up there wagging their fingers at Zuckerberg. As if they weren't equally or more guilty than he is on the constant push to destroy the minds and bodies of our next generation. Wake up people This is just a show to keep us content and out of the way. And for those of you pointing your fingers at the left. It doesn't matter who is in office, IMO. There is an agenda that has been in motion for many many years and it's always in motion no matter the party who's in office. I watched a short clip of an interview Trump had a while back. I have never seen Trump dodge a question like the one he dodged in this interview. There was a pause placed on funding for gain of function research placed back in 2014 during Obama's presidency. The pause was then lifted in 2017 under president Trump. The interviewer questioned Trump about it and he dodged the question. This is just another confirmation to me that the wheels are always in motion in the background no matter what. If you still think the most important battle is Red vs Blue, you're right where they want you to be friends. Distracted and out of the way.




Edited by IZRL
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