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1 minute ago, datzenmike said:

Lol. wayno's idea...






Ford Tore-ass not to be confused with the Ford Fuk-ass.






Lol, nice. Using the U as an N. 

Edited by Dguy210
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On 12/9/2023 at 10:40 PM, datzenmike said:

Uh... no just the ones that go to his rallies.


Trump's rallies have been peaceful............GIGANTIC crowds of supporters (cuz true Americans like him), but peaceful.  Stop watching/listening to main stream media.  Now, you want to see violence?  Let's look at the left Antifa, the left LGBT, the left trans, the left pro-Palestine, the left politicians with TDS.  Now THAT is violence at it's best!!!  I bet you still believe that a cop was killed at J6, by a beating with a fire extinguisher?  Nope, didn't happen.  He died of a heart attack 3 days later.  Have you seen the video clip of that cop (Sitnick??), inside the Capitol, walking around, WITH A TIME DATE on the video?  It was WELL AFTER the LIE that he was killed.  How about the J6 cop that MURDERED Ashley Babbit??  He got away CLEAN with that!  There was NO REASON to shoot her..................it's all on multiple Capitol video & private cell phone video.  Did you see that another black J6 cop, that CLAIMED that he was heavily verbally abused during the J6 mess?  He told the story UNDER OATH, to Congress.  The video that was found, showed no evidence of any violence or verbal abuse like that towards him.  Remember, my friend, with the release of the remaining 80% of the J6 video's, by Mike Johnson, MUCH has now been proven to have been fabricated LIES, for the effect of the left!!  You MUST pay attention to conservative news to see any of it, cuz main stream media will NOT cover it, cuz it goes against their agenda & PROVES that they have been lying all this time.  NOW do you understand why Pelosi & the J6 Kangaroo Kommittee withheld all of the video??  To cover up their LIES!!  Poop, fan, splatter!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😝

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Way too much inconvenient truth right there. Disclaimer, that protest/riot was a bad idea. I don't know who to blame for starting the violence but after seeing a lot of the video hidden from us for so long I can't place all the blame on the Trump people. I saw some pretty disturbing behavior from the Capitol Police almost like they were trying to provoke something. Imagine our law enforcement acting like that at one of those Palestinian protests ? 

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5 minutes ago, yenpit said:

So what the heck got you guys talking about WOOD?  Maybe the comment about Trump having Putin's dick (get it...........wood) in his hand (or was it vice versa................?? 🤣

Probably me just using wood prices as an example of ridiculous inflation. I should have referenced milk, eggs, meat, or every other thing we buy that isn't 3.41% more expensive than it was.

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On 12/12/2023 at 3:52 PM, datzenmike said:

Same here in BC where wood grows on trees. A utility grade 2x4 was a couple of bucks. I bought three and checked the receipt when I got home... basically $9. EACH!!!!!!!!!


It dawned on me that this...


On 12/13/2023 at 1:19 PM, datzenmike said:

Looks like the light yellowish in the background. Grain looks the same.



... was what I bought those 2x4s for to build with.

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7 hours ago, bottomwatcher said:

He might be our next president if Trump wins the nomination.

Someone mentioned slick hair so it must be Newsom ? Here in California most people hate the guy, I have no idea how he got elected twice and survived a recall. Oh I remember now, Democrats claimed there was voter fraud and threw out many of the votes against Newsom. I would hope most of this country sees what a con man he is. I doubt he has any chance of beating Trump if he's the nominee. We all talk about Biden and Trump exaggerating, lying and filling us full of shit. Newsom is so much better at it that than either of those two.

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... and your disillusioned proletariat that move into another state to get away from it all, vote in the same minded shitty politicians that shit the bed, fuck that state up, and then move farther north and try to do the same again like in Washington and Idaho. It's like an exported cancer.

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2 hours ago, john510 said:

Someone mentioned slick hair so it must be Newsom ? Here in California most people hate the guy, I have no idea how he got elected twice and survived a recall. Oh I remember now, Democrats claimed there was voter fraud and threw out many of the votes against Newsom. I would hope most of this country sees what a con man he is. I doubt he has any chance of beating Trump if he's the nominee. We all talk about Biden and Trump exaggerating, lying and filling us full of shit. Newsom is so much better at it that than either of those two.

Most of the rest of the country doesn't know of what a failed administration his has been but they know Trump. These are the Folks that picked a cadaver over Trump. If Trump actually ends up winning the nomination all the Dems need is a candidate with a pulse and we get a Dem pres for the next 4 years.

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On 12/14/2023 at 3:14 PM, yenpit said:


Trump's rallies have been peaceful............GIGANTIC crowds of supporters (cuz true Americans like him), but peaceful.  Stop watching/listening to main stream media.  Now, you want to see violence?  Let's look at the left Antifa, the left LGBT, the left trans, the left pro-Palestine, the left politicians with TDS.  Now THAT is violence at it's best!!!  I bet you still believe that a cop was killed at J6, by a beating with a fire extinguisher?  Nope, didn't happen.  He died of a heart attack 3 days later.  Have you seen the video clip of that cop (Sitnick??), inside the Capitol, walking around, WITH A TIME DATE on the video?  It was WELL AFTER the LIE that he was killed.  How about the J6 cop that MURDERED Ashley Babbit??  He got away CLEAN with that!  There was NO REASON to shoot her..................it's all on multiple Capitol video & private cell phone video.  Did you see that another black J6 cop, that CLAIMED that he was heavily verbally abused during the J6 mess?  He told the story UNDER OATH, to Congress.  The video that was found, showed no evidence of any violence or verbal abuse like that towards him.  Remember, my friend, with the release of the remaining 80% of the J6 video's, by Mike Johnson, MUCH has now been proven to have been fabricated LIES, for the effect of the left!!  You MUST pay attention to conservative news to see any of it, cuz main stream media will NOT cover it, cuz it goes against their agenda & PROVES that they have been lying all this time.  NOW do you understand why Pelosi & the J6 Kangaroo Kommittee withheld all of the video??  To cover up their LIES!!  Poop, fan, splatter!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😝

Stop watching/listening to main stream media? Pan meet kettle. 


I remember when hours of raw video was splashed all over YT in the days following Jan 6 and I watched a shit ton of it. Indeed there were peaceful protests that day, and extremely violent rioters as well. Suggesting the 2,000 people who broke into the capital building, and F'n trashed the place was a peaceful protest, we both know THAT is MSN denial at it's best!!!


After a bill to form a bicameral committee to investigate the attack passed the House by 252–175, McCarthy block the vote in the Senate to cover up their election LIES!!! In the bipartisan investigation you call a "J6 Kangaroo Kommittee", Pelosi appointed eight members, seven Democrats and one Republican, yes it was Joe McCarthy she appointed, and he announced five more Republicans. When their investigation was completed in 2022, this bipartisan committee voted unanimously to refer Trump to the U.S. DOJ for prosecution. Yes, it was this committee, and not Biden who recommended charges; including obstruction of an official proceeding; conspiracy to defraud the United States; conspiracy to make a false statement; and attempts to "incite", "assist", "aid or comfort" an insurrection. Obstruction and conspiracy to defraud were also the recommended charges for Eastman who was Trump's legal counsel. Yes, the same guy who was disbarred for advising the POTUS on a non-peaceful way to stay in power. 

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19 hours ago, paradime said:

Stop watching/listening to main stream media? Pan meet kettle. 


I remember when hours of raw video was splashed all over YT in the days following Jan 6 and I watched a shit ton of it. Indeed there were peaceful protests that day, and extremely violent rioters as well. Suggesting the 2,000 people who broke into the capital building, and F'n trashed the place was a peaceful protest, we both know THAT is MSN denial at it's best!!!


After a bill to form a bicameral committee to investigate the attack passed the House by 252–175, McCarthy block the vote in the Senate to cover up their election LIES!!! In the bipartisan investigation you call a "J6 Kangaroo Kommittee", Pelosi appointed eight members, seven Democrats and one Republican, yes it was Joe McCarthy she appointed, and he announced five more Republicans. When their investigation was completed in 2022, this bipartisan committee voted unanimously to refer Trump to the U.S. DOJ for prosecution. Yes, it was this committee, and not Biden who recommended charges; including obstruction of an official proceeding; conspiracy to defraud the United States; conspiracy to make a false statement; and attempts to "incite", "assist", "aid or comfort" an insurrection. Obstruction and conspiracy to defraud were also the recommended charges for Eastman who was Trump's legal counsel. Yes, the same guy who was disbarred for advising the POTUS on a non-peaceful way to stay in power. 

Seven Democrats and two Republicans (Trump haters Cheney and Kinzinger) appointed by a Democrat (Pelosi a Trump hater) is NOT a bipartisan committee. If memory serves me correctly Pelosi wouldn't have any part of a Republican that supported Trump on the committee so there goes the bipartisan thing. McCarthy's picks were rejected. And Joe McCarthy has been dead for a long time. Look at the Democrats on the committee. One stands out, Adam Schiff the well known liar. With the crap he pulled about the Russians electing Trump he had no business being there. So yes "Kangaroo court" seems very fitting. I'm guessing further down the road this situation will fizzle out as more facts are presented that don't help the Democrats. We know they mislead with editing and hiding video footage which doesn't look good if we're looking for honesty here. They even had the guts to edit what Trump said in the hearings. 

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