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3 minutes ago, Mattndew76 said:

Do you know the difference of office between Trump and Hildabeast? 


Do you know the power difference and constitutional role of those positions?



Thanks for making my point about the differences here.

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20 hours ago, datzenmike said:

That's kind of out there wayno. This would require that your individual shot be identified as being given to you and they were not. They just came out of a refrigerator. No way to know mine from the next in line. Like a lot of finger prints but no name to go with it. A foil hat would stop any ID from space I think.



At my age not much surprises me but I also saw this parade of lights a month ago and was awe struck, for a moment. Pretty cool though.


You would not need a special shot, all the powers need is to know where you are one time, getting your drivers license renewed, anyplace you would need to show your ID, something like taking a photo of your body energy(fingerprint), and labeling you in the system, from then on for the rest of your life the powers that be would know your exact location on this planet using satellites.


Something like this could be used in court, you were demonstrating at this location on this day at this hour/minute, some corrupt politician was afraid for their life, you are a terrorist/guilty.


7 hours ago, yenpit said:


Please no offense, but these are the kinds of "conspiracy theories" that even I sometimes think about!  I run them thru my brain, consider the possibilities, discuss some with my girlfriend (she  too), but I can't discuss with most of my closer friends!  My brother is OFF LIMITS to off the wall discussions like this, which is sad.  I like to keep an open mind, in case something like this DOES come to the surface.  And yes, I FIRMLY believe that the left has/had some massive agenda & Trump rocked the living crap out of that agenda, by getting voted in.  And here we are today, with continuing election fraud, hoaxes, indictments, witch hunting etc...................ANYTHING to stop Trump, or anybody else that would continue to rock their boat, continue to throw a wrench in their f**ked up agenda!!  Do I think there are GOP conservatives involved in this or similar crap........yup.  I do NOT trust any of these people, but I SURELY don't trust the left or this current disaster of an "administration"!!


Most the time I think about something long enough for it to make sense to me, work out everything and see if this or that could be used against the population, the(in my opinion) fake Covid19 vaccine is one of them, I read or heard somewhere that this fake vaccine had actual influenza in it, it would not surprise me if the more contangoes flu they were working on in the lab in China was in it, give everyone vaccinated the flu and send them home to infect their family and friends, what better way to start an epidemic, one could certainly raise the infection numbers that way even if the person vaccinated did not get sick, but you could actually kill your grand parents that way, I got it from someone that was vaccinated 4 days before I visited them, they(people giving the shots) did not tell people to isolate themselves after vaccinated.


Trump really screwed up their plans, and we have seen nothing but hate for him from them since.

Edited by wayno
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21 minutes ago, paradime said:

Thanks for making my point about the differences here.


It is very important to understand the differences and power held of each of these people.


Of 3 people who in recent days have been talked about having taken classified information or stored information only one had the power to do so, and that person is being politically prosecuted. 


Hillary Clinton ( SoS ) Stored classified information on a private unsecured server within her residence and another in a restaurant supply closet. She also had a network of BlackBerry devices shared among WH staff that were unsecured to later be destroyed when subpoenaed for investigation.. Destruction of Classified property. 


Joe Biden ( VP ) : Took and Stored large amounts of strategic military information while as VP. Then recently has been discovered to have shared document among highest bidding foreign powers through his son or shell companies. 


Trump (PoTUS) : Took documents containing information about Biden/Obama involvement in a Ukrainian weapons bribery scheme. Along with information about Joe Biden's son Hunter illegitimate position at a gas prom company. 


It is not coincident that once the former FBI asset came forward with information about Biden/Obama that this political move was made to indict Trump. 

Edited by Mattndew76
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Dong Jingwei was a former Chinese official that came to the DOD with huge troves of information implicating US officials selling top secret information to China. 


Any guesses who's the names of those officials were?


This shit going on is so much deeper than the superficial garbage being argued about among all you TDS folks. The media went silent about Dong Jingwei in 2021..... 



Edited by Mattndew76
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16 minutes ago, Mattndew76 said:

Dong Jingwei was a former Chinese official that came to the DOD with huge troves of information implicating US officials selling top secret information to China. 


Any guesses who's the names of those officials were?


This shit going on is so much deeper than the superficial garbage being argued about among all you TDS folks. The media went silent about Dong Jingwei in 2021..... 




              How could any true American sell out their country like that,

especially someone in the military?If found guilty,they should face a

firing squad.I'll guaranty they'll never do that again.


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I think it is fun when things get salty in here.


Keeps the energy going and the creative juices flowing. 


Everybody knows that when we lose our temper we have lost the argument no matter how well it has been articulated.


This is a discussion forum, where we discuss opinions.


Very few posters are citing source material, they just throw their opinions around and when they feel like they are losing something they react. Big deal, this is not a collegiate debate class.


And getting all insulty and throwing invective around is really the laziest form of offense one can implement. There are lots of ways to do things.


But as far as shake hands and play nice, that is hippie nonsense.


When we have one sides leaders and figureheads calling for war ( notably Kari Lake, and Andy Biggs) it is nowhere near Kum Ba Ya time.


The only way Agent Smith and his cohort of clones are going to be stopped is by a crushing public humiliation; a complete annihilation of Tre45ons monstrous id on the public stage.


Until that point is reached ( if and when it is) any talk of reconciliation is a pipe dream.

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7 minutes ago, angliagt said:


              How could any true American sell out their country like that,

especially someone in the military?If found guilty,they should face a

firing squad.I'll guaranty they'll never do that again.



No justice will be met out.



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11 minutes ago, dhp123166 said:

I think it is fun when things get salty in here.


Keeps the energy going and the creative juices flowing. 


Everybody knows that when we lose our temper we have lost the argument no matter how well it has been articulated.


This is a discussion forum, where we discuss opinions.


Very few posters are citing source material, they just throw their opinions around and when they feel like they are losing something they react. Big deal, this is not a collegiate debate class.


And getting all insulty and throwing invective around is really the laziest form of offense one can implement. There are lots of ways to do things.


But as far as shake hands and play nice, that is hippie nonsense.


When we have one sides leaders and figureheads calling for war ( notably Kari Lake, and Andy Biggs) it is nowhere near Kum Ba Ya time.


The only way Agent Smith and his cohort of clones are going to be stopped is by a crushing public humiliation; a complete annihilation of Tre45ons monstrous id on the public stage.


Until that point is reached ( if and when it is) any talk of reconciliation is a pipe dream.


The fucken Irony 🤣

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What I gleaned from reading the Tre45on indictment, is that ( referencing " Wolf of Wall Street" starring Leonardo DiCaprio) like the case the FBI had against the character of Jordan Belfort in that movie, the case against Tre45on is also a "Grenada" for the US Government. 

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14 minutes ago, dhp123166 said:

What I gleaned from reading the Tre45on indictment, is that ( referencing " Wolf of Wall Street" starring Leonardo DiCaprio) like the case the FBI had against the character of Jordan Belfort in that movie, the case against Tre45on is also a "Grenada" for the US Government. 


Sorta like your positivity that Russian collusion was real too?  The walls are closing in.... 🤣



Go get us some MSNBC clips for the truth.



Edited by Mattndew76
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I have a hard line Republican friend ex-federal agent, border patrol and postal inspector. He was all in on Trump in 2016 and was done with him two years in because of being an attention whore and general douche bag. Those were Jim's words. He was so done with Trump and said he would vote for Hillary in 2020 if she ran again. I questioned him about that statement and his sanity but he was totally serious?!?! Why am I saying this? Whoever made the comment previously about Trump flipping back to being a Democrat got me thinking. What would happen to all the current hard line Trumps supporters if he did so? I can only imagine lots of heads would explode. On a side note I wonder how HRH is doing?

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Speaking of journalistic truth and integrity, Isn't Tucker the guy who did a 30min expos'e on low testosterone being the end of humanity and was selling his red testicle tanning lasers as the cure? 





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12 hours ago, paradime said:

Surely you're not overlooking the difference and parroting Trump conflating this with the Hildabeast's email server. He's the one who signed the laws that made it a felony to mishandle classified documents. Do you really want to get into this?

I didn't mention Hillary but since you did what happened there ? I'm referring to the others that took home records.Biden and Pence and I would imagine even Obama.Trump gets raided by the FBI and then the others decided they better give up the goods after the fact.I'll say it again,my problem is the focus on one guy that scares the hell out of the establishment while the others (career establishment people) get overlooked.There are also some serious concerns about Biden's dealings in the past.Is the DOJ or FBI looking into that ? No,they're actually stonewalling those that want answers.If there's nothing to hide why not just cooperate ? They've been out to get Trump for over six years and continually fail so they just keep digging for anything that might stick.Imagine if they did that to more of these politicians.

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Just who hasn't had enuf of the 'Russia, Russia, Russia' crap yet ?? 

Seven - eight years of this sh1t; to date already yet !!

Basically a given that SC Smitty/Lawfare will get it worked into the indictments.

The 'useful idiots' of the globalists cannot form a thought, sentence, or statement regarding their mortal enemy without invoking the term.


 Oh, an ironic BTW/PostScript: A present day variation of the aphorism immortalized by Stalin’s security chief, Levrenti Beria: “Show me Donald Trump and I’ll show you the crime”.

Hallway Sh1t.jpg

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8 hours ago, ratpatrol66 said:

I have a hard line Republican friend ex-federal agent, border patrol and postal inspector. He was all in on Trump in 2016 and was done with him two years in because of being an attention whore and general douche bag. Those were Jim's words. He was so done with Trump and said he would vote for Hillary in 2020 if she ran again. I questioned him about that statement and his sanity but he was totally serious?!?! Why am I saying this? Whoever made the comment previously about Trump flipping back to being a Democrat got me thinking. What would happen to all the current hard line Trumps supporters if he did so? I can only imagine lots of heads would explode. On a side note I wonder how HRH is doing?

I would imagine the hard line Trump supporters would still support him as long as he kept his policy goals the same.

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9 hours ago, paradime said:

Speaking of journalistic truth and integrity, Isn't Tucker the guy who did a 30min expos'e on low testosterone being the end of humanity and was selling his red testicle tanning lasers as the cure? 






Have you listened to Tucker, Marjorie or anyone you take a dislike to without someone else's filter presenting them to you and telling you what they said by restructuring/editing as those two video's have done?

 The video Mattndew76 posted of Tucker is a really good place to start.

Tucker is popular with the right but to me he's not really right wing, more of a centrist. He and some of his guests like Tulsi Gabbard are vilified in the same way that Trump is because they go against the party line and they have power, power of the mind to get an alternative message out to the masses.  I think he's taken up the role of Andy Rooney or Rush Limbaugh similar to Ernie Pyle or Will Rogers.

 Marjorie is definitely right wing but with a refreshing honesty that she seems to still adhere to. To me she represents what I saw in the Reagan revolution that the middle class, the little guy wanted in a political representative, honesty well as honest as a politician can be by walking the walk she talks which is the same thing that Trump does.

  Stoffegrenmotorsports brought up Mitch McConnell, He represents what I saw as the country club Republicans they are the administration, the people that say one thing and do another as long as it benefits them or their paying sponsors, in other words the uniparty.

 That brings out the larger idea of people that are attempting to better America to a larger extent than trying to benefit themselves. Trump had always been a Democrat and still largely is just like Tulsi, BUT they go against what the bureaucracy wants and therefore must be destroyed, but to me even though he is a Democrat I voted for him and will again because there is a chance that some restructuring of the political world will occur and the bureaucracy will be diminished possibly leading to a new era of prosperity and freedom, freedom of thought and action.

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