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I'm sure that NORAD had that spotted before it left Russian airspace, and the addled old coffin-dodger decided to try and keep it quiet.  Maybe they figured that everyone stared at their phones all the time and wouldn't notice something in the sky that was so fucking huge it could be easily seen with the naked eye.  I can sort of understand why they would be reticent about shooting it down without knowing if it had some kind of bioweapon fail-safe in it so they didn't wind up dumping a big ole bucket of aids over the heartland.

The smart thing to do would be acknowledge it before it got here, outline the possible biohazard to placate the shoot-em-downs, and neutralize it's spyware with directed energy.

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6 minutes ago, Thomas Perkins said:

When land is cleared,they pile up the trees and burn them.We have laws here saying we can use our burn barrels.Who cares what you think.They need to put California in one pile and burn it.Biden follower I see.Ya'll can't even modify your 720's or older vehicles.like living in China...Told what,where and when to do it.The land of the free here...

Not a Biden supporter, not a liberal. There's something to be said for common sense, though. Like idiots rolling coal in their diesels, polluting the air you need to breathe to remain healthy and survive is retarded, plain & simple.

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1 minute ago, thisismatt said:

Not a Biden supporter, not a liberal. There's something to be said for common sense, though. Like idiots rolling coal in their diesels, polluting the air you need to breathe to remain healthy and survive is retarded, plain & simple.Nope,your a cnn watcher.We in Georgia do what we want,not controlled by a sissy governor.



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I am now going to have a convoy of Californian's coming to my house to protest me.But I have all these cool Georgian's to back me up.It's a shame that anyone with a old vehicle can't move to California and drive and enjoy it.Now,they won't be able to use there gas stoves.What's next.No sex.Oh yeah,men can now use any bathroom they want..We are Southern red necks here.We take it like a man...

Edited by Thomas Perkins
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24 minutes ago, Thomas Perkins said:


There's doing something poorly because a practical better alternative hasn't been discovered/invented yet, and then there's willful ignorance/redneckery.  You could dispose of plastic in a manner that doesn't pollute the air, or you can be a dick and burn it. 

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And it's nothing personal, but it's kind of a hill I'll die on. I'm not an environmentalist, but there's no reason to eff up your environment just because you're lazy, ignorant, or just an a-hole. Like people who litter or vandalize on public trails - why do you want to make the world you live in worse for no reason?

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I don't like burning plastic at all. I recycle (only if easy enough to throw in the recycle box otherwise...) or send to the land fill. Supposed to get a burn permit if burning waste but easier to compost it or haul away. Maybe that's the idea?




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8 hours ago, angliagt said:

   I just read in the local paper that the National Debt WAS

$16.4 TRILLION - 10 years ago.Now it's up to $31.5 TRILLION.

       Makes you wonder how we ever got into such a huge mess.


This means every person in this country owes over $90,000 if you calculate there are 350 million people in this country.

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59 minutes ago, Thomas Perkins said:

I am now going to have a convoy of Californian's coming to my house to protest me.But I have all these cool Georgian's to back me up.It's a shame that anyone with a old vehicle can't move to California and drive and enjoy it.Now,they won't be able to use there gas stoves.What's next.No sex.Oh yeah,men can now use any bathroom they want..We are Southern red necks here.We take it like a man...

Well as a Californian I despise what my state has turned into that's for sure.And your comments about old vehicles show you know nothing about what we can do with old vehicles.My 510 hasn't been smog checked in 25 years.I still have a gas stove and always will.I even have a woodstove in the living room to heat the house with.I'm also smart enough to NOT burn plastic in it because I'm too lazy to put it in the trash and have it sent to the landfill where it won't be toxic fumes for my neighbors to breathe.Some people have a respect for the environment and human race.There's no reason to purposely and carelessly pollute the air.If you're going to burn plastic at least do it in the house with the windows closed and harvest some heat from it.

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13 minutes ago, john510 said:

Well as a Californian I despise what my state has turned into that's for sure.And your comments about old vehicles show you know nothing about what we can do with old vehicles.My 510 hasn't been smog checked in 25 years.I still have a gas stove and always will.I even have a woodstove in the living room to heat the house with.I'm also smart enough to NOT burn plastic in it because I'm too lazy to put it in the trash and have it sent to the landfill where it won't be toxic fumes for my neighbors to breathe.Some people have a respect for the environment and human race.There's no reason to purposely and carelessly pollute the air.If you're going to burn plastic at least do it in the house with the windows closed and harvest some heat from it.

You could also put a catalytic converter on if you wanted (but I wouldn't force you to). 


I remember being down in Costa Rica in 2007 and noticing how bad the exhaust stench was without any emissions regulation. Weird how I'm reminded of that when I moved to the Midwest and every other vehicle is either a diesel or some hooptie with the cats sold for scrap.

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Biden will make everyone quit using your fire place too.Is that illegal in California too.What about fire crackers.I never use them.My chose.All the city buses in Columbus,not here use Diesel vehicles.California and New York and other big cities are over populated.Should of thought about that a 100 years ago.Look, Biden is letting everyone cross thru Mexico and make all the west coast states people into Druggies and homelessness.Look at Oregon.Druggie's paradise.And California's rich tried to buy Stacey Abram to be Governor twice.We don't want the Democratic's running Georgia.Out here where I live,we have no apartments,2 acre min. to build a house.No crime.We believe in the Bible,no body sleeping on the streets.No over population here.No Burger Kings,No Walmart,just mom and pop store's.We take care of our own.Best Schools.Males use male bathrooms and girls go into girls bathroom's.Boy's play with boy's in sports.We are by the Bible.There are Mental places to get help if you can't figure out what you are.People out here have gun ranges in there back yards.We take care of our own.Everyone also has a cool burn Barrel..Our Fire Department is run by Volunteer's.We are self contained.We use Gas ovens too,Screw electric vehicles.



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Edited by Thomas Perkins
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                Not to add fuel to the fire,but you posted that (about your burn barrel).

In California,& here in Virginia,I've just taken my plastic bags to the grocery store,

(Safeway,Kroger) & put them in the bin that's designated for that.

          What drives me crazy here is when I see people put cardboard & paper bags

in the trash,which you see a lot of completely full.I'm not perfect by any means,but I

recycle as much as I can,& will reuse paper bags,rather than getting a new one each

time.It's just the "Right Thing" to do,& not hard to do,once you get in the habit. 

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12 hours ago, Thomas Perkins said:

We take care of our own.

I fail to see how dumping burnt plastic slag into the ground is taking care of your own, I can just imagine what wonderful slurry of crap that is leaching into the ground when it rains. Maybe you mean take care of your own like mobsters do...



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Plastic doesn't dissolve in water. It's the least harmful way to 'take care of it' if not recycled. At least it's in one spot and can be recovered at a later date, effectively it's sequestered from the environment. Burning sure isn't the answer.


Most plastic is never recycled though it's collected. They don't say so but around here it's about 9%. 9%!!!!!!!  It can only be used once for food packaging, it's not easy to recover and if it is, it's made into even less recoverable things working it's way down to being being disposed off in the land fill. No one wants recovered plastic, they would rather make plastic things out of virgin plastic from the manufacturer.

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14 hours ago, thisismatt said:

You could also put a catalytic converter on if you wanted (but I wouldn't force you to). 


I remember being down in Costa Rica in 2007 and noticing how bad the exhaust stench was without any emissions regulation. Weird how I'm reminded of that when I moved to the Midwest and every other vehicle is either a diesel or some hooptie with the cats sold for scrap.

I did consider a cat but that car might get driven 500 miles a year.Just not worth it.I remember as a kid driving through Los Angeles in the 70's and getting nauseated with a headache from the smog.Great strides have been made when it comes to cleaning up the air.

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I like to keep my place as clean as I can but since we deal with used oil I have a used oil heater for the shop and use it to heat the place in the winter months. We also take our scrap metals to the recycling yard. The plastics unfortunately have to be taken to the county refuse site.  All the packaging materials we receive are recycled by an Ebay shipper here. Kitchen waste and glass are just county trash.  And yes,  I have a gun range in one of the valleys on my place since we are surrounded by a few deranged by politics.

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