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50 minutes ago, Cardinal Grammeter said:



Imagine the temptation to do this if possible?  It would be impossible for politicians to not do this.  With modern tech and everything in digital accounts, this should be quite doable.  Who knows, maybe the G8 colluded and agreed to do this - better to live nicely in a fake world than suffer in a real one.


When you think of how spending exploded recently, it's like something happened.  Maybe something did happen.

there's coyotes in the hen house. 

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Should be almost free. Say you want to be an architect. All architects belong to a guild who maintain an order that teaches and trains new architects. Something like an apprenticeship that pays it back through being indentured. Fuck those corrupt universities. Architects would control admissions and how many new architects are produced so there are not as many unemployed ones in the future because there were too many. Universal standards. Job placement at the end. Probably would work for any 'real' profession but not for mixologists, cosmetologists, aroma therapists and associate store managers at wallmart. 

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14 hours ago, bottomwatcher said:

Borrow money to get a degree and then don't want to pay it back? Sure I will forgive your college debt as long as you give back your degree too. Sounds fair. Keep the degree pay your bill. 

This, absolutely.


I did not pay for my degree, in the traditional sense.


I've got an MB from The School of Hard Knocks.

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My oldest son was in college in 2016 when Berniebros were convinced the old fraudster had the dem nomination sewed up. Lots of his classmates maxed out their student loans on purpose because they fully expected Bernie to win and thus render all their student debt irrelevant. I got sympathy for them.

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1 hour ago, KELMO said:



I did not pay for my degree, in the traditional sense.


I've got an MB from The School of Hard Knocks.


Far and away, I learned most, also at The school Of Hard Knocks. Looking back I see that even in school on some level I was aware I was destined to not learn much that was taught and so thought school was pretty much a waste of time and higher education worse. Knew I was never going to be a scientist or doctor or anything of a 'professional' nature. Tomorrow was about as far ahead as I could see into the future, next week? wtf was next week? Knowledge of math was +- multiply and divide, I liked reading so I could write well but ask me what a preposition was.. not a clue, and all other classes are a foggy memory but armed with this I wandered off into the world. Every job (and I had a LOT) taught me something I added to my resume . A 'good' job was one that was interesting. I've been the plant manager of a 30,000 sq ft factory that manufactured insecticide products and briefly I've raised circus tents. Both with the same enthusiasm. Worked at GM for just over two years but quit because I didn't want to become like my older workmates. ( pre or post alcoholic, divorced, in dept, dreading the next lay off or strike)  By 38 I had learned enough to appreciate and hold  job outside that I liked and continued on for the next 27 years. Who would have guessed that I was an outside dog??? Would a university degree have helped?? (even if I was handed one free?) Don't know or care. Everything is relative including success and specially happiness. Looking back I wouldn't change anything. Gawd, to look back and wish that you had gone a different way is the ultimate unhappiness and failure.

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I actually wanted to go to college, but I knew that borrowing money against future earnings was a really bad idea.  I feel that if these turds get a $10k bailout, I should get an equivalent check because I was smart enough NOT to become a drag on the system. 


I went to college on nights and weekends for quite a few years.  No degree here, but I learned a lot of stuff that helped me at work AND stuff I enjoy like Autobody and paint, welding, etc, etc.  I also picked up a few State licenses as well which really helped me land a few jobs with the cities I worked at..










Edited by Duncan
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School never should have been something that had to be paid for by the kids to begin with.

Teaching our future generations is an obligation that we all should be willingly paying for to keep America and its citizens in the best possible position for life and liberty and staying first world. Where my issues begin is why we are occupying dozens of nations at the very high expense to tax payers to do what? The same job as we pay the UN 2% of our GDP to do? Also national defense..If our government wasn't giving nations reasons to attack us why would we need excessive national defense? That money would be better spent on our youth..IMHO. 

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Money.... rather trade money from protecting trade routes, raw materials, national interests and it's citizens abroad. You want to stay on top? be first? you have to work hard at it. Second prize is a set of steak knives. To protect his Silk Road, Genghis Khan had a vast network of military forts, intelligence gatherers, roads and infrastructure in foreign lands to defend it. To keep your military sharp it has to be honed regularly with war. You are reaping the rewards of this centuries long battle. 





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2 hours ago, Duncan said:

I actually wanted to go to college, but I knew that borrowing money against future earnings was a really bad idea.  I feel that if these turds get a $10k bailout, I should get an equivalent check because I was smart enough NOT to become a drag on the system. 


I went to college on nights and weekends for quite a few years.  No degree here, but I learned a lot of stuff that helped me at work AND stuff I enjoy like Autobody and paint, welding, etc, etc.  I also picked up a few State licenses as well which really helped me land a few jobs with the cities I worked at..




Absolutely, if you are capable of learning and can afford it, learn all you can.

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53 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

Money.... rather trade money from protecting trade routes, raw materials, national interests and it's citizens abroad. You want to stay on top? be first? you have to work hard at it. Second prize is a set of steak knives. To protect his Silk Road, Genghis Khan had a vast network of military forts, intelligence gatherers, roads and infrastructure in foreign lands to defend it. To keep your military sharp it has to be honed regularly with war. You are reaping the rewards of this centuries long battle. 





WTF are you talking about. First prize second prize knife set jibber jabber. You are comparing a war monger tyrant from 800 years ago to an elected democratic government who by the law of the land is tasked and held to account the best interest of the citizens..Think any of us put forts and spies on our Christmas list do ya? that's absurd. We put our children futures. we put highways and rail and parks and welfare for our struggling sector and health care on our lists. Last I heard 56% of our taxes went to the military industrialized complex..to do what? They aren't paving roads..My best guess is they are making themselves and other multi national corporations richer than imagination funded by the sweat of our brows..Im fuckin sick of it.  

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(sigh) I guess you never saw Glengarry Glen Ross. First prize is a new Cadillac.... second prize is a set of steak knives. The lesson is... there IS no second place.


You brought up the 'why we are occupying dozens of nations at the very high expense to tax payers to do what?' and 'Also national defense..If our government wasn't giving nations reasons to attack us why would we need excessive national defense? That money would be better spent on our youth..IMHO. ' and that's why. To stay on top. Without spending someone would close off your trade routes and access to raw materials. Your overseas investments and interests. Without it hostile countries would close the Panama Canal or access to oil or markets for your products. Easy to bitch about it but someone had/has to do the heavy lifting to provide what you take for granted. Could more be spent on infrastructure, the economy, welfare and education? Absolutely!!! Maybe more efficiently too? Maybe cut away some of the dead weight in government.



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41 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

(sigh) I guess you never saw Glengarry Glen Ross. First prize is a new Cadillac.... second prize is a set of steak knives. The lesson is... there IS no second place.




yeah, nope sorry. The reference was lost on me. 

As far as the bit about me taking the heavy lifting for granted..Not me bro. Im paid in full. I gave years of and off my life in service in a combat environment. Anyway, this content is depressing, think ill get off here and go do something product and fulfilling.



Edited by jbirds510
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        One of the things we need to get away from is thinking that EVERYBODY needs to go to college.

A lot of people there are just wasting time & money because they don't want to go out into the "Real-

World" & work for a living.A lot of those have Mommy & Daddy footing the bills for everything,with no

accounting of where the money's being spent.

            I worked at Safeway for many,many years,& saw these privileged kids waste money like crazy.

Most of them were from Southern California,& some of the rudest people I've ever come across.

             There's the stigma that working with your hands is undignified,& looked down on.Why do thry

think that everyone has to work in the computer field nowadays.You can make a crap load of money 

working as a mechanic,welder,etc.   

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Best days were working out in the woods, quiet, no body to bother you, lots of fresh air and hard work bushwhacking. Hardly see straight pedaling home, you eat like a horse and sleep like a baby. Love working with my hands and probably why most of us have Datsuns. My oldest boy was going to design web pages after school. lol I didn't say anything. He works for BC Hydro and is doing well WORKING. My youngest boy is a factory worker in the auto parts industry and is doing well. My daughter works from home in the boonies west of Edmonton. Doing VERY well.  To each their own according to ability.

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14 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

It's actually a play but made into a movie. If you cross paths with it give it a watch.





Uh, yeah, no.  I have worked for tyrants............and I quit every one of them.  That is NOT how you better yourself............"dealing" with people like that.  At a new job in 1990, I took on a B-C customer list as a new employee.  I worked hard cold calling.  My boss & co-workers laughed when I called a few "known" customers, that were "impossible to deal with".  I worked them, talked to them, did NOT waste their time.  Let's say there were five really bad ones like that...........I turned 3 of them into great customers.  Two of them were complete & utter assholes at the start.  WHEN they yelled at me, I simply pulled the phone away from my ear so I didn't have to listen to them, said "Take a minute (John), take a breath, call me back when you have calmed down." & I would hang up on them.  John would call back immediately, screaming.  I would say the same thing, hang up.  4th or 5th time, he was trying hard to be calm, to be respectful.  I kindly said thank you & helped him with his issue.  He became a great customer.  My boss at that job, is why I eventually quit, cuz he acted out like that.  He later (I continued to BUY from that company for years) apologized & commended me on my sales abilities.  I like to think that I was the better man 😉


That character might "make more money", but never in a million years would I treat others that way (that character's attitude is what got dipshit Baldwin in trouble in real life 😆).  Interesting part is that every one of those actors went on to do great things! 

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1 hour ago, jbirds510 said:

yeah, nope sorry. The reference was lost on me. 

As far as the bit about me taking the heavy lifting for granted..Not me bro. Im paid in full. I gave years of and off my life in service in a combat environment. I won't call it a war. more a bully and theft action against Iraq and its people. They said it was about freedom..it wasn't, it was tax payer funded pillage for the profits of Halliburton oil corp. Anyway, this content is depressing, think ill get off here and go do something product and fulfilling.


Although the propaganda marketing for selling war in Iraq was about fighting terrorism and freeing innocent people from the tyranny of a mad dictator, obviously it was about protecting the oil fields that support our own "world order". Saddam Hussein threatened the supply chain of the most valuable natural resource on the planet and we were there to protect our economic and security interests. After Nixon and Kissinger removing the $ from the Gold Standard, they implemented the petro $ system which tied our nations currency to oil trade. Part of that agreement was a commitment to protect OPEC member countries from invasion. If we walk away from that agreement China would gladly fill the void and the Yen would be the world currency. As corrupt, fucked up over bloated as our military industrial complex is, it would be a nightmare if that power were in the hands of another country. 


That said, if Halliburton were to be eaten alive by rabid IRS agents with bad breath and open toed sandals, I would sleep better at night..

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Having a degree has NOTHING to do with intelligence, it's only as valuable as you make it, and having raw talent is no different. Hard work and self promotion can make an uneducated idiot a millionaire and I figure I have the best shot with the later.  

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12 hours ago, paradime said:

Having a degree has NOTHING to do with intelligence, it's only as valuable as you make it, and having raw talent is no different. Hard work and self promotion can make an uneducated idiot a millionaire and I figure I have the best shot with the later.  

Try to hire a plumber lately? Own a plumbing business= money press. Hard work+fiscal sense and things are ok whatever jackass is in the Whitehouse. If you look at people who are doing poorly you will usually actually be able to point out several factors as to why. I am not making excuses but this is something you can probably explain better. Lack of motivation, substance abuse, PTSD from childhood sexual/emotional abuse, parental separation or abusive relationship,food addiction ect.

To the military end of things the massive amount of government R&D dollars trickles down to the private sector. I did spend some time when I worked on research vessels with Navy personnel on subsea Autonomous Underwater Vehicles, mine sweeping and subsea survey equipment. This same technology bled over to subsea survey work I was doing later in the oilfield.

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