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Covid-19 Prepared?

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I took a statistics class in collage and the first thing the teacher said was that statistics are bull shit. If you know how to manipulate numbers, you can make up any statistic you want. If you want to know if the statistic is real, you have to look at all the data that was collected and where it was collected from. 

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Don't you have a 4:20 Amendment to the Constitution or something down there? You know 'The right of the people, to avail themselves of the freedom and enjoyment of privately growing and consuming their own herbs, shall not be infringed.'  


I always wondered why no one ever talks about it on here. Figured you were all boy scouts or something. Furthermore In conversations I've found that.....







(excuse me I have to visit the fridge. BRB)

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On 12/17/2022 at 12:28 PM, john510 said:

What would even make somebody want to do such a survey anyway ? 


"They" are scraping the bottom of the barrel to continue to try to DIVIDE the vax'd & the UN vax'd.  They are still making up bullsh*t like this, over & over again.  They will not stop their agenda, until they are STOPPED.  For ANYBODY to believe crap like this makes my head spin...............oh crap, I'm NOT vax'd.............maybe THAT's why my head is spinning!!!!!!??????  I better run out & get vax'd!!!!!!!  🤣😡😝  FUCK JOE BIDEN & his piece of SHIT followers!!!!!

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On 12/17/2022 at 4:08 PM, Thomas Perkins said:

Lets all just move to Canada and smoke the good stuff legally.

download (19).jpg


..........or Colorado 😉  I moved here on Nov 8 2012..............the day Amendment 64 passed making weed LEGAL for recreational use.  A high school buddy also lives here, met at storage to help unload.  He pulls up, parks, jumps out of his truck, arms up in the air yelling "Woooohooooo!!"  I yell back "So yer happy to see me??!!".  With his arms still up in the air, he yells back "Well, sure, but Amendment 64 just passed!!"  I felt so small & useless...............😆😂

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Here it's 4 per household. You can't grow someone else's beside your own. It has to be out of sight from the street. BTW I don't smoke it. It's much better to cook with. Used to grow it in the '70s. Never thought it would be a thing 50 years later.

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9 hours ago, KELMO said:

Not sure about CO, but NM allows 12 plants per household. Could be per person in the household but I would have to check to be sure.


I smoke, but I don't grow.  I think CO is something like 12 per household, with some other stipulations, like having 6 seedlings & 6 full grown, but NOT 12 full grown at the same time.......??  A buddy & his gf grow whatever is legal & there are rumors that they grow WAY more, but I don't ask!

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On 12/19/2022 at 5:00 PM, yenpit said:


"They" are scraping the bottom of the barrel to continue to try to DIVIDE the vax'd & the UN vax'd.  They are still making up bullsh*t like this, over & over again.  They will not stop their agenda, until they are STOPPED.  For ANYBODY to believe crap like this makes my head spin...............oh crap, I'm NOT vax'd.............maybe THAT's why my head is spinning!!!!!!??????  I better run out & get vax'd!!!!!!!  🤣😡😝  FUCK JOE BIDEN & his piece of SHIT followers!!!!!

No one is vaccinated. just the compliant Vs. the non compliant. If questions are not allowed then the answer will always be no thanks. 

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47 minutes ago, SWFL said:

How is it a vaccine, if it doesn't inoculate you from catching it?


Correct.............experimental drug concoction, pushed for whatever evil agenda "they" have!  I say "they", cuz we still do not know who began this madness, so many years ago (SARS around 1998??), but I believe 100% that Fauci IS/WAS involved (criminally) from the beginning & that this current joke of an "administration" simply picked up with this agenda (criminally), from wherever the last ones left off.  Trump simply "got in their way" by being elected unexpectedly.  I believe 100% that he acted as he thought fit, thinking it really was a new natural strain that we needed to deal with.............he COUNTED ON Fauci & the other medical people involved.  That was his mistake, but he did what he thought was right.  F**king mess this is & we may never know who what when where, cuz of all the lies & blockades the left has made............☹️😡  People TRUSTED our government..............😑

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I'm going to have to up my game. I can't use 4 plants fast enough. How in TF could you get through 12???


TJ you should try cooking with it. 3/4 fill a crock pot, add a pound of butter and a cup of water and simmer for 6-7 rs. Pour the 'infused' butter into a cupcake tray with paper liners and freeze to harden. Seven 'cupcakes' would be 2 oz each and a couple of oz. unrecoverable. Remove and bag and keep frozen. One 2 oz serving makes a double brownie batch in a 9 x 13 pan sprayed with Pam. When frozen, cut into 35-40 sections with pizza wheel. They don't freeze solid but are fairly gooey/firm. I don't separate, just break apart as needed. Keep in sealed container in freezer. I get the brownie mix with added chocolate chunks. 


If you wanna hang out
You've gotta take her out
Brownie.. Duh duh duh duh.... DUH)
If you wanna get down
Down on the ground
Brownie... Duh duh duh duh.... DUH
She don't lie
She don't lie
She don't liiiiie


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