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Covid-19 Prepared?

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46 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

Well we are all in the same lifeboat so although some passengers don't care about all the other passengers I can't see them doing anything deliberate  that would harm us all, like drilling holes in the bottom. Other passengers would put a stop to that. You want an example of drilling holes in the lifeboat? what the fuck was the virology lab in Wuhan and Fauci doing experimenting with co-vid to make it more lethal in the first place???? This is a crime against humanity. What directly the fuck?????


Yea um, we learned our lesson there alright, now we are paying for research with Anthrax in Ukraine.

Never underestimate the stupidity of the human species.

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   I'm really getting tired of still having to wear a mask,but will abide.

I've been to doctors visits in the hospital numerous times,& have to

mask up each time.I'm sure that the people who work there are tired

of it too.

       The other side of this is that,if a person's sick,I'd prefer that THEY

were one.

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43 minutes ago, angliagt said:

   I'm really getting tired of still having to wear a mask,but will abide.

I've been to doctors visits in the hospital numerous times,& have to

mask up each time.I'm sure that the people who work there are tired

of it too.

       The other side of this is that,if a person's sick,I'd prefer that THEY

were one.

Can't remember the last time I wore a mask and I just spent two days in a hospital and a doctor's office. 

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Before they got rid of the mask mandate I would walk into any store without one and put one on only if asked. Eventually no one asked. It was bullshit. Hospitals I agree on. Lot of sick people there and I wouldn't want to spread even a cold to them. Had the jab and a booster for full coverage. Then the variants started to arise so a third but then I could foresee a never ending 5th 6th 7th......  I've done my part and I done with it all. When I got my quadra valant flu shot I was asked if I wanted my 4th included. Me....


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5 minutes ago, thisismatt said:

Can't remember the last time I wore a mask and I just spent two days in a hospital and a doctor's office. 


Colorado still insists on masking up for doctors offices & hospitals.  I too will abide, but will NOT otherwise.  If that happens & I walk into a restaurant & they require masks, I will simply turn around & walk out.    


I'm gonna go out on a limb here & say that I BELIEVE that the liberal states are the ones still pushing masks etc.  There is a rumor that Colorado (yup, liberal) wants to enforce masks again throughout.  If that happens, I will NOT abide by it, unless forced.  I am not an antagonistic person, but I also belive that this Covid mess could very well have been avoided...............😑   

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I'm not, not wearing a mask because this could all have been avoided.... I don't want to wear one because I have lost all confidence that the information out there about them and vo-vid is truthful. I've simply had it up to here with all the bullshit.


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55 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

I'm not, not wearing a mask because this could all have been avoided.... I don't want to wear one because I have lost all confidence that the information out there about them and vo-vid is truthful. I've simply had it up to here with all the bullshit.



"Covid mess"...........how the various gov't's all handled it.  Covid is real, but I too lost my confidence VERY early on in how it was being handled.  Not sure why, cuz I'm not a doctor, but something in me told me how to proceed 😁

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My latest Dr. tried to guilt me into getting the Coofid shot the last week. 


I told her "No!" and that "signs point to a massive legal action coming because of the cardio vascular issues people are having." 


She then said that "women younger than I are on respirators from not getting enough shots"..... Wait so they had the shots and got deathly ill, and it was because they didn't get enough? 


I dropped her as my primary and I am now looking for a new one. 



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I have claimed this plandemic was bullshit since early 2020 and one can go back to my posts in this thread to confirm this, yes a biological weapon was released from that lab in China, but Trump closed the borders so fast that Bidon called him a zemmiphobe, this is why they hate him so much, they had plans and he screwed them up.


I guess I am special, covid 19 vaccinated people make me sick(literally make me physically sick), it has happened so many times now that I can point to 4 people that made me sick, the first time I thought I got The Flu from the person vaccinated 4 days before I visited them because they waited in line and got it from someone else or the doctor/nurses, since then I have come to realize that I did not get The Flu from her, I have an allergic reaction from being near them, the first time was awful, I was told it was the Flu, but I had no temperature at all, the next 2 times I went to Thanksgiving dinners and breathed in their exhales or spit when they were talking across the table and it made it to me or my food I was eating, I have been to the dentist several times and never caught anything, but they are all masked(and Vaccinated), so their spit does not get on me, the last time was a month ago, a customer was vaccinated a month before and I got too close, it was the second worst allergic reaction I have had, over a month to get over it, I have had no temperature ever, but have been sick at least 8 times, but I can only point to 4 people that made me sick and they were all vaccinated within the last 6 months.


Too me it appears that vaccinated people have been made into biological weapons, I cannot go near anyone anymore, and I got terribly sick after going to Brooks this year(3 weeks??), but I cannot point to who made me sick as I talked to a lot of people there.

Edited by wayno
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Released? escaped maybe by accident. Co-vid isn't bullshit but a lot of the goings on surrounding co-vid is pure bullshit, oh yes. If released it must have been deliberate so? just some whaco nut job in the lab or the CCP????? The nut job just wants to end everything but the CCP?? How does it further their agenda to go to all that trouble just to make some old guy in Portland sick? Is it just a failed attempt to 'cull the human herd'? because for that, 1/4 or more of the wasted skin walking around would need to go. If the CCP released this, wouldn't they previously have had a vaccine to safeguard their own population? Lets move on to accidental release. Co-vid appears to have been designed and enhanced so I would say it's been weaponized but intended as a deterrent like nukes. Have them as insurance but not be used. Possibly to develop counter measures against someone else developing it as a weapon? So in this scenario it would not be released except by accident.


As far as I'm concerned the CCP should be held accountable for fucking around with something they shouldn't have been fucking around with. The rest of the world is just as responsible for standing idly by.... doing fuck all about it. 

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20 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

As far as I'm concerned the CCP should be held accountable for fucking around with something they shouldn't have been fucking around with. The rest of the world is just as responsible for standing idly by.... doing fuck all about it. 


It appears that "we" meaning the USA funded that research in Wuhan just as we were/are funding Anthrax research in Ukraine.

So with that in mind who do you think is going to go after the Chinese for performing that research?

Us? the people that paid for it? hahaha

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14 hours ago, datzenmike said:

If the CCP released this, wouldn't they previously have had a vaccine to safeguard their own population? 


Here's where the argument falls short.  You make a suggestion that the Chinese gov't cares about their general population.  I say recent events (oh, and perhaps the last 73 years) prove that not to be true.  They currently care as much as Mao cared in the 60's.  They care as much as the Khmer cared in Cambodia.

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Yes that's true, they did some well intentioned things like killing birds that ate grain only to find out that they also ate locusts that multiplied unchecked and ate more. One birth policy? only to find female births were discarded and there is a shortage of females a generation later?  They have little care for the population but an uncontrolled release could have disastrous results for them as well as the rest of the world. Just look what's happened/happening there. Does this look like it's planned or under control? And to what end? Population control? Doesn't seem to be making a dent.

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17 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Yes, there is certainly enough shit blame to go around... and the prick Fauci is up to his neck in it. What happens in China stays in China, right?


Nope.  What happens in China was & still is "helped along" by greedy politicians here in the USA on the far left.  The CCP are happy to accomodate, as they have their own agenda of supreme power................this POS "administration" thinks that they can keep the CCP reeled in on a short leash & that will very likely blow up in their faces at this rate!  The dots are slowly being connected with the Covid debacle & if the majority of the GOP are successful in the next 2 years, heads WILL roll of those involved ie Fauci, Soros etc etc.  Problem there is that many of the GOP are also neck deep in crap like this.  Like many here have said, the swamp needs to be drained ON BOTH SIDES & until somebody with morals that SUPPORT what America is all about is elected into office, this crap will continue.

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2 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Yes that's true, they did some well intentioned things like killing birds that ate grain only to find out that they also ate locusts that multiplied unchecked and ate more. One birth policy? only to find female births were discarded and there is a shortage of females a generation later?  They have little care for the population but an uncontrolled release could have disastrous results for them as well as the rest of the world. Just look what's happened/happening there. Does this look like it's planned or under control? And to what end? Population control? Doesn't seem to be making a dent.


            Now,if we could just get the illegals from "down South" to sneak into China,

we could cure two problems at once.They could keep pumping out kids to help

increase the population & I'm sure many of them would be female. 

           I'm sure that China would go f or  that,right? 

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19 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Released? escaped maybe by accident. Co-vid isn't bullshit but a lot of the goings on surrounding co-vid is pure bullshit, oh yes. If released it must have been deliberate so? just some whaco nut job in the lab or the CCP????? The nut job just wants to end everything but the CCP?? How does it further their agenda to go to all that trouble just to make some old guy in Portland sick? Is it just a failed attempt to 'cull the human herd'? because for that, 1/4 or more of the wasted skin walking around would need to go. If the CCP released this, wouldn't they previously have had a vaccine to safeguard their own population? Lets move on to accidental release. Co-vid appears to have been designed and enhanced so I would say it's been weaponized but intended as a deterrent like nukes. Have them as insurance but not be used. Possibly to develop counter measures against someone else developing it as a weapon? So in this scenario it would not be released except by accident.


As far as I'm concerned the CCP should be held accountable for fucking around with something they shouldn't have been fucking around with. The rest of the world is just as responsible for standing idly by.... doing fuck all about it. 

It certainly wouldnt have ANYTHING to do with economics.

This article from the WEF offers a little perspective.



For those select few who wont read it but will without any control at all comment, allow me to summarize so when you do comment you wont look like a total asshole.

It talks about the 1 child rule and how the ratio of elderly to young and how its long term effects will prevent China from achieving global domination.


Couldnt imagine how a designer corona virus that targets the sick and elderly might play into a resolution to that scenario as a potential course correction.. I mean we are just livestock in the eyes of segments of society after all..not souls, not indivuals with emotions and lives that mean everything to us on an individual level. Governments would never put money before that right?....right?


Get vaccinated or dont. Doesnt matter really its really more about divide and conquer and the sauce is just one more tool to keep infighting happening while they figure out your fates.


Its never been the problem that scares me, its how people handle it. weve all shit the bed on this regardless of where you stand on the content of the day because we allowed "authority" figures to steal our power. Until that changes we are lost....

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Why didn't China just " let her rip" and clean out their elderly? They also paid a high price and continue to do so with their shutdowns. The peasants do seem to have gotten a bit  emboldened recently. I do place the blame on China and know nothing will become of it because their leaders are part of the untouchables just like ours. Clinton's, Trumps, Bidens will never see any jail time. Putin will never receive punishment for war crimes although I predict a dictator retirement plan like Sadam of Kadafi in his future. The black plague was the worlds largest wealth redistribution and I can see some wanting a replay so maybe Covid was the plan. It's just the cat got out of the bag a little early.  Regional saying "the cat is out of the wok"? Just guessing. India? Watch a documentary on the Ganges river. Holy shit those people are nasty!

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1 hour ago, angliagt said:


            Now,if we could just get the illegals from "down South" to sneak into China,

we could cure two problems at once.They could keep pumping out kids to help

increase the population & I'm sure many of them would be female. 

           I'm sure that China would go f or  that,right? 


Just bus them there.



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49 minutes ago, jbirds510 said:


.... Couldnt imagine how a designer corona virus that targets the sick and elderly might play into a resolution to that scenario as a potential course correction.. I mean we are just livestock in the eyes of segments of society after all..not souls, not indivuals with emotions and lives that mean everything to us on an individual level. Governments would never put money before that right?....right?....






Except it doesn't do a very good job at killing off the sick and elderly. Pathetic actually. Seems like it kills the young too though maybe less so. Maybe it 'got away' before it could be improved to weapon status. I've tried to look through the veil to try and see the long game here but I can't.  Co-vid or the inevitable Vax in response to it, seem to be basically a failure at doing or causing anything. What it was good at was over extreme paranoia by the public public and the no mind officials, increased stress (this probably accounts for some of the mystery deaths) money making by drug companies, politicians, mask makers, hand sanitizers etc. upset global economies and generally just pissing everyone else off for the inconvenience and high gas prices. Did that bullshit global reset ever come to pass???      

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