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Covid-19 Prepared?

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2 hours ago, jbirds510 said:

Lets summarize..

vaxx, doesnt prevent spread or infection and lets be honest, without a true baseline cant even be touted as easing the illness. In order to make that claim every human would have to be identical. Now we are hearing of adverse reactions from chest pain to death. ZERO LIABILITY!!

Kitchen sink, pretty much EVERYONE who has gone this path feels better in 36 hours or less and 90+% normal again within the week, decades of use with an almost zero harm history, nobel prize, cheap, readily available, the manufacturers arent blackmailing global governments. MANY governments have publicly endorsed this therapy based on what we just covered, readily available and has proven to not care which strain. 

Whats really left to talk about?  

I agree it doesn't seem to have stopped spread or infection but i do think it might ease the symptoms.The guys that got sick at work were fucked up pretty good.i only had a slight headache for a few days.I got vaxxed,they didn't.Maybe i'm lucky or maybe it's just because i'm not really susceptible to the flu like many are.And i did have some weird heartbeat issues shortly after the second shot.That concerns me and will probably stop me from getting the booster.And the zero liability thing ? That's scary,if it's so damn safe why have a zero liability clause with the drug makers ? That alone should make people think a little more before being vaccinated.Allow victims to sue (that have problems) and maybe the numbers go up for vaccinated people ? 

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6 hours ago, yenpit said:


I honestly believe this all revolves around a plan, an agenda (I already stated that a while back).  I think that they have lost some control, thus they are grasping at straws, with random do's & don'ts.............but all to try to keep the agenda "in the lane".  More recently, I have seen odd decisions from the "administration"........ones that don't necessarily follow what I figured would be their plan/agenda.  Hopefully a sign of chaos within.  That is what will crumble their plan/agenda, as things slowly break down AGAINST the plan/agenda.  I think the growing separation of O'Biden & Kamaltoe is a good example...........they do NOT seem to be "getting along", like they were before.  Two (or more) IDIOTS, trying to "make their place in history", often end up at each others throats.  FANFREAKINTASTIC!!!!!  Let them.  Hope & pray that this is the case.  If there is a big break down, will We The People potentially suffer for a period of time, while those that are supposed to keep us united are falling apart?  Yup, perhaps.  I would rather go thru that, than this continued downward spiral towards socialism etc etc, that I feel we are currently in.  If their plan/agenda continues successfully, God help us..............

Well my friend, I think America will fare well no matter what. America still has heart. If we focused on fixing ourselves a little better we really wouldnt have a lot to complain about. Biden makes Trump shine. Everything will shift again in the mids..more taxes spent on more bad headlines. nothing changes but the time it takes to get it done.  

Edited by jbirds510
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8 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

Administration out of control, brakes used up, grind against barriers to try slowing, nothing helps......




Lol maybe we should mandate that our elected have these installed before being sworn in 😂 


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4 minutes ago, john510 said:

I agree it doesn't seem to have stopped spread or infection but i do think it might ease the symptoms.The guys that got sick at work were fucked up pretty good.i only had a slight headache for a few days.I got vaxxed,they didn't.Maybe i'm lucky or maybe it's just because i'm not really susceptible to the flu like many are.And i did have some weird heartbeat issues shortly after the second shot.That concerns me and will probably stop me from getting the booster.And the zero liability thing ? That's scary,if it's so damn safe why have a zero liability clause with the drug makers ? That alone should make people think a little more before being vaccinated.Allow victims to sue (that have problems) and maybe the numbers go up for vaccinated people ? 


It's coming...





By the time you know of it, it's already spread round the world.


Probably helps prevent/lessen thus prevents spread, but how much? Who knows? Thus there is lots to talk about, the unknowns.

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7 hours ago, Mattndew76 said:



This guy doesn't frighten me as much as the official line. I've been conditioned over the last 2 years to live in fear so I don't know how to take this news. It feels very strange to be comforted by news that is relatively 'good' and both sensible and logical that is at odds with my bunker mentality. What should I do? 

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Those Cute Cats Online? They Help Spread Misinformation.


Videos and GIFs of cute animals — usually cats — have gone viral online for almost as long as the internet has been around. Many of the animals became famous: There’s Keyboard Cat, Grumpy Cat, Lil Bub and Nyan Cat.


Now, it is becoming increasingly clear how widely the old-school internet trick is being used by people and organizations peddling false information online, misinformation researchers say.


The posts with the animals do not directly spread false information. But they can draw a huge audience that can be redirected to a publication or site spreading false information about election fraud, unproven coronavirus cures and other baseless conspiracy theories entirely unrelated to the videos. Sometimes, following a feed of cute animals on Facebook unknowingly signs users.......






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59 minutes ago, a.d._510_n_ok said:



Those Cute Cats Online? They Help Spread Misinformation.


Videos and GIFs of cute animals — usually cats — have gone viral online for almost as long as the internet has been around. Many of the animals became famous: There’s Keyboard Cat, Grumpy Cat, Lil Bub and Nyan Cat.


Now, it is becoming increasingly clear how widely the old-school internet trick is being used by people and organizations peddling false information online, misinformation researchers say.


The posts with the animals do not directly spread false information. But they can draw a huge audience that can be redirected to a publication or site spreading false information about election fraud, unproven coronavirus cures and other baseless conspiracy theories entirely unrelated to the videos. Sometimes, following a feed of cute animals on Facebook unknowingly signs users.......






You mean like this?


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About 15 or 20 years ago, I received an official e-mail meant for a research doctor in the CDC. We had the same name, so I got it instead of him.


Attached to the e-mail was a 80-100 page report that described what might happen in the event of a global pandemic from severe flu or other infectious disease.  It described closing borders, food and product shortages, etc. It was detailed - and unbelievable to me - fantastical even. Most of what was in that report has come to pass with COVID.

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Totally believable. All you need do is look up the H1N1 pandemic at the end of WW1. The death toll is conservatively at 30-50 million and could be as high as 100 million because parts of the works were not discovered yet. World population was only 1.5 billion back then. Whole tribes and nomads in the wildernesses could easily been erased and it wouldn't be known about to record. As high as 1/15 of the world's population... gone. There were 4 waves that swept round the world in a time when Planes were only 15 years old and viruses were discovered, though nothing much really known about them, less than 30 years earlier. 


So put yourself in charge with what you know today and what was done back then, right or wrong, and what would you have to do? The time to think about and plan for the next one, is now.


In comparison 5,300,000 deaths world wide and a population of 7.9 billion so 1/1490th



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42 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

How the fuck does more pandemic = less pandemic???


John Malkovich is releasing his first EP and it's pretty Kanye West | Metro  News


Does stepping on the gas slow you down??

Does more Alex Baldwin = less memes????


An easily transmissible, but mild strain that won't kill you and gives you natural immunity? 🤷‍♂️

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