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Covid-19 Prepared?

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Maybe they use a different reporting for death actually caused by co-vid? Not like the US where if you had or have it and died in a car accident or terminal cancer or all other causes you are marked down as having died from co-vid.

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7 hours ago, Mattndew76 said:


Here is an article fact checking the gentleman speaking in front of the city counsel video.




I cannot believe how many times this article sources themselves as the authority for facts in their source data, and sources not of them selves is lowest standard of papered studies just to try and buttress their bull shit OPINION. 


Fact Check .org is a bull-shit outlet and they sell authoritarian bull-shit.


I just watched this today!  And "they" STILL denounce it as lies!!  People are really getting sick & tired of this crap............the poop is gonna splatter everywhere, when it hits the fan!! 😡

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3 hours ago, Str8jacket said:

Covid is so last year..... nobody's scared of that any more. Let me reintroduce you to the next big fear..........




FUCKING PANIC PEOPLE!  The world is going to end and the only way to fix it is give up more freedoms and choices, and hand over all your money, fuck it don't bother handing it over they will just take all the money you have and give it to the elites so they can save you. 


Old cars? no way are you trying to kill us?  Anyway, we are phasing out fossil fuels. 


Red meat? Nope. Have you tried soy? Mr Gates says it's great.


Cheap power? Ha not for you westerners! Coal is for china, so we can sell you renewable dreams for massive profit. (Added bonus points for making you more poor too)


Forget covid people, climate change is where the money is to be made now. 


And remember it's for the good of the planet, not just people. 


What? That was already full go. Covid is just a super mushroom...




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They are not even trying to hide it anymore. 




"So what does work to get more people to take the vaccine?

One answer seems clear in the polling and in the real world: fear. Fear of getting the virus and of losing freedoms looks like it motivates people to get vaccinated."



Fear of missing out on extracurricular activities seemed to work to get some people to take the vaccine in France. A record number of people got vaccinated after the government announced that people would need to produce a negative Covid test or be vaccinated in order to enter bars, restaurants and for travel on trains and planes.
Of course, there will always be people who won't get vaccinated no matter what. About half of America's unvaccinated adult population say they'll never get a vaccine. The key is to convince the other half who aren't vaccinated yet to get it. Fear does seem to be working with them."




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I was concerned but not fearful. I wasn't working so hardly ever in town walking around. Never in bars, outdoor or indoor 'events', keep to myself, never visit anyone... not because of co-vid this is my normal. Wore a mask if in any establishment (had the same hospital approved mask for over a year that's how little I needed to use one) I put on and off at the door, fuck it. Most come from their cars wearing a mask, maybe they put them on with their underwear..... and when my vax was ready I went and got it like a good little Canadian. Only store I go to is for parts for projects I'm messing with. Sign says to social distance masks haven't been mandatory for the last month? I don't wear them any more because you don't have to anymore. Still maybe half the people in the stores do wear masks and if they might seem to be staring I stare right back.





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1 minute ago, datzenmike said:

I was concerned but not fearful. I wasn't working so hardly ever in town walking around. Never in bars, outdoor or indoor 'events', keep to myself, never visit anyone... not because of co-vid this is my normal. Wore a mask if in any establishment (had the same hospital approved mask for over a year that's how little I needed to use one) I put on and off at the door, fuck it. Most come from their cars wearing a mask, maybe they put them on with their underwear..... and when my vax was ready I went and got it like a good little Canadian. Only store I go to is for parts for projects I'm messing with. Sign says to social distance masks haven't been mandatory for the last month? I don't wear them any more because you don't have to anymore. Still maybe half the people in the stores do wear masks and if they might seem to be staring I stare right back.




They reinstated the mask mandates here even if you are vaccinated.... but will only test unvaccinated people even though 1/6 of the people in the hospital with covid are vaccinated.


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No part of America’s Constitution may be abridged, marginalized, suspended or nullified by edict, proclamation, executive order or common law; not even during times of Martial Law or State of Emergency, because our Declaration and Constitution ultimately protect American citizens from actions and edicts by anyone, including elected and appointed officials, who willfully or ignorantly fail to uphold and defend them.



Edited by jbirds510
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Covid-19 vaccines are authorized by the EUA, which subjects recipients to informed consent. Because a companies coercive policies conflict with the letter and spirit of the EUA, it is therefore unconstitutional. 


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1 hour ago, Dguy210 said:

Oh, and even after all that and possible permanent heart damage, she can still get the Covid. 



Whoa! She must have got some serious moral standing points from that level of virtue signalling. Fuck, if she is willing to go get it again for no reason then im convinced! sign me up! I must make sure to make a twitter account first so I can let the world know what a moral and virtous person I am once done.


geez... Hope I get some cool side effects too, that way I may off set my other lack of intersectionalites that bring me down. 


This is going to be awesome 🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑

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44 minutes ago, Str8jacket said:

Whoa! She must have got some serious moral standing points from that level of virtue signalling. Fuck, if she is willing to go get it again for no reason then im convinced! sign me up! I must make sure to make a twitter account first so I can let the world know what a moral and virtous person I am once done.


geez... Hope I get some cool side effects too, that way I may off set my other lack of intersectionalites that bring me down. 


This is going to be awesome 🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑


Just remember radioactive waste doesn't give you superpowers, just cancer.

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I may be wrong here but...Didn't both Biden and Harris, before the election, say they would not trust/take a vaccine that came out of the Trump administration?


Weren't they both part of one of the earliest groups to get the vax?


Isn't Joe now telling states they should pay people to get the Pence prick?


Not saying I am anti or pro vax, just saying.

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So on the one hand all passengers and all the crew were vaccinated but on the other hand 96.5% of the passengers and 99.98% of the crew were vaccinated, so.....


Which is it? everyone or not?????



....and so what if they have co-vid and are either asymptomatic or having mild symptoms. It's not like half are dead on a plague ship and the freezer is full. Isn't that the point of vaccination? so you don't get severe reaction to co-vid? 


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57 minutes ago, Mattndew76 said:






"1441 Crew members are 99.98% vaccinated"


So 1/3 of 1 crew member isnt vaccinated?



It's Carl's fault obviously.

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