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This is comforting for me even though this gentleman doesn't share the same views on everything that I have, but has the ability to discuss issues, and not debate as to win.


This is what reasonable looks like. Being conservative I respectfully appreciate this man's philosophies. 


I saw the protests going on at this little local community college. The write up did not go into the real cause of the event, just the protestors demands. Nice to find out the rest of the story. (the professors who were in the middle of this attempted take over of the school should have been fired and the students expelled for good)

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I saw James Clapper was the subject of the article and stopped reading.


James Clapper says he misspoke, didn't lie about NSA surveillance


Clapper said he misspoke in the Senate hearing last year when he said the U.S. was not collecting Americans' data. But documents leaked by Edward Snowden, a former contractor for the National Security Agency (NSA), later showed that the agency had been gathering and storing phone records for years.


Clapper's explanations for his answer have shifted over time. At first he defended his comments and said he meant the say the NSA was not going through Americans' email. Later, he said that his response was "the least untruthful" he could give Congress. Finally, he wrote a letter to Congress last June saying his answer was "clearly erroneous" and said that he had been thinking about the substance of the phone calls rather than the "to" and "from" information, which is known as metadata.



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Perhaps but it's still too early to compare this to Watergate when all the facts are unknown. Perhaps if Trump were impeached for this like Nixon was run out of office This a comparison could be agreed on. Right now it's speculation at best. (not saying it is or isn't true though, time will tell)

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Watergate did happen and the Russians have been hacking our elections since 1960. Anything less is 2nd semister journalism, right about when the teachers says " nobody wants to read that"

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If the Russians have been hacking our elections, they sure did make some shitty choices! 


As Mike said, they have been trying, just like any other major power has, to influence elections, and not just here, and have had very little to no success, even taking into account how porous our systems are. 


I honestly think there needs to be a nationwide voter I.D. card to weed out some of the hacking from within, like illegals registering to vote or the dead still voting! 

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Watergate did happen and the Russians have been hacking our elections since 1960. Anything less is 2nd semister journalism, right about when the teachers says " nobody wants to read that"


speaking of 2nd semester journalism....

Flashback: Big Three Ignored Ted Kennedy’s Letter to Soviet Union


According to Forbes, “in 1991 Tim Sebastian, a reporter for the London Times, came across an arresting memorandum. Composed in 1983 by Victor Chebrikov, the top man at the KGB, the memorandum was addressed to Yuri Andropov, the top man in the entire USSR. The subject: Sen. Edward Kennedy.”


Following Senator Kennedy’s death in 2009, Forbes decided to revisit the controversial letter and once again the “big three” remained completely silent on the controversial move by Senator Ted Kennedy.


From the Forbes article detailing Kennedy’s letter to Andropov:


Kennedy’s message was simple. He proposed an unabashed quid pro quo. Kennedy would lend Andropov a hand in dealing with President Reagan. In return, the Soviet leader would lend the Democratic Party a hand in challenging Reagan in the 1984 presidential election. “The only real potential threats to Reagan are problems of war and peace and Soviet-American relations,” the memorandum stated. “These issues, according to the senator, will without a doubt become the most important of the election campaign."



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Perhaps but it's still too early to compare this to Watergate when all the facts are unknown. Perhaps if Trump were impeached for this like Nixon was run out of office This a comparison could be agreed on. Right now it's speculation at best. (not saying it is or isn't true though, time will tell)

What facts are unknown? Trump has been under investigation for a year now. By no less then the FBI, NSA. CIA, several congressional committees, NBC, CBS, ABC, NY times, Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, (listing all the "news" companies would fill this page), and half of the democrat blogs


The watergate reference used correctly is the former president wiretapping the current one while he was still running for office.


Russians have been actively TRYING to hack. Maybe successful but shit would have flown if it had. The US has a long history of election tampering in other countries.

Oh how quick we forget the wickileaks info on how the CIA can leave tracks pointing to other countries.


What is a more likely scenario,...the Russians hack into an election there is no way that they can change the results or the CIA attempting to in some way incriminate someone who was critical of them?


The CIA has done little to earn the trust of the people, Clapper is not helping that situation.

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Watergate is over and well covered. Trump is a work in progress so drawing parallels is a waste of time. Being investigated while serious, proves fuck all. Lets revisit this when he's impeached or... whatever.

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If you have not noticed, the main people in the democrat party are working hard to roll that :"impeachment" talk out of the equation. The mad dogs are at the door, the dnc is very soon going to have to put up or have the mad dogs to turn away from them.


The only real problem is the target is the wrong person.

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If you have not noticed, the main people in the democrat party are working hard to roll that :"impeachment" talk out of the equation. The mad dogs are at the door, the dnc is very soon going to have to put up or have the mad dogs to turn away from them.


The only real problem is the target is the wrong person.

Republican establishment puppets are in the mix *coughMcCAINcough*

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Trump is his own worst enemy, as I said before he needs to stop tweeting, i mean who knows can be used as evidence. And of course, dems will try hard to impeach him, the repubs, did their best to impeach Clinton and got him lying about Monica Lewinsky.

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Trump is his own worst enemy, as I said before he needs to stop tweeting, i mean who knows can be used as evidence. And of course, dems will try hard to impeach him, the repubs, did their best to impeach Clinton and got him lying about Monica Lewinsky.

No, he got himself lying...."I did not have sexual relations with that woman"


Big difference, plus Trump is a troll, he owns the media's attention and exploits them for personal benefit.

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So it was the rest of the world that voted for Obama twice? They knew it would weaken us

Soooooo......why did they (apparently) ditch Hillary the groomed puppet who had given them 20% of America's uranium in favor of the unknown entity, Trump?


Obama was elected twice because the press refused to vet him in either election. If the press never investigates you it makes it much easier for voters to like you.

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YEEE HAAA!! Baby just love me some global warming!




"California's endless winter: 8 feet of snow still on the ground in June"


"Snow from the barrage of storms that pounded the western mountains over the winter is still on the ground. Many mountains in the Rockies, Sierra and Cascades are packed with at least 8 feet of snow, the National Weather Service said, creating a dream summer for skiers and snowboarders"



The funny part is I bet at least half of the borders on the snow are firm believers in the Algore message.

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