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Hey mike :poke:

Since your going to ban people for complaining about the new classifieds.... can you ban a few people for complaining about people complaining about the new classifieds?



You mean that guy that's been banned from here repeatedly for being an shit stirrer, that never really contributes positively and that keeps coming back with a different user name after using up all his bans and gets perma banned again? Ya, he wasn't just banned for bitching about the classifieds... :rofl:



Plenty of room for people to bitch in this thread. No need to create a new one. 

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Hey mike :poke:

Since your going to ban people for complaining about the new classifieds.... can you ban a few people for complaining about people complaining about the new classifieds?

I'm not banning anyone. Where did you get that? Complaining isn't enough reason for a ban. It's human nature to complain to better your position. Sometimes it helps....

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As stated earlier......the new classifieds are missing the fundamentals.
The interaction between buyers and sellers.... all the dialogue/info/specs/ramblings/thoughts/ideas/....shit....whatever............and everything in between......=......Ratsun. 
'Questions' are now in a drop down box and most (members) are oblivious to any thread activty and or. PMs no doubt are on the rise
Also....the 2 week time limit on the ads suck.
Is that bitching...whining???
Negative........... just an opinion


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Would it be possible to make the bottom of the main page have: ... "Datsun Vehicles For sale" ... "Datsun Parts for sale" ..."Datsun Miscellaneous" ... "Non-Datsun"


so Ratsun would look like it has for the last 6 years ... .. and maybe no one will notice .. .. :lol:

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Ads are short lived anyway. The old classifieds had ads that were years old, still there long after the item was sold or the seller gone from ratsun. Ads should have an expiry date and then disappear. Two weeks might be negotiable.


Venders with a somewhat more permanent ad should have a longer life, yes.


Breaking the ads down into individual car models? Where does this end? Should we have automatic and standards separate too? Maybe into color? It would become very top heavy and still people will place ads in the wrong place. You have more breakdown choices with the new than the old. Not saying it won't or can't be adjusted. I just don't see the need as the old was the same.


Quitting Ratsun in protest of the new classifieds? A gesture that is unlikely to affect any change if you are absent from the change process, or to entice others to jump too. Maybe on the way down you could start a better forum than Rastun. Stay and affect change from inside and/or adjust to change. Change is inevitable, perhaps in a year or so something even better will come along.

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Wrench more, bitch less, move on


I bitch quite a bit while I wrench though.. (at least in my head...lol)

Others that have met me know I talk out-loud or "think" out-loud to myself ... yes I know I know... lulz.

So when I start cursing the sailor's song of the week (briefly... I try not to) .... some people arn't sure if I'm cursing at them or inanimate objects attached to the car...

I don't curse as near as much as I use to .... like when I was 8 years old and getting sent to see the principal ... YET AGAIN !!  .... lol


Projects are the only thing that makes sense 100% of the time...

Projects are the reason we ALL come to Ratsun... log-in and look around for anticipation for new updates/progress to see new schemes/process/ideas.

It kinda seems like they're less of those... these days on Project-to-Member ratio ... would like to see more !!


Most the people in this community are pretty cool when you meet them though !

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Ads are short lived anyway. The old classifieds had ads that were years old, still there long after the item was sold or the seller gone from ratsun. Ads should have an expiry date and then disappear. Two weeks might be negotiable.


Venders with a somewhat more permanent ad should have a longer life, yes.


Breaking the ads down into individual car models? Where does this end? Should we have automatic and standards separate too? Maybe into color? It would become very top heavy and still people will place ads in the wrong place. You have more breakdown choices with the new than the old. Not saying it won't or can't be adjusted. I just don't see the need as the old was the same.

My old classified Tripple weber40dcoe for sale ad would be the exception to the years thing (for me) :D

That was a rare/weird/cool situation though as I finally found the right buyer(s) (took more than a year apparently lol)

I simply tagged a link into my signature ,,, and along the way either I pointed people towards it or they found it on their own.


The time expiration thing about the new classifieds is kinda weird/funny to see. (still getting use to haha)

I've had a number of people pm about an item ... then when it expires ... about 50% or more drop out of touch (just think they're not interested and that's cool at that point ya know?)

Now after I re-list the item ... maybe 1 person pm's back saying "oh thank goodness I thought you had sold this item !!!!" without them asking me whether it was sold or not :confused: lol.

I've had this happen on a couple items un-fortunately..


Having a 30-day expiration listing option (or more !) or vender option.... or whatever would be pretty cool !

People don't "think" about having to re-list their stuff ( I sure don't lol )

I only say this as I make "longer-term" reservations about what I am buying and selling ( I list and layout my options ) as I'm sure others do to


Breaking the ads down to specific models seems a little futile compared to what's there now..... to be honest lol

I mean... imagine all the category's you'd have to troll to find what you need ..... with all the parts that cross-over and interchange ....

then add on the 14-day expiration tag time frame to troll through it... sheesh lol !!!

it's just simply counter-productive :)


It's just simply feedback and observations.

I'm not a "yes" man in person , but definetly don't want to make anyones job/task difficult :)





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I still like the new system but as it has been said maybe a 30 day time limit might be better 

now I am going to look at classifieds 

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Ads are short lived anyway. The old classifieds had ads that were years old, still there long after the item was sold or the seller gone from ratsun. Ads should have an expiry date and then disappear. Two weeks might be negotiable.


Venders with a somewhat more permanent ad should have a longer life, yes.


Breaking the ads down into individual car models? Where does this end? Should we have automatic and standards separate too? Maybe into color? It would become very top heavy and still people will place ads in the wrong place. You have more breakdown choices with the new than the old. Not saying it won't or can't be adjusted. I just don't see the need as the old was the same.


Quitting Ratsun in protest of the new classifieds? A gesture that is unlikely to affect any change if you are absent from the change process, or to entice others to jump too. Maybe on the way down you could start a better forum than Rastun. Stay and affect change from inside and/or adjust to change. Change is inevitable, perhaps in a year or so something even better will come along.

correct me if i'm wrong(and I very well may be) but didn't this forum start because icehouse quit a Datsun group in protest of them refusing to listen to his suggestions?

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He did so! But only after working with the NWDE administration who were more interested in local meetings at a club or pizza nights and who didn't see the importance of a forum based site for the whole world to join in. They refused to expand/support their own forum and do anything to improve it. Jeff had some money making suggestions to help revamp the stagnant forum but was denied. Being far sighted he saw the need for a place such as that for a growing Datsun community and with Thomas' help started his own. I for one am glad he did. 


Maybe someone should start a forum just for selling Datsun parts. We have one, but feel free to  try.

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He did so! But only after working with the NWDE administration who were more interested in local meetings at a club or pizza nights and who didn't see the importance of a forum based site for the whole world to join in. They refused to expand/support their own forum and do anything to improve it. Jeff had some money making suggestions to help revamp the stagnant forum but was denied. Being far sighted he saw the need for a place such as that for a growing Datsun community and with Thomas' help started his own. I for one am glad he did. 


Maybe someone should start a forum just for selling Datsun parts. We have one, but feel free to  try.


AHH, so we finally got to the facts, this last statement is exactly what has been done, a forum  has been started to sell in like craigslist/ebay, and it is separtate from ratsun, as that is why there is a link to it on the top of this page, and why the old way has been locked, and it only took 35 pages to finally get there.

I seriously doubt if it can be integrated into the Ratsun format, that is why there is a link.

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mmmk, that's what I thought.  and much as I like the idea of a forum specifically for parts, I also have a problem with the idea.  part of why the old system was so well loved and so useful is that if you had a question about a parts compatability, and you, skib, and myself chimed in to answer, whoever had the question could check in the other areas of the forum to see if we were knowledgable, trustworthy people, or if we gave out no technical knowledge whatsoever, just chimed in on post ass and insomniacs, thus giving the questioner an educated guess as to whether the information given to them is useful or not.  take out the rest of the forum, and we cannot make as educated of a guess.  on a side note, did the timeframe for ads jump up to 30 days, or did skib forget to change his experiment back after getting pissed at people for assuming he was taking advantage of mod privelages?  if its the first one, sweet news for those posting. if its the second, ya'll might wanna fix that before people come back "assuming" again.

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I think Skib said that when he (and other mods) posted, their ads were automatically listed as "featured." That "featured" feature was removed, but maybe the extended listing period feature was left by mistake? That or Skib is just a total dick and wanted to fan the flames a bit. Not sure which seems more likely. Hmmmmmm.......


Edit: added more features

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AHH, so we finally got to the facts, this last statement is exactly what has been done, a forum  has been started to sell in like craigslist/ebay, and it is separtate from ratsun, as that is why there is a link to it on the top of this page, and why the old way has been locked, and it only took 35 pages to finally get there.

I seriously doubt if it can be integrated into the Ratsun format, that is why there is a link.

What format are you talking about?  Classified ads, by definition, are not discussion forums.  Why is that so hard?  Why is it so hard for people to keep discussions out of classified ads?  Immaturity I guess.  I don't see why this is such a thorn up peoples' butts.  If I'm looking for compatibility answers, there are, what, 27 discussion forums where that question can be directed.  Make a pointed list of concerns for the mods to address - being able to banter in a classified ad shouldn't be one of them.

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