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my friend is gone


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 i know how ya feel man, it hurts. and although it wont be the same, get another to spend time with. 


a few years ago, we had a beautiful German Shepard. his name was BillyBob. his previous owner was a texan. but Bill broke my fear of big dogs and was my best friend. one night he gorged on his food and his stomach twisted. we didn't catch it in time to save him. the vet let me hold him while they put him down. it was the hardest thing i have had to do. 






i still miss him every day, but we have a dog thats just as much a love, and as stupid, as Bill. her name is Sky (aka Herp Derp Machine). 


a house isn't a home without a dog. 
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Sorry to hear it Bonvo. i completely understand that one. you can never replace a family member like that. and as my pops said, Billy was the best dog i could have ever asked for, hell, he was so laid back you could fall asleep cuddlin with him and wake up 3 hrs later with him still there with ya, with that look of "sooooo, how was your nap?"


My current dog Sky could never replace him, but i love her the same. don't worry, you'll find a good Herp Derp Machine as i have =)

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 i know how ya feel man, it hurts. and although it wont be the same, get another to spend time with. 


a few years ago, we had a beautiful German Shepard. his name was BillyBob. his previous owner was a texan. but Bill broke my fear of big dogs and was my best friend. one night he gorged on his food and his stomach twisted. we didn't catch it in time to save him. the vet let me hold him while they put him down. it was the hardest thing i have had to do. 






i still miss him every day, but we have a dog thats just as much a love, and as stupid, as Bill. her name is Sky (aka Herp Derp Machine). 


a house isn't a home without a dog. 



it really is hard to be holding and petting them one second the next your friend is dead in your arms it damn near killed me tonight 


sky reminds me of my grandmas old dog name elizibeth that dog lived to be 17 

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Sad news to hear.


What helped me when my dogs time had come, was knowing it would be soon, and being able to say good-bye.  Even after, I'd expect to hear the familiar sound of her running down the stairs, but no more.  Dying is a part of life, and that's what makes living so much more special.  Repeating that to myself helps me cope.


Hope you feel better soon.



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Sorry to hear about your friend. The only dog i've ever had was when i was a kid. A mixed lab mutt, Scotty was hands down the best friend i had that whole time of my life. We lost him to an angry neighbor and if murder wasn't a crime we would have lost the neighbor. Now that i have a son I'm willing to get another pup. Loved ones come and go. The love and memories you have are whats important

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Man You made me tear up with this post.

I am so sorry for your loss, Dogs are family members!




Having been though this very recently... I know exactly what you're going though. It sucks man.. Bad.. But he's not in pain anymore. He's probably making that face in the first picture right now as he hangs out in doggy heaven.

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today we took him to be cremated my dad had a dream that we would go into the garage and find him there with a lok on his face saying"let me inside damnit its cold out here" unfortunatly that wasnt the case like i said i really never considered how hard this was gonna be when he was a tiny puppy crawling on my shoulder 


thanks guys it really means alot to me that most of you have never met me and none of you have met jake yet you guys care this is why i love ratsun i consider all of you my extended family this has hit more people then i thought it would my ex my 3 best friends all were torn up about it 

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I don't know - I believe in it. hope it eases your pain a bit, bonvo.


Holy shit, I've never seen this before, but I love it!  So perfect.


Bonvo, sorry to see that your buddy is gone.  Like others, we too have dealt with this in the some-what near past and completely understand your pain.  Cherish the memories and talk about all of the silly, naughty, and terrible things that he did.... that shit will always make you laugh and remember the good times. :console:

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I hate loosing a animal, right now our corgi is 7 years old, my kids are 2.5 and 6 months, so when she pass's not only will me and the wife be sad, were going to have to explain it to our kids and see how sad they will be :(...not looking forward to that day. I give my dog a hard time, but shes one of the best dogs (other than barking since our son was born) ive ever owned. Very sorry.

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