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Spoona_Jay21 last won the day on February 14 2015

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About Spoona_Jay21

  • Birthday 12/01/1995

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  • Location
    Snohomish Wa
  • Cars
    1981 Datsun 720, 2001 VW Cabrio, 1998 Lexus GS400
  • Occupation
    Quality Control at Canyon Creek Caninet Co.

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  1. One thing I did learn however is.... I am like Picasso with an angle grinder! Lots of crooked lines that either intersect weird, or kinda go nowhere! 😂😂😂
  2. Actually made some REAL progress last night. cut out the battery try, cab mount, and a bit of the core support. . next up is to finish cutting the scraggly bits of rusted sheet on the Cab mount, then rust Neutralizer on it. after that, making new panels for what I have cut out. I am moving the battery to a box in the bed, so no need to "Replace" the tray, just the sheetmetal underneath. Still a bit of Pitted metal, but not alot. i reckon a neutralizer, and body filler after i fix the surrounding area should fix it right up. Cab mount looks a bit Boofed. but it still feels super solid, so it will go back in. just after it gets some more love
  3. Oh! and my buddy Is media blasting some stuff for me. sent me a few pics of the timing cover, he also has my engine mounts, oil pan, valve cover, and some other misc bits.
  4. Since I am kinda Held up on the Engine right now, I decided to tear apart some bits around the battery tray and see how bad it ACTUALLY is. Workable. The body mount is Solid still, but the rest of the sheetmetal around it needs love... Lots of love. Sorry for the shitty Video Quality. Planning on cutting out alot tomorrow.... We'll see how that goes! lol
  5. I Cannot Wait to listen to this in my 720 😁😁
  6. I would LOVE to see the GTX center emblem, with the GTR Mesh. I reckon that would look great.
  7. YESS! This is the kinda stuff that makes the hard work worth it.
  8. Nothing Crazy, but making VERY Small Progress. Since the Alternator still worked, I just tore it apart and cleaned it up a bit. Not show quality, but nice enough for this truck Also picked up a small used Flux welder and helmet. Had a go at the old muffler of the truck. not amazing, but i don't think it was terrible for a first try. Hopefully i can do the sheetmetal work I need to now. Burned through a few times, but that's why I was practicing on scrap and not the truck! 😆
  9. This KINDA makes me want to slap an L20b Head on my Z22..... Glad to see more progress! She's Coming Along!
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