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Wheels recovered!!

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If some you have read my earlier post about my 86 Nissan being stolen then recovered without my wheels and tires you will know that I have been watching craigslist.


Well last Monday evening I found a posting on craigslist with a picture of my wheels with the tires still on them for sale....man thieves are dumb. So I had a friend arrange a meeting we took a friends Ford pick up and a primer Cutlass with 2 people in each vehicle to meet the person. We had contacted the police and notified them of the meeting but of course the police never showed, called, or followed up with our 911 call regarding this so we took matters in our own hands (not advised but worth it in the end for me). The person we were meeting called just minutes before the time and changed the meeting place so of course we agreed and left to head there to meet him thankfully it was at a restaurant parking lot so we were able to better watch from inside. We showed up early and went inside while the other 2 people waited in the parking lot to identify them (one friend actually painted the truck originally and the other has been to several shows so they knew the wheels at a glance) we had worked out a rub the back of the head gesture as the signal for us to come out and intercept. The guy showed up and opened up the back of his canopy rolled them out and I knew from inside the restaurant so we calmly walked out to the Ford pick up and started it up got the gesture yep these are it and we pulled in behind and blocked him in. I grabbed one wheel loaded it up and in that time my girlfriend who actually bought and drives the Nissan got in the guys face asking him all sorts of questions. He had said he got them from a buddy who left town for Florida but wouldn't give up his name as she turned around and grabbed the last 2 wheels to load up the guy got into my face then slammed the canopy door shut and went to leave. He got in his pick up and started to back out right into the side of the Ford we were in so I hopped in and pulled it forward allowing him to leave which I tried to give chase but thought quickly of it that it wasn't such a good idea and stopped and backed up to my friends. We had decided to leave and found out the Portland police had been called and showed up very quickly in this time and they pulled each of us aside to check our stories thankfully I had all my paperwork with serial numbers for the wheels, police report number for the initial theft, and pictures. Just when they finished up with us the guy calls my friend saying he is pressing charges and is calling the police one officer took the phone and actually talked to the guy asking him if he really wanted to press civil charges and would need his information then of course the guy hung up on him and the officer just chuckled saying now that was a waste of his time lol. The cops in the end said they were calling it a civil matter and all done and we were all happy and let us go home with the wheels.....whew....no damage to them but they are not going back on until this coming summer.


This is from the night they were recovered I was still shaking when I took this picture...







On a happier note I have since purchased 18" Titan wheels and just put new rubber on it today and got them put on......looks very awesome and glad to have it drivable again for winter :)





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I suppose it isn't high on their priorities but to say 'it's a civil matter' is total BS. Theft is a crime. When it comed to cops they would rather that it 'all went away' quietly. If you seriously want something done you have to make noise. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.


This guy may not have stolen them and got them from someone else and is selling them inocently.... BUT different story if they are stolen goods. Cops just see an endless he said/ they said and endless paper and time for something recovered.

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2eDeYe' date='23 October 2010 - 07:02 PM' timestamp='1287885722' post='371236']

Fucking hall monitors...


:( Im permanently a Hall Monitor. This is no fun. lol




Good job on retrieving the wheels! Glad no one got hurt. It was a good story to read.

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Guest kamakazi620

It is interesting how stupid criminals and thieves can be. I am glad you got the wheels back. Hopefully karma will come and grape them all in the @ss

UHhhhh......sorry I won't their NOT kittehs

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i must say the Titan wheels are growing on us. its nice to have them for winter and what not and the other wheels for shows and cruise ins!

thank you all for your support and humor of this all. and trust this as if you all need help count on us to be there for all of you.

peeps of the Ratsun Forum Rock!

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Dave-i seriously suggest you flap this by a lawyer.There is a real chance that you & your friends could face some type of charge since the PD deemed the matter "civil".I've seen more fucked up things happen.


Normally when I've dealt with civil matter that means that the PD will stay out of it and this is more an issue for the courts. The wheels where stolen, when returned to the rightful owner it falls onto the courts for the middleman whos the victim in a stolen item recover case to sue the person who originally sold them the item that was stolen.


Though a lawyer is never a bad idea on these sorta things.



Plus long as you didn't lay a finger on the guy and have plenty of witnesses you are fine.

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