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Nissan_Boy85 last won the day on October 26 2010

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About Nissan_Boy85

  • Birthday 03/17/1990

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Vancouver, WA
  • Cars
    '85 720, '86 720, '16 Tundra, '08 4Runner
  • Interests
    Anything with a engine and wheels.
  • Occupation
    Master Technician at Vancouver Toyota

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  1. Leave it to the King to correct me. Thank you!
  2. Agreed. I got hooked up with a guy from Yigo when selling misc. parts almost 10 years now and have hung out with them ever since. 'Turned me onto the Yigolo team and Medlerz and the whole scene. The pride and build level is always awe inspiring.
  3. The dish in a KA-E pistons is less then the Z24 (2cc in the KA vs 11cc in the NAP, I'm sure I will be corrected in this if I'm wrong) so I would imagine so but I can't say forsure. I happened across a set of true flat tops and had reliefs cut for a Isky 318 grind.
  4. Love seeing the 671 and 670 rigs. They're always next level!
  5. I can supply pictures to those interested. Will only bring whats asked. 720 OEM Chrome Passenger Mirror. $10 obo. Broken corner of glass, rattles. Used 720 Napa Front Brake Pads. $10 obo Z24 OEM Air Cleaner Assembly with hot air pipe and plastic air pipe. $20 obo. Misc.Z24 Spark Plug Wires. $20 obo. There's at least a (mismatched) complete set, if not more. 720 Non-Tilt Base Wiper/Light Control $5 obo. I've robbed parts from it so it good for no more then that. Z24 Water Pump fans. $10 obo each Z24 Flywheel Cover. $10 obo 720 Licence Plate Lighting. Tabs bent from minor accident, but useable. $5 obo Z24 Carb Intake Manifold. Comes with Weber 32/36 adapter. $50 obo Z24 Timing Set. Used. Comes with chain, both sprockets, guides, and tensioner. Minimum wear. $40 obo Z24 Timing sprockets. $10 per pair obo Z24 Alternator Bracket. $5 obo Engine Mounts. Unknown if KA24E or Z24. $10 obo Z24 Emissions components. What you see is what you get. $30 obo Z24 Crankshaft Pulley. $10 obo each 720 Hood Latch. $5 obo 720 Spare Tire carrier. $10 obo
  6. You should be able to move the fuel inlet fitting from left to right. Then delete that whole hard line piece under the manifold and run your return to the normal return port at the frame. Tidy up with zip ties as you please. Here's how mine ran for years until I went sidedraft. I think I got that old piece for under the manifold somewhere too....
  7. Sick driver Madness. Not very often you find a clean 720 that hasn't been turned into a bagged mini/drift slut. Props dude.
  8. Yeah I got nothing for this one. Points if you know what it started life as.
  9. Today in Vancouver about 10am at 78th and Hazel Dell Ave. Looked a solid driving project.
  10. This thing came in to work a while ago. Come to find out it's the GM's new project. 1973.
  11. The VIN was at Canby as it's King Cab self. The dual cab setup was at Blue Lake. This is how it appeared at Blue Lake. Rumor has it that it will make it to Canby this year...
  12. Now I just wanna know why you dropped the tranny on something that new. Timing cover wouldn't surprise me in the lease :rofl: :rofl: Spanner is the non-US term for the open end wrench if I'm not mistaken,
  13. Fixed. Yeah, Toyota tech. I had a IR ratchet first then the head blew apart on me. Had the cornwell one for awhile and it's been good. I was just thinking it was time to upgrade, plus I'm getting tired of dragging the air hose over the fender, praying the fender cover doesn't move. Thanks!
  14. Going back to the cordless ratchet deal. Are the 1/4" really all they seem? I always have ran a Cornhole air ratchet since A) I work in a flat-rate shop and he comes to me, B) I have air everywhere I tend to use it, and C) It's gotten me extras both times. Lately it's been giving me some fits since my awesome shop hasn't changed the air dryer and I don't think its totally oil filled anymore. I've been thinking of going with the Milwaukee cordless but I want real world reviews.
  15. I was looking for this thread last week (literally) for the wiper conversion information and couldn't find it for the life of me. Glad to see that you still have the thing!! They love to be worked in stock form.
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