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How do you deal with A$$holes at work?

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All i have to say is DONT put up with that shit, because i wouldnt. If he's bigger, go for the knees. Get him on the ground and fat ass is out of luck. All i'm sayin is, you fuck with my life, i'll fuck with yours twice as much. Live by it. Anyway, you need to either go to the owner of this company you work for, or just sort it out with dude. Lawyers are costly and the justice system is slow. the ball is in your court, fuckin drop him.

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First thing you should do is file a police report so you have it on record, and then you should keep a journal of the times and dates that the abuse occurs and take pictures. This way when it happens again(which it will), you will have the evidence to corroborate your story. Good luck, Jersey.

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do not resign your job, that would be like letting him win. First off, If he hits you, talk to your boss.....if the boss doesnt do anything, hit him back unexpectedly. Second, manage somehow to open the hood of his car and pee on the engine, hit will smell gorgeous when hot!


Manage the situation, never ever run away because you couldnt handle it, at least give it a try. Maybe he's like that because everybody does what you want to do, run away, put him on his place right away.

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First thing you should do is file a police report so you have it on record, and then you should keep a journal of the times and dates that the abuse occurs and take pictures. This way when it happens again(which it will), you will have the evidence to corroborate your story. Good luck, Jersey.


Then AFTER violence against you is well documented unscrew a antenna and (only out of camera view) rare back and smack that f--k as hard as you can across the face he may beat your ass,but he`ll always remember you.

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You need to do what is best for you. Right now that means getting out of that situation. Give your 2 weeks notice now ,and try to remain on good terms with the Boss so you can use them as a reference (have an older professional sounding friend call later as a potential employer to see if the guy tries to screw you). Yes, you probably could sue, or beat the crap out of the guy, but do you want to get pulled into that over a minimum wage job? The guy is a waste of skin and you don't want to get pulled down with him, lawsuits take time and money, and fights have their own problems. What if you seriously injure this guy? Would you want that on your conscience? This is the responsible, adult way to handle the situation, and when you look back on it later you'll be okay with it. Yes it means sucking it up. I would still make sure to retain any evidence as it might prove useful later though, I would also document any other crap that may be going on (illegal dumping, that sort of thing). You will find a better job, nothing about this job is worth causing any long lasting changes in your life. A year from now you don't want this guy even entering your thoughts, he's not worth it. Leave, that is the situation that results in the best outcome for yourself. That is the adult way to handle this situation.


[iTG ON/] Now wait a year or so, are you still angry? You probably won't be, but if you still are, well you have put some distance between yourself and this douche, and he won't be thinking of you. The guy is probably up to something, you'd be surprised what an anonymous tip can do :devil:, and the cops love having an anonymous tip for probable cause.[iTG OFF/]

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First get yourself a potato sack or drawstring bag. Then wait for him to head to the bathroom or a secluded area where there isn't any cameras. Don't let him see you walking behind him. Throw the bag over his head right as he walks into the bathroom, and pull the string. Not too tight, you don't want to kill him accidentally. Then give him a good sucker punch to the back of the head for disorientaion. You don't want him to blindly fight back. Proceed to give him the beating of a life time. Avoid hitting him in the face. go for the sides of his head and chest area. Just before you've finished with him lean over and tell him straight out to stop fucking with you or this won't be his last beating. Before exiting your place of seclusion, give him a good swift kick in the nuts. Leave the bathroom and walk directly to a well populated area. Now YOU will have witnesses and / or video evidence. If he persues you, the only thing anyone in the area knows is that he ran up and initiated a beat down. If or when he does come after you, take the beatdown, all the while saying to yourself, "I'll see this fucker in court." Then find a lawyer willing to take the case without a retainer sue him and your employer for allowing the behavior. BINGO... problem solved with the bully, and college is paid for.

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i see alot of beat his ass comments in this thread, and yeah that would be my first instinct as well, but, talk to the boss first. If nothing is resolved, call the cops. see what you can do. If the cops cant do anything you, do this, there are security cameras right? next time he starts to get physical, work your way into the cameras field of vision and let him go to town. you will then have video evidence to take to the cops and they will lock him up. i understand the pride thing believe me but, in a case like this you need to use your most powerful muscle, your brain to solve this issue. who knows it might be solved by talking to the boss. oh yeah and take notes and pictures of EVERYTHING!

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Guest DatsuNoob

I get the feeling as though violence isnt an option for young Kevin here. Sounds pretty scared of this kid, maybe a new job would be the most realistic solution. If you continue to establish yourself as a target by not standing up and respecting yourself, I'm afraid you'll find yourself in a similar situation with another shithead real soon. It's good to avoid a fight whenever possible, but you cant allow someone to put their hands on you either. If you do nothing you're gonna be disappointed in yourself and wish you'd done things differently.

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I know you guys keep saying sue, but unless he can show clearly that the boss supported this he will have to go after the bully. The boss here is the deep pockets. The bully likely has no money himself, but because it takes place on the bosses property and he is a relative he will likely have the support of the boss financially for court. I don't know how many you have been involved in a lawsuit, but it royally sucks even when you are right, and pretty much the guy with the money wins. Also the lawyers will screw around with times, especially if they know he is in school. So he might win the case, but still lose. Therefore, suing is not without risk. I agree with Bonvo he should talk to the boss, by now he should also have a feeling whether the boss is going to respond or not. I know if I was the boss and I had a relative that was potentially endangering my business and doing stupid shit, I would probably beat his ass myself, and keep it as a family matter. I would also probably quickly find a reason to get rid of the one who complained though.


If he does get clear evidence of assault, by all means go to the cops. IANAL, but I believe this would still be a criminal trial though, and he would have to sue as a civil matter to see any money. Of course a conviction would probably make that easier.


I know the first instinct is to fight this anyway possible, and it reeks of cowardice but fighting this doesn't necessarily result in what is best for the OP. I still think leaving results in the best outcome, he won't get beaten, he won't spend time or money in court, and it ends this now.

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I get the feeling as though violence isnt an option for young Kevin here. Sounds pretty scared of this kid, maybe a new job would be the most realistic solution. If you continue to establish yourself as a target by not standing up and respecting yourself, I'm afraid you'll find yourself in a similar situation with another shithead real soon. It's good to avoid a fight whenever possible, but you cant allow someone to put their hands on you either. If you do nothing you're gonna be disappointed in yourself and wish you'd done things differently.


You are completely right about his self esteem here, honestly I'm not sure that's as easy to fix. He needs to be able to stand up for himself, and if he gets punched first, by all means punch back. But honestly, outside of a bar how often do you get in fights as an adult? Maybe self-defense class or something might give him more confidence? I'm outta ideas here.

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Make sure you bring a knife just in case. Beat the shit out of him! If the fight goes the other way pull the knife on him. Its self defense if he attacks you RIGHT?


Whoa, whoa! A knife? No, that's fucked up. (he could take it away and use it on you) I was suggesting you overwhelm him and confront from a superior position. (read into that what you want) but I don't suggest deadly weapons. Scare the shit out of him. Make him think you will go postal (sorry Mike:lol:) on his ass if he pushes you.


This is a one shot thing and has to be done right the first time. The only thing that stops a bully is superior force or fear. It may make you feel better but it may be safer to just walk away.

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but I have to because I'm putting myself through college and I need the money for tuition.


Go talk to a financial advisor at the college you wish to attend ,,,, most students get financial aid this means you can


(1) Go to school now on Financial Aid Loans

(2) Pay off your student loans later ( after you graduate you have up to 10 years to pay it off )

(3) You can opt out to pay interest/loan ammount after you graduate as well !!!


This means you will still have to have a job while your in school ( for living , textbooks <--- expensive , gas , rent , insurance , blah blah blah. ) Make sure to get good grades as well !


If you do look for a job somewhere else company's like Nike , Fed-Ex , UPS , and possibly some others have tuition re-imbursement programs ( means you pay for the courses for the term ,,, take you passing grades to your company ,,, they see you passed and will re-imburse you ! Fed-ex I believe will do $3,000 per year , Not including books ! )


Good Luck ! I say be super poor now ,,, and spend the time in school ,,,, don't try to work a full-time shitty job , and go full-time + hours of school ( you will have no life ) ,,,, just spend the time in school , seriously !!! economy sucks now ,,, hopefully better in 2-4 years :rolleyes:

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I would say talk to your boss or quit that job. There is no job worth putting up with bs like that. I would not fight back unless you are confronted by him because then it is self defense but if you go out on purpose and you start the confrontation then you might be harming yourself more than him, you might have your pride but then he might win because you know he will file charges against you back because deep down inside we know bullies are wimps deep down inside and he will tell his uncle who will file charges and then you loose your job and while filing charges about you he might be a prick and come up with other stuff to make the charges against you even worse and it might end up in jail time if charges are bad enough and you don't want that on your record! Then your going to set your self on a wrong path and you will have to drop out of your school too! I say quit or talk to the boss, like people have said don't assume the boss actually likes his nephew! For all you know he hates the little prick too! It sucks but nowadays you can't do nothing without worrying about someone sueing you or filing charges against you!

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And after the bear spray, then kick him in the balls repeatedly. :D


Seriously, it sounds like a shit job. You're 18, jobs are easy to come by, you need something better where they don't abuse you. Why don't you apply at napaautojobs.com? We're always hiring for drivers. Not maybe right this minute but people cycle out just like anywhere.


On the current job, people like that are shit and will always be shit. There are only two realistic options. 1. photograph the abuse, or when it happens, call the police and have them come up there and make SURE you press charges. Or 2. Find another job. 3. After you're no longer employed with the douchebags, then you can have some fun with them.

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