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Changing Forum Software

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Due to all the complaints about the recent upgrade, including my own, I've decided to move this forum away from vBulletin. They used to produce the best forum around, but times have changed and the software is now in the hands of a new company more interested in appeasing shareholders than putting out a quality product. I also can't explain why certain functionality that people actually use disappeared — at least from the default theme. Also, it's nice that they updated to comply with modern web standards, but messing with settings on the backend is unnecessarily complicated. In any case, I'm not comfortable where things are going.


So what does this mean for Ratsuners? We're getting off this sinking ship and going with their largest competitor. The features of the new software are very similar, but we'll be gaining and losing some features. Up front I can say one of our losses will be the social groups, but that may change with an add-on in the future. I've noticed, however, that people don't use them very often anymore...


Also, we might lose our Photo Albums hosted on Ratsun, so make sure to back those up.


The transition will probably take place in the next week or two. I'll likely keep these forums open while it happens, but with the understanding that any posts after I dump the database won't be carried over.


All of the current posts will be coming along.

Edited by Thomas
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Now if "they" would make it compatible with Mozilla and/or Netscape Navigator my Compuserve interface would be easier. As it presently exists I have to sign on with the default Compuserve and then switch to Microsoft Internet Explorer. Do-able, but an extra step. Understand your reasons, hope the new source meets your expectations. Not a complaint, too many sites ignore compatibility with the systems we old farts stick to. Happy New Year!

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First, I want to thank you for the work you are doing on this forum!


Does that mean our old posts will go away, or will the rich history that is Ratsun move?


Forums I have learned to work with

Hotrodders.com Powered by: vBulletin Version 3.0.7

PlanetNautique.com Uses postnuke, Adobe, and PHP

Showskiers.com Powered by phpBB

Edited by DanielC
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Now if "they" would make it compatible with Mozilla and/or Netscape Navigator my Compuserve interface would be easier. As it presently exists I have to sign on with the default Compuserve and then switch to Microsoft Internet Explorer. Do-able, but an extra step. Understand your reasons, hope the new source meets your expectations. Not a complaint, too many sites ignore compatibility with the systems we old farts stick to. Happy New Year!


It's very difficult to support older browsers, so it's safe to say Netscape is not officially supported. The problem is that the method of web design has changed and become more standardized over the years. There is a default theme with the new software called "Lo-Fi" though which basically strips all the design away and only gives you the content. If nothing else, that should work.


All of the existing threads will switch over? We're not starting from scratch? Just checking cause with over 3000 pics linked on here....there's no way I can put them all back up ....nor would I try :)


Yeah, they're working on a conversion tool for vBulletin 4.0. I think they're currently getting a lot of business from former vBulletin customers. :)


Does that mean our old post will go away, or will the rich history that is Ratsun move?


It's coming with us. But during the conversion, I'm planning on leave this forum open, and anything posted in that time will be lost. I'll probably lock all the current forums and create a new one specifically for the downtime, so that it's obvious.

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what is the new forum software?



if you havent already decided on one check out simple machines forum. its a open source type software with a absolute shit ton of user created mods. no GUI as of yet for admin functions, but as im a complete newb to forum code and coding in general, its not that hard.


and there is a importer for Vbulliten http://www.simplemachines.org/community/index.php?topic=262571.0

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what is the new forum software?



if you havent already decided on one check out simple machines forum. its a open source type software with a absolute shit ton of user created mods. no GUI as of yet for admin functions, but as im a complete newb to forum code and coding in general, its not that hard.


and there is a importer for Vbulliten http://www.simplemachines.org/community/index.php?topic=262571.0


We're moving to IPB. :)

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Thomas, I belong to a station wagon form that has a site through Vbulletin. It's format, in my opinion, is pretty user friendly. Maybe you can get some ideas from it. Just a suggestion. Here is the link: http://www.stationwagonforums.com/forums/

just maybe, all the info and pic's can be saved and transferred to the new site. just my 2 cents worth.

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Thanks Thomas for all the hard work. Sucks to have to change again, though. I don't think losing the social groups will be a big deal either. Most people know who are around them and can figure out how to communicate. :D

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I agree that you Thomas and the Moderators are doing a great job. I think that now would be a good time for change.


I have not said anything because I beleive 1 complaint per customer and mine was the gay look of the new forum, but since the change from the old forum I have had problems with posts within the threads being all different sizes in width, like it is capturing the resolution setting of the monitor the post was created on. some fit my screen but most were way to wide and I use a 27" LCD.


Any way there will be loses and gains with any change. I trust you and the mods to make as easy as possible and support you in the decision of where you take Ratsun.net.


It was funny yesterday I was working on a friends computer Installing IE* for her and after I got in set up I tried to logon to Ratsun and was kick out of the login by her antivirus software McAfee sying that Ratsun.net was trojan. LOL. Well I could not have that so I removed McAffe and installed AVG and Zone Alarm Problem solved Now I can surf ratsun from her computer.


Is there any way that maybe you can work with the people that do a lot of how to's retain the links to the pictures in the how to's? I do not care about the one I did on th Lmotor water paump mod as I can repost it if necessary.


Oh PS Old Smileys Please these are lame.


Thank you Thomas and the mods for the heads up. I look forward to the new look and the enjoyment (challenge) of learning the new software.

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