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Status Updates posted by MicroMachinery

  1. Wagon got backed into :(

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. MicroMachinery


      No, fortunately. Just the bumper; still a hard part to replace.

    3. I'm BLUE
    4. r0p0doe
  2. RIP Phillip Seymour Hoffman

    1. laotsu


      so shitty, hope it was good crack.

    2. mrbigtanker


      fuck him,needle in the arm to..

    3. DRIVEN


      Drove a Datsun in Boogie Nights.

  3. One more day then off to Maui..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. bananahamuck


      The worst part of going to the islands is when i get there i start counting the days i have left there.


      i'm a sad human.

    3. erichwaslike


      i worst part for me going to the islands is ive never been....

    4. wayno


      Is that where David(ggzilla) is living now? Tell him I said hey. lol

  4. What a glorious hangover..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Eagle_Adam


      It's beginning to feel a lot

      Like Christmas, every time my head throbs

    3. H5WAGON


      So if someone wrang your door bell, that wouldn't be a good thing?....over and over ;)

    4. Sealik


      Hair of the dog should be on order.

  5. Snow! Time drift the 4x4..

    1. danfiveten


      My first year wtih my pathfinder...fun time

  6. 4 day weekend is over... AND I DON'T LIKE IT.

  7. Anyone in the Portland area have access to a Hot Tank?

    1. Eagle_Adam


      My machinist does :p

  8. Can someone going to Frank's Swap Meet this weekend bring a small something back to Portland/Salem for me? Thanks!

    1. erichwaslike
    2. DatWifey


      If no one can pick it up and bring it back right away, we can pick it up and hang onto it and either ship it, or send it with someone who is up this way in the near future.

    3. graveltrapp


      I may be going down on October 16th for a few days. Let me know.


  9. Looking for a set of standard sized, flat-top 240z pistons.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. nismosilvia


      I have a l24 $100 complete longblock

    3. Logical1


      I have some nice shape flattop pistons & rods I just pulled from a L24. Hit me up and we can figure out how to get them down to you on the cheap :)

    4. MicroMachinery
  10. Hoonanigans.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. bananahamuck
    3. I'm BLUE
    4. izzo


      And on that note, Off to bed after taking the dime for another drive to test out the running lights and brights :D

  11. Anyone on here near Oakland that can snag some parts for me?

  12. Should I stay or should I go...

    1. bonvo


      if i go there will be trouble if i stay it will be double


    2. nismo dr

      nismo dr

      I think you two just had a moment

  13. Shop is flooded.. again.

    1. Draker


      It's all good, just put the Dattos on jackstands.

  14. People of WA and CO.. smoke if ya got em!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. DattoLuv


      didn't realize there was that many pot smokers /people in Wa that can't read or understand a proposal.

    3. Laecaon


      Yea, just shows what actually being informed means.

    4. FiveSeventyZee


      I'm gonna be honest I'm pretty sure a lot of members of this forum wouldnt mind living in CO or WA come jan 1st... just sayin

  15. Just went and looked at a house in Salem..

    1. INDY510
    2. MicroMachinery


      That's my summer cabin down by the river.

    3. Eagle_Adam
  16. Saw Taken 2 last night. meh.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ariascarlos1990
    3. darc510


      i heard it was pretty bad ass... haven't had that chance to form my own opinion...yet


    4. Draker
  17. These all-nighters are bound to catch up with me at some point...

  18. Can someone from Australia possibly help me get something shipped?

  19. Is anybody from up north going to JCCS?

  20. Bacon waffles...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 420n620


      baking W/ bacon.... yummm

    3. bananahamuck
    4. Jassifrass


      off the waffle in Eugene does liege style waffles with an egg and bacon on it....it's delicious! and now I want one


    1. crackerjack69


      robble robble robble tazer robble datsun.

    2. Jayden71


      robble robble robble rofflewaffle Datsun!!

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