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2 hours ago, john510 said:

That's better than the Prius drivers out here in Socal stuck in the fast lane and carpool lanes going 65 mph.


         Yeah,but you should appreciate that they're saving the World,

& are (obviously) better than the rest of us.

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34 minutes ago, angliagt said:


         Yeah,but you should appreciate that they're saving the World,

& are (obviously) better than the rest of us.

It's worse in NorCal driving in the fast lane at 75-80. There's always a Tesla jammed up your ass with a middle aged hipster in a big F'n hurry to save the world.

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8 minutes ago, paradime said:

It's worse in NorCal driving in the fast lane at 75-80. There's always a Tesla jammed up your ass with a middle aged hipster in a big F'n hurry to save the world.

Tesla drivers seem to be the new aggressive ones.It used to be BMW drivers.

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16 minutes ago, john510 said:

Tesla drivers seem to be the new aggressive ones.It used to be BMW drivers.


Yeah, BMW used to be the ultimate "I'm better than you get out of my way" driving machine. Now this aggressive delusion of grandure has shifted to an EV superiority complex. Unlike BMWs though, F'n EVs are too fast for my car to put them in their place so I have to hate them real hard and get in their way. 😖

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18 hours ago, thisismatt said:

I thought it was pronounced headgasketblew


Reminds me of Volkswagon's "Fuckinbroken" instead of "Farvfignugen"


And goddammit if I didn't used to love the Joe Isuzu commercials.  Those commercials were the best.



Edited by Duncan
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23 hours ago, Duncan said:

Around the time I was in high school, (maybe a year or two after) Subaru came out with a little pickup that had two seats in the back.  They were up against the cab facing the tailgate.  Maybe it was called the Brat?  Not sure on the model name, but damn we thought that was funny looking..


I also used to drink from a lawn hose, and I'm still alive after all this time.






Send me the western union and I'll pick this up for you 😆






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4 hours ago, john510 said:

Imagine that commercial nowadays.The woke left would be going nuts over the racial disrespect and pain it caused so many.LOL.

Totally. Puckered ass wokamania is the scourge of "inappropriate" fun and humor. That is unless it's bashing the right, but that door obviously swings both ways. 


What made this commercial so great is the company didn't have a stick up it's ass. It poked fun at the white guy, the Japanese guy, and the name of the company. Shit, Joe Isuzu was an icon in the 80s, because he made fun of the overblown advertising of the time. Beyond brilliant, but it would sail clean over the head of today's sterile-culture warriors. 

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1 hour ago, paradime said:

Totally. Puckered ass wokamania is the scourge of "inappropriate" fun and humor. That is unless it's bashing the right, but that door obviously swings both ways. 


What made this commercial so great is the company didn't have a stick up it's ass. It poked fun at the white guy, the Japanese guy, and the name of the company. Shit, Joe Isuzu was an icon in the 80s, because he made fun of the overblown advertising of the time. Beyond brilliant, but it would sail clean over the head of today's sterile-culture warriors. 


Went to a Don Rickles show in Vegas 1978, he pulled people of different nationalities/races from the audience and had them perform an impromptu skit then make fun of what and how they said it.

The audience never laughed so hard, as well as the participants laughing at themselves for their own pronunciation of English.

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2 hours ago, a.d._510_n_ok said:


I've heard/read that many of those that were forced out, are now disenchanted with the military for being treated like lepers/outcasts & don't want to RE-join.  These people that orchestrated this plandemic (agenda) have no clue, how much damage they have done............or they knew how much damage it would cause & are now "allowing" those that were affected to come back.  This country has turned their backs on our military & it is going to take major effort to get it back again.................NOT by any liberal I can see.  Doesn't go over well with me, but I'm just a Joe Schmo, so who gives a rip 😐

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5 hours ago, yenpit said:


I've heard/read that many of those that were forced out, are now disenchanted with the military for being treated like lepers/outcasts & don't want to RE-join.  These people that orchestrated this plandemic (agenda) have no clue, how much damage they have done............or they knew how much damage it would cause & are now "allowing" those that were affected to come back.  This country has turned their backs on our military & it is going to take major effort to get it back again.................NOT by any liberal I can see.  Doesn't go over well with me, but I'm just a Joe Schmo, so who gives a rip 😐


Extreme measures from Big Brother. I worked in a hospital during CV-19 and patients were not admitted without a negative test. The virus still shut down the entire facility on multiple occasions. Not just because of infected patients, but employees as well. Eventually we got the same jab or go mandate.


In such tight quarters, Covid presented the same risk to the US armed forces, which seriously jeopardized our military readiness. In 2020, 143,000 people entered the US military under DT. In 2021, that # sagged 5% after JB became Commander In Chief and his skin is still sagging.


For perspective, out of 1,328,000 active military, only 1.19%, or a total of 8,400 were discharged for refusing the jab. 70% received general discharges, which secured most of their veterans benefits and option to rejoin with full rank, 26% were honorably discharged with full benefits, while 336 officers were flat out DDed, and others made up the last 4%. 


While we civilians might have our gripes, I don't believe the US military views the pandemic, or their current recruiting challenges through a narrow political perspective. For instance, the Military Times article above, and this article in the Navel Institute News, that acknowledges public mistrust of the military.

Tough Military Recruiting Environment is About More than Low Unemployment, Experts Say


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     "I am a black woman-let's not forget" - Maybe if she was a GREAT mayor,

she'd have something real to brag about.Isn't Chicago one of the most crime-

ridden cities in America? At least they're tough on gun laws there.

          I'm surprised she didn't add that she was gay.

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