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       Just read an editorial by David Ditch in the local paper,about wasteful Government spending.

  "In 2023,the federal government spent $6.1 trillion (roughly $47,000 per household)and ran a

staggering $1.7 trillion deficit".He then mentions grants that were given out -


                     $45 million for a "diversity and inclusion" scholarship in Burma.


                     $3 million for "girl-centered climate action" in Brazil.


                     $125 million to racialise public health.


                     $573,000 to anti-Israel group for fighting "disinformation" to Virginia -based



                     $288,563 for "diverse" bird watcher groups.


                      "YOUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK"


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I don't mind paying a reasonable amount of taxes but when I see this shit it pisses me off. That's just the tip of the iceberg on useless spending. And they want more of our money ? 

Edited by john510
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    What really irritates me is that they have to keep spending more money,

& keep raising the debt ceiling,& eventually raise our taxes.

        And then there's ALWAYS the threat of a "Government Shutdown" a bout

every 6 months.

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47 minutes ago, john510 said:

I have doubt as to which side we're on. Biden kissing Iran's ass and giving them their money back. NOT siding 100% with Israel. And then we have Chuck Schumer the whiny bitch calling for a new election in Israel to remove Netanyahu. And every elected Muslim we have calling for the death of Israel. We should have given Israel Ukraine's money and used Israel's money to work on the border. We're already involved in every conflict going on, let's step up and bomb somebody ourselves. Might as well at this point. Get it over with.


Just checked my USA map and it don't see ukraine or israel on it.

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23 hours ago, datzenmike said:

The perfect press secretary resume would say "Willing to sell my soul and sink to any level"

I think I went out with her for a bit. Crazy as a shit house rat, but not at all a bad time

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11 minutes ago, john510 said:

I don't mind paying a reasonable amount of taxes but when I see this shit it pisses me off. That's just the tip of the iceberg on useless spending. And they want more of our money ? 

If the world teaches us anything, reasonable is for suckers postponing inevitability. I didn't protest property taxes when they were "reasonable" and now they ain't. I tried being "reasonable" with gun legislation and quickly regretted it, as laws expanded and were "re interpreted". 

I will oppose ANY new tax. I don't care if it is dedicated and guaranteed only for the purchase of warm socks for homeless disabled orphan children. If it is an issue, then I will buy socks and personally place them in the little orphans hand, they don't even need to say "thank you", but nobody else better put their dick skinners on them socks.

I will oppose ANY new gun law, with one small, very small exception, new guns/weapons might require new laws, but the new laws will not apply to anything prior and best case, for every new gun law at least one old gun law is nixed. Aside from that, try passing legislation prohibiting concealed carry of belt fed weapons--damnit I'll march.

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5 minutes ago, frankendat said:

If the world teaches us anything, reasonable is for suckers postponing inevitability. I didn't protest property taxes when they were "reasonable" and now they ain't. I tried being "reasonable" with gun legislation and quickly regretted it, as laws expanded and were "re interpreted". 

I will oppose ANY new tax. I don't care if it is dedicated and guaranteed only for the purchase of warm socks for homeless disabled orphan children. If it is an issue, then I will buy socks and personally place them in the little orphans hand, they don't even need to say "thank you", but nobody else better put their dick skinners on them socks.

I will oppose ANY new gun law, with one small, very small exception, new guns/weapons might require new laws, but the new laws will not apply to anything prior and best case, for every new gun law at least one old gun law is nixed. Aside from that, try passing legislation prohibiting concealed carry of belt fed weapons--damnit I'll march.

One side seems to be the winner when it comes to a "new tax" Fine start a new tax, right after you get rid of an old one. Here in San Diego one our brilliant leaders wants to create a new tax on the property tax side of things for funding for flood victims. This started because the useless city of San Diego maintenance department ignored requests to clear a drainage ditch full of trees, weeds and trash. Well a lot of rain caused that ditch to flood destroying a whole street full of homes. The city is getting sued because they neglected to fix the problem when residents notified them of it. So the taxpayer pays for the Governments failures once again. Make the city pay for it and fire somebody for NOT doing their job is what should happen. 

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30 minutes ago, Fat510 said:


Just checked my USA map and it don't see ukraine or israel on it.

No they aren't. And FWIW I'm no fan of funding anybody else's wars. I think Israel could do just fine on their own. Screw Ukraine it's run by a corrupt government. 

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5 hours ago, yenpit said:


Then how do you explain the J6 participants/attendees, that are STILL in jail, without bond/bail & without TRIAL??


The denial of bail is a completely normal occurrence, though rare. If you are deemed 'a threat to the community' is just one of the thresholds for denying bail. Another might be having the resources to flee prosecution and there are likely more. Likely there are exceptions to the right to a speedy trial. Damn you TJ for making me have to do some work and look this up.

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9 minutes ago, john510 said:

No they aren't. And FWIW I'm no fan of funding anybody else's wars. I think Israel could do just fine on their own. Screw Ukraine it's run by a corrupt government. 


Better there than here. When the big toe gets cancer your brain doesn't say well it's a long long way from me, let the foot figure it out, it'll be fine. Putin and the Arab states are no friends of the US. This is no time for keeping your friends close and your enemies closer.

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10 hours ago, datzenmike said:


The denial of bail is a completely normal occurrence, though rare. If you are deemed 'a threat to the community' is just one of the thresholds for denying bail. Another might be having the resources to flee prosecution and there are likely more. Likely there are exceptions to the right to a speedy trial. Damn you TJ for making me have to do some work and look this up.

You're kidding right ? This country lets violent criminals out with no bail every day. Criminals with a history of violence. They issue tickets now for arrestable misdemeanors. A Judge let out a violent offender (with prior history) a few weeks ago. The guy then went and attacked a 64 year old woman, crushed her face and broke her teeth out. He got arrested and released ! That's just one example. There are hundreds. I have no idea why you would think denying bail is a common occurrence unless it's a mass murderer. Now I won't condone what those J6 people did but a lot of them have been treated like Nazi war criminals just for being present at the Capital. Where did you look that up at ? 

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Not kidding at all. The question was asked and I replied that it can and did happen and why. If you want to know ask who ever let them out why they didn't meet the requirements of being held. Maybe the jails and holding cells were full of worse offenders? is my guess.

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53 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

Not kidding at all. The question was asked and I replied that it can and did happen and why. If you want to know ask who ever let them out why they didn't meet the requirements of being held. Maybe the jails and holding cells were full of worse offenders? is my guess.

No Mike. It's the new "woke" thing. Let's give them 354 chances to get their life in order and if a few innocent people get caught up in it we just have to accept it. A few years ago most if not all felonies required bail to get out of jail until trial. And it's the Democrats doing it. The ones that claim they're looking out for our best interest. I don't care if jails are full and I would guess most good people don't either. Ask a violent crime victim if they care.

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Most likely overcrowding. Find out the cause of overcrowding and that's your answer. Find a non WOKE lefty city or state and see if it's happening there too. Bet it is.

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19 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

Most likely overcrowding. Find out the cause of overcrowding and that's your answer. Find a non WOKE lefty city or state and see if it's happening there too. Bet it is.


It's not that way here is SoCal.  The big cities elected progressive DA's who promised criminal reform by not punishing criminals.  If course, it has turned it into a disaster, and crime numbers are now way up in the cities and counties that did this.  


The LA Police Chief just had a press conference bemoaning the fact that they were ordered to release ALL the arrested college protesters.  They were cut loose before they were even processed through.  


The lower income areas in LA County who (most likely) voted for this, are now the ones who are impacted the most by the increase in crime.  The policies have also tied the hands of the police, and they don't even respond to certain calls anymore. 

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18 hours ago, datzenmike said:


The denial of bail is a completely normal occurrence, though rare. If you are deemed 'a threat to the community' is just one of the thresholds for denying bail. Another might be having the resources to flee prosecution and there are likely more. Likely there are exceptions to the right to a speedy trial. Damn you TJ for making me have to do some work and look this up.

I am not inspired enough to look up the case file, for each individual who remains incarcerated for actions transpiring 1/6, thus my speculation lacks credibility to persuade others. Nonetheless, without prior felony or "violent" misdemeanors, complete lack or remorse, a diagnosis of violent mental instability, or statements of intent to engage in criminal acts upon release (there is a little wiggle room here for prior declarations something like a he said that he would fight to overthrow the corrupt Democrat government until his last breath); without something definitive like any of the aforementioned, denying bail is weak sauce, and a violation of the Constitution. 

Is it likely that at least one falls outside of those parameters?-Yes. To free the one that is being illegally detained would require public dissection of the criminal, personal, and psychological histories of each person held without bail, as a result of 1/6. The media will exploit every sordid detail of each prisoner (and you know there must be many) interviewing "friends" and "family" milking the school yard logic "If someone supports Trump (or doesn't support Biden/Democrats) then this -insert worst optic 1/6 prisoner- is the kind of person they are. The "adult" equivalent of they got kooties and if you like what they like you got kooties too. 

It is sad that the Democrats are more probably than not keeping at least one person in prison who shouldn't be.

It is sad that the Republicans will more probably than not ignore the issue for the potential of bad optics.

But, most Americans and I, understand 1/6 was worse than stupid, it was ineffective and nobody likes a loser. 

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Of the 1,200-1,300 insurrectionists or what ever the PC term is, there are somewhere between 20 and under 40 still in jail. Most have served their time that plead out.

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5 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

Of the 1,200-1,300 insurrectionists or what ever the PC term is, there are somewhere between 20 and under 40 still in jail. Most have served their time that plead out.

I would wager in any group of 1,200-1,300 somewhere between 20 and under 40 aren't worth a shit

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16 hours ago, frankendat said:

Arguments by analogy are inherently fallacious, as no two situations are ever or will ever be truly identical, but through analogy understanding is often forged. Joe Shmoe Palestinian, at what point is he liable for the actions of his government? In what way are citizens of the United States liable for the actions of their government? There is talk of the State of Palestinian and the State of Israel, what if this was one of the United States?


Imagine Biden is elected for a second term and as a lame duck President goes all out, signing anti-gun legislation, to included forced forfeiture and relinquishment of all "military" firearms. This begins harmless enough with raids on few white supremacy, extremely religious, and hardline prepper communities, but soon it is advanced to the 1911 semi automatic pistol that was originally developed for the military, also the mauser bolt action rifles were originally developed for the military and confiscation, on a massive scale, begins.


The Governor of Idaho, a State built on self-reliance and the Second Amendment (at least until enough liberal wankers move here and neuter us) activates the Idaho National Guard. Federal forces ATF/Homeland/FBI are joined by militarized police lead by Sheriffs that do not support the Governor. During an attempt to force an Idaho citizen to relinquish their "military" firearms, shots are fired and civil war erupts. The Governor declares if forces do not cease their attack on Idaho, he will transition from a defensive to an offensive position, ordering the B1 bombers that are in Idaho to standby and arming the Idaho Nuclear Missile Silos. 


If the President orders a full scale bomb and blitz attack on Idaho, it is a high probability,the threat of the B1 bombers and Nuclear Missile Silos will be neutralized. The bomb and blitz attack will put no United States Federal Forces at risk, however Idaho will be decimated and over a million non military will be dead. 


If the President orders a limited strike comprised of highly trained special operatives on Idaho, there is a much lower probability that all bombers and all Missile Silos will be neutralized. For the special ops teams and United States Federal Forces there will be significant causalities. If evenly partially unsuccessful, the detonation of a nuclear device in the United States will bring causalities and render that area closed for many decades, if not centuries. 


It should be noted that during this time, the Governor of Idaho, claims to be in direct communication with GOD. Moreover, GOD told him that GOD loves guns and those who do not love guns, do not love GOD and are DEMONS-inhuman creatures that must be shot. 


The media love showing big crowds of people, dancing and praying to the Governor, while shooting their guns in the air. However, some point out that not all supporters of the NRA support the Governor of Idaho. Additionally, there are some in Idaho who support both the President and gun confiscation. When a voting center in Idaho was vandalized and voters identified, those who did not not support the Governor, those who do not support the NRA and those who are "anti"gun were  placed in the back of pickups surrounding snipers to deter Federal Forces from firing on them. There are fringe media organizations with videos of Democrats and liberals in Idaho being harassed and beaten.


You are in command and control of the United States, what do you do?



You can entertain fantasies of civil war over liberal wankers imposing a total gun ban in Idaho, and violent resistance as causation for the US government to wipe your state off the map. Contrary to what there is talk of, how on God's green Earth does this relate to the deeply complex situation of millennia old religious conflict in the most contested patch of dirt on the planet? Like trying to make a sward out of slag, you can't forge anything of value through the analogy of such a ridiculously far fetched hypothetical scenario.


If I were in charge, we the people would be back in command and control over unchecked corporate power, and OUR United States Government. On one hand, I know better than to believe the speculation of others, or my imagination for understanding something. On the other hand, the more I learn about something, the less I understand it. In my experience, I can only trust gin to provide the truth, so at 5:00 PST I might have a better informed solution for the war in Gaza. 

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4 hours ago, paradime said:

You can entertain fantasies of civil war over liberal wankers imposing a total gun ban in Idaho, and violent resistance as causation for the US government to wipe your state off the map. Contrary to what there is talk of, how on God's green Earth does this relate to the deeply complex situation of millennia old religious conflict in the most contested patch of dirt on the planet? Like trying to make a sward out of slag, you can't forge anything of value through the analogy of such a ridiculously far fetched hypothetical scenario.


If I were in charge, we the people would be back in command and control over unchecked corporate power, and OUR United States Government. On one hand, I know better than to believe the speculation of others, or my imagination for understanding something. On the other hand, the more I learn about something, the less I understand it. In my experience, I can only trust gin to provide the truth, so at 5:00 PST I might have a better informed solution for the war in Gaza. 

My analogy, while extreme and "far fetched" illustrates the key tenant consistently unacknowledged or unaccepted. The culpability of individual free agents for actions of the whole. It is not a "deeply complex situation". It is a "millennia old religious conflict" and it is "the most contested patch of dirt on the planet". 

The USA (and most of the world) enjoys wringing hands and gnashing teeth about "complexities". How is it complex? Two want the same thing - the "best" solution would be "share". Israel and the United Nations have developed and offered many options for sharing and the Palestinians have rejected all. I hear the hand wringing starting...."only the leadership rejected the plan, blah, blah, blah." Refer to bold text. I do not see moral failing holding an individual responsible for the actions of the group, State, Country, or organization, which he swears allegiance, which he serves, or which he benefits.  

The next "best" solution would be to pick a favorite. The USA has picked. Since I acknowledge that fact (which is difficult for hand wringers) I realize if my neighborhood is bombed by Palestine, then I cannot be shocked. I also realize this could entail killing women, children and anything else that walks or crawls in certain swaths of land.

To put this age old complex problem in even simpler terms: Israel has been an ally of the United State. Palestine has not. Israel has offered to compromise. Palestine has not. The popular saying, "fuck around and find out" is no longer applicable, because Palestine has fucked around and fucked around and fucked around, but when it comes to "finding out" The USA shows its lily white underbelly.

I would not engage our military to aide Israel unless it was requested, required and prudent to assist an ally. I would continue to sell our ally arms and munitions (even at a discount). If Israel needs to kill every Palestinian in the region, to feel safe,then  allies support allies in controlling and vanquishing enemies.  

A third purposed solution is isolationism, but I believe the negatives outweigh the benefits and do not find it viable. 

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The US has always supplied intel, certainly in the form of surveillance (spy satellite, SR-71 etc.) Anything that moves the Israelis know about. Good to know in an urban conflict.


Analogies, if the can't be both pithy and humorous should at least be humorous.   

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On 5/4/2024 at 7:48 PM, datzenmike said:


The denial of bail is a completely normal occurrence, though rare. If you are deemed 'a threat to the community' is just one of the thresholds for denying bail. Another might be having the resources to flee prosecution and there are likely more. Likely there are exceptions to the right to a speedy trial. Damn you TJ for making me have to do some work and look this up.


Yes, yes, that was my evil plan all along...................to get you to READ something!!!!!! 😉🤣😏

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On 5/5/2024 at 7:08 AM, datzenmike said:

Not kidding at all. The question was asked and I replied that it can and did happen and why. If you want to know ask who ever let them out why they didn't meet the requirements of being held. Maybe the jails and holding cells were full of worse offenders? is my guess.


Ugh, it is the leftist DA's.  John is exactly correct.............THIS is why I stated what I stated!!  The DA's in the far left blue states, are as corrupt as they come & are letting multiple heavy offenders out without bail.  THIS is the same two tiered judicial system, that we have been talking about for well over a year.  🙄

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