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4 hours ago, datzenmike said:


Well as far as Trump goes I don't really care about his politics or his accomplishments or lack of, or how he ran the government or failed it, his policies or failed policies. I have disliked him intensely for decades. With the advent of the internet there is even more content to dislike about him and starting with his run for president even MORE to dislike. After 2020 even MORE. It may look like everything started in '16 but his very poor character, graft, fraudulence (and flatulence) and general narcissistic douchbagery was always there, it was just amplified by his new position. So no, I clearly perceive how much of a rapist cunt he is long before the term TDS was coined. BTW, I always thought TDS was aimed at fanatical deranged MAGAs that were in his thrall that couldn't or wouldn't see what a piece of shit he is. That makes way more sense.


As for Tucker he is a freelance political influencer and media whore now. He was somewhat entertaining before. He only makes a living engaging in outlandish media entertainment disguised as scoops and like trump it's worse now..  


C'mon John, I said I disliked him intensely for decades. It grew beyond intense after 2020. I also said I don't care about his politics what he did or didn't do certainly as far as how it affects me. .


Never mentioned his business but have in the past. His assets exceed his debts so he manages to stay ahead of personal bankruptcy just barely but has filed for Chapter 11 six times leaving lenders holding the bag or restructuring his dept leaving lenders holding the bag. It's how he operates. 

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5 hours ago, datzenmike said:




Trump derangement syndrome (TDS) is a pejorative term, usually for criticism or negative reactions to former United States president Donald Trump that are perceived to be irrational and to have little regard towards Trump's actual policy positions, or actions undertaken by his administration.[1] The term has mainly been used by Trump supporters to discredit criticism of him, as a way of reframing the discussion by suggesting that his opponents are incapable of accurately perceiving the world.[2][3][4] Journalists have used the term to call for restraint when judging Trump's statements and actions.




Well as far as Trump goes I don't really care about his politics or his accomplishments or lack of, or how he ran the government or failed it, his policies or failed policies. I have disliked him intensely for decades. With the advent of the internet there is even more content to dislike about him and starting with his run for president even MORE to dislike. After 2020 even MORE. It may look like everything started in '16 but his very poor character, graft, fraudulence (and flatulence) and general narcissistic douchbagery was always there, it was just amplified by his new position. So no, I clearly perceive how much of a rapist cunt he is long before the term TDS was coined. BTW, I always thought TDS was aimed at fanatical deranged MAGAs that were in his thrall that couldn't or wouldn't see what a piece of shit he is. That makes way more sense.


As for Tucker he is a freelance political influencer and media whore now. He was somewhat entertaining before. He only makes a living engaging in outlandish media entertainment disguised as scoops and like trump it's worse now..  


Oh Mike, it's ok.........TDS is a dangerous syndrome.  Get help.  Love ya brudda, but............well, you got it & you got it BAD!!

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34 minutes ago, yenpit said:


Oh Mike, it's ok.........TDS is a dangerous syndrome.  Get help.  Love ya brudda, but............well, you got it & you got it BAD!!


16 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

Can't have it I got the jab.



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11 hours ago, datzenmike said:


C'mon John, I said I disliked him intensely for decades. It grew beyond intense after 2020. I also said I don't care about his politics what he did or didn't do certainly as far as how it affects me. .


Never mentioned his business but have in the past. His assets exceed his debts so he manages to stay ahead of personal bankruptcy just barely but has filed for Chapter 11 six times leaving lenders holding the bag or restructuring his dept leaving lenders holding the bag. It's how he operates. 

And there ya have it. So easy.

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48 minutes ago, john510 said:

And there ya have it. So easy.


WTF does that mean??


Most of his inflated 'wealth' is on his say so.  Easy to see he's a huckster, fraud, liar, narcissist, reality show host before he was president and worse after 2020. The walls began to close in on him and he's become more and more deranged. Many of his cronies are now convicted criminals and he's not that far away himself. He's like the pied piper drawing supporters to their doom just like his creditors. Banks won't lend him money and that's the reason he had to inflate his worth. His only option is to stir the pot and hope to be elected or gain enough MAGA support that somehow convicting him will not be an option without damaging the country irreparably. I suspect his lead in the polls will erode as sensible people come to their senses and election time looms closer.





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10 hours ago, datzenmike said:


I suspect his lead in the polls will erode as sensible people come to their senses and election time looms closer.






If history is any indicator, Mike, you're gonna be sorely disappointed as November approaches. Every arrow pulled from the malicious quiver of the 'resistance' and sloppily lobbed his way bumps his approval ratings up a notch and brandon's down a notch.  Thank you, Soros placed prosecutors/persecutors.


My minimally educated brain extends to you a suggestion from my beloved late mother's treasure trove of good ol' country sayings (she was a 'Yellow Dog Dem' and dad was just 'Grapes of Wrath' common sense, politically speaking, so us kids sat through some interesting dinner table discussions):


'Wish in one hand and sh1t in the other and see which one fills up the fastest' !!


Put another way, if you're trying to dig your way out of a hole and it's only getting deeper; quit the hell diggin'.


Edited by difrangia
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1 hour ago, datzenmike said:

Banks won't lend him money and that's the reason he had to inflate his worth. 


Completely untrue in this situation.  His organization and the banks negotiated about the values of collateral for loans, which were made, and then all were paid back.  No defaults, no rejection of loan requests, no victim, no fraud.  Maybe you can explain why NY feels the need to get into complaining about business deals in which the parties had no issues themselves.  I sell you something, you agree to the price, you pay, I give you the goods.  Consideration accomplished, thus a valid contract.  Why should the state of NY care?

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Risk. The cost of a loan is based on the risk of defaulting on it. If you want to borrow $10 and tell the lender that you are worth $20 but are really worth $1 then to the lender the risk of default appears to be minimal so the lending rate is much lower. You have not only effectively ripped them off of profit but have risked money that is not yours to risk and cannot pay back if there is a default. Just because a loan was paid back and there was no default does not excuse the fraud of securing the loan in the first place. The risk was there and should have been covered by an increased rate.  

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1 hour ago, datzenmike said:

Risk. The cost of a loan is based on the risk of defaulting on it. If you want to borrow $10 and tell the lender that you are worth $20 but are really worth $1 then to the lender the risk of default appears to be minimal so the lending rate is much lower. You have not only effectively ripped them off of profit but have risked money that is not yours to risk and cannot pay back if there is a default. Just because a loan was paid back and there was no default does not excuse the fraud of securing the loan in the first place. The risk was there and should have been covered by an increased rate.  


Have you ever bought or sold a home, bought a car, on any item you haggled over? 


Then by YOUR metric you have committed the same fraud.


Assets have a ranged value base on a metric of 0-100, 100 being the most pristine condition and value within the area metrics. 


All the Banks that testified said they made massive profits from Trump, and said they would lend to him again. They called him a "white whale" customer that would make them profit 100% of the time within their transactions. 


So Trump team would do a valuation of the asset and say that it was worth XX amount and present the application. Then the Banks would then do their research-risk profile and present their value. The two parties negotiate until an amicable value is reached and the pay back terms are set.  The terms were then met. NO FRAUD WAS COMMITTED.  There has to be a victim to be a standing. 


What Engoron did was set a precedence that our whole mortgage system is a fraud.


"You have nothing to worry about when doing Business, Real Estate lending, and property purchasing in NY unless you are Donald Trump."  NY Governor Kathy Hochul. 


Stop saying he committed a fraud. There was NO fraud securing the loan what so ever. Notice the Banks didn't get charged for fraud when they were co-conspirators in your version?  

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How is any of this stuff important? Fraud this, insurrection that, the Democrats have made it all nothing but noise. If Trump remains the Republican candidate, he has my vote. I don't care if he starts wearing dresses and shitting on the White House lawn. But no matter what the polls claim, the million "undocumented" now "documented" extra Democrat votes is going to make this a blue election.

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1 hour ago, frankendat said:

How is any of this stuff important? Fraud this, insurrection that, the Democrats have made it all nothing but noise. If Trump remains the Republican candidate, he has my vote. I don't care if he starts wearing dresses and shitting on the White House lawn. But no matter what the polls claim, the million "undocumented" now "documented" extra Democrat votes is going to make this a blue election.


I agree.  And if the left win based on illegal voters, there is going to be anarchy here in the States.  THAT will be very messy.  If the GOP wins, I have a very bad sinking feeling, that the left will have something evil up their sleeve & start ANOTHER insurrection......................that's right Mike & all other liberals or TDS suffering people (I'm trying not to call names), THE LEFT will once again, start an insurrection.  Unless the left is STOPPED before or immediately after the election, no matter the outcome, I think we are in for a very rough ride in 2025....................🙄😵😕

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One can only hope that this latest (soon to be rectified, hoopefully) injustice in NYC will drive the point home to people about just how bad things have gotten.

With the shark tank guy going off about it, and truckers refusing to take freight there, that should be on just about everyone's radar soon.

More and more states and municipalities are strengthening voter requirements to try and thwart the cheat, which, if follows true to form will make the 2020 event look like pikers.  It might even be possible to flip Oregon, which has puzzlingly been strongly democrat since mail in voting was installed.  The Tent-City-Tina supporters will be printing and counting like mad, but we damn near pulled it off last cycle, and even on Karenville there are more and more people complaing about the amount of property crime, theft, excess prices on everything and general culture of shitbagdom.  Spin doctors can spout all the shit they want, but when your candidate gets painted with the same brush that people associate with what is making their everyday life difficult, the sane ones vote their best interest.

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23 minutes ago, flyerdan said:

One can only hope that this latest (soon to be rectified, hoopefully) injustice in NYC will drive the point home to people about just how bad things have gotten.

With the shark tank guy going off about it, and truckers refusing to take freight there, that should be on just about everyone's radar soon.

More and more states and municipalities are strengthening voter requirements to try and thwart the cheat, which, if follows true to form will make the 2020 event look like pikers.  It might even be possible to flip Oregon, which has puzzlingly been strongly democrat since mail in voting was installed.  The Tent-City-Tina supporters will be printing and counting like mad, but we damn near pulled it off last cycle, and even on Karenville there are more and more people complaing about the amount of property crime, theft, excess prices on everything and general culture of shitbagdom.  Spin doctors can spout all the shit they want, but when your candidate gets painted with the same brush that people associate with what is making their everyday life difficult, the sane ones vote their best interest.


Agree 100%.  I TRY desperately to talk to liberal friends & family, but I RARELY get thru to them.................and I try to be a good diplomatic person in conversations!  It is like talking to a brick wall!  They are blind to most of this mess....................😒

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9 hours ago, datzenmike said:


WTF does that mean??


Most of his inflated 'wealth' is on his say so.  Easy to see he's a huckster, fraud, liar, narcissist, reality show host before he was president and worse after 2020. The walls began to close in on him and he's become more and more deranged. Many of his cronies are now convicted criminals and he's not that far away himself. He's like the pied piper drawing supporters to their doom just like his creditors. Banks won't lend him money and that's the reason he had to inflate his worth. His only option is to stir the pot and hope to be elected or gain enough MAGA support that somehow convicting him will not be an option without damaging the country irreparably. I suspect his lead in the polls will erode as sensible people come to their senses and election time looms closer.





Oh Jesus really ? You just keep digging. Banks won't lend Trump money so he inflates his value ?  You know you'd make a great Twitter wacko with this shit. Are you watching "The View" or Rachel Maddow or something similar ? You sound just like them.

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10 minutes ago, yenpit said:


Agree 100%.  I TRY desperately to talk to liberal friends & family, but I RARELY get thru to them.................and I try to be a good diplomatic person in conversations!  It is like talking to a brick wall!  They are blind to most of this mess....................😒

Yes it's difficult if not impossible to get these types to understand. Their logic is a mystery to me. Complain about everything going on caused by those THEY voted for and wonder why it's the way it is. And then refuse to understand why it happened. And vote that way again. 

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But I could say the same about you! You say to believe you but it's near impossible to change someone's mind that's sorted through everything and come to an obvious conclusion. Seems like you believe Trump whining about being picked on, election interference, insane, incoherent rants, slurring speech  so go ahead, I'll stick to not liking him.


What's next, the 'Hush Money' trial? Lets see how that goes. You're going to say Oh how unfair, they ganged up on him, nothing is fair in NY, it's BS, it never happened, Koen is a liar. It's just another level of swampiness around this toad.



8 hours ago, Mattndew76 said:


Have you ever bought or sold a home, bought a car, on any item you haggled over? 


Then by YOUR metric you have committed the same fraud.


Assets have a ranged value base on a metric of 0-100, 100 being the most pristine condition and value within the area metrics. 


All the Banks that testified said they made massive profits from Trump, and said they would lend to him again. They called him a "white whale" customer that would make them profit 100% of the time within their transactions. 


So Trump team would do a valuation of the asset and say that it was worth XX amount and present the application. Then the Banks would then do their research-risk profile and present their value. The two parties negotiate until an amicable value is reached and the pay back terms are set.  The terms were then met. NO FRAUD WAS COMMITTED.  There has to be a victim to be a standing. 


What Engoron did was set a precedence that our whole mortgage system is a fraud.


"You have nothing to worry about when doing Business, Real Estate lending, and property purchasing in NY unless you are Donald Trump."  NY Governor Kathy Hochul. 


Stop saying he committed a fraud. There was NO fraud securing the loan what so ever. Notice the Banks didn't get charged for fraud when they were co-conspirators in your version?  


I never once said they were 'co conspirators' I said he ripped them off. BTW where does he have to go to get his loans? Deutsche Bank Germany? Why's that? No one local that will take the risk? I don't blame them once bitten twice shy. I wonder what rate he got?


 Has unlimited funds for lawyers...and although innocent, he's found guilty of fraud. Can't argue that. Guilty of sexual assault. Guilty of defamation. I see a trend here.

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The Banks were not ripped off.... Jesus. The banks testified that they want to "continue to do" business with Trump...


The only trend I see is that you believe there is no fowl play at all.  its only in one direction and that's good enough.  "I dont like him." is all it takes to be blind to a huge pile of BS and Shit smells like roses.


You got some Gell-mann's Amnesia my dude.


Shit I don't even know why I am trying to discuss this with anyone who doesn't know shit about the details or done any type of research into the law requirements in this case.


Good luck with the tertiary knowledge. You're are right based upon how you feel.



Edited by Mattndew76
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Lets agree to disagree. Yes I don't like him. No I don't care about his politics as it doesn't impact me, though I will question some facets of it. Haley is hanging in as a later alternative GOP candidate wtshtf with Trump later. So leave out that the Dems are behind all this for a moment, I mean they probably have some clout, but forget that as the go to answer for all things happening to trump legally. If he's so rich he would have a dozen $1,000 an hour lawyers on this, I mean if Simpson could get away with murder, surely he could beat this 'frivolous' attack. So how does one who's innocent end up guilty? Well maybe you should entertain the thought that he isn't all that innocent. Like Al Capone. Guilty of all kinds of mayhem but hard to prove, so dig up some other, possibly lesser broken law and prosecute to the max. Again... don't automatically say it's all the Dem's fault. Yes they are unlikely to cut him any slack for sure. On the other foot if a GOP judge was throwing the case out???? That's just as bad. Entertain the thought that Trump isn't a nice guy, and is guilty of many many crooked things and like Capone the law has it's teeth in his ass and won't let go. He's not squeaky clean. Was ok as president but fucked a few things up IMHO. Brought his own swamp with him, all now convicted felons or pending. In the last four years he's gone off the rails because he can't control himself. You want him back in charge? Or Joe? Get rid of these old deeply flawed men.

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13 hours ago, datzenmike said:

But I could say the same about you! You say to believe you but it's near impossible to change someone's mind that's sorted through everything and come to an obvious conclusion. Seems like you believe Trump whining about being picked on, election interference, insane, incoherent rants, slurring speech  so go ahead, I'll stick to not liking him.


What's next, the 'Hush Money' trial? Lets see how that goes. You're going to say Oh how unfair, they ganged up on him, nothing is fair in NY, it's BS, it never happened, Koen is a liar. It's just another level of swampiness around this toad.




I never once said they were 'co conspirators' I said he ripped them off. BTW where does he have to go to get his loans? Deutsche Bank Germany? Why's that? No one local that will take the risk? I don't blame them once bitten twice shy. I wonder what rate he got?


 Has unlimited funds for lawyers...and although innocent, he's found guilty of fraud. Can't argue that. Guilty of sexual assault. Guilty of defamation. I see a trend here.


Here is my take...........you know I respect you!  You have NOT sorted thru everything.  If you had actually sorted thru everything, then you would not have this level of TDS.  We know that you are an intelligent person, but WE also see that you have been conditioned to see Trump as a horrible person.  Did he do things when he was younger, that had bad affects on others?  Yes.  Did I ever do things that had a bad affect on others?  Yup, I sure did, when I was younger & dumber.  But I like to think that I am a much better person, as I have gotten older, as I have learned.  I see Trump the same/similar way.  I see you & John, the same/similar way (Paradime, I'm not sure of yet!! 🤣).  Were YOU a perfect angel, when you were younger?  Not likely, NO OFFENSE MEANT!  How could so many millions of people (yes, Trump supporters) have a very different opinion, than what main stream media has painted of Trump?  Are WE 100% wrong?  I don't think any of us have accused you of being 100% wrong?  We too, have seen & heard how ridiculously obnoxious, rude, childish etc that Trump can be.....................but we do NOT pay attention to how main stream media has created this "monster orange man bad!", because our opinion is that msm is wrong.............and I mean wrong ON PURPOSE, to smear him, to try to get rid of him!  The left has done this to MANY MANY other GOP members & conservative supporters.  It is how the left works................😡😤💩

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1 hour ago, yenpit said:


Here is my take...........you know I respect you!  You have NOT sorted thru everything.  If you had actually sorted thru everything, then you would not have this level of TDS.  We know that you are an intelligent person, but WE also see that you have been conditioned to see Trump as a horrible person.  Did he do things when he was younger, that had bad affects on others?  Yes.  Did I ever do things that had a bad affect on others?  Yup, I sure did, when I was younger & dumber.  But I like to think that I am a much better person, as I have gotten older, as I have learned.  I see Trump the same/similar way.  I see you & John, the same/similar way (Paradime, I'm not sure of yet!! 🤣).  Were YOU a perfect angel, when you were younger?  Not likely, NO OFFENSE MEANT!  How could so many millions of people (yes, Trump supporters) have a very different opinion, than what main stream media has painted of Trump?  Are WE 100% wrong?  I don't think any of us have accused you of being 100% wrong?  We too, have seen & heard how ridiculously obnoxious, rude, childish etc that Trump can be.....................but we do NOT pay attention to how main stream media has created this "monster orange man bad!", because our opinion is that msm is wrong.............and I mean wrong ON PURPOSE, to smear him, to try to get rid of him!  The left has done this to MANY MANY other GOP members & conservative supporters.  It is how the left works................😡😤💩

Ever read his tweets? All Trump no filter. Good way to see where the man was unhinged even back when he was president. Things haven't improved and it simply amazes me that there are people out there that listen to him like he is telling the truth. He is a used car salesman. Tells people what he thinks they want to hear and they eat it up. Such a gullible population to believe anything he says. 

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2 hours ago, bottomwatcher said:

Ever read his tweets? All Trump no filter. Good way to see where the man was unhinged even back when he was president. Things haven't improved and it simply amazes me that there are people out there that listen to him like he is telling the truth. He is a used car salesman. Tells people what he thinks they want to hear and they eat it up. Such a gullible population to believe anything he says. 


Sorry bottomwatcher...............I'm gonna call ya out.  Do I like mean people?  Nope.  I do not hang out around mean people.  I could not care LESS, if Trump was a mean tweeter, because we had it GOOD, during his first term.  Do I agree with his "style"?  Nope, but again, I do not care, as I simply want somebody who is capable of running this country & keeping our "enemies" in check...........which he did & I firmly believe he can continue to do.  Is he a "salesman"?  Sure, I can see that "style" of a person in him...........but that tells me, that he can "sell" his ideas regarding this country, to just about anybody. 


Did you watch the Laura Ingraham interview, from the other day?  I think somebody just posted it.......?  Watch it & then tell me how bad orange man is!!  So what if he sounded arrogant!!  You guys with all your talk about mean tweets, arrogance, obnoxious, his PAST business dealings etc................I do not give a rats ass.  We had it good 2016-2020.  We WILL have it good again, when he is re-elected!  However, either way the election goes, I think we will ALL be in for a rough ride.  I firmly believe that the left will, once again, incite an insurrection (yup, 2020 was the left!), here in the States.  I think it will be REALLY bad this time, as the left does not give a damn about We The People..........only about their ability to control We The People!


I had hopes for DeSantis, hopes for Ramswamy, I paid attention & learned about Haley these last few months & I simply do not think any of them would have had the balls.  Haley is a RINO, so no way in Haiti, I will ever vote for her.  Brandon & his cronnies, are complete idiots.  America is at its weakest point internationally, as we likely have ever been.  I liked Obama, when he was in office, but what I have learned since then, shows me that he (and the Clinton's), were simply "conditioning" us for what was to come, if the left was able to stay in power.  That agenda was sidetracked when Trump won in 2016.  So what did they do?  Immediately went for his throat & have continued the "witch hunt" since then.  The left will do ANYTHING to keep Trump from winning in 2024.  Good luck, left scum!!


Show me ANYBODY else, that could FIX this awful mess we are in right now & run this country as it should be run & we can discuss it.  But NOBODY else with balls enough, has stepped up.  That said, we are left with "bad orange man".  Works for me!! 😎

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