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The fact is I never wore a mask except when forced to, but one has to keep in mind that if your going to be around someone that has been vaccinated recently or for me just vaccinated at all with that MRNA that is exhaled out with every breath, if you are getting sick(spontainious sores, sinus issues, ears filling up with liquid, itching in one spot for me whenever infected, ect.) all the time, either one needs to stay away for vaccinated people or wear a mask although I do not know if it will help, vaccinated people are like landmines to me, eventually some vaccinated person will kill me.


I did not go to any Datsun Meets this year because after the Brooks 2022 Datsun Meet I was very sick for around a month, I tried to stay away from people, but unless I want to eat alone off somewhere I will get sick, even being across a table is too close to people for me, after late April/early May of 2021 when the vaccinations started my life changed, the last infection was so bad I needed antibiotics, November, December, and January were a living hell for me, that one scared me bad, now I am vocal about people getting too close to me, for me the population has been turned into a biological weapon.


It took 4 years for the birth rate in Africa to be obvious after Bill Gates Vaccine Vaccinations started, it is hard to stay what other side effects them poor people had or are having to this day, 2025 is less than 2 years away.



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Yup, saw that. Definitely a fuck you to Ottawa. Alberta has abundant fossil fuels. Here in BC we have lots of electricity in fact my son works for BC Hydro. He gave me a tour of the W A C Bennet dam on Williston Lake I guess the headwaters of the Peace River. There is a controversial second dam down stream coming on line very shortly. Just imagine one river damned and a few miles down the river a second one like going down stairs. 

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When it comes to changing the power structure, there are always going to be conflicting interests and view points on the subject. Viewing it through the pinhole of one perspective never tells the whole story. To its credit, given the challenge of transitioning to clean energy, Canada takes a more pragmatic long view approach towards meeting its future power needs. While clean energy is the goal, in all objectively, completely eleminating natural gas for energy production by 2035 is neither realistic or acheivible in that short timeframe. Not to criticize, but it does appear glaringly lib myopic and short sighted.


Currently, every Canadian power grid bordering the US is connected to every Northern US states grids to supplement their power needs. That said, energy independence is in Canada's best interests, and eliminating that dependance on imported natural gas and outside power will make them more secure in the planet's increasingly unstable political future. I think taking gas away as part of a plan B backup is akin to shooting yourself in the foot in the middle of a race though.


Technologies in electrical production and storage are accelerating at a rapid rate and driven by market competition. Canada is becoming a major player in that, and this is something my Brother Ken is following very closely. He's now the CFO of a company that is building grid battery energy recovery stations that store a truly massive amount of power. With rapid charging when excess energy is available, and crazy 98% return efficiency, they have military contracts, but are in a race to get it to a broader market at scale. They are designed to stabilize peak demand surges to iliminate brownouts, and provide minimum power to essential services during blackouts. His company is partnering with Canada to build a zero waste giga factory there, and Canada's power grid will be among the first municipal grids to benefit from it.


From the perspective of our current understanding of energy production, things like nuclear fusion reactors look like a distant pipe dream. Take a modern smartphone and a pair of bluetooth ear buds back 35 yrs you could convince people you came from another planet. Considering the exponential advancements in AI design modeling, and new materials development, ready or not, those pipe dreams are likely approaching much faster than we can imagine. And as always, with changes like this, there are conflicting interests and view points on the subject. 


For a broader Canadian perspective:



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Boreing continued. “Disney bombed at the box office this weekend. Almost every film since the pandemic has done poorly at the box office with precious few exceptions.” 


Perhaps the public found other forms of entertainment are still out there waiting. Bring home a large cardboard box that at one time held a large appliance and leave it laying around. Kids with boundless energy and imagination will co-opt it and it becomes a semi truck or space shuttle, or submarine. Funny how that much entertainment fit's into a box that small. Next thing you know you're asked to cut windows and doors in it. When done playing with it, it's recycled.



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1 hour ago, datzenmike said:

Boreing continued. “Disney bombed at the box office this weekend. Almost every film since the pandemic has done poorly at the box office with precious few exceptions.” 


Perhaps the public found other forms of entertainment are still out there waiting. Bring home a large cardboard box that at one time held a large appliance and leave it laying around. Kids with boundless energy and imagination will co-opt it and it becomes a semi truck or space shuttle, or submarine. Funny how that much entertainment fit's into a box that small. Next thing you know you're asked to cut windows and doors in it. When done playing with it, it's recycled.




          We did that for our Granddaughter.Got a big cardboard box,made a door on it,

& wrote "Lilly's Pad" on it (Her name is Lilly).

           She had a lot of fun in it.

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3 hours ago, yenpit said:


Yup, Cloward & Piven and Saul 'Satan' Alinsky strategy, 21st Century version in action at full throttle. Buckle Up, Buttercup. The SH1T is fast approaching the bloody fan !!

Edited by difrangia
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For those that don't listen to Michael Berry, you might not know that there is an excellent documentary out there that totally discredits the whole Saint George  narrative and exonerates all the cops, as well as establishing how corrupt everything about it was.  It's on youtube; not posting a link because it's 1:42 so you'll want to settle in in front of the big tv and watch on the app.  Full hd and no commercials, "The Fall of Minneapolis".  It may sound like it's a long time to watch, but it goes by scarily quickly, it's that compelling.  Might want to catch it sooner rather than later as yt has a habit of disappearing things like this when they get popular.

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On 11/29/2023 at 2:36 PM, yenpit said:


Transgender sports and the woke logic behind it is pure comedy gold. Dave Chappell and Bill Barr tare that shit to pieces. The Daily Wire web media company is owned by Ben Shapiro and the film's director Jeremy Boreing. Before making Lady Ballers, they understood their low budget $7mil web stream provocation movie would never be shown in theaters because that profit formula is box office lead. Marketing Lady Ballers as liberal Hollywood sacrilege, and "The most Triggering Film Of The Century' is smart media PR, because they know generating controversy and negative attention will make them lots of money.


Provocation comedy like Borat can be entertaining, but social commentary comedy films like Life Of Brian, The Great Dictator, Dr Strangelove, South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut, Fight Club, Harold & Maud, Ideocracy, Office Space, The Big Lebowski, Falling Down, Grand Torino, The Big Short, I Heart Huckabee are a mirror on social absurdity. 

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