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Make no mistake, we are in a cold civil war right now with marxist revolutionaries trying to tear down the history of this country and destroy it.


They shield themselves in the cloak of BLM to prevent criticism.


These are literal communists trying to destroy America.



Why else would the tear down a statue of freaking Fredrick Douglas? They wish to destroy history to replace it with their grand revolution.




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13 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Too bad. Everyone all ages pays a small set amount. None of this opting out and just because young you don't need it crap. Like old age pension new younger members pay for older and those that need it. Eventually it will be your turn. You can also add extra private coverage if you are financially capable. Every time I mention how sensible this is someone goes ape shit and I'm a commie bastard. Or socialist bastard I forget. Health insurance should be more like car insurance. Everyone understands car insurance.

I've heard many Canadians come to the states for health issues,why is that ? How long does it take you to get an appointment with a Doctor ? One group i don't want involved with my health is the Government.They're too close to it now.I also don't want the Government controlling hospitals.We have a hospital here in East County that is over run with Government assisted patients.It's ten minutes from me but i won't go there.I choose a hospital in La Jolla where the riff raff can't get to easily.What a difference in quality of care and service.

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13 hours ago, angliagt said:


                      My Wife had to pay $500 last year because she didn't have insurance -

(she had her job eliminated).What really ticked me off is that I had to pay $500 too,

even though I did have insurance.

                    I have to laugh at these kids who get mad because when they start making

decent money,they find out that they have to PAY for health insurance.

                  ""What's the deal with this? - I thought it was FREE".

I thought Trump signed a tax law that removed that penalty for not being insured ? 

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45 minutes ago, john510 said:

I've heard many Canadians come to the states for health issues,why is that ? How long does it take you to get an appointment with a Doctor ? One group i don't want involved with my health is the Government.They're too close to it now.I also don't want the Government controlling hospitals.We have a hospital here in East County that is over run with Government assisted patients.It's ten minutes from me but i won't go there.I choose a hospital in La Jolla where the riff raff can't get to easily.What a difference in quality of care and service.


If you have the money you can pay for anything down there. You also have the best of the Canadian brain drain of doctors who moved there for the money.


Doctor? Haven't had to go there this summer but if serious almost always you would go to hospital, less than that, sometimes the same day for your doctor, certainly withing a couple of days at most. Their fees are set like a mechanic's wages and the bill sent to the government. If they feel they are worth more they can go where the pay is better.

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Here is a discussion from 3 years ago that predicted with great accuracy as to what is going on right this moment.


Please put your egos away and thoughtfully listen knowing these are actual experts who have studied the psychology of human kind. If you want to refute them please come with factual information instead of how it made you "feel" 


We truly are on the precipice of our society as we used to know totally going away. The thought that "It would never happen here." is a fools impulse. Take a look around. Either you are bathing in nihilism and enjoy every ounce of what is to come or are in such denial that the truth will be deliberately obfuscated to help you cope.


This communist uprising under (BLM/ANTIFA) will either sweep into power on the back of a dementia ridden candidate who will be immediately removed, and replaced once in the office of the Executive. The pendulum can also swing so violently to the right that this unwillingness to stand up to this could trigger such a violent rage from everyone to the right of this. Authoritarian patterns arise in every society, and here we are. 


Bend the knee and kiss the boots of your new masters of equality.





Edited by Mattndew76
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On 7/6/2020 at 8:01 PM, Dguy210 said:


Or because they are massive fucking hypocrites that will allow or say anything as long as it pushes their progressive politics.


The fact that 3 and 4 contradict is the point.


Or you know supposedly the COVID is defeated by saying "BLM"







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2 minutes ago, Jesse C. said:



I've seen this tool that you can use on some dipshit idiot trying to pull you out of your car. it's about $500 bucks and it works great on Antifa types. 


China Execution - Firing Squad | FinanceTwitter


I know its tongue n cheek, but I shudder at the thought that this should come to any of what is happening in that photo.

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13 hours ago, Mattndew76 said:


I know its tongue n cheek, but I shudder at the thought that this should come to any of what is happening in that photo.


It's basically the old saying, they should be taken out and shot! Nobody ever does it and I am just making light of these dipshits. Maybe they should just get those little hammers shoved up their ass instead. 


What gets me is the traction they get with this type of crap and no one calls them out on it. But, If I where to do something similar, they would have the world come down on me! 



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15 hours ago, Jesse C. said:



I've seen this tool that you can use on some dipshit idiot trying to pull you out of your car. it's about $500 bucks and it works great on Antifa types. 


China Execution - Firing Squad | FinanceTwitter



They've improved it... easier to aim in the confines of a car where distance to the target isn't an issue, and 'Made in the USA' so the irony hurts just as much as the bullets to antifa fucks.....




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Article this is from:



Imagine if the races involved were reversed, the outrage could power a small city.


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