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Covid-19 Prepared?

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I seen something on the Scripps news channel last night and regret not taking a photo of the screen now, but I will give this context before I say what I seen.


That Scripps News Channel has this line/bar at the bottom that scrolls continuously about headlines like such things as the Boston, Massachusetts based Boston Steel company, it has spent 120 million to make Green Steel which is the making of steel making far less pollution than normal, another subject was moving over to green electricity like solar/wind/ect; but some think that there are not enough rare minerals to make the switch, CBD has been banned in Hong Kong and was labeled as a dangerous drug, El Salvador has been found to have violated humans rights(don't remember details), Tesla is making record profits, Feds interest rates are slowing the economy, Filipinos were treated like slaves on oil rigs and abandoned on the oil rig during a hurricane(lawsuit), these and other headlines including the Pelosy attack are scrolling by on the screen.


Well last night I seen the headline that they are going to use the Covid 19 vaccine as a yearly flu shot now, the scum running this show has no boundaries.


I also seen that Pfizer has figured out how to make the Covid 19 vaccine as a powder for pills, they will put that shit in everything.


I watched a few programs on PBS recently, one about WW2 and experiments done on troops, but the Nazi's did it first and the British and Americans followed using the same drug, this documentary was about how the Germans could march 20+ miles a day with 60+ pounds on their back, and they did it day after day, it turns out they were given Meth in pill form to keep them moving, it was called Blitzkrieg, they invaded complete countries swiftly, this meth also had another side effect, I do not remember now if it was the British or Americans that figured this out, but if given enough Meth their troops would become fearless(without fear) and do things they would not normally do if they were not on Meth, troops in tanks would just roll into areas they did not have a chance of surviving and inflict damage before being destroyed themselves, also B17 crews were given the same drug to keep them awake and make them fearless also, considering the return rate in them missions and after seeing this program if my uncle were still alive(died of old age), I would ask him some questions now as he had a story of a hole appearing between his legs on one flight in his B17, I never thought to ask him about this pill subject.


Another program I watched that I am surprised it made the airwaves considering what it was about, it was about RNA and about how they have figured out how to make RNA create new strains that have never existed before in nature to see what the results are, if they found a strain that went the direction they wanted, they would use that strain to start the next experiment and do it all over again and again, they found that they could make RNA with a soapy shell around it to help it get to places that it could not normally go and to protect it, the example they used was oil/water, two ingredients that do not mix, but they have figured out how to make a certain RNA that will mix and invade things that it will not normally mix with/invade, basically they only use the results that go in a general direction they want, but every time they make a batch they get mostly failures, this is a never ending cycle, most results are failures, I guess it depends on what they want the RNA to do???



Edited by wayno
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Meth was discovered by the Japanese in the '30s. This is old news. The effects can be seen on the streets. Look up 'Berserker' for info on warriors who go into fits of killing rage during a battle. It was not a good idea to be near one even if he was on your side during a battle.


Stop watching TV wayno and if not, at least stop watching the news. It's two cups of bullshit, a pound of lies, 8 oz. of innuendo, 1/4 cup of hearsay and only a pinch of truth. The recipe says that truth can be left out if you don't have any and use twice as much half truths instead.   


Thanks on the warning about flu shots. I'll watch out next fall.  

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19 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

Meth was discovered by the Japanese in the '30s. This is old news. The effects can be seen on the streets. Look up 'Berserker' for info on warriors who go into fits of killing rage during a battle. It was not a good idea to be near one even if he was on your side during a battle.


Stop watching TV wayno and if not, at least stop watching the news. It's two cups of bullshit, a pound of lies, 8 oz. of innuendo, 1/4 cup of hearsay and only a pinch of truth. The recipe says that truth can be left out if you don't have any and use twice as much half truths instead.   


Thanks on the warning about flu shots. I'll watch out next fall.  


I only wrote most of that post to give context to the fact that I seen that Scripps News headline about them deciding to use the Covid 19 Vaccine as a yearly flu shot on Scripps News, you can make of it what you will, I was surfing the channels when I seen it, there are good channels like the Positv I mostly watch, the only bad things on it are the propaganda commercials(mostly Walgreens) which I get up and do other things during the commercials anyway, the WW2 and RNA stuff was on the history channel as I recall and I only wrote about that to point out that they are not above anything to get their way/further their agenda.

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17 hours ago, Mattndew76 said:

Anyone watching the Media excuse that Eggs are causing the sudden uptick in excessive deaths from stroke? Claimed that the Choline in the eggs are the cause. A Fillet of fish has 100X the amount of choline. 




No f**king way!!  These people a bat shit crazy, out of their minds!!  But the far left followers believe it............😵


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Hmmmmmm, maybe that explains the increasing price of eggs?? 😳 There is an egg shortage, cuz the WHO CDC big pharma are snatching them all up, testing & trying to inject the mRNA into eggs, as another way of getting it into our bodies.........??  I knew it...........I just KNEW it!! 😜 FJB (I can't find an American flag emoji here.........)

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What's wrong with having the cold? AIDS patients often die from unrelated pneumonia or some other relatively benign opportunistic condition. There are lots of conditions where you actually die of something much less deadly... like a cold. Should she have said that it was caused by being vaxed? not vaxed? Lots of people died of the common cold long before co-vid 19. We need more of this because right now one is not a trend. It does however fit the vaxed induced death narrative. 


I still remain unconvinced but even more observant. 

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1 hour ago, datzenmike said:

What's wrong with having the cold? AIDS patients often die from unrelated pneumonia or some other relatively benign opportunistic condition. There are lots of conditions where you actually die of something much less deadly... like a cold. Should she have said that it was caused by being vaxed? not vaxed? Lots of people died of the common cold long before co-vid 19. We need more of this because right now one is not a trend. It does however fit the vaxed induced death narrative. 


I still remain unconvinced but even more observant. 


If you are so unconvinced why not get another booster? 

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Once your jabbed your jabbed, it is an experimental drug with MRNA in it, after it does what it does I personally do not think it can be reversed, and that has nothing to do with the Aluminum?? in the Jab, I personally think that has another purpose which at some point all the jabbed are going to find out about.


My cousin was jabbed twice, the second one put him on his back in bed for a week, he said he was never getting another one, when he said this at a family lunch it made me think of a few of my customers that got yearly flu shots before 2020, they said the same thing, they would never get another yearly flu shot again after that last one that put them on their back in bed, this made me think that they were experimenting on people in the USA before the Plandemic as my customers were saying the same exact thing about the flu shot before 2020 as my Cousin was saying about the Covid Vaccine.


I have not come to the conclusions I have from this forum, I have searched, read, watched, listened to people and doctors/nurses over the last 10 years, I have watched how a certain political party has acted since 2016, and remember TV programs involving Bill Gates as far back as the late 90s, when all the information I have is put together it looks bad too me, that one comment directed at Hilary Clinton made by Trump in the 2016 debates was a real eye opener, she claimed he was not paying his rightfully owed taxes, he finally sighed and said, " I am only using the laws you made for your friends so they did not have to pay their taxes, I would be stupid not to", Trump not paying his taxes was never brought up in any debates again that I seen, and she never claimed he was wrong either, these are the kind of people running this country now, do any of you really think they give a rats ass about what regular people want anymore, they are also changing the way votes are counted in elections, that was in the last multi trillion dollar 4000+ page package that no one had time to read, is that really the way to run a country.

Edited by wayno
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So this flu shot conspiracy must involve tens of thousands of people that handle the making and testing of it. How do they keep this quiet? Surely someone would talk about it to a wife or g/f. Too many people would have to be in on it and more, someone independent would stumble across it and blow the whistle. You couldn't hope to have this remain undiscovered. 


I had zero effects from mine, and this sometimes happens. By effects I mean slight bruising at the injection site. It's never ever had any other effect and it shouldn't. In fact it can't. You can't get the flu from a flu shot but your body may have an immune response from it. It wouldn't put you in bed. If bed ridden after a flu shot then it was something else including possibly having caught the flu by coincidence at the same time. The flu shot takes several weeks to reach full 'protection'.   

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16 hours ago, datzenmike said:

So this flu shot conspiracy must involve tens of thousands of people that handle the making and testing of it. How do they keep this quiet? Surely someone would talk about it to a wife or g/f. Too many people would have to be in on it and more, someone independent would stumble across it and blow the whistle. You couldn't hope to have this remain undiscovered. 


I had zero effects from mine, and this sometimes happens. By effects I mean slight bruising at the injection site. It's never ever had any other effect and it shouldn't. In fact it can't. You can't get the flu from a flu shot but your body may have an immune response from it. It wouldn't put you in bed. If bed ridden after a flu shot then it was something else including possibly having caught the flu by coincidence at the same time. The flu shot takes several weeks to reach full 'protection'.   


Any effects are probably from allergy to eggs [that's what the vaccine is grown in].

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21 hours ago, wayno said:

Once your jabbed your jabbed, it is an experimental drug with MRNA in it, after it does what it does I personally do not think it can be reversed, and that has nothing to do with the Aluminum?? in the Jab, I personally think that has another purpose which at some point all the jabbed are going to find out about.


My cousin was jabbed twice, the second one put him on his back in bed for a week, he said he was never getting another one, when he said this at a family lunch it made me think of a few of my customers that got yearly flu shots before 2020, they said the same thing, they would never get another yearly flu shot again after that last one that put them on their back in bed, this made me think that they were experimenting on people in the USA before the Plandemic as my customers were saying the same exact thing about the flu shot before 2020 as my Cousin was saying about the Covid Vaccine.


I have not come to the conclusions I have from this forum, I have searched, read, watched, listened to people and doctors/nurses over the last 10 years, I have watched how a certain political party has acted since 2016, and remember TV programs involving Bill Gates as far back as the late 90s, when all the information I have is put together it looks bad too me, that one comment directed at Hilary Clinton made by Trump in the 2016 debates was a real eye opener, she claimed he was not paying his rightfully owed taxes, he finally sighed and said, " I am only using the laws you made for your friends so they did not have to pay their taxes, I would be stupid not to", Trump not paying his taxes was never brought up in any debates again that I seen, and she never claimed he was wrong either, these are the kind of people running this country now, do any of you really think they give a rats ass about what regular people want anymore, they are also changing the way votes are counted in elections, that was in the last multi trillion dollar 4000+ page package that no one had time to read, is that really the way to run a country.


Spot on, my friend!  The first thing this country MUST do, is drain the swamp of these far left LIBTARDS.  Getting rid of dirtbag Schiff & Swalwal (sp?? but I don't give a sh*t about those people) & that disgusting Somolian woman Ilhar or whatever her name is, has been a GREAT start.  I hope McCarthy continues his cleaning!  Biden needs to go ASAP, even if we must put up with Kamaltoe.  The far left/democratic party are already panicking, cuz they KNOW they are in deep doo doo.  The poop is already hitting the fan, including this mess of the "vaccine".  I hope & pray that this numbnutz Pfizer Dr Walker's hidden camera drama, opens everybody's eyes to the agenda of the far left.......to Soros's agenda.  This is gonna be FUN, but it is gonna be painful to watch.  Then comes 2024.  THIS will be a turning point.  Yes, I understand that the Republican party also has its idiots & elite.............they too, need to be removed.  Let the people elect (legally) those that will make the necessary changes TO SAVE THIS COUNTRY!! 

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19 hours ago, datzenmike said:

So this flu shot conspiracy must involve tens of thousands of people that handle the making and testing of it. How do they keep this quiet? Surely someone would talk about it to a wife or g/f. Too many people would have to be in on it and more, someone independent would stumble across it and blow the whistle. You couldn't hope to have this remain undiscovered. 


I had zero effects from mine, and this sometimes happens. By effects I mean slight bruising at the injection site. It's never ever had any other effect and it shouldn't. In fact it can't. You can't get the flu from a flu shot but your body may have an immune response from it. It wouldn't put you in bed. If bed ridden after a flu shot then it was something else including possibly having caught the flu by coincidence at the same time. The flu shot takes several weeks to reach full 'protection'.   


Have you NOT been watching the Project Veritas videos?  I'm sorry Mike, but this IS happening.  If you listen carefully to Walker (in the most recent videos), I believe that HE believes that he is doing good for the people.  But also take into consideration his age & yes, his sexual preferences.  I'm sorry, but he sounds like a privileged millenial, who goes thru life not thinking about consequences or his actions.  I can't imagine hanging out with a person like that (I don't mean cuz he is gay, I've had gay friends).  His arrogance & interest in getting boned, has now put him in a VERY bad place in his life.  Because of his big mouth & melodrama, I bet his career will soon be over.  THESE are the types of people "building" this country??  We are screwed if so.....................  

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20 hours ago, angliagt said:


                We have a Congressman here in Virginia who won't vote for any bill

that he hasn't read.I wish the rest of them felt the same way.


Good way to avoid voting. If he doesn't vote is it marked as he abstained from voting?

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21 hours ago, datzenmike said:

So this flu shot conspiracy must involve tens of thousands of people that handle the making and testing of it. How do they keep this quiet? Surely someone would talk about it to a wife or g/f. Too many people would have to be in on it and more, someone independent would stumble across it and blow the whistle. You couldn't hope to have this remain undiscovered. 


I had zero effects from mine, and this sometimes happens. By effects I mean slight bruising at the injection site. It's never ever had any other effect and it shouldn't. In fact it can't. You can't get the flu from a flu shot but your body may have an immune response from it. It wouldn't put you in bed. If bed ridden after a flu shot then it was something else including possibly having caught the flu by coincidence at the same time. The flu shot takes several weeks to reach full 'protection'.   


So the world revolves around you, if it did not happen to you it is not going to happen, "In fact it can't"(your words).


As I have already posted, in the past(before covid plandemic) vaccines were tested and it was a very public process when done as the government wanted to show they were safe, this show has been anything but public, they just made a law that you could not sue for side effects for this vaccine and that scumbag Bill Gates went the United States Supreme Court to try and make it mandatory to take the vaccine.

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