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Covid-19 Prepared?

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Get?.... full blown disease? no I didn't 'get' it. But I'm sure that at some time or other I could 'get' exposed to one of them and as I and dguy said also, it can't progress to full blown status. So yea you can 'get' it (exposure) you just can't keep it.


If you have anti bodies then obviously you were exposed to something that provoked an immune response. An exception might be a blood transfusion?


Absolutely you can have a disease and not have any symptoms.


BAC? I'm signing up for a test trial. I've heard that if your BAC is high and you are in an accident you are less likely to be hurt because you are loose and relaxed and can't easily tense up... so there's that 

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15 hours ago, Dguy210 said:


NO. Vaccines stop you from getting the disease, THAT is why it doesn't progress. AN effective vaccine causes the production of "neutralizing antibodies" that will PREVENT entry of the virus into the cell. No viral entry, no viral replication, no disease.


Try reading this again, especially the last sentence.  You didn't get the disease without cell entry.  There is difference between infection and disease.  A difference between exposure and contracting (getting) the disease.  I am defining "getting" the disease as actually developing symptoms that indicate it is present and affecting you.


6 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

Get?.... full blown disease? no I didn't 'get' it. But I'm sure that at some time or other I could 'get' exposed to one of them and as I and dguy said also, it can't progress to full blown status. So yea you can 'get' it (exposure) you just can't keep it.


If you have anti bodies then obviously you were exposed to something that provoked an immune response. An exception might be a blood transfusion?

Absolutely you can have a disease and not have any symptoms.


Really have to disagree with your assessment in the last statement.  What are the criteria to say you have the disease without symptoms?  "You have high blood pressure but your numbers are normal" is not something you are going to hear.  "You have breast cancer, but no cancer cells are present".


Your immune system responds to infection and wins, keeping you from "getting" a cold or whatever is coming your way.  Now granted, in some cases you may have such mild symptoms that is not noticeable on a macro scale, but that is different than not having any identifiable symptoms on a micro level.

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50 minutes ago, iceman510 said:


Even with covid they have been trying to say you "had" it if there are any antibodies in your system, even if you never had any manifestation of symptoms.  I don't think you had a "disease" without any effect noticeable.   

1. Antibodies to a corona virus?? Details matter, not to delve too deep into Serology or the differences between CST, RST, ChLIA, ELISA, multiplex pcr NGS, CMIA. etc.. I can spool up your blood sample and show you antibodies or not show you antibodies depending on the results youd like. Its a hard sell for me because the IgM IgG results can be indicative of a fairly recent exposure to one of these endemic coronas (HCoV-229E, -NL63, -OC43, and -HKU1).  If I didnt fund or oversee the testing Im likely to dispute results.

2. Since when did we start calling seasonal illness novel or otherwise "disease". That's fear language... Just saying.


To be completely honest, of all the current American health concerns, cold viruses barely register compared to heart and respiratory concerns. If we want to push a vaccine it should be for Mcdonalds because your odds of dying from a corona are negligible  to a lifestyle related stroke or heart attack or both. 



This obviously will never happen, maintaining/masking poor health through chemical intervention is where the money is. Theres no money in fixing people. Im sorry, not people, customers, they are selling products..See a dealer near you. ($75 clams a stab)

Edited by jbirds510
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31 minutes ago, iceman510 said:


Try reading this again, especially the last sentence.  You didn't get the disease without cell entry.  There is difference between infection and disease.  A difference between exposure and contracting (getting) the disease.  I am defining "getting" the disease as actually developing symptoms that indicate it is present and affecting you.



Really have to disagree with your assessment in the last statement.  What are the criteria to say you have the disease without symptoms?  "You have high blood pressure but your numbers are normal" is not something you are going to hear.  "You have breast cancer, but no cancer cells are present".


Your immune system responds to infection and wins, keeping you from "getting" a cold or whatever is coming your way.  Now granted, in some cases you may have such mild symptoms that is not noticeable on a macro scale, but that is different than not having any identifiable symptoms on a micro level.


Of course you can 'get' a disease you are vaccinated from getting. (hear me out) Not every virus gets taken out by an antibody, some very few are bound to get through the defense and get into some few cells. Perhaps even a lot of cells. These may multiply but ultimately are doomed as a defense mounts against them. The disease can't progress or perhaps progress only far enough for a few minor symptoms to show. 



Many people have had cancer with zero symptoms. Often it is found only by accident while testing for something unrelated.

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47 minutes ago, Mattndew76 said:

Cancer is stem cells having an identity crisis though. Its not a disease. Its a horrid encoding issue where the stem cell doesn't know you have enough of something. 


Extremely reduced explanation.. 


Wish we could vaccinate for this.


It also gets around cell apoptosis somehow

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4 hours ago, Logical1 said:

I was taking a break and looked at my android phones "stream of news" or whatever they call it and saw this... I just cant even... wow.


   ....and are more likely to be taken by scam artists & Biden supporters.

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7 hours ago, Mattndew76 said:

I wonder if stem cell therapy has any effect on correcting cancer issues like it does for correcting degenerative problems faced by athletes . 


7 hours ago, Mattndew76 said:

I wonder if stem cell therapy has any effect on correcting cancer issues like it does for correcting degenerative problems faced by athletes . 


8 hours ago, datzenmike said:


It also gets around cell apoptosis somehow


8 hours ago, Mattndew76 said:

Cancer is stem cells having an identity crisis though. Its not a disease. Its a horrid encoding issue where the stem cell doesn't know you have enough of something. 


Extremely reduced explanation.. 


Wish we could vaccinate for this.




How deep you want to go on this? My current work all has to do with cancer immunotherapy... 


Short answer is Stem Cell Therapy and Cancer are not really related.


Very very abbreviated response is Cancer Vaccines have been in and out of vogue for a while, very mixed results over a variety of model systems. 

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15 hours ago, Dguy210 said:







How deep you want to go on this? My current work all has to do with cancer immunotherapy... 


Short answer is Stem Cell Therapy and Cancer are not really related.


Very very abbreviated response is Cancer Vaccines have been in and out of vogue for a while, very mixed results over a variety of model systems. 


I am interested. 

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23 hours ago, Str8jacket said:

Are there actually real people who read and believe this stuff?


It's like grown men listening to rap / pop music by choice? I see it then have to double take because I still can't understand it Is really happening. 

Ever read the comments on a Yahoo story ? Some people are so out there.Some of the shit I read explains why we have our current President.The crap they believe as 100% true is scary.I have Yahoo for one reason and that's email.

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Lost Coast Outpost

1 hour ago, john510 said:

Ever read the comments on a Yahoo story ? Some people are so out there.Some of the shit I read explains why we have our current President.The crap they believe as 100% true is scary.I have Yahoo for one reason and that's email.


          Sounds just like the Lost Coast Outpost that I check to see what's going on

where I used to live.You have to keep in mind that it's VERY biased to the Left,&

most of the comments reflect that.

          Almost always,in the comments at the bottom of the stories,at least one

commenter will bring up Trump,& blame him for whatever the stories about,weather

or not it's relevent to the story.Also VERY pro pot. 

Edited by angliagt
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23 hours ago, angliagt said:

Lost Coast Outpost


          Sounds just like the Lost Coast Outpost that I check to see what's going on

where I used to live.You have to keep in mind that it's VERY biased to the Left,&

most of the comments reflect that.

          Almost always,in the comments at the bottom of the stories,at least one

commenter will bring up Trump,& blame him for whatever the stories about,weather

or not it's relevent to the story.Also VERY pro pot. 

Most of those Yahoo losers blame our current situation on Trump.It's hard to believe how irrational people can be regarding politics.

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