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Covid-19 Prepared?

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On 9/3/2022 at 7:30 AM, datsuntech said:

Before you share it widely the article states that it's not recommended. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Yet it's on the list. Take that how you will. 


Apparently Dguy210 is a bioligist (??) & has had fantastic input & opinions on Covid & the jabs since the outset (thank you Dguy210!! 😎).  You wrote "before you share it widely......"?  I'm not busting on you, but if you are curious about the medical TRUTH (not the leftist lies), go to amercasfrontlinedoctors.org to read about Ivermectin AND hydrochloroquin (sp??) & how they both were initially SUCCESSFULLY used by some of those doctors in the beginning, but then the CDC (libtard leftist scum) & the Brandon "administration" (leftist libtard scum) banned their use (by the illegal libtard leftist direction of the big pharma's).  Rumor has it the big pharma did not want anybody using a drug already availableon the market for cheap............they wanted to create this new concoction they called a "vaccine", so they could rake in the billions of dollars it would produce FOR THEM.  Early on, Trump turned to the CDC (fucking pos Fauci) etc, cuz he did not know what to do........he TRUSTED those scumbags!  The libtard leftists were already involved at that time, so when Brandon got elected, they just picked up from there & pushed their agenda.  F**K Brandon & his scumbags.


Whew!!  THAT felt great to write!! 😎😁

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8 hours ago, yenpit said:


Apparently Dguy210 is a bioligist (??) & has had fantastic input & opinions on Covid & the jabs since the outset (thank you Dguy210!! 😎).  You wrote "before you share it widely......"?  I'm not busting on you, but if you are curious about the medical TRUTH (not the leftist lies), go to amercasfrontlinedoctors.org to read about Ivermectin AND hydrochloroquin (sp??) & how they both were initially SUCCESSFULLY used by some of those doctors in the beginning, but then the CDC (libtard leftist scum) & the Brandon "administration" (leftist libtard scum) banned their use (by the illegal libtard leftist direction of the big pharma's).  Rumor has it the big pharma did not want anybody using a drug already availableon the market for cheap............they wanted to create this new concoction they called a "vaccine", so they could rake in the billions of dollars it would produce FOR THEM.  Early on, Trump turned to the CDC (fucking pos Fauci) etc, cuz he did not know what to do........he TRUSTED those scumbags!  The libtard leftists were already involved at that time, so when Brandon got elected, they just picked up from there & pushed their agenda.  F**K Brandon & his scumbags.


Whew!!  THAT felt great to write!! 😎😁

While I don't technically disagree with anything you said, my point was not to say "don't share it", but to make the point that this particular instance was not a glowing review of it's ability to work. If shared to make a point, many who have drank the Kool aid will point out that this "proves nothing" and will poopoo anything you have to say after that. 

I have long ago stopped trying to convince people of the obvious truths (and lies) I see daily and have decided to let them "stew in their own ignorance". Cognitive dissonance if you will. They can't believe they were duped because it shatters their moral superiority and righteous indignation that they desperately cling to. 


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9 hours ago, yenpit said:


Apparently Dguy210 is a bioligist (??) & has had fantastic input & opinions on Covid & the jabs since the outset (thank you Dguy210!! 😎).  You wrote "before you share it widely......"?  I'm not busting on you, but if you are curious about the medical TRUTH (not the leftist lies), go to amercasfrontlinedoctors.org to read about Ivermectin AND hydrochloroquin (sp??) & how they both were initially SUCCESSFULLY used by some of those doctors in the beginning, but then the CDC (libtard leftist scum) & the Brandon "administration" (leftist libtard scum) banned their use (by the illegal libtard leftist direction of the big pharma's).  Rumor has it the big pharma did not want anybody using a drug already availableon the market for cheap............they wanted to create this new concoction they called a "vaccine", so they could rake in the billions of dollars it would produce FOR THEM.  Early on, Trump turned to the CDC (fucking pos Fauci) etc, cuz he did not know what to do........he TRUSTED those scumbags!  The libtard leftists were already involved at that time, so when Brandon got elected, they just picked up from there & pushed their agenda.  F**K Brandon & his scumbags.


Whew!!  THAT felt great to write!! 😎😁

the article is very deep mostly what it states is that they are now doing studies and have some data on use for covid 19 when in early stages they specifically said don't use IVM

IVM is an FDA approved drug for other purposes but they thought it better to jab you with an experimental drug rather then try an FDA approved drug that had not specifically been tested for covid19   

just another change in the agenda 

don't use IVM well now we are looking into it 

Don't wear a mask well now you should etc etc etc 

we could go on and on with the rolling changes 

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This was a fast paced pandemic and not much was known and there was great concern. No time to run tests on IVM or anything else only to find out the time should have been spent on a vaccine. Vaccinations have always been a tested preventative for disease so understandable they went with it. Does IVM work? maybe in some cases but never tested and only anecdotal evidence out there. Think of malaria. Quinine was taken to cure but you had to take it all the time when exposed. Same with IVM it doesn't confer immunity to malaria. A vaccine does. But because IVM it was poo pooed there's a tin foil hat conspiracy theory about it.


As to wearing masks, social distancing etc. It's the only low impact universal preventative, easy to use, and fit for mass consumption. Sure it's use was back and forth because nothing like this has been done to the mass public in living memory. Masks do work but they are not perfect. So things were adjusted on the fly as more became known. You just have to have faith that everything was done with an abundance of caution.


Did drug companies make a lot of money?? Bottom line who gives a shit if you get a vaccine and are protected from infection and or risk of death?? Worth it at any price.

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My wife went Ireland with a group of 15 other people earlier this month. All were vaccinated and I am guessing most had their boosters. 14 of the 16 came down with covid wife included. It's going on 4 weeks and she is still has hacking cough. I have been out of town so I dodged it but I am returning today. In the airport now and very few people are wearing masks and the place is packed. I have to sit at another gate because there are definitely way more people than seats. You wouldn't think there was any kind of issues with the economy judging by the airports. I have flown 7 times in the last 6 months and it has been packed every time.

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6 hours ago, datzenmike said:

This was a fast paced pandemic and not much was known and there was great concern. No time to run tests on IVM or anything else only to find out the time should have been spent on a vaccine. Vaccinations have always been a tested preventative for disease so understandable they went with it. Does IVM work? maybe in some cases but never tested and only anecdotal evidence out there. Think of malaria. Quinine was taken to cure but you had to take it all the time when exposed. Same with IVM it doesn't confer immunity to malaria. A vaccine does. But because IVM it was poo pooed there's a tin foil hat conspiracy theory about it.


As to wearing masks, social distancing etc. It's the only low impact universal preventative, easy to use, and fit for mass consumption. Sure it's use was back and forth because nothing like this has been done to the mass public in living memory. Masks do work but they are not perfect. So things were adjusted on the fly as more became known. You just have to have faith that everything was done with an abundance of caution.


Did drug companies make a lot of money?? Bottom line who gives a shit if you get a vaccine and are protected from infection and or risk of death?? Worth it at any price.



I'm sorry but I'm calling bullshit on this.


Ivermectin had studies showing broad anti-viral effectiveness going back many years. Even in 2020 before the vax became widely available there were multitudes of papers published showing it likely had efficacy without substantial risk (recent review linked below). 


So other than money as a motive, why would a Dr. NOT prescribe a drug with a very long usage record, that is FDA approved, and has an amazing safety profile, that MIGHT have a positive effect? On top of that is extremely cheap. There is literally NO downside to using it on a COVID patient and it would be legal to use for off-label prescription. Ask yourself, "If it does NO HARM, why the Hell would there be so much pushback that some state forbid prescribing it, unless there was some motive that obviously NOT TO THE BENFIT OF THE PATIENT?


In other words even if it DIDN'T work there was no reason NOT to try it as it wouldn't hurt, it was legal, and is stupid cheap. So why was it effectively banned at a state level by POLITICIANS telling DRs what they couldn't do? Now add in that there WAS quite decent evidence that it MIGHT be effective, than preventing it to push a big pharma solution as the ONLY option is downright CRIMINAL. Especially when that vax solution was only prophylactic and not treatment based anyways.... oh because a bunch of people wouldn't make 50 billion dollars. Sounds like motive to me to shut up those who might hurt the money train. People have after all killed over quite a bit less in the past.


More importantly it appears that any journal article that went against the narrative was retracted, if about masks, or any chemical antiviral that was cheap and not from a large pharma company (not a great source but it does show the gist of it). https://www.theepochtimes.com/peer-reviewed-studies-on-ivermectin-retracted-without-explanation-dr-pierre-kory_4751836.html This was also done with masking, where articles from years before were removed as they "did not fit the current situation", I've posted about this before. This is very much NOT normal for scientific articles without a detailed note of why they were pulled. 


Jun 2020

Title: "The FDA-approved drug ivermectin inhibits the replication of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro"

"Ivermectin is an FDA-approved broad spectrum anti-parasitic agent (Gonzalez Canga et al., 2008) that in recent years we, along with other groups, have shown to have anti-viral activity against a broad range of viruses (Gotz et al., 2016; Lundberg et al., 2013; Tay et al., 2013; Wagstaff et al., 2012) in vitro."



General, antiviral activity Sept 2020, mentions in the abstract even it has been under research for at least 8 years as a general antiviral.



2017 review that mentions ivermectin as a multi-target antiviral.



Review with regard to Covid 2020


Edited by Dguy210
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15 minutes ago, Dguy210 said:



I'm sorry but I'm calling bullshit on this.


Ivermectin had studies showing broad anti-viral effectiveness going back many years. Even in 2020 before the vax became widely available there were multitudes of papers published showing it likely had efficacy without substantial risk (recent review linked below). 




"likely had efficacy" is a pretty vague recommendation. It would need trials and even then it doesn't provide immunity so you would have to take it all the time.

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31 minutes ago, datzenmike said:


"likely had efficacy" is a pretty vague recommendation. It would need trials and even then it doesn't provide immunity so you would have to take it all the time.

1. I was being purposefully conservative in how I stated that, it was outright shown to inhibit (Covid) viral replication in vitro and they were in the process of doing in vivo and other trials even in early-mid 2020.

2. It was already an FDA approved drug with 2+ decades of data showing it was safe to take. We are not talking a new untested drug. Off label uses of drugs based on "I think it might help" are done all the time, literally based on nothing more than a Dr. thinks it might help with little chance of danger. Remember, the FDA is more concerned with SAFETY than EFFICACY when it comes to new drugs and this was already proven to be extremely safe. 

2. It is perfectly safe to take it all the time and likely had protective effects. There are parts of Africa that do take it pretty much constantly for its antihelminthic properties.

3. ONCE again why would you NOT let people take it? It wouldn't HURT to take it.


So I'd ask again what MOTIVE would there be in NOT allowing the use of a cheap safe approved drug? Remember this drug was for treatment when you were already infected not to "prevent" infection as vaccines were classically touted to do.... well until the vax proved not to do that and got moved to "oh you won't get as sick" by the CDC literally CHANGING THE FUCKING DEFINITION OF A VACCINE. 


I'll give you my answer, you can't push a money making vaccine and other new expensive drugs if their already exists a proven treatment. I mean that literally too. You can't have a humanitarian aid exemption for an experimental vaccine if there already exists an approved drug to treat it. 


So once again, I ask you with billions of dollars on the line do you think the government and the pharma companies would lie, cheat, steal, and kill people? Who again lost several lawsuits for doing just that previously too... hmm.. oh yeah Pfizer.

Edited by Dguy210
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1 hour ago, datzenmike said:

It's a good question. If IVM was so perfect why wasn't it used. If it wasn't used maybe it wasn't so perfect.

Argued as if you have never read nor watched any information posted in this thread, you don't even subject the Vax to your own arguments. As you say "for any truth there is an equal and opposite truth" ( Bullshit )

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57 minutes ago, Ooph! said:

Argued as if you have never read nor watched any information posted in this thread, you don't even subject the Vax to your own arguments. As you say "for any truth there is an equal and opposite truth" ( Bullshit )


So... why wasn't it used???

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57 minutes ago, datzenmike said:


So... why wasn't it used???


It was used in some instances but there was a concerted effort to suppress its use!


 California has enacted a law that punishes doctors for even speaking about treatment outside of what is the official guide for Covid.   https://www.cnsnews.com/article/national/micky-wootten/california-passes-bill-punish-doctors-who-disseminate-misinformation .  If the medical establishment had followed that mentality we would never have seen drugs like Cumodin / Warfarin which began as a rat poison or Menoxodil which was being researched as a high blood pressure medication but became noted for growing hair! or Viagra which was also being researched for cardiovascular benefits and failed its intended use but look what its done for men! or what the cause of stomach ulcers are the officially accepted reason was stress and not eating properly and some Dr. came up with the idea it was actually bacteria.


I have to ask are you fucking blind to whats been going on around you?

datzenmike I understand you may be trying to argue as the devils advocate and you aren't really conservative, you are Canadian after all. I was surprised by friends close to me a while back in the same manner when they were telling me their 12 year old got the jab and I blurted out " are you fucking crazy? haven't you listened to a word I've said?" so just like you with all the evidence available to them it went in one ear and out the other.

Edited by Ooph!
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I'm exploring the alternate truth. That is also true.


By the way I'm not saying I'm right just that someone has to wonder how this giant conspiracy could expect to survive over the long term. In all things eventually the truth comes out. Like Oswald acted alone, Hoffa is buried in a bridge abutment, Earhart was captured by the Japanese army and became a 'comfort woman' to the troops and the moon landing WAS filmed by Stanley Kubrick but not at Area 51.


So officially I have the AMA, CDC, Dr. Fauci... basically everyone on my side and all you have is.... what? Internet facts? conspiracy theories? the facts you have are ignored and discounted. If you are right and they are wrong then we can expect an official announcement any day now? well why not?

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1 hour ago, datzenmike said:


So... why wasn't it used???


47 minutes ago, Dguy210 said:


It WAS used in multiple other countries (i.e., INDIA, etc...). It was suppressed in the USA.


No... why wasn't it used in the US?




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8 hours ago, Dguy210 said:

1. I was being purposefully conservative in how I stated that, it was outright shown to inhibit (Covid) viral replication in vitro and they were in the process of doing in vivo and other trials even in early-mid 2020.

2. It was already an FDA approved drug with 2+ decades of data showing it was safe to take. We are not talking a new untested drug. Off label uses of drugs based on "I think it might help" are done all the time, literally based on nothing more than a Dr. thinks it might help with little chance of danger. Remember, the FDA is more concerned with SAFETY than EFFICACY when it comes to new drugs and this was already proven to be extremely safe. 

2. It is perfectly safe to take it all the time and likely had protective effects. There are parts of Africa that do take it pretty much constantly for its antihelminthic properties.

3. ONCE again why would you NOT let people take it? It wouldn't HURT to take it.


So I'd ask again what MOTIVE would there be in NOT allowing the use of a cheap safe approved drug? Remember this drug was for treatment when you were already infected not to "prevent" infection as vaccines were classically touted to do.... well until the vax proved not to do that and got moved to "oh you won't get as sick" by the CDC literally CHANGING THE FUCKING DEFINITION OF A VACCINE. 


I'll give you my answer, you can't push a money making vaccine and other new expensive drugs if their already exists a proven treatment. I mean that literally too. You can't have a humanitarian aid exemption for an experimental vaccine if there already exists an approved drug to treat it. 


So once again, I ask you with billions of dollars on the line do you think the government and the pharma companies would lie, cheat, steal, and kill people? Who again lost several lawsuits for doing just that previously too... hmm.. oh yeah Pfizer.

it is a bad idea to battle with a scientist who backs every post he has made with facts 

Thanks for all info you have shared Dguy

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10 hours ago, Dguy210 said:


It WAS used in multiple other countries (i.e., INDIA, etc...). It was suppressed in the USA.

Brazil and Peru used it extensively and it didn't seem to make much of a difference. The whole world was dealing with this and that is what was giving me hope this would get resolved fairly quickly. I didn't have much faith in our own incompetent government. Most of the world hates us and there was a rush to be first with a cure or vaccine. Remember Sputnik from one of the countries that hates us the most? Then there are the countries that are totally dysfunctional and never got anything out there. Unfortunately there is no usuable data from them to see what happens when it was left alone to run its course. It's just another form of flu now although still a nasty one. 

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7 hours ago, Ranman72 said:

it is a bad idea to battle with a scientist who backs every post he has made with facts 

Thanks for all info you have shared Dguy


I know D210 guy and he's a Ratsun member so what ever he says carries more weight than a stranger, and he talks the talk and walks the walk. But anyone can do that, well not anyone but anyone with eloquence and some experience  on a topic can. Anyone can post up 'evidence' and 'facts' to support their view taken off the internet. It depends on your own preconceived view of things and fitting together of 'facts' that make you comfortable. If you believe the gov. is controlled by big pharma then vaccines are bullshit and IVM is a wonder drug that was suppressed and ignored (and proves their corruption) so money could be made by drug companies. This is how conspiracy theories survive so long. Because they are incredibly hard to prove wrong so they must be true. Hell when proven wrong there are still some that refuse to believe. It just proves there is a cover up. D210 guy knows the truth and I'm glad for him but the only way for you to know for sure is to become an expert in the field and even then maybe you can't come to a definitive answer. So what's left for all the non experts? well your preconceived notions and experts and facts that support it pulled from the internet. Almost never is someone's belief changed by mere facts being presented. Though I reserve the right to change my mind at a later date, I think that we may never know the entire truth about what happened and is happening. I remain unconvinced of anything posted as 'evidence'. To the conspiracy theorists my neutral belief is further proof that the gov. had successfully covered their tracks. So... believe what you want and I'll remain disbelieving. For now.   

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