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Covid-19 Prepared?

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1 hour ago, datzenmike said:



Making fun of institutions and other shit is what gets me up in the morning. It's like the first dump of the day.


1 hour ago, Mattndew76 said:

Internet comedy is the best.


Yeah it is. I like it, alot. 


Although in the effort of being non biased in my opinions I went down the rabbit hole of opposing views to my own This morning. I came back learning a few things,

1. I know less now than I did an hour ago

2. The lefty types and the followers of the corporate narrative just aren't funny🤔 I mean they try, but it's almost trying to hard. 

3. I think a forced soy based diet is going to end humanity before anything else does. Kinda like on the movie Serenity where everyone just lays down on that planet and dies because they can't be fucked. 

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Thanks for that info dav..Are you saying that you are flowing heavier or just longer? Menstruation is biological, so basically research is telling us that after the jabs woman’s reproductive biology is being altered..wont be long now before researchers admit that mRNA tech does indeed molest your DNA. Sure glad I get to be a part of this Egas Moniz type experimentation.

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37 minutes ago, jbirds510 said:

Thanks for that info dav..Are you saying that you are flowing heavier or just longer? Menstruation is biological, so basically research is telling us that after the jabs woman’s reproductive biology is being altered..wont be long now before researchers admit that mRNA tech does indeed molest your DNA. Sure glad I get to be a part of this Egas Moniz type experimentation.


Probably just stress. We been stressed for over 2 years. I get stressed looking at people that are stressed. Delayed periods just means increased fun time. More time to get pregnant


1 hour ago, Str8jacket said:



3. I think a forced soy based diet is going to end humanity before anything else does. Kinda like on the movie Serenity where everyone just lays down on that planet and dies because they can't be fucked. 


Everyone knows that soy increases estrogen levels in men causing shrunken testicles, less muscle mass, homosexuality, wearing fanny packs, sox 'n sandals and man buns.

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5 minutes ago, Mattndew76 said:

Shit.... I better stop using my fanny pack to hide my G17

Haha yeah, or you could hang out with Dav and have him carry it in his bra.


@datzenmike soy= bitch tits and emotional volatility..maybe there is no trans at all? Hope this revelation doesnt upset your perception of happiness too much. Proclivities are what they are right?   😘

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18 hours ago, datzenmike said:

I wonder how factual that item was....


We had a woman removed from a kidney transplant scheduling here in CO last year..........donor kidney from her DAUGHTER!!!!!!!!!  F**k these lying idiotic bueaucrats & doctors that follow them!!   WE are normal everyday people, not lepers 😎

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2 hours ago, yenpit said:


We had a woman removed from a kidney transplant scheduling here in CO last year..........donor kidney from her DAUGHTER!!!!!!!!!  F**k these lying idiotic bueaucrats & doctors that follow them!!   WE are normal everyday people, not lepers 😎


Well...... off to Mexico.

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3 hours ago, yenpit said:


We had a woman removed from a kidney transplant scheduling here in CO last year..........donor kidney from her DAUGHTER!!!!!!!!!  F**k these lying idiotic bueaucrats & doctors that follow them!!   WE are normal everyday people, not lepers 😎


I wonder if that is the whole story, did they remove the kidney from the daughter and give it to someone else?


Too them we are vermin, something to be exterminated, and in my opinion that is what they are attempting to do, but they do not want us trying to kill them for trying to exterminate us, for some it is likely already too late.


I would like for someone to get ahold of a bunch of vaccine doses, and then test them with a bunch of different radiations and see if there are any effects that one would not want to happen inside their bodies.

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2 minutes ago, wayno said:


I wonder if that is the whole story, did they remove the kidney from the daughter and give it to someone else?


Totally unethical. Around the bend unethical.



2 minutes ago, wayno said:

Too them we are vermin, something to be exterminated, and in my opinion that is what they are attempting to do, but they do not want us trying to kill them for trying to exterminate us, for some it is likely already too late.


I would like for someone to get ahold of a bunch of vaccine doses, and then test them with a bunch of different radiations and see if there are any effects that one would not want to happen inside their bodies.


China has fleets of vans that rush around to prisons collecting organs from the executed. Like a mobile wrecking yard for humans. You're worth way more dead.

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7 minutes ago, datzenmike said:


Totally unethical. Around the bend unethical.






Did you read that news article that Jbird posted a photo of about what Kissenger said at a WHO(world heath origination) meeting in 2009 that said they could do anything including forced blood and organ doner?


Seems like that would be unethical but that is what was said in the news article, we are just vermin to them, and the guy I know that has worked for some of the presidents said it first, and I published that somewhere in this thread or the "Destruction of America" thread, I said they think of us like prairie dogs that have overpopulated the area they live, something that needs to be exterminated, that news article also had that in it, it said "they"(the people) will pay you for the extermination services, it's a win/win for you.


Here is the article again, read it.







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3 hours ago, wayno said:


Did you read that news article that Jbird posted a photo of about what Kissenger said at a WHO(world heath origination) meeting in 2009 that said they could do anything including forced blood and organ doner?


Seems like that would be unethical but that is what was said in the news article, we are just vermin to them, and the guy I know that has worked for some of the presidents said it first, and I published that somewhere in this thread or the "Destruction of America" thread, I said they think of us like prairie dogs that have overpopulated the area they live, something that needs to be exterminated, that news article also had that in it, it said "they"(the people) will pay you for the extermination services, it's a win/win for you.


Here is the article again, read it.








I have seen these "quotes" before and I still think they are total bullshit.

This man was a jew refugee that escaped and ended up working for Richard Nixon in later years.

Nixon ended up in the shit, but I trust what he was working for and those that worked for him

I really cannot believe that Kissinger would be on the side of any form of Fascist / Statist control.

To me this is almost the ultimate in switched sides propaganda, because it has been so long and they are all dead there is no one to stand up and say BULLSHIT!  except nobody's like me that were young and remember how they were.

2 glasses of wine under my belt and now I'm gonna go open another bottle

Edited by Ooph!
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