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Covid-19 Prepared?

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55 minutes ago, jbirds510 said:

Has anyone seen any info confirming that a person can catch omicron after being priorly infected?


Yes in Dr. Campbell's video's he has provided evidence




Edited by Ooph!
Added the video
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17 minutes ago, jbirds510 said:

Has anyone seen any info confirming that a person can catch omicron after being priorly infected?


I'm wondering the same.  I've heard that you will have the antibodies to fend it off, but there is no concrete evidence how LONG the antibodies are active.  Like some reports have said, this man made mess is NOT going to go away any time soon..............I bet it lingers among the weaker.  I take lots of the suggested supplements, but I'm buying some HCQ & Ivermectin now.............

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I'd expect at least a few of the Ratsun EGR deleters to not go all hook, line, and sinker, that technology is going to be the balancer of inequality?  Let me put a tin foil hat on for a minute, but I certainly won't wear titanium and zinc FDA sunscreen - that stuff is just for marketing.  But, wasn't it Bill Gates who gave us the viruses, virtually?  And Windows S mode isn't helping anyone to live more freely?  And, a week or whatever after Trump's first impeachment, we get news that things got bad across the South China Sea, like a deal that was supposed to be sweet went salty?  I don't mean to disrespect anyone, and let's make room for diverse opinions - just playing with fire as traditionally done at night on Independence Day.

Edited by DIY 1985
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Even in the most extreme of the best/worst case of scenarios for technology (tricknology) we got people willing to give up their freedom so they can reduce preventable death.  Of course it is actually more grey than that.  Or maybe they/we don't see the precedent that these two years is going to set, like this is just a one-time thing?  But, these are the same folks who are the descendants of those who died for their freedom?  Now, I don't really believe what I just said, because, ultimately I understand that I just entertain ideas, and believe in basically nothing; I don't want to get caught up in that whole art-of-facts trap, I'm beyond that. 


It is interesting.  At the heart of any real cult (religious or otherwise) is a group of believers, and a leader with the vision of saving or advancing humanity.  The sociology/psychology/anthropology of cults:  https://www.icsahome.com/articles/characteristics



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Ultimately everyone years to be free. This is how we all got here from past tyrannies and operssions. Not saying there are no tyrannies now just different ones. The most stable governments seem to be those where the people have some say in how they are governed as opposed to monarchs, despots and dictators. There will always be some in the population who take a look around and say this isn't quite right and start a movement for change. 


I think some time in the future history will expose exactly what was unleashed on us here, how it happened, who was complicit, those who didn't stand up, those that caved in. You are living history, remember what happened these past two years and pass it on. Otherwise it will be true that 'History, is merely lies that are agreed upon'

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3 hours ago, jbirds510 said:

Big moves for the restoration of sovereignty by UK’s PM! 



2 hours ago, jbirds510 said:

Edited…again..probably better put?


Really struggling here. Is this Dav? Please point this out.

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8 minutes ago, datzenmike said:



Really struggling here. Is this Dav? Please point this out.


Ouch Mike!!  There is nobody else like...........Dav 😆  I'm curious what you are struggling with?  How the UK regime works or that the UK (and others) are lifting mandates? 

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4 hours ago, jbirds510 said:

Big moves for the restoration of sovereignty by UK’s PM! 




Originally the title was ... "Big moves for the restoration of sovereignty by UK’s PM!"  and a link.


I guess Dav oops I mean jbird did change it, and said so but I just re watched the link and nothing was changed.


Later, I see that the original "Big moves for the restoration of sovereignty by UK’s PM! " was changed and everything makes sense now. Sorry I involved you Dav, but surely you can see why I thought it was you.

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No mention of this in the mainstream media. UK statistics on co-vid deaths with no underlying health issues is only 17,000. Incredibly low.


Deaths from all causes average based on last 5 years is only 137,000 higher than if there was no co-vid. Rather interesting.




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20 minutes ago, datzenmike said:

No mention of this in the mainstream media. UK statistics on co-vid deaths with no underlying health issues is only 17,000. Incredibly low.


Deaths from all causes average based on last 5 years is only 137,000 higher than if there was no co-vid. Rather interesting.





I believe it means vindication to all of the conspiracy theorists


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11 minutes ago, jbirds510 said:

Thanks Mike. Your direct disrespect toward me is unacceptable. I don’t deserve it. Shame on you fella. 


Perhaps confusing you with Dav was a bit much.


Les lunettes de soleil Blinde 4040 portées par l'Agent Smith (Hugo Weaving) dans Matrix Reloaded


For the LOLs. The reason why we do anything.


The Matrix Fan Theory Puts Agent Smith As The One, And It Kind Of Works |  Cinemablend

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US needs to change its approach to COVID vaccination. Instead of begging those who won’t get it, we should ignore them. We should ignore those who won’t wear a mask too.


US can’t penalize monetarily those who won’t get the vaccine - if US did that, those who aren’t vax’d would really howl that they are part of the final (COVID) solution, and are not part of the problem.


But, we could pay real money to those who will get the vaccine (or have gotten it). What should that amount be? It needs to be at least $50 a month. It could be paid by the insurance companies by reducing premiums, or it could be an actual check they send to those who can prove their status.


What happens? Less time out of work, less pain if you get it, economy recovers quicker, you’re less likely to give it to someone else, restaurants open, concerts, LOWER hospital and medical care use and costs, you get $50 a month until it’s over, etc., etc. Maybe it needs to be more, $100 sound good?


Instead of begging folks to wear a mask, people caught wearing one in public get $20 bonus handed out randomly and fairly often.

What’s the downside? No incentive money going to those who won’t get it, those who won’t get it feel left out of the recovery, those who won’t get it get to stop complaining about the threat of vaccine mandates and mask mandates because they are ignored.


Don’t really see a downside here. Arguments?

Edited by Dav
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20 minutes ago, datzenmike said:


Perhaps confusing you with Dav was a bit much.


Les lunettes de soleil Blinde 4040 portées par l'Agent Smith (Hugo Weaving) dans Matrix Reloaded


For the LOLs. The reason why we do anything.


The Matrix Fan Theory Puts Agent Smith As The One, And It Kind Of Works |  Cinemablend

Theres no we in that sentiment. I dont say nasty hurtful things to people to get my kicks..In fact the only reason Im participating in this thread at all is because I lost my dad to covid and If I could contribute any helpful info that might help someone else not go through that Id do everything I could. So again…shame on you, IMO you are a pretty nasty person and now that people are much safer overall, I think ive done what I came to do… You’re gonna have to find someone else to be that way toward. Im bowing out. 

Edited by jbirds510
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jbird I'm not a nasty guy, ask anyone. I prefer light and humorous. If you would like an apology I can do that and remove my post. What say? 


I'm saying nasty is easy, almost impossible to be misunderstood. Humor is hard and can easily be misunderstood as nasty. If I was being nasty why would I offer an apology? what would be the point?

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1 hour ago, Dav said:

US needs to change its approach to COVID vaccination. Instead of begging those who won’t get it, we should ignore them. We should ignore those who won’t wear a mask too.


US can’t penalize monetarily those who won’t get the vaccine - if US did that, those who aren’t vax’d would really howl that they are part of the final (COVID) solution, and are not part of the problem.


But, we could pay real money to those who will get the vaccine (or have gotten it). What should that amount be? It needs to be at least $50 a month. It could be paid by the insurance companies by reducing premiums, or it could be an actual check they send to those who can prove their status.


What happens? Less time out of work, less pain if you get it, economy recovers quicker, you’re less likely to give it to someone else, restaurants open, concerts, LOWER hospital and medical care use and costs, you get $50 a month until it’s over, etc., etc. Maybe it needs to be more, $100 sound good?


Instead of begging folks to wear a mask, people caught wearing one in public get $20 bonus handed out randomly and fairly often.

What’s the downside? No incentive money going to those who won’t get it, those who won’t get it feel left out of the recovery, those who won’t get it get to stop complaining about the threat of vaccine mandates and mask mandates because they are ignored.


Don’t really see a downside here. Arguments?


Masks don't work, vaccines don't prevent you from getting & spreading it. How hard is that to understand? Meanwhile, things like alcohol & tobacco kill 100's of thousands/year, including people who don't choose to use them, but nobody gives a crap.  

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