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Covid-19 Prepared?

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2 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Already in the works.....


Also too late for a lot of folks forced into Covid submission jabs, where I retired from they were given until last week to get a jab.

Quit? sure you've worked 25 years and are on the cusp or your still paying for a kids tuition or have a bunch of kids, you are not going anywhere except to say - yes sir.

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I wasn't pressured into anything. It was the right choice for me. For some it isn't the right choice. For still others they irrationally won't get it simply because they were told to and.... fuck you I'd rather die free than the govment telling me what I can and can't do....


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.... for others they can't get it fast enough because they bought into the fear and hype. The later drive around alone in their car or sit at home alone..... wearing a mask. 


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10 hours ago, Ooph! said:


Also too late for a lot of folks forced into Covid submission jabs, where I retired from they were given until last week to get a jab.

Quit? sure you've worked 25 years and are on the cusp or your still paying for a kids tuition or have a bunch of kids, you are not going anywhere except to say - yes sir.

Where's the guy at that claims nobody was forced into anything ? It would suck to be in that position.

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2 hours ago, Ooph! said:


I do understand his statement there is a choice, its just an awfully bad one.


Fine line between choice and ultimatum.. No can do bob.

the folks with allergies will be left behind, but thats nothing new to this admin..leaving Americans behind..blood and treasure.


Edited by jbirds510
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20 hours ago, john510 said:

That's good news.Now wait for the appeal or some other shenanigans on the decision.

But - this was “decided” in the 5th circuit, which is 3 publican appointed judges giving the temporary restraining, but this was not an actual decision yet, so of course these judges still need to make their decision first. So no appeal yet on something they have not actually decided yet.


Then there would be another federal circuit court with dem appointed judges who will make a decision for opposite reasons, which will eventually cause it to go to the Supreme Court, who will have to make the ultimate decision.


Also of course as you know, the Supreme Court is comprised of majority publican appointed judges, so you really should have nothing to worry about, right (publican judges always decide based on merits and not politics)?

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54 minutes ago, Dav said:

But - this was “decided” in the 5th circuit, which is 3 publican appointed judges giving the temporary restraining, but this was not an actual decision yet, so of course these judges still need to make their decision first. So no appeal yet on something they have not actually decided yet.


Then there would be another federal circuit court with dem appointed judges who will make a decision for opposite reasons, which will eventually cause it to go to the Supreme Court, who will have to make the ultimate decision.


Also of course as you know, the Supreme Court is comprised of majority publican appointed judges, so you really should have nothing to worry about, right (publican judges always decide based on merits and not politics)?

If Biden doesn't get his way the appeal is coming.Haven't you seen what goes on in the courts lately when the left doesn't get their way ? No,Republican judges don't make all decisions based on politics.You're not paying attention again and confused.The lefty judges are the ones making the law what they feel it is with no regard to the constitution.And i have nothing to worry about,i've had my two shots and work for somebody that would tell Biden to stick it up his ass.

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1 hour ago, datzenmike said:

Constitutional law is picked over and interpreted by political hack judges????? WTF?????  If something is unconstitutional isn't it always unconstitutional?


Depends on what the NY Times is going to say about Judge Roberts.

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1 hour ago, datzenmike said:

Constitutional law is picked over and interpreted by political hack judges????? WTF?????  If something is unconstitutional isn't it always unconstitutional?

That's one of my gripes with the Supreme Court and the appointment of judges.They interpret a law or the Constitution differently.You would think they all would agree that a law is a law and the Constitutions meaning is set in stone.

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Laws written hundreds of years ago and based on the climate of those times and in their language style, unless challenged and changed, are subject to interpretation as to meaning and intended use of even a single word. Words come and go, some even change their meaning over time. Would the wording on a gay rights law today, make any sense two hundred years ago or two hundred years in the future? Can anyone make easy sense of Shakespeare's prose? or the Bible???

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13 hours ago, john510 said:

If Biden doesn't get his way the appeal is coming.Haven't you seen what goes on in the courts lately when the left doesn't get their way ? No,Republican judges don't make all decisions based on politics.You're not paying attention again and confused.The lefty judges are the ones making the law what they feel it is with no regard to the constitution.And i have nothing to worry about,i've had my two shots and work for somebody that would tell Biden to stick it up his ass.

Nope, not confused at all. You’ve got nothing to say about it being three publicans? Or that that it isn’t even a decision yet - so it it isn’t even ripe for appeal? Or that the Supreme Court , which is majority publicans make the ultimate decision, so no blame liberal decisions inappropriately? No, you’ve become unhinged in yer thinking this time! Don’t blow yer top!

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16 hours ago, datzenmike said:

Laws written hundreds of years ago and based on the climate of those times and in their language style, unless challenged and changed, are subject to interpretation as to meaning and intended use of even a single word. Words come and go, some even change their meaning over time. Would the wording on a gay rights law today, make any sense two hundred years ago or two hundred years in the future? Can anyone make easy sense of Shakespeare's prose? or the Bible???


It all depends on your education. 


Failure of public education and promotion of deeper thought contribute to this. "Better Men" are supposed to be exulted to leadership, but through the life span of mankind words are altered to meet the desires of Men who want to retain power. What better way than to alter consensus of words. 


Arguing semantics is the manipulators way of spoiling the established consensus. The 1st and 2nd are fucking explicit, but we have people antithetic to those amendments that argue "Meaning" to further their desire to strike both out of existence.


Just like legislators who pile laws of the same definition on top of each other one thousand times over. These same shared cloth people desire to make any freedom subject to their rule or their club. 


The language of 200 years ago has not altered much until the last 7 years when Webster started colluding with the woke culture or presiding power of the left. If anyone couldn't make sense or understand it was either though ignorance or a political bent of hatred for the constitution itself. 

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5 hours ago, Dav said:

Nope, not confused at all. You’ve got nothing to say about it being three publicans? Or that that it isn’t even a decision yet - so it it isn’t even ripe for appeal? Or that the Supreme Court , which is majority publicans make the ultimate decision, so no blame liberal decisions inappropriately? No, you’ve become unhinged in yer thinking this time! Don’t blow yer top!

  Ive got something to say about it.. It disgusts me that some folks are so focused on the politics and not the civil, moral,  ethical and constitutional side of the issue at hand..Ask yourself not why its 3 republicans but rather why not all democrats and republicans together. This mandate is a square peg being jammed through a round hole by a GIANT corporate hammer because there is sooo much we KNOW now that we didnt before and its being ignored.



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On 11/1/2021 at 5:58 AM, thisismatt said:

When was the last time you heard a politician or anyone in power admit they were wrong? What may have started with a goodwill attempt at slowing/stopping covid has simply morphed & merged with the same old holier-than-thou, we-can-do-no-wrong, we-know-what's-best-for-the-masses attitude, sprinkled with a bit of profit and lobbying cash infusion...


Maybe somebody will like this theory...........SARS developed by man around 1998, seen to be a potential bio weapon.  Secret developments, secret studies, secret testing has been happening all this time.  The left/socialists/marxists (who the f**k ever!) saw it as a means of defense, but also as a means of controlling the people.  It is now obvious that CV19 was developed under gain-of-function by Wuhan, by f**king Fauci & the NIH (thus the USA was involved).  There was a left/socialist (Soros?) agenda in place, to release it "under control", however Trump got elected & threw a big huge rusty wrench in their l'il plan.  How & why CV19 got "out" may never be discovered........but it did.  Perhaps it was an accident.  Perhaps this gave the left a reason to make Trump look bad (I will remind you Trump haters.........I never liked Trump as a person, but that sob got sh*t done for this country!), thus they "purposely released it" during his term, so they could blame something on him.  Trump trusted Fauci, so he allowed him to do what he did (which was NOTHING worthwhile).  Now they are simply going by their plan/agenda.........or just making it up as hey go, trying to clean up the mess they created.  Swallow that.....................😐😣 

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Only way a 'weaponized' co-vid is any good to any country is if you have a cure or vaccine for it. Otherwise it's indiscriminate, like having nuclear weapons.


It could be argued that gain of function experiments are simply an expansion of what other (terrorist) bio labs would probably do (or are doing or have already done) to weaponize co-vid anyway, so why not learn now what's possible so we can protect ourselves from it with a cure. However WhyTF you would do this in China???????????? so they know this also? I still say a surgical nuclear strike to cauterize Wu han and round up anyone connected to this, put up against a wall and shoot them. Fauci and Bill Gates go on big trial first so the entire world sees what cocksuckers they are and then summarily shoot them.





is exactly what we should do.



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It doesn't make sense to release an indiscriminate virus with no apparent cure unless you look at from the view that it was released so that there is a cure to be sold. Small numbers of deaths don't matter, even larger numbers don't really bother the corporations behind the vax's, all the better really, helps sales. Now they are selling drugs at huge profits to fix the side effects of the Vax themselves! How fucken good is that for a business plan. All paid for by people with no choice via taxes. 


They have just released a blood clot drug to stop heart issues in children, never before required but quickly authorised recently for some reason. Must be a side effect of the dreaded covid hey? 


The whole thing is the greatest scam ever pulled, and we are the patsies like it or not. 

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12 minutes ago, Str8jacket said:

It doesn't make sense to release an indiscriminate virus with no apparent cure unless you look at from the view that it was released so that there is a cure to be sold.


That's certainly a tin foil hat way to look at things, but I guess possible, though unlikely. Occam's razor.... probably fuckin around with something they shouldn't have and it got away from them.   

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33 minutes ago, Str8jacket said:

It doesn't make sense to release an indiscriminate virus with no apparent cure unless you look at from the view that it was released so that there is a cure to be sold. Small numbers of deaths don't matter, even larger numbers don't really bother the corporations behind the vax's, all the better really, helps sales. Now they are selling drugs at huge profits to fix the side effects of the Vax themselves! How fucken good is that for a business plan. All paid for by people with no choice via taxes. 


They have just released a blood clot drug to stop heart issues in children, never before required but quickly authorised recently for some reason. Must be a side effect of the dreaded covid hey? 


The whole thing is the greatest scam ever pulled, and we are the patsies like it or not. 


Agree, but rumor has it that the "vaccine" (haha funny) was made available WAAAAAAAAY before any other "vaccine" ever was before, as if they already had something ready or at least in the works......??  Again, I'm not really into conspiracy theories, but this did cross my mind.  I don't trust ANYBODY directly involved in this mess 😣

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13 hours ago, Dav said:

Nope, not confused at all. You’ve got nothing to say about it being three publicans? Or that that it isn’t even a decision yet - so it it isn’t even ripe for appeal? Or that the Supreme Court , which is majority publicans make the ultimate decision, so no blame liberal decisions inappropriately? No, you’ve become unhinged in yer thinking this time! Don’t blow yer top!

How did those right leaning judges decide on all of that voter fraud stuff Trump sued over ? Maybe you're not confused just blind ? 

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39 minutes ago, angliagt said:

    Not even Fauci ?


If you are asking me.......................F**K NO!!  That little lying rat bastard needs to resign or get fired & be prosecuted.  Will it happen happen?  Likely no, because he is "protected" by the left, like so many other of these idiots in high positions these days 😡 We are screwed for a while, so hold on tight!!

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Hell, I have a big problem with every linked article posted here that bolsters any position. It's all suspect. It's all fake news. It's all biased. And if is isn't all that, it's all tin foil hat and conspiracy theory.  Thank christ it's entertaining and that we have POST TiT(s) and POST AS(S) to counter the shit that is Destruction and Co-vid, or the entire planet would wobble in it's orbit.



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