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Covid-19 Prepared?

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The more they push the more people will resist. You know the vaccine for the virus with a <99% survival rate. The vaccine that won't prevent you from getting the virus, or spreading it, or even in some cases dying from the virus. But you know...



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I am back at work at sea with 23 crewmembers jammed in a 150ft research vessel. No social distancing possible here. We have dropped the daily temperature logs but company policy is the unvaccinated get tested before stepping inside the vessel. I never thought handling other peoples snot laden swabs would be in my job description but today here we are. Tested individuals came back negative so we are on days 3 no issues so I think we will be another 2.5 week bubble. Some of the new crewmembers are sharing their Covid experiences. One 22 year old (girl) I am 50 so I say girl had it last year and has yet to gain her full sense of smell and taste back yet.  She says she can't smell farts. This needs to be put to the test! I am just waiting for the right opportunity for a right cheek sneak. The problem is her hearing is intact so I am not sure if I can pull it off. 

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1 hour ago, bottomwatcher said:

I am back at work at sea with 23 crewmembers jammed in a 150ft research vessel. No social distancing possible here. We have dropped the daily temperature logs but company policy is the unvaccinated get tested before stepping inside the vessel. I never thought handling other peoples snot laden swabs would be in my job description but today here we are. Tested individuals came back negative so we are on days 3 no issues so I think we will be another 2.5 week bubble. Some of the new crewmembers are sharing their Covid experiences. One 22 year old (girl) I am 50 so I say girl had it last year and has yet to gain her full sense of smell and taste back yet.  She says she can't smell farts. This needs to be put to the test! I am just waiting for the right opportunity for a right cheek sneak. The problem is her hearing is intact so I am not sure if I can pull it off. 

"She says she can't smell farts. This needs to be put to the test! I am just waiting for the right opportunity for a right cheek sneak. "


Well the science dictates you must test this... my suggestion for "pre-gaming" would be vegemite crackers topped with smoked cheese and kimchi.


Ingredient sourcing of course being an issue given your situation at sea I'm sure you can come up with some good substitutions.


Also as we all know "silent but deadly" to bypass the hearing issue.

Edited by Dguy210
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Been carrying my mask around in my wallet for weeks after they stopped requiring it indoors. Took it out ald left at home last night. Still see an idiot yesterday walking down the empty sidewalk all alone with a mask on. Do you wear a condom even if you aren't having sex????? What da fuck?

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I am so fed up with this fear mongering and bullshit! In person I would like to think I am very compassionate but on a large scale societal level I am of the live and let die mindset. When the virus first came out, I honestly was hoping for a 'the stand' cull the heard situation. Maybe not 99.99% of people but we have way too many people on this rock and we didn't get where we are by living in safety bubbles. To quote war of the worlds: "By the toll of a billion deaths, man had earned his immunity, his right to survive among this planet's infinite organisms. And that right is ours against all challenges. For neither do men live nor die in vain." When the numbers started showing, obviously that wasn't the case. No big deal I will just have to keep dealing with society as is... Then came the 'face coverings and masks' which as many smarter people than me showed are complete bullshit out of a n95 and proper training in a lab setting. FML I hated that shit at work, but dealt with it as I need to work. Then the lockdowns hit which decimated my career and yes plenty of people died, but if you compare those numbers with smoking deaths which is still legal is all 50 states its not far off. Then we had the amazing new barely tested vaccine! I didn't want it, I am in good health and was more than willing to take the risk so I waited and watched. The lockdowns started ending and my job was kind of sort of starting up again, however unless you were poked you had to wear a mask, ever work outside in 110f heat with glasses and a mask on? I am not worried about microchips or sterilization (this would be an incentive for me actually) from the vaccine so I went ahead and got the pfizer poke. No ill affects to notice now two months later and I was able to work freely and go to restaurants. Even with these little freedoms we still have to mask up on flights, I just flew back from Arizona and everyone on the flight just waited till the drinks came out to take their masks off and nursed their beverages lol. Now we are backtracking again and need masks even for the vaccinated?!?!?! wtf did I get it for? I am in no way conspiracy nut, but this bullshit is getting so deep I am going to need a canoe to get around town!

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25 minutes ago, Mattndew76 said:

Check this compelling argument for not masking.


Brendan McNamara


I can't remember if I already posted the Oral Health article that got pulled which basically said the same thing.


Here is why they removed it: And I FUCKING QUOTE " The content was published in 2016 and is no longer relevant in our current climate."



Yeah, because the physics changed in 5 years. What a bunch of fucking disingenuous assholes.


Also, because I hate censorship here is the article reprinted on another site:



Discussing this censorship:




Edited by Dguy210
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Also because I'm already in a fucking tear of a mood tonight:


Article basically states that the Spike protein by itself is extremely damaging to vascular and lung tissue.


You know Spike protein the main protein being expressed by every current vaccine available in the USA. I will note most claim to use a membrane bound form instead of soluble but it is extremely easy and common for this to be released into the blood stream. Spike protein is also extremely efficient at self-aggregating (work done by my own hands). 


So now we have peer-reviewed evidence in a respectable journal that the Spike protein by itself is damaging... and is being used to dose millions of people, many who will likely get booster shots past 2 if the craziness continues. This is not even accounting for immune responses to it, the delivery vehicle, or anything other than just the protein itself. 


Almost like something that should have been caught with further testing.




SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Impairs Endothelial Function via Downregulation of ACE 2


" In the current study, we show that S protein alone can damage vascular endothelial cells (ECs) by downregulating ACE2 and consequently inhibiting mitochondrial function."


"We administered a pseudovirus expressing S protein (Pseu-Spike) to Syrian hamsters intratracheally. Lung damage was apparent in animals receiving Pseu-Spike, revealed by thickening of the alveolar septa and increased infiltration of mononuclear cells "

Edited by Dguy210
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8 hours ago, Dguy210 said:

Also because I'm already in a fucking tear of a mood tonight:


Article basically states that the Spike protein by itself is extremely damaging to vascular and lung tissue.


You know Spike protein the main protein being expressed by every current vaccine available in the USA. I will note most claim to use a membrane bound form instead of soluble but it is extremely easy and common for this to be released into the blood stream. Spike protein is also extremely efficient at self-aggregating (work done by my own hands). 


So now we have peer-reviewed evidence in a respectable journal that the Spike protein by itself is damaging... and is being used to dose millions of people, many who will likely get booster shots past 2 if the craziness continues. This is not even accounting for immune responses to it, the delivery vehicle, or anything other than just the protein itself. 


Almost like something that should have been caught with further testing.




SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Impairs Endothelial Function via Downregulation of ACE 2


" In the current study, we show that S protein alone can damage vascular endothelial cells (ECs) by downregulating ACE2 and consequently inhibiting mitochondrial function."


"We administered a pseudovirus expressing S protein (Pseu-Spike) to Syrian hamsters intratracheally. Lung damage was apparent in animals receiving Pseu-Spike, revealed by thickening of the alveolar septa and increased infiltration of mononuclear cells "


Here is an article fact checking the gentleman speaking in front of the city counsel video.




I cannot believe how many times this article sources themselves as the authority for facts in their source data, and sources not of them selves is lowest standard of papered studies just to try and buttress their bull shit OPINION. 


Fact Check .org is a bull-shit outlet and they sell authoritarian bull-shit.

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Covid is so last year..... nobody's scared of that any more. Let me reintroduce you to the next big fear..........




FUCKING PANIC PEOPLE!  The world is going to end and the only way to fix it is give up more freedoms and choices, and hand over all your money, fuck it don't bother handing it over they will just take all the money you have and give it to the elites so they can save you. 


Old cars? no way are you trying to kill us?  Anyway, we are phasing out fossil fuels. 


Red meat? Nope. Have you tried soy? Mr Gates says it's great.


Cheap power? Ha not for you westerners! Coal is for china, so we can sell you renewable dreams for massive profit. (Added bonus points for making you more poor too)


Forget covid people, climate change is where the money is to be made now. 


And remember it's for the good of the planet, not just people. 


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