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His mother being US citizen too? 


The facts are that by law, a child born to an American citizen mother outside the USA is automatically a citizen.  A child born to an American citizen father and a non USA citizen mother is a US citizen but only if the American citizen father registers the birth with the local US Embassy or Consul!  Been there, done that!

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The facts are that by law, a child born to an American citizen mother outside the USA is automatically a citizen.  A child born to an American citizen father and a non USA citizen mother is a US citizen but only if the American citizen father registers the birth with the local US Embassy or Consul!  Been there, done that!



Ah I see.



Fairy Muff. 

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Listening to a radio show last night where they were interviewing people in Iowa who were voting in the primaries. Consistently, across the board, everyone of them focused on blocking the other candidate rather than what they thought their candidate would do in office. Granted it's the purpose of the primary to find the best candidate to go up against the other, but there was a huge disconnect that this same ass hole would be the leader of the country if they win. Maybe they didn't want to think that far ahead.

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Well on some level it seems to be a struggle between the individual and the might of an oppressive police state. Can't help thinking when America was young no one American would have had to stand up like this, all would have. Now someone does stand up for what they believe in America, and people tell them to go home? The family of LaVoy Finicum can have cold comfort in the fact that no American shot their Father.

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Well on some level it seems to be a struggle between the individual and the might of an oppressive police state. Can't help thinking when America was young no one American would have had to stand up like this, all would have. Now someone does stand up for what they believe in America, and people tell them to go home? The family of LaVoy Finicum can have cold comfort in the fact that no American shot their Father.

Why is it an "oppressive police state" when the occupiers took control of public property ? 

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Well on some level it seems to be a struggle between the individual and the might of an oppressive police state. Can't help thinking when America was young no one American would have had to stand up like this, all would have. Now someone does stand up for what they believe in America, and people tell them to go home? The family of LaVoy Finicum can have cold comfort in the fact that no American shot their Father.

It's disgusting seeing how many keyboard commandos cheered his death and wish it for more on some news comment sections.

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Why is it an "oppressive police state" when the occupiers took control of public property ? 


I see the police basically execute people all the time. In fact the wording for the excuse is almost exactly the same. "He made a move towards his gun/pocket/waistband and I feared for my life and shot", followed by all the other police jumping in and emptying their guns.  

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I see the police basically execute people all the time. In fact the wording for the excuse is almost exactly the same. "He made a move towards his gun/pocket/waistband and I feared for my life and shot", followed by all the other police jumping in and emptying their guns.

So what is wrong with this?
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So what is wrong with this?



I see the police basically execute people all the time. In fact the wording for the excuse is almost exactly the same. "He made a move towards his gun/pocket/waistband and I feared for my life and shot", followed by all the other police jumping in and emptying their guns, EH.  



Found the problem. Fixed.

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Well on some level it seems to be a struggle between the individual and the might of an oppressive police state. Can't help thinking when America was young no one American would have had to stand up like this, all would have. Now someone does stand up for what they believe in America, and people tell them to go home? The family of LaVoy Finicum can have cold comfort in the fact that no American shot their Father.




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I see the police basically execute people all the time. In fact the wording for the excuse is almost exactly the same. "He made a move towards his gun/pocket/waistband and I feared for my life and shot", followed by all the other police jumping in and emptying their guns.  


On our local bad cop scene we have a male and female sheriff team known as "Batman and Robin", "famed" for excessive response to minor mishaps.  Their all to tired [and phoney] excuse is "They threw beer bottles at us'"  When asked for evidence, thay always replied "the bottles broke into too small pieces to be recovered and processed for fingerprints."  They got away for this BS for years, no prosecutor had the balls to check just how many times they pulled the same BS excuse.  When a victem sued, the cops lawyer pulled all sorts of crap like counter sueing, all backed by the police union, until the charges were dropped! 

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If crime per capita is lower than it's been sense the 1960s, why are cops shooting a record number of people today? I would have to say that in America there was much greater mistrust of institutional power in the late 60's and through the 70s. John & Robert Kennedy, and MLK were assassinated, there were huge protest movements against the Vietnam war, Nixon was removed from office, the Black Panthers were an openly militant armed antiestablishment organization with active chapters in many urbane centers across the country, but throughout this intense civil tension, cops managed to shoot less people than they are now. WTF is going on? I think it's an over simplification to say America has become a police state, but I do see a creepy us against the public mentality in law enforcement today. Could this be the product of the decline in the middle class and the rise of a ruling class?

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I see the police basically execute people all the time. In fact the wording for the excuse is almost exactly the same. "He made a move towards his gun/pocket/waistband and I feared for my life and shot", followed by all the other police jumping in and emptying their guns.  

That guy in Oregon clearly commited suicide by cop.No execution here.

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That guy in Oregon clearly commited suicide by cop.No execution here.

Read the witness statements and read the FBI-OSP statements.


You will find the occupants of the excursion statement much more in line with the video.


How did the Bundy guy in the excursion get hit with a bullet when Levoy was "Clearly commited scuicide" far enough away from the vehicle?


But with watching a somewhat still ambiguous visual how are you able to be so solid on this without audio or ground footage yet to be released?



This is not a snap back, but just a question of how you came to your conclusion.

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Read the witness statements and read the FBI-OSP statements.


You will find the occupants of the excursion statement much more in line with the video.


How did the Bundy guy in the excursion get hit with a bullet when Levoy was "Clearly commited scuicide" far enough away from the vehicle?


But with watching a somewhat still ambiguous visual how are you able to be so solid on this without audio or ground footage yet to be released?



This is not a snap back, but just a question of how you came to your conclusion.

Its pretty clear to me.I saw the video ! Not only did Finicum try to run through a roadblock he damn near hit an FBI agent when he ran off into the snow.He had more than ample opportunity to survive the situation he was in but chose not to.You really dont need any audio or ground footage to see what happened.If you ask me the FBI was very patient in dealing with this.As soon as Finicum ran off the road and almost hit an agent it could have been game on to shoot and kill,but they didnt until Finicum started reaching into his jacket.Im guessing the FBI agents thought it would end peacefully,look at how close the agent was that shot Finicum.If they were expecting him to come out firing i doubt they would have been that close.

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