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Mr Cruz, a conservative Texas senator, won with 28 per cent of the vote compared to 24 per cent for businessman Mr Trump.
Marco Rubio, a Florida senator, came in third place with 23 per cent, making him easily the leader among establishment candidates.





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 I'm not going to speculate he said "You'll never take me to jail!" before he sped off at 8:14, but the group had been told to stand down multiple times and no one got shot.

Actually earlier he did say he would not allow himself to go to jail(paraphrase).
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It looked as if he initially had his hands up, than was shot, and natural instinct kicked in and he went to compress the wound, and the guy behind him shot thinking he was reaching, they could have tazed his old ass but they wanted a show

Really? Taze someone wearing heavy winter clothes?

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While what we see happens quickly at the time it was probably happening 100x faster for all involved


They are special trained federal agents .... If I can shoot a Snapple cap at 15 yards with a 9mm they could have hit a no leathal body part

You watch too much T.V.
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I have a friend who was a police officer. In he first high stress live fire exercise he emptied 3 magazines, that's two reloads, he thought he only fired one full magazine. These guys get all amped up on adrenaline and don't know what they're doing. Look at the average individual that becomes an officer, they usually aren't the most understanding or forward thinking individuals. They get into a situation and let their "instincts" take over, and in the case of most trained personell that initiates the fight reflex because that is what they are trained to do. It's a problem with snap judgement.

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My brother and I own gold claims that are purchased through the BLM, every year they come up with new mining rules designed to limit mining despite federal regulations that state otherwise.....so basically they have become so powerful that people are slowly starting to wave their claims and at the same time the BLM is not issueing new claims....min other words....they are keeping them for who knows what.


They're keeping it because ..... Agenda 21

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