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Everyone sees what they want to see.

This makes no sense.Obviously we have a bunch of anti government anti police people here.No matter the circumstances its the governments fault.If somebody can spin that video into something else that might make sense please do.

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Its pretty clear to me.I saw the video ! Not only did Finicum try to run through a roadblock he damn near hit an FBI agent when he ran off into the snow.He had more than ample opportunity to survive the situation he was in but chose not to.You really dont need any audio or ground footage to see what happened.If you ask me the FBI was very patient in dealing with this.As soon as Finicum ran off the road and almost hit an agent it could have been game on to shoot and kill,but they didnt until Finicum started reaching into his jacket.Im guessing the FBI agents thought it would end peacefully,look at how close the agent was that shot Finicum.If they were expecting him to come out firing i doubt they would have been that close.


In no way do i impugn your opinion.


*Without audio we have no idea at which time shooting actually started.


* The Agent was not diving for cover, but side stepping into the path of the vehicle. He was blown off his feet by the impact in the snow. (look at the direction of his weapon)


*Was the alleged diving officer firing before the vehicle stopped?


*Can you see any muzzle flashes leading up to the crash?


*LE officers riddled the vehicle with rounds after Levoy was helped with his suicide? 


* According to a joint FBI-OSP statement published Wednesday morning, three shots were fired during the stop. It provides no additional information about the altercation.     ( How was Bundy shot if only 3 rounds had been fired?) 



Link to an editorial.




Many editorial break downs available if you wanted to look, but you are set in knowing what you know to be truth. 


All I know is that there is far too much information missing to justify executing a man who either could have been reacting to a new hole applied to his body, or alleged reaching for a weapon.  There is not enough information to condemn anyone. 


You see what you want... I don't see anything until all video and audio has been released. 


Im not anti LEO, but I am against unwarranted discharge of weaponry resulting in death. We don't know when the shooting started and that no one story is accurate as to how many rounds had been fired, or when....


Please show me where this info can be gleaned from the video.

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This makes no sense.Obviously we have a bunch of anti government anti police people here.No matter the circumstances its the governments fault.If somebody can spin that video into something else that might make sense please do.



Spin this....


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Spin this....


Theres no way i could spin that into a justified shooting.Way overboard in my opinion.A few shots i could be more understanding.I will say that if the suspects didnt turn it into a high speed chase they might still be alive.Be accountable for your own actions.Accept responsibilty for your behavouir.

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Well, we know that the feds had to eat their liver at Cliven Bundy's place a few years ago, and that surely didn't set well with them.  However, this time around the terms Waco and Ruby ridge started getting tossed around from the get go, so I'm sure that had some effect on them winding their neck in and not lighting the whole place up.  They have social media followers that sniff the air, just like the politicians. 

Now Kate Brown was particularly insistent that the feds do something to wrap this up and get Oregon back below the fold in the national news, possibly because of Hillary's raw deal with the Russians buying up a big chunk of our uranium reserves, a rich deposit supposedly on this federal land and adjoining Hammond property.  Perhaps it was she who got the OSP to conclude what military strategists would term ' a clusterfuck of epic proportions' for a big ol chunk of that Clinton foundation election donation money.  At any rate, instead of being wrapped up, it's far from over; people are still at the refuge and it has garnered more attention than before.

Here's a viddy from a retired leo (or so he claims) dissecting everything that's wrong on the drone footage.  26 minutes so grab a cuppa.

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Theres no way i could spin that into a justified shooting.Way overboard in my opinion.A few shots i could be more understanding.I will say that if the suspects didnt turn it into a high speed chase they might still be alive.Be accountable for your own actions.Accept responsibilty for your behavouir.

Yup. And it's hard for most to understand this but, millions of Americans fear for their lives when they see cops. And they often run partially because it's known that cops are armed. When you've had enough of this happen close to you, it can make you irrational. Choosing to run because you fear for your life should be no major crime. So many think it's mainly criminals overstating police action, and police are usually good, and mistakes may happen but we need to let police be police to live in society. Bullshit! All lives matter motherfucker. We can clone a fucking team of humans, cryogenically freeze them, and send them to Mars. We can grow a breathing lung in a lab. We can 3D print a building. But we can't find a more effective way to arrest a SUSPECT? Sorry, I don't buy the BS. Police actions have evolved in a very polarizing way. Which is not what I pay them for. I'm not anti-cop generally, but they need to start back peddling from this rep.

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I watched the video.  At 8:14, Lavoy Finicum decided to become a martyr for his cause and made the wrong decision.  Cops behind him, patiently waiting, no issues.  At 8:14 of that video, he puts the hammer down and attempts to speed away.  The other video starts bitching about an illegal roadblock, which is horseshit.  He had plenty of time to stop, he was trying to make it around the roadblock but soft snow and a heavy truck doesn't make for a good getaway.


You see him get out with hands up, and then the dipshit reaches into his waistband and is consequently shot.  Case closed, suicide by cop.  Had he complied at the first stop, he wouldn't have been shot.  The second time, he's fleeing police obviously.  It sucks, but guess what?  Armed protesters took over a gov't refuge and held it for how long now?  If you were a cop, do you think you'd be even that patient?  I think this was exercising fairly good restraint to try and come to a peaceful end.  Lavoy Finicum is one of those people who won't be going to jail, hence the martyrdom.  

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I watched the video. At 8:14, Lavoy Finicum decided to become a martyr for his cause and made the wrong decision. Cops behind him, patiently waiting, no issues. At 8:14 of that video, he puts the hammer down and attempts to speed away. The other video starts bitching about an illegal roadblock, which is horseshit. He had plenty of time to stop, he was trying to make it around the roadblock but soft snow and a heavy truck doesn't make for a good getaway.


You see him get out with hands up, and then the dipshit reaches into his waistband and is consequently shot. Case closed, suicide by cop. Had he complied at the first stop, he wouldn't have been shot. The second time, he's fleeing police obviously. It sucks, but guess what? Armed protesters took over a gov't refuge and held it for how long now? If you were a cop, do you think you'd be even that patient? I think this was exercising fairly good restraint to try and come to a peaceful end. Lavoy Finicum is one of those people who won't be going to jail, hence the martyrdom.

Totally disagree.


You make judgment with zero audio. None..... Mat you have no empathy for these guys that's obvious.


This was a clusterfuck and the LEO's created this confrontation

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Totally disagree.


You make judgment with zero audio. None..... Mat you have no empathy for these guys that's obvious.


This was a clusterfuck and the LEO's created this confrontation

I disagree,law enforcement reacted to the actions of the Finicum group.

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As my Datsun guru once said, "Everything in life is ultimately your own fault."  Doesn't matter if it's fair or not.  You got hit by a bus?  Shouldn't have been in the way.  Got pushed in front of a bus?  Probably shouldn't have done something to provoke the other person.  You didn't and they pushed you in front of the bus?  You should have been more aware.  If more people accepted responsibility for their own actions, this would be a much better world.


Terrorist A is stopped by police and ordered to surrender an unlawful occupation of gov't buildings.

Terrorist A refuses, and tries to run.

Terrorist A sees a roadblock and tries to dodge it.

Terrorist A fails and chooses again not to comply and then sticks his hand in his wasteband.

Terrorist A is then shot because of the body language he portrays.

Terrorist A made his own fate.

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The LEO's have set a ball rolling.


The people you guys call right wing weirdos I can only assume will regroup over this..


This will escalate because of the cavalier attitude these LEO exersized. Dumb tactics and wrong time to act.


Did you know the FBI had the opportunity to take all of the leadership into custody the day before at the Sherrifs office?


All unarmed and in the dang sherrifs office......


But by all means this was wonderful to watch since you have no attarchment.

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