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uberkevin last won the day on July 18 2023

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About uberkevin

  • Birthday 03/14/1991

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  • Location
    Pasco Wa.
  • Cars
    71 521 Datsun
  • Interests
    Pissin into the wind.

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  1. I have a few. Idk if all are for a 521 but I do have a few.
  2. Flywheel needs resurfaced but isn't to bad. Pressure plate is okay too. The puck just happened to find the only way out. This clutch definitely had a bite to it at the beginning but it was something you got used too.
  3. You're telling me! Some how my wife an I didn't hear a thing. I just hope my transmission is okay. I had a problem with the main shaft sleeve, years back when my bearing basically melted and broke the sleeve. I'll have to find the photo of the bearing it was fucked!
  4. Very! I'm not even mad, just impressed. Won't buy a clutch disc in the shape of a star again, that's for sure.
  5. The head gasket I replaced years back. Maybe 8 years ago. But yeah this is my clutch disc making its way out of my transmission.. Crazy part about it is I didn't hear a thing! Just al a sudden... pedal to the floor.. pulled it back up with my foot and pumped it a few times... nothing.. First I thought oh, slave must have went.. but it was still holding pressure so that wasn't it.. I took a closer looks as my wife pushed in the clutch pedal and as I take off the air filter housing (the slave is under the cover) there was this hole.. So I'll pull the trans. Hope the transmission is okay if so I'll just replace the clutch.. and weld the hole.. I was able to find a large piece of the trans.. lol. Fun times.
  6. Not Datsun related, but. Gotta work on the Subi.
  7. Picture for rhe hell of it. Redeye! Thanks for the transmission mount.
  8. Ordered most everything I need from rockauto. Now I wait.
  9. There's wear... but not anywhere near this. Haha that's just impressive.
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